When the Berlin Wall came down in 1989 I thought we were in for an era of peace and prosperity. It didn't work quite like that. Various second line thugs made their power plays as the Soviet empire fell apart. That was obviously going to be part of the fun. The idea that the Americans would run riot and be just as bad as the Nazis was not mine. It happened though. Meanwhile Islam is infiltrating the West, indeed the whole of Christendom so we need to know what the score is. They are doing it with the connivance of a corrupt ruling class so we have two enemies to contend with. Here is something on Islam from men who can say: Been there. Done that. Didn't like it. BTW look at the Wikipedia's offering, its List of Islamist terrorist attacks and wonder whose agenda is being served.
They are flooding London. Their take over in Tower Hamlets proves the depth of their corruption.
Islamics Have A Religious Duty To Impose Their Faith On The World - Alleges A Jew
Another day, another Muslim atrocity and another Ruling Class rush to cover it up. No surprise to veteran newspaperman Leo Hohmannn [Email him] who has covered the issues of immigration and Islam at WND.com for years. In Stealth Invasion: Muslim Conquest Through Immigration And Resettlement Jihad, his first book, Hohmann explains that the biggest mistake Christians and Jews make in regard to Islam is to assume it is �just another religion seeking a place in society on equal footing with the other great faiths.� Which is why Muslim immigration is everywhere and always problematic.Unlike Christians and Jews, Muslims have a religious duty to impose their faith upon the entire world [ According to a virulent loud mouthed Zionist Jew called Daniel Pipes ] through a combination of force and fraud. And if they are allowed, they will transform the United States of America into just another outpost of the Dar al-Islam.
Leo Hohmannn is a Jew [ probability > 99% ] with an agenda. Alleging that Islamics are obligated to try world conquest while pretending that Zionist crazies are not doing precisely the same and have nearly achieved it is proof enough. Jews infiltrated the Main Stream Media and other operations with precisely for that reason.
Islamic Imperialism
Islam is all about world domination. The fact that we don't want them is a detail, an irrelevancy. They know how to run our lives better than we do. One result is Sharia For Belgium.
Islam And Spice
Tells us that Islam travelled along spice trade routes.
Jihad is holy war, an Islamic special product.
Hizb ut Tahrir
Is another bunch of Arabs with an agenda. The name translates as Party of Liberation, something of a misnomer.
Nation of Islam
Was spawned by Islam. It is an all-black variant operating in America but one that has taken the point that Jews, especially Zionist crazies have taken over Western Civilization.
Muslim Statistics
Tells the truth that politicians do not.
Sunni Islam
Is the second largest sect of Islam. Cameron alleges that it is a Religion of Peace but then Cameron is a liar, who imports them in an act of betrayal.
Wahabi ex Wiki
Is the militant branch of Islam, marketed by Saudi Arabia.
Muslim Sex Gangs
They are doing it in England, in Scandinavia, anywhere they can get to, except Saudi Arabia, which is used to dealing with their sort.
Anders Breivik Explains What Islam Is Doing To Europe
Mr Breivik has views about Islamics flooding into Europe and the traitors who are inciting them. Then he murdered 80 or so Norwegians rather than Third Worlders which is rather a pity. It seems that they were Left Wing enemies of civilization so it makes rather more sense.
Apostates of Islam
Who we are:
We are ex-Muslims. Some of us were born and raised in Islam and some of us had converted to Islam at some moment in our lives. We were taught never to question the truth of Islam and to believe in Allah and his messenger with blind faith. We were told that Allah would forgive all sins but the sin of disbelief (Quran 4:48 and 4:116). But we committed the ultimate sin of thinking and questioned the belief that was imposed on us and we came to realize that far from being a religion of truth, Islam is a hoax, it is hallucination of a sick mind and nothing but lies and deceits.
Why beat about the bush?
The camera cannot lie? It can but these are truth.
Annaqed - "The Critic"
Some one who knows tells us.
Denmark, Immigration And Politics
The Danish government imported thousands of Third World immigrants. They were repaid with crime, hate, idleness and disease. Gratitude? They don't even know how to spell it.
Denigrating Religious Stupidity
While I was working on a polite essay �What is 'denigration', really?�, events overtook the intended polite and analytical approach. At an Austrian court, Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff had her conviction for �Denigrating the teachings of a recognized religion� upheld. The court deemed that her uttering �an excess of opinion� about Muhammad having sex with minors, and that doing so was subject to a fine of 480 euros, alternatively 60 days in jail............The implications of this are huge, for how are we to speak out against the tradition of child brides that still exist in many Islamic countries if we're not even permitted to express any �excess of opinion�, as defined by the Court? Would we have to run every possible criticism or sarcastic comment past the Court for approval before it is made public? What are people whose livelihood consists of satire and mockery � stand-up comedians, satire magazines � supposed to do if they come across the idea to mock religiously sanctioned sexual relationships with minors, or those who justify them?
Also, according to the Courts of Austria, we are supposed to avoid the term 'paedophilia' when talking about old men having sex with prepubescent girls.
This not so much religious stupidity as judicial malpractice or bad law. To see really serious stupidity look at Wikiislam.net/wiki in particular Toilet Etiquette
Frau Sabaditsch-Wolff looks rather nice.
Fort Hood Massacre
Islamic joins American army. Islamic gets promoted to major. Islamic runs amok and murders Americans because he hates America. Why was he allowed to get away with it? Because it is American government policy to pander to his sort.
History of Jihad
Still not convinced? Try this link if it is working.
Islam and Flagellation
Beating each other until the blood flows freely is all part of the fun. It is not for me but it does show commitment.
Islam and Labour Party Treason
Are politicians in England patriots? It is a dirty word to them. They call it racism and abuse it disgracefully.
Islam And Slavery
Do they keep slaves? Yes! They always did.
Islam And Terrorism
A trickle of them pretend to be peaceful. As numbers grow they get nastier. Murder and forced conversions are top of the agenda; plus of course world domination.
Islam Explained By Churchill
Churchill was prone to be blunt, to the point, straightforward. This is an example.
Islam In Europe
A Scot puts the boot in. To be fair the truth is quite ugly enough without any improvements.
Islam versus Communism
Communism is still dangerous but it using Propaganda to commit Cultural Genocide. Flooding us with millions of Islamics is part of that.
Islamic Criminals
This is just Islamics in England. There are all too many of them.
Islamic Invasion
Islamics are enemy aliens and useful to traitors, communist subversives, followers of Antonio Gramsci, the BBC and others of their ilk.
Islamic Massacres
Most Massacres in Western Civilization are now carried out by Islamic hooligans intent on making themselves a nuisance. They are succeeding.
Islamics And Rape
Sounds fun? Not for the perpetratee it ain't
Islamic Subversives
Some are nice. Some are nasty and when they bad they are very, very bad.
Was the comedian who started the whole thing. Read what his own have to say about him. Odd is the kindest word that sums him up.
Muslim conquests
Were extensive. They were thrown back from the Gates of Vienna in 1683 AD. Now they are back again due to the treason of Europe's rulers.
Muslim Corruption
Having a very public reputation for corruption is suggestive, very suggestive. It is also justified. The Al Yamamah Job is an example. Actually there were Brits taking bungs too. When there are that many billions involved a few million are neither here nor there. Then of course there is Ali Dizaei, a bent copper and a racist thug to boot.
The Myth of the Tiny Radical Muslim Minority
They don't hate us, do they? YES! Islam Is A Religion of Peace, isn't it? NO! That is what Cameron told us. He lied! Islam is a crusading religion, imposing its will on anyone it can bully. It is being used as a weapon against us.
The Religion Of Peace?
True or false? It sounds about right to me. Actually is it is better than that. It gives us sources and evidence.
The Prophet as a Man — 108 War Preparedness
Despite what the enemies of Islam say, particularly nowadays, and what impression some fringe groups of Muslim hard-liners advocate, Islam is a religion of peace, which prefers to live with all communities in an atmosphere of mutual respect and true understanding. However, Islam does not shrink from fighting a war imposed on it by its enemies........ The Prophet’s instructions specified that the two slave girls should also be killed.......Saeed ibn Hurayth Al-Makhzumi killed him along with one of his slave girls. The other managed to flee until someone sought a special pardon for her from the Prophet, which he granted.
Was he a Christian gentleman? No. Would he know one? No.
Wafa Sultan
Is an Arab woman that went the other way, realizing that the West has achievements and that Islamics are barbarians. It went down like a cup of cold sick in her home land but the Jews took her up. She ought to have a look at their track record which is even nastier.On February 21, 2006, Sultan spoke from Los Angeles on Al Jazeera, where she argued with the host and Dr. Ibrahim Al-Khouli about the Samuel Huntington Clash of Civilizations theory, scolding Muslims for treating non-Muslims differently and for not recognizing the accomplishments of non-Muslim society, while using its wealth and technology. The video subtitled by MEMRI circulated widely on weblogs and through e-mail.
The New York Times estimated that the video of her appearance was viewed at least one million times as it spread via weblogs and e-mail. Her thesis, described as witnessing "a battle between modernity and barbarism" which Islam will lose, has brought her telephone threats, but also praise from reformers. Her comments, especially a pointed criticism that "no Jew has blown himself up in a German restaurant", brought her an invitation to Tel Aviv, Israel by the American Jewish Congress.
Sultan revealed to the Times that she is working on a book to be titled The Escaped Prisoner: When God Is a Monster, and says she was shocked into secularism by the 1979 atrocities committed by the Muslim Brotherhood against innocent Syrian people including the machine-gun assassination of her professor in her classroom in front of her eyes at the University of Aleppo where she was a medical student. "They shot hundreds of bullets into him, shouting, 'God is great!' " she said. "At that point, I lost my trust in their god and began to question all our teachings. It was the turning point.
Welcome to Sweden
See the reality in Malmö. See how Muslim immigration is changing the face of Europe. Then wonder who is importing them and why they are doing it to us.
Islamic Inciting Hate In London With Government
ApprovalA Blind Eye [ 12 November 2009 ]
The Jihad fanatic peddling a message of hate to 11-year-old Londoners (funded by the taxpayer)
On a hot summer afternoon, a man with a microphone stands on a busy London street. He is a tubby figure and sports a black, bushy beard, flecked with grey. He is shrieking at passing shoppers, insisting they follow him - and save their souls........... But there is nothing harmless about what is really going on here. For the man with the microphone is Anjem Choudary, branded the most dangerous man in Britain. An extremist who believes his sole-calling is to wage holy war against Britain and her 'infidel' allies, he is trying - and succeeding - to prepare the ground for his global Islamic jihad........Exhorting Britain's 1.8 million Muslims to follow his example, Choudary dreams of seeing the black crescent flag, which is the symbol of his organization, flying over Downing Street, and a draconian form of Sharia law imposed across the UK. He wants alcohol banned, amputations for thieves, and adulterers to be stoned to death.......
So why is he allowed to preach hate on Britain's streets? Many anti-terror experts believe Britain's tolerant policy towards Islamic radicals is dangerously misguided. Quoting Churchill's famous views on appeasement, one told me it was like 'feeding a crocodile, hoping it will eat you last'.
Appeasement got a bad name after Munich. Politicians still use it but call it something different.
Two Islamics Charged With Terrorism [ 12 November 2009 ]
Two weeks after a Sudbury man was arrested in an alleged terrorist plot to kill Americans, federal authorities announced his indictment yesterday along with a former Mansfield man they say is now in Syria. Tarek Mehanna, 27, of Sudbury and Ahmad Abousamra, 28, who last lived in Mansfield, were charged in a 10-count indictment with providing and conspiring to provide material support to terrorists, conspiracy to kill in a foreign country, and other charges. Abousamra left Boston for Syria nearly three years ago after being questioned by the FBI, according to the bureau...........�My son is the most peaceful man,�� said Abdul Abousamra, a prominent doctor who worked at Massachusetts General Hospital for 21 years before moving to Michigan two years ago
They tell the lies when they want to get out of the Hell holes they have created then try to destroy civilization. Traitorous governments incite them to try it on.
Multiculturalism in Action - Stoning Criminals to Death [ 20 March 2006 ]
Mohammed ordered stoning as a punishment. See it in glorious Technicolor© with a special song - Mohamed is a Sex Offender.
Slavery, Terrorism & Islam Brought To You By Your Very Own Peace Loving Government [ 18 March 2009 ]
Islam is not a religion nor is it a cult. It is a complete system [ of life - Editor ]. Islam has religious, legal, political, economic and military components. The religious component is a beard for all the other components. Islamization occurs when there are sufficient Muslims in a country to agitate for their so-called 'religious rights.' When politically correct and culturally diverse societies agree to 'the reasonable' Muslim demands for their 'religious rights,' they also get the other components under the table. Here's how it works....
As long as the Muslim population remains around 1% of any given country they will be regarded as a peace-loving minority and not as a threat to anyone. In fact, they may be featured in articles and films, stereotyped for their colourful uniqueness:........At 2% and 3% they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs:........
Are the wonderful people of Her Majesty's Government telling you about this? Do they care? They certainly do; they are importing thousands more to cause chaos and destroy England. It is called Cultural Genocide. Want evidence? Read the book - it is Slavery, Terrorism and Islam: The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat or see the film at the link below.
What Islam Is Not [ 18 March 2009 ]
It was me against my brother
Me and my brother against our father
My family against my cousins and the clan
The clan against the tribe
The tribe against the world
And all of us against the infidel
And it is Her Majesty's Government against England. Their manipulators are the Invisible Enemy. You should ask questions about the comedians who have taken over HMG, questions like which synagogues they use, who their loyalties are to; Marx and Lenin are probables. Ask who taught them how to destroy England and America; try Antonio Gramsci, the chief theoretician of the communist party and his Useful Idiots. Get answers and know that voting Labour is not going to do you any good. Ditto for Tory and Liberal.
Islamics Using Schools As Propaganda Machines [ 13 April 2014 ]
Gove says he is going to do something about it; a change from Marxists doing the same thing. Which is worse, Islamics inciting hate or Socialists doing the same?
Islamics Do A Trojan Horse Operation On 25 Schools [ 15 April 2014 ]
Actually it is not bad; it is worse. The real Trojan Horse is being run by the Zionist crazies who control our wonderful ZOG [ Zionist Occupation Government ]. They infiltrated using Western Guilt, blaming the White Man for evil done by Slave Trading Jews. They are using their power to flood England with Third World aliens, the sort of villain in the next few pieces.
Islamic Says Stone Adulterer To Death - Allegedly [ 26 April 2014 ]
"A Muslim hardliner who says adulterers should be stoned to death and that gay men and fornicators should be lashed 100 times [ Only 100? - Ed. ] has set up an Islamic school that has received almost �1million of taxpayers� money. Ibrahim Hewitt, one of Britain's most prominent Islamic firebrands � who also heads a charity branded a �terrorist� organisation by the US � is the founder and chairman of trustees of the Al-Aqsa school in Leicester, which teaches 250 boys and girls aged between three and 11. He has vilified Homosexuals as Paedophiles [ quite rightly - Editor ]"
Homosexuals are odd/strange/peculiar/deviants/bent/queer/perverts [ chose for yourself ], which is why they are likely to be Paedophiles who do unpleasant things to children. They are often Jews at that. See e.g. Jews Rape Children In Bathhouses. Islamics are keen on Rape.
PS The overwhelming majority of those children will Third World aliens being taught to hate England.
Seven Out Of Ten Criminals Are Islamics [ 21 December 2014 ]
The crime rate among Muslims in the West is catastrophically high. Seven out of 10 inmates in Danish youth prisons have immigrant backgrounds, and almost all of them are raised in Muslim families. The first seven or eight places on the top-10 list of criminals� nationality are occupied by immigrants from Muslim countries (Danes come in as number nine, followed by a long list of purely non-Muslim immigrants). This list is published by the Danish state's Bureau of Statistics, and is corrected according to the criminals� economic and educational status. The crime statistics also show that crime rates among immigrants get worse, not better, in subsequent generations.
Why import Third World aliens in the first place? Are they intelligent, hardworking, us Homosexual Stoned To Death By Islamic State [ 3 May 2015 ]
Cameron alleges that Islam Is A Religion of Peace. Cameron is a liar. Cameron is overrunning us with Islamics. Vote UKIP.
Typical Islamic fanatic.
PS Islamic State 'executes 300 Yazidi hostages in Iraq'
Islamic On Trial In Bristol On Three Rape Raps [ 16 September 2015
A leading figure in Bristol's Muslim
community has appeared in court charged with three counts of rape and one
charge of making a threat to kill. Farooq Siddique, 46, of Moorhill Street, Easton, appeared before Bristol
Magistrates� Court where he was also charged with two counts of assault
causing actual bodily harm. Mr Siddique is a former government adviser on tackling radicalisation.
Another Pakistani, another hypocrite, another
Islamic Terrorists Captured [
13 November 2015 ]
Four men have been arrested in Britain as part of an international
investigation led by Italian authorities into an alleged terrorism
recruitment ring. The suspects were detained on Thursday morning by counter-terror officers
from the North East and West Midlands.
They were among a total of 13 people arrested in Italy, Norway and the UK
by investigators looking into a group called Rawti Shax, which means �new
course�, and is described as a �terrorist organisation of Kurdish-Sunni
These thugs infiltrated England & were given British
passports by Lenin's Useful Idiots.
Islamic Terrorists In England Told To Stay Hidden Until The Call Comes [ 23
November 2015]
British jihadis are being ordered by
Islamic State to forget travelling to Syria, remain in the UK and wait for a
signal to attack. Days before the
Paris massacre, UK-based jihadis were being told of plans for imminent
attacks in both France and Britain, messages seen by the Mail Investigations
Unit suggest.
They are being advised not to risk travelling to Syria but to stay hidden in Britain until ISIS commanders give �the signal� to strike. The orders, sent over the past few days on encrypted messaging sites, are almost impossible to verify. But security sources confirmed they are seeing a shift in ISIS tactics.....
They are also being advised on how to avoid detection by security services
and how to recruit other young people.
Is the Daily Mail just regurgitating
an MI5 press release? Quite possibly. Were the French
warned? Was the warning so vague as to be useless? What we do know is that
Cameron is importing thousands more
Islamic aliens, enemies of England,
just like him.
Is This A Libel On Some Very Wonderful Human Beings Or The Truth?
Enrichment aka Cultural Marxism
is being brought to us by Cameron.
Islamics Murder 7 At Swiss Inn Hotel In Sinai [ 25 November 2015 ]
Another 7. So what? So the
Main Stream Media aren't interested. It is not quite a
total blackout but they are telling about the football, whatever.
The Establishment doesn't want us to think that
Islam spreads by war. In fact it is
Islam And Terrorism, i.e. business as
usual. Recall that Cameron alleged that
Islam Is A Religion of Peace. NB
Cameron is a liar who wants
England flooded by enemy aliens, by a Trojan
Horse. He is a Traitor.
Snivelling To Islamics - They Murder Us, We Cringe To Them [
27 March 2016 ]
The bloodbath in Brussels?............
This time round the government official with direct responsibility for dealing with today's slaughter, a slice of ham with the absurdly Tintinesque name of Jan Jambon, issued the usual halfwit apologia the day before the atrocity. As M Jambon, the Belgian Interior Minister, told CNN on Monday:
Jambon says the majority of young Muslims are well integrated into Belgian society, but admits his government has more to do to make some feel "at home" in their own country, given that a sense of alienation can leave them open to the threat of radicalization..............
As I said, he gave that interview on Monday - the day before the attacks. So "British Muslims Fear Repercussions Over Tomorrow's Train Bombing" is now joined by "Belgian Cabinet Minister Says Tomorrow's Train Bombing Is All Our Fault".
So "we" have to work on it........... Just how are they going to work on it? In Brussels, the terrorists blew up the area outside the secure zone..........
As I've said so often now, I'm Islamed out. I happen to be semi-Belgian, although my family is from Sint-Niklaas rather than Brussels.......... On my last visit, the totalitarian skyscrapers towering over the mere mortals in the vast empty plazas below were decorated with giant billboards dangling down 30 stories of rain-streaked concrete bearing the inspiring slogan "Strengthening Europe Through Governance."
No, sir. Killing Europe Through Demographic Transformation. As I wrote after Paris:
So I say again: What's the happy ending here? Because if M Hollande isn't prepared to end mass Muslim immigration to France and Europe, then his "pitiless war" isn't serious.
That's the only thing that will make a difference - recognizing that, as "vibrant" and "diverse" and "multicultural" as we are, we cannot assimilate Islam on the scale Frau Merkel and others are demanding. This isn't Belfast. It can't be held down to "an acceptable level of violence". In the long-term, there's no assimilation, only civilizational suicide..........
M Jambon can demand all he wants that aging Flemings and Walloons re-double their efforts to make these alienated third-generation Belgians feel "at home". But on that remorseless arithmetic it will be their home, and you'll be the ones having to "work harder" at "integrating" with them.........
Today's bloody jihad attacks in Brussels are yet another stark reminder that the Islamization of Europe didn't happen overnight...
[ It didn't happen by accident either - Editor ]
Mark Steyn puts it so much better than me.
Islamic Racist Smashes Christian Gravestones And Walks Free With NO Hate
Charges [ 16 May 2016 ]
Muhammad Ibrahim sends a message as he speeds from Burwood
court. Ibrahim is charged with destroying more than 50
gravesites at Rookwood cemetery............ Muhammad Ibrahim, 25, slapped away cameras and almost ran a
photographer over in his Jeep, which had been parked illegally.
Ibrahim was in no mood to talk to the media after turning up about 30 minutes late to his hearing for allegedly destroying almost 70 Christian graves at Rookwood Cemetery on November 27 last year.........
He climbed into the Jeep and, with a parking ticket still stuck under his windscreen wipers, did a three-point turn, narrowly missing a Daily Telegraph photographer..........
It is not the first time Ibrahim has been involved in an
altercation outside court. When he appeared in March, he was confronted by a group of angry
Russian patriots who chased him down the street shouting, �you're a
To be fair about him, he is sincerely vicious but then he is an
Islamic. Why hasn't he been charged with
Racism? Because racism is a
Marxist construct, a propaganda tool used
against the White Man but never against
Zionist crazies or BBC
homosexuals, Islamics or other alien
interlopers. Is it that simple, that corrupt? See the next one.
Bill To
Legalize Wife Beating Is Published [ 28 May 2016 ]
A suggestion that men should be allowed to "lightly beat" their
wives from an Islamic religious body was met with outrage in
Pakistan on May 27.
The suggestion was included in a draft bill released by the
Council of Islamic Ideology on May 26, which was posed as an
alternative to a law giving women greater rights and protection that
was enacted in the province of Punjab in February.
The Islamic bill says: "A husband should be allowed to lightly beat his wife if she defies his commands and refuses to dress up as per his desires; turns down demand for intercourse without any religious excuse; or does not take bath after intercourse or menstrual periods.".........
Women have fought for basic rights for decades in Pakistan, where so-called honor killings and acid attacks remain common.......
The Islamic Ideology Council, which was formed in 1962 to advise parliament on the compatibility of laws with Sharia, has previously spoken out against the Punjab law.
The council's recommendations are not binding, and it has drawn
widespread criticism in the past for other rulings -- including in
2013, when it suggested making DNA evidence inadmissible in rape
What are the Western Main Stream Media
saying? Nothing; there is a news blackout. What are
Feminists saying? Nothing; they don't
care about women. They are Marxist tools,
Lenin's Useful Idiots, rogues or
fools being used to destroy
Western Civilization with the help of crooked politicians like
Cameron, Merkel
Obama who import Third World
savages like these.
Islamic Kills 50 Homosexuals, Wounds 53, Takes 100 Hostage [ 13 June
2016 ]
ISIS has
claimed responsibility for the deadliest mass shooting in US history and
says the gunman who slaughtered at least 50 innocent [ sic ] party-goers in an
Orlando gay club was one of its fighters.
Shooter Omar Mateen, 29, from Port St. Lucie in Florida, opened fire at Pulse night club in the early hours of Sunday, killing at least 50 people and injuring 53 others............
Shortly before the attack, Mateen, who was born in New York to Afghan parents, called 911 and pledged allegiance to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, law enforcement officials told NBC News...........
Mateen's father, Mir Seddique, told NBC News the attack was 'nothing to do
with religion' and said his son became angry when he saw two men kissing in
Miami several months ago.
This is good shooting; getting that many kills means that he was using the
sight, not merely pulling the trigger. He had the
Moral Courage to follow his beliefs. Obama, another
Islamic has a policy of
importing hostile aliens, of
Ethnic Fouling In America, which
leads to Genocide. Perhaps the
Homosexual 'community' will take the point that
an Islamic takeover is not going to be good for them.
It is another time when the Armed Citizen
would have paid off but he was not there. Obama wants to disarm all
Americans; it makes life easier for Islamic crazies.
Islamic Says Killing Sodomites Is Main Stream Policy For Moderate Muslims
17 June 2016 ]
In light of the massacre of dozens of people at a gay club in Orlando, it's
worth re-visiting the comments of Islamic speaker Fahad Qureshi, who
admitted that the desire to see homosexuals killed was a belief held by
so-called �moderate� Muslims.
During a conference held in May 2013, Qureshi complained that the media often frames views such as �the death penalty for homosexuals� or the subjugation of women as only being held by radical Muslims.
�I always try to tell them that . . . . these are general views that every Muslim actually has . . . . every Muslim believes in these things,� says Qureshi...........
�What are the politicians going to say now? What is the media going to
say now? That we are all extremists? That we are all radicals? That we need
to deport all of us from this country?� states Qureshi.
Oh well, just another bunch of mass murderers
infiltrating Western Civilization
with the enthusiastic assistance of Useful
Idiots like
Jo Cox.
Where is the Main Stream Media outrage? Nowhere;
they are part of the problem, the Enemy Within.
Islamic Plotted To Behead Poppy Seller On Remembrance Day & Gets Life
[ 24 June 2016 ]
Another vicious Third World alien imported
Brown, Cameron, Merkel
& Treason
Vicious Alien Attacks In Germany - Police Kill Perpetrator [ 24 June 2016
A man speaking bad German took hostages. The
Telegraph pretends that it doesn't know whether he was a
Third World intruder imported by
Angela Merkel & Treason.
Nobody got hurt apart from the criminal. The police sorted
him out so there will not be two different stories.
Islamic Massacre Score Card [ 23 July
2016 ]
They doing more of them because there are more of them, more
Islamics, more Third World
aliens. We are being overrun by them with malice aforethought. It is
Ethnic Fouling leading to
Genocide. The Massacres
prove the intent.
Islamic Thug Is A
Lying Arrogant Chancer [
25 July 2016 ]
See for yourself. Think for yourself. Decide for yourself. Were him and
his imported to make England a better place or
destroy it?
Islamic Train Driver Went Through Double Red Lights & Crashed
[ 21 August 2016 ]
A Muslim train driver who went through two red
lights before he crashed had gone without food or drink for almost a day because
of Ramadan, rail accident experts claim. The driver, who
worked for Great Western, failed to stop and went through a double red light at
London's Paddington Station in June.
He had not eaten
anything for 15 hours before he made an emergency stop but his actions couldn't
prevent the train from leaving the tracks.
Was this Third World alien hungry, sleepy, stupid
or a mixture? At all events
Diversity hires are less competent.
They get hired in spite of their shortcomings. Therefore things go wrong.
People will die as a direct result of this politically
inspired policy. See e.g.
Washington Metro Drivers Jump Red Lights On A Regular Basis
Islamics Will Start A Major Civil War In Europe Says Scholar [ 16
September 2016 ]
The man's right of course; that is why they are being imported.
Islamics Incite Murder Again [
7 October 2016
Police pretend to investigate. Recall that
South Yorkshire Police are still
letting Pakistani Perverts rape English
girls in Rotherham. One of them,
'Sir' Bernard Hogan-Howe is now running
the Met so they won't get a result.
Islamic Alien Wants To Be Suicide Bomber [ 24 November 2016
Let him; it will be cheaper than leaving him in prison. Just make sure
that no one is near at the time. Another one of
Blair's "successful" imports or was it
Brown, Cameron or further
back? Enoch Powell was right.
Invaders Abuse Swedish Christian Hospitality
[ 8 December 2016 ]
A leftist Christian church decided to show their community that they
must open borders by taking in Muslim refugees and letting them live in
the church building. However, as soon as they opened their doors, they
were forced to call the police when they discovered the sickening thing
asylum seekers left for them in the church pews.
The West is trapped in a vicious circle of embracing migrants, being abused by said migrants, and blaming the victims for provoking their wrath. The same tolerance and acceptance is not only never returned, but the gracious hosts find that their hospitality is exploited until all resources are finally wrung dry..........
Fria Tider reports that when the Church of the Holy Trinity in Kristianstad, Sweden embraced a group of Muslim asylum seekers, they were shocked to find that the Islamists took advantage of their generosity in the sickest ways. After housing the refugees, who are mostly men between the ages of 35 and 45, the congregants walked in to discover that the Muslims they gave food, shelter, and love were not only destroying the church property but were relentlessly urinating, defecating, and masturbating in the pews........
Of course, no mosque is taking in Christian refugees, who are the
prime targets of devout Muslims who understand that when Allah commanded
them to slaughter the �people
of the book,� he meant it literally.
These are kind of fools who turned Malmö� into the
Rape Capital Of Scandinavia.
Threatening To Murder Homosexuals Is Legal For Islamics - Allegedly
[ 13 December 2016 ]
In a shocking move, the taxpayer-funded hotline said it would not
pursue a criminal complaint over horrific messages from radical
Islamists because the Koran says gay people can be killed.
The disgraceful stance came to light when a member of the public complained about death threats posted to an online forum which called for homosexuals to be �burned, decapitated and slaughtered�............
Far-right politician Geert Wilders, whose party is expected to win
next spring's general election, is currently on trial for inciting
racial hatred after telling a rally there were �too many Moroccans� in
the Netherlands.
One law for them; another law for us. Ruling elites throughout
Western Civilization give
Illegal Immigrants superior rights. They
are Enemy Of The People,
Traitors, tools of the
Puppet Masters.
The anti-Semitic rants of the Muslim activists who won Theresa May's praise
[ 31 December 2016 ]
Members of
an �anti-extremism group� which won praise from the Prime Minister have
been found to have made homophobic and anti-Semitic comments.
Odara is a Muslim women's group claiming to promote integration. It has received more than �150,000 of taxpayers� money from counter-terrorism programme � Prevent............
In another, she [ the Pakistani ] posted a video claiming 9/11 was an �inside job�, alongside the caption: �Watch and think.� She also appeared [ sic ] to make anti-Semitic comments � in one she said �may Allah destroy Zionists�. She repeatedly used the word �Zionist� to describe Israelis � a term considered by many to be anti-Semitic in some contexts..........
Labour MP Khalid Mahmood said: �Again this is an example of how the Home
Office has been duped into supporting, recommending and funding
organisations that spring up from nowhere.
Mail's headline is verbatim. The readers comments show that they aren't fool
enough to believe it. Of course the
Islamics will allege that they are not
Anti-Semites as long as
Her Majesty's Government pays them to
pretend they are not. They are not wrong about 9/11.
The Dancing Jews were there to film it because
they knew it was going to happen. They knew who did it too.
Gunman Kills 39 In Istanbul Night Club
[ 1 January 2017 ]
Getting 39 kills and 69 wounded is good shooting. It was an opportunity
for the Armed Citizen to take a hand. He
might well have stopped it happening in the first place.
Notice that one policeman with a Kalashnikov has the safety off; an incompetent amateur. One female security guard had a pistol. When it mattered she didn't use it. She failed, she died.
Melbourne Murderer Is An Islamic Kurd
[ 21 January 2017 ]
The early
Main Stream Media allegation that he was a
lunatic, not a terrorist were fraudulent.
The perpetrator of the car ramming terrorist attack carried out in
Melbourne, Australia, on Friday, January 20, has been identified as a legal
immigrant Muslim Kurd using a Greek-sounding name. Dimitrious Gargasoulas,
also known as James �Jimmy� Gargasoulas. revealed his racial origin in a
post on Facebook where he said that he was �greek islamic kurdish�
Whatever the case, Gargasoulas had just been arrested the weekend before for a number of violent offences, including assault and car theft.........
The car ramming attack is the latest in a number of similar incidents, all proposed and encouraged by ISIS in a recent issue of its magazine Rumiyah. Other prominent such attacks have taken place in Nice, France, and Berlin, Germany...........
Victoria�s police chief commissioner Graham
Ashton was also quick off the mark to deny that there was any terrorist link
to the attack, even though the suspect had not even been questioned and was
still in the hospital when the denial was made.
Another day, another Third World thug, another
murders. The Daily Mail is just one lot of liars
pumping out Disinformation. The
Australian? Well the owner is Rupert
Murdoch after all.
Islamic Arrested After Making False Hate Crime Report
[ 8 February 2017 ]
No doubt they will go lightly on him. After all he was inciting anti-white
Race hatred.
Islamic Racist Says White Men Are Like Pigs
[ 23 February 2017 ]
Zakir Naik expounding
his usual subliminal hate speech against the west on �peace.tv�,
westerners behave like pigs because scientifically it is said that if you
eat a pig then you will behave like one, over 50% of Americans are fat and
suffer stress because they eat pork and filthy animal pigs like to share
their wife with their pig mates and best chums according to the medical
doctor, uneducated audience then claps and cheers.
Inciting Race hatred is a criminal offence - unless
the perpetrators are Third World parasites,
Pakistani Perverts or whatever. You can
see Naik at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZ3u-Wp63zc.
In India it is not crime except perhaps for us.
PS Naik is the racist oik that runs
Peace TV.
Islamic Thug In Australia Says Wife Beating Is All Right As A Last
[ 23 February 2017 ]
What do Feminists say about
Islam parasites? Nothing because they are running a
Marxist single issue
Subversion campaign. Complaining about Third
World Muslim parasites would interfere with the
Ethnic Fouling they are inflicting on
England & the rest of
Western Civilization.
Islamic Crazy Murders Woman Then Suicides
[ 9 March 2017 ]
Police described the incident as a �domestic stabbing� and confirmed a
woman, believed to be in her thirties, died at the scene. A male suspect,
also believed to be in his thirties, was pronounced dead a short time later.
The man is reported to have attacked two women before stabbing himself, according to local newspaper Express and Star. . The second woman, believed to be in her fifties, suffered stomach wounds and was taken to hospital.
Police arrived with armed officers and a dog unit after being called at
around 9.45am and used stun grenades to storm a flat. One officer suffered
minor injuries.
The Main Stream Media don't admit that the
perpetrator was an Islamic, thus proving that
he is. He might also be black. An Englishman would
have named because the
Media are Racist,
anti-English Propaganda machines.
Islamic Compares Jews To Nazis & Stands For Parliament
[ 11 March 2017 ]
Afzal Khan CBE, whose tweet compared the Israeli Government to Nazis, has
confirmed that he will be standing in the selection to be the
Labour Party's candidate in the by-election
to replace the late Sir Gerald Kaufman MP in the
seat of Manchester Gorton. Khan is a Labour Member of the European
Parliament for the North West............
After 33 years as the MP for Manchester Gorton, the late Sir Gerald Kaufman left Manchester Gorton as the ninth safest Labour seat in the country. In October 2015, Sir Gerald delivered an [ allegedly ] anti-Semitic speech to MPs on the Parliamentary Estate, and just like in the case of Khan, the Labour Party refused to investigate or discipline him..............
If Khan believes that Israeli policy is to act like Nazis then he is [
absolutely right and ] an anti-Semite. If that is so, and he is
selected as the Labour Party candidate in Manchester Gorton, the Jewish
community could be in for years of torment � the Labour Party would have
swapped one anti-Semite for another.
Campaign Against Anti-Semitism is run by Zionist
crazies who treat the truth with contempt. NB you can see
Gerald Kaufman, a Zionist Jew telling the truth to
The Commons That Jews Are Not Simply War Criminals, They Are Fools
Islamic Thug Attacks Woman, Islamic Gets Killed
[ 21 March 2017 ]
Islamic tried to steal a weapon from a woman dressed as a soldier. A real
shoots him, real soldier man kills him. Problem sorted, contrasting very favourably with
the grotesque incompetence of police over here. See the next one.
Another Bomb, Another Islamic Crazy
[ 22 March 2017 ]
World leaders will gather for talks on how to defeat the Islamic State today
after it emerged that an aircraft cabin ban on electronic devices was prompted
by warnings of a new terrorist threat...............
It comes as British passengers on holiday flights from the Middle East and North Africa were told they will be banned within days from carrying laptops, tablets and other electronic devices on board the aircraft.
Government introduced the ban
after a similar move by the US, where officials revealed
�evaluated intelligence� showed that terrorists are
�aggressively pursuing innovative measures� to carry out
attacks with devices such as laptop bombs.
There are lots of Arabs and Islamics full of hate but
then western governments have given them cause, plenty of it.
Bush sent men to make war on Iraq; they murdered
thousands, displaced millions, destroyed billions & cost trillions. They were
pandering to Zionist crazies, to the
Puppet Masters so we get to be targets.
This happened a year ago on an aircraft flying out of Mogadishu. More and better
details at
Explosion that ripped a hole in passenger jet WAS a bomb
Muslims Gave Two Homosexuals A Good Kicking
[ 7 April 2017 ]
They did it in Arnhem. Why is a great city infested with Third World parasites? Because Jews, in
particular Zionist crazies wanted
Ethnic Fouling In Holland. They
got it because they are the Puppet Masters,
controlling, perverting, destroying.
Borussia-Dortmund Terrorists Are Islamics
[ 12 April 2017 ]
That is just the obvious but the Main Stream Media
don't want us to know.
Islamic Thug Murdered Policeman In Paris
[ 21 April 2017 ]
A policeman was shot dead while two other officers were seriously injured by
a Kalashnikov-wielding gunman on the Champs Elysees in central Paris
- just three days before the French presidential election.
The alleged [ sic ] ISIS gunman, identified as 39-year-old father Karim Cheurfi - who was jailed for 20 years for trying to kill officers in 2001 - parked his Audi and opened fire after police stopped at a red light on the world famous avenue.
French police said the attack last night was probably [ sic ] a 'terrorist act' and dramatic video footage captured the moment police shot at the assailant, who later died. A 'foreign female tourist' was also wounded in the incident.
Police have now launched a desperate manhunt for a second suspect after heavily armed officers flooded the area in the heart of the French capital.
Officers have been searching the home of the
alleged shooter - who was known to security services and had been flagged as
an 'extremist' - in east Paris and he had previously said that he 'wanted to
kill police' [ Lotsa people know that feeling - Editor ].
Was it a publicity stunt? Yes. Was it organised by
Marine le Pen? Probably not. Will it
concentrate the minds of French voters on Sunday? It won't do Marine any
harm. It is another example of our need for the
Armed Citizen; he is there when it matters. The police turn up later or
not at all.
PS They let the "suspect" out of prison after attempted murder. Are they mad?
Latest Paris Terror Attack Would Be Sixth In Three Years
[ 21 April 2017 ]
The headline is verbatim. The European Union is
importing thousands more Third World parasites
like this one every week. It is policy, it is crime, it is
Treason, it is Ethnic
Fouling, it is Genocidal, it is reality. They
are using Criminal Charities like
Save The Children.
Islamics Murder 28 Christians - Egypt Shoots Up Enemy Training Camps
[ 27 May 2017 ]
Egyptian forces have struck bases in which militants who waged a deadly
attack against Christians have been trained. President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi
said fighter jets struck militant bases in eastern Libya in retaliation
for an attack by suspected Islamic State militants that killed 28
Christians and wounded another 22 south of Cairo.
The officials said the warplanes targeted the headquarters of the Shura Council in the city of Darna, where local militias are known to be linked to al Qaida, not the Islamic State group. Mr el-Sissi warned that Egypt will strike at any bases that train militants who wage attacks in the country, wherever they may be.
Up to 10 masked attackers dressed in
military uniforms stopped a convoy in Egypt province, 140 miles south of
Cairo, as the group was heading towards Saint Samuel the Confessor
Monastery in Maghagha to pray.
More Islamics, more troublemakers. The
government actually did something effective about it, unlike our lot.
Islamic Lawyer Resigns From Crown Prosecution Service For Reasons
[ 31 May 2017 ]
It seems that he had the honesty and bottle to charge, prosecute and
convict Pakistani Perverts in
Islamics Alleging They Are Victims While Perpetrating Massacres [ 3
June 2017 ]
Islamist groups in Britain are undermining the fight against
terrorism by peddling �myths� about the government�s key anti-radicalisation
policy, according to the country's most prominent Muslim lawyer.
Nazir Afzal, a former chief crown prosecutor, warned that an
�industry� of Muslim groups was spreading misinformation about the
Prevent strategy.
Mr Afzal, who prosecuted the Rochdale sex-grooming gang, also condemned �self-appointed� community leaders whose sole agenda was to present Muslims �as victims and not as those who are potentially becoming radicals�...........
Those seeking to sow distrust of the scheme, which was set up by the Labour government in 2003 and has an estimated annual budget of �40 million, included �Islamists who don't like anything that's state-sponsored�, he added.
Mr Afzal, 54, resigned last week as chief executive of the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners [ ACPO ], which attempted to ban him from speaking publicly after the Manchester bombing. �Nobody else was talking publicly about Prevent [and] deradicalisation,� he said of his decision to appear on the BBC�s Question Time, in defiance of his employer............
In his first interview since his resignation was made public, he welcomed Theresa Mays plan for a commission to counter extremism. �That part of the Tories� manifesto draws a link between radicalisation and violence against women and girls,� he said. �To my mind, the way you identify radicals is by their attitude to women and girls.�
The Conservative manifesto did not refer to Prevent but Amber Rudd, the home secretary, has said that a re-elected Tory government would increase Prevents funding. In their election manifestos, the Liberal Democrats are committed to scrapping the scheme; Labour has pledged to review �its potential to alienate minority communities�.
Andy Burnham, the Labour mayor of Greater Manchester, has labelled
the Prevent brand �toxic�.
The fact that
ACPO ] tried to shut Mr Afzal up implies treasonous intent as well as a
hatred of Free Speech. They would
presumably allege that they were smoothing things over. The
Sun's write up of the BBC programme is definitely an attempt to make us
think that the Manchester Massacre is not
a typical
Islamic warlike operation. See -
Heartbroken Muslim dad tells Question Time panel his eight-year-old daughter was called a terrorist after Manchester attack.
They hope that we will not remember the Nice
Massacre and other Islamic Massacres.
This is so that Her Majesty's Government
can carry on importing hostile Third World savages
to fill their Trojan Horses.
Islamic Thug Tried To Murder Five Blacks [ 16 June 2017 ]
Apparently they were not very nice to him so the judge let him off with
five years. An Englishman would have been accused of appalling
Racism. The judge would have given him life. The
Main Stream Media would have howled for blood
and demanded the death penalty but the
Daily Mail is just another anti-White
Propaganda machine.
Belgian Army Shoots Islamic Terrorist In Brussels Railway Station
[ 21 June 2017 ]
A suicide bomber who allegedly shouted 'Allah Akbar' and triggered an
explosive vest at Brussels Central Station has been gunned down and killed
by soldiers. Shots rang out soon after 9pm as police and
soldiers moved in �to neutralise a suspect who was threatening civilians,�
said an investigating source. The suspect was said to be wearing a rucksack
packed with explosives around Belgium's busiest railway station. Tourists were among those who fled in panic,
and within a few minutes nearby shops and restaurants were shutting down.
The Grand Place, the
city's most popular
tourist spot, was completely evacuated because of fears that the man might
not be acting alone.
Another day, another Islamic terrorist imported by
European governments, by ZOGs [ Zionist Occupied
Governments ] controlled by the Puppet
Masters. NB Jews Want
Third World Immigration for us; they are a weapon creating
Ethnic Fouling &
Genocide. But it is different with Israel; the same Zionist crazies
want Ethnic Cleansing, followed by
Genocide. The Master
Race want racial purity in Israel; so they put infiltrators in
Concentration Camps like
Saharonim &
Keziot pending deportation.
Islamic Men 'Marry' In England [ 12
July 2017 ]
A gay man from the West Midlands has become the first Muslim to wed in a
same-sex marriage.
Jahed Choudhury, 24, grew up feeling ostracised by the Muslim community because he was gay and was even sent on a religious pilgrimage to change his sexual orientation.
Two years ago, following a lifetime of
bullying, Mr Choudhury considered taking his own life until he was spotted
crying on a town bench in Darlaston by Sean Rogan, 19.
An opportunity missed there. They will not be popular at their local mosque.
Recall that Muhammad,
he of 13 wives is alleged to have been a
Paedophile, who married someone as a child. The
Wikiislam says the evidence is lacking - see
Ages of Muhammad's Wives at Marriage.
A Million Children Raped By Islamics - Her Majesty's Government Protects
Perpetrators [ 14 July 2017 ]
Victims of ISLAMISTS Rape Gangs in the U.K.!!!
This report was published in 2015 but is important to republish to
demonstrate the scale of the problems in Britain. Bear in mind that the
claims of one million children in the country being victims of Muslim
rape gangs is not exposed by a conservative but by a member of the
pro-migration and left-wing Labour party, MP
Sarah Champion. It was
impossible in the past for people to come
out and expose these problems
due to relentless liberal attacks and violence to shut people down.
In a gut-wrenching development, it may turn out that last years report detailing a decade-and-a-half of sexual exploitation inflicted on at least 1,400 children from Rotherham, England and the PC-driven effort to cover it up may represent the proverbial tip of the iceberg. The city's Labor MP Sarah Champion believes [ chooses to allege that she believes that ] as many as one million children may have been victimized, describing it as a �national disaster� that requires the establishment of a task force to deal with the �horror.�
Champion picks up the story following the release of a report, titled �The Independent Inquiry Into Child Exploitation in Rotherham, 1997-2013.� �The day after the first report broke the victims started coming to me,� she told the Daily Mirror. �They couldn't go to the police, they couldn't go to the (Rotherham Borough) Council. So who do you go to?�
�For the first three weeks I generally thought I was
losing my mind. I nearly lost my mind because of the
level of depravity and horror,� she continued.
�Listening to what these, now women, had gone through
and how they were just left discarded, to flounder on
their own. It was utterly mind-blowing and then the
problem I had was that I was getting new cases coming to
me, ones that hadn't been reported which they wanted me
to report. But I didn't know who I could trust in the
police to report it.�
The source for this article is dubious, a comedian
colluding with Nick Griffin
but the basic point is sound. Protecting
Third World parasites is
government policy.
Sarah Champion alleges
that most rapists are English. She lies. She implies
that she knew nothing about the
Rotherham rapes until the report was published, that
she was not part of the decade and more of political
cover up. Believe her if you want.
Islamic Murders Two And Injures Four In Egypt [ 15 July 2017 ]
Two German tourists have been killed and four of other nationalities wounded
during a knife attack at a beach in Egypt.
The attack happened on Friday at a Red Sea resort in Hurghada, as police said the assailant swam from a nearby beach before stabbing people............ All six victims are women, Egyptian authorities said.
It is not yet confirmed what nationalities the
four wounded women are, with one report stating that three were from Serbia
and one from Poland, while another said two Czech women had been injured.
Daily Mail does not say the attacker is another
Islamic full of hate. They have given up alleging that these thugs are
lone wolves or lunatics. NB Her
Majesty's Government has imported hundreds of thousands like him,
creating multiple Trojan Horses to help
destroy Western Civilization.
Islamic Terrorist Murders One In Hamburg Supermarket
[ 29 July 2017 ]
A man wielding a large kitchen knife killed
one and wounded four others after storming into a supermarket in the German
city of Hamburg.
The attacker is reported to have screamed 'Allahu Akbar' before running into the Edeka shop where he stabbed one person and slashed at four others while trying to flee.
He was pursued by passers-by who wrestled him to the ground and called the
police, who later arrested him. One officer said there was 'no valid
information on the motive of the attacker' who has yet to be identified [
but he lied - Editor ].
Merkel imported over a million criminals like him.
That is how she qualified as Race Traitor 2015. She will do more
damage than naughty little Adolf.
Islamic Drunkards Attack People Because They Are White
[ 28 July 2017 ]
A drunken gang of Muslim men have been jailed for rampaging through a city
centre attacking strangers because they were white non-believers. Amin
Mohamed, Mohammed Patel and Faruq Patel were feared to be Islamic State
terrorists by one shocked witnessed as they attacked three men in Liverpool.
The drunken yobs targeted three unknown men
before Mohmed, 24, and Mohammed Patel, 20, set upon Gary Bohanna when he
revealed he was Christian.
Her Majesty's Government imports
them with malice aforethought and the wholehearted support of
Her Allegedly
Most Loyal Opposition. It is anti-English Racism,
Ethnic Fouling,
Treason and policy.
Three More Islamics Full Of Hate Convicted Again [ 3 August 2017 ]
Three terrorists who called themselves the 'Three Musketeers' are facing jail
after their plot to carry out a
London Bridge-style knife rampage was foiled by undercover MI5 agents.
Naweed Ali, 29, Khobaib Hussain, 25 and Mohibur Rahman, 33, named themselves
after the literary characters as they collected a small arsenal including a
half-made pipe bomb and a meat cleaver with the word 'Kafir' etched into the
They used a Musketeers image from the Disney cartoon as a logo on encrypted Telegram messages as they prepared to bring carnage to the streets of Britain. Shocking CCTV footage shows two of the trio walking around Birmingham N New Street station with the bag in which their weapons were later found.
Husssain and Ali had already been convicted of
terrorist offences after they went to training camps in
Pakistan. Police and security services set up a fake delivery firm called
'Hero Couriers' to snare them again. The firm rented premises in Birmingham city
centre and hired Hussain for �100 a day - even issuing him with a t-shirt and
high-visibility vest bearing the company logo as he was dispatched on jobs
around the country.
This lot are third raters full of hate, an imported problem, brought to us by
the political elite, by Her Majesty's
Government acting in concert with
Her Allegedly Most
Loyal Opposition and other of Lenin's Useful
Idiots. There are thousands more like them. Government policy is to let them
incite Race hatred contrary to Part III of the
Public Order Act 1986 and to
prosecute Englishmen who have the temerity to comment.
Islamic Terrorist Kills Two In Konstanz Nightclub [ 1 August 2017 ]
Two people have died and three others are fighting for their lives after a man
armed with a machine gun opened fire in a packed
German nightclub, according to reports. Revellers fled from the Grey venue in the city
of Konstanz near the Swiss border after the 34-year-old
Iraqi attacker burst in and opened fire at 4.30am.
Special forces and a police helicopter were sent to the scene with the gunman 'put out of action' in minutes. ............
Police have said that the shooter's motive is not yet known and it is not clear if he acted alone or with accomplices. Police said the incident was being treated as a 'possible relationship dispute' and not a terror attack. They said the killer had been a long time resident of Konstanz.
On Friday, a failed asylum seeker killed one person and injured six others in the northern city of Hamburg.
Officials said he was an Islamist known to
security forces and he had was psychologically unstable.
Which story do you choose, lone wolf, lunatic, domestic nausea? They are
standard excuses used by the Main Stream Media, the lies
they use to excuse vicious Third World parasites.
They were imported deliberately, with malice aforethought by
Angela Merkel, a Traitor full
of hate.
Islamic Terrorist Captured In Paris [ 6 August 2017 ]
Another Islamic, anther terrorist imported by
corrupt governments, by treason & with malice aforethought. He is written
off as a lunatic so we aren't supposed to care about him or the millions
more filling the Trojan Horses, waiting to
complete the destruction of Western
NGOs and European Defense Forces Shipped Another 85,000 Africans to Italy
Islamics Get Fed Better In Prison Says Duke Of Marlborough [ 6 August 2017 ]
[ 12th ]
Duke of Marlborough let slip the most surprising secret of his rackety
past during the time he was banged-up in prison: he became a Muslim to make
sure he got enough to eat. His change of faith apparently allowed him extra
rations while he was behind bars.
Answering questions at the China Exchange from
provocateur Sir David Tang, who prides himself on giving society guests a
tough grilling, the former Marquess of Blandford confessed: �I changed
religion when I went to jail. I became a Muslim because you got more food.
It wasn't the time of Ramadan. I luckily hit it just right � just
Another example of the political elite's hatred of
Englishmen, especially the [dis]honest
Working Man.
Islamic Terrorist Rams French Soldiers In Paris
[ 9 August 2017 ]
The attacker injured six men but hasn't been caught yet. So we don't
know, as a matter of certainty that he is Islamic,
not yet but that is what the percentages tell us. When he is identified it
will turn out that he is a lone wolf, a lunatic or wasn't breast fed. The
media will then hide the facts because they are part of the problem. But see the
next one.
PS Government policy is
Get Used To It
Islamic Terrorist Is Confirmed As An Islamic Terrorist
[ 9 August 2017 ]
So the perpetrator is another
Islamic. Well there's a surprise.
Ten Blacks Murdered An Islamic Terrorist
[ 9 August 2017 ]
These black thugs were imported by Her
Majesty's Government with malice aforethought. Ditto for the
PS One perpetrator might be English.
PPS Government policy is
Get Used To It
Islamic Attacker With Car Kills One And Injures Seven In Paris
[ 15 August 2017 ]
This one is alleged to be a lunatic rather than
Third World parasite full of hate but the Mail
mentions last weeks'
Islamic atrocity. Of course they are being fed briskly down the
Memory Hole of
Nineteen Eighty Four fame because they are enemy aliens or parasites.
This contrasts with the torrent of hatred directed at
James Alex Fields Jr., the young white American who also got one kill. He
took a Left Wing criminal out of action. We are
being told to tolerate Black Hate because of our
alleged White Guilt.
Islamics Murder 13 People In Barcelona
[ 17 August 2017 ]
They used a van to ram people. There was firing in el Corte Ingles.
Hostages are being held. Our wonderful politicians will carry on importing
these thugs. They will turn out to be lone wolves with "mental health
issues" who weren't breast fed. Policy says:-
Get Used To It
PS Once the fuss has died down Lenin's Useful
Idiots will carry on their major Propaganda
assault on the Alt-Right using the
Charlottesville Massacre as
their excuse.
Islamic Terrorists Put In Second Attack But Lose Five Dead
[ 18 August 2017 ]
Five jihadis in fake suicide belts have been shot dead by police after they
launched a second terrorist attack in a beach resort 70 miles from Barcelona
- eight hours after a 'linked' ISIS van assault in the Catalan capital
killed 13 and injured at least 100.
Seven people including a policeman were injured in Cambrils on the Costa Dorada where the Jihadis� Audi A3 car overturned after ploughing through crowds on the seafront.
The terrorists bailed out clutching knives and were seen smiling and shouting taunts at police shot them dead in the street at around 1am local time..........
Police are linking both attacks and believe
the terror cell lived in the resort town of Alcanar, 120 miles south of
Barcelona, where a house-cum-bomb factory packed with gas canisters was
destroyed in an explosion on the day before the first attack.
The Barbarians are not merely at the gate; they are
within, bribed to be there, driven by greed and hate.
Islamic Terrorist Murders & Injures Eight In Finland
[ 21 August 2017 ]
They have not confirmed that the perpetrator is an
Islamic yet, merely that he is a foreigner. They leg shot him. A kill
would have been better, quicker justice. Vicious
Third World aliens have been imported by governments with malice
aforethought in order to destroy Western
Over One Rape In Four Rapes Committed By Islamics
[ 21 August 2017 ]
Amongst the select group of British Pakistanis
that have rallied around Sarah Champion is one Maajid Nawaz, former
Islamist turned anti-extremist campaigner and radio host. Speaking
on his LBC show he observed �Only
three percent of the United Kingdoms population is composed of
people like me, British Pakistani Muslims, probably less than three
percent. About four percent of this country is Muslim. Around three
percent or less is South Asian Muslim, people like me. And yet
according to 2011 figures, 28% of these rape gang cases are
involving South Asian Muslims�
Maajid was referring to the 2011 figures from CEOP the Child Exploitation and Online Protection centre, a branch of the police. It genuinely pains me to inform Maajid and other commentators still depending on the 2011 figures that more recent data paints an even bleaker picture. The Children's Commissioner responded to the 2011 data by pointing out that it was incomplete and proposing that the police were being pro-active in recording the ethnicity of �Asian� offenders. That fox was shot by the release of more comprehensive figures from 2012/13 which showed 75% of the members of child rape gangs classified as �Asian� (a term contested by Asian groups not implicated in the scandal).......................
It is worth noting that the figures don't include the paedophile rings who target under 11s and are almost exclusively white, but since the child rape gangs outnumber the paedophile rings by 8 to 1 their inclusion in the statistics would still leave the majority of group/gang offenders classified as Asian.......
Sean, like other critics of Sarah is unaware of a subtext which Ms Champion failed to spell out because (as she confided to me) she fears derailing future trials. So let me spell it out for her, without naming names that might prejudice legal proceedings. The rape gang that founded the organised rape industry operated from the offices of one of Rotherham's taxi firms. It consisted of the owner, his son, two future senior councillors, let us call them X and Y, and a future police officer, let us call him PC Z. They used drugs on their victims and raped girls for pleasure rather than profit. The background to this was that deep seated misogyny and corruption amongst South Yorkshire Police had resulted in the virtual decriminalisation of sexual offences. Our gang, having discovered the ease with which the law could be ignored decided to financialise their model.
The gang taught their techniques to younger relatives, some of whom have since been jailed. This second wave of gang rapists exploited their victims for profit as well as pleasure, organising themselves through the taxi firms in which X held a stake. X meanwhile was also pursuing his successful political career, which enabled him to subvert the taxi licensing system whilst Z and others (one of whom rose to Inspector level) were infiltrating the police force. Eventually the �Rotherham model� was franchised via X�s network of relatives in other towns and cities creating a country wide industry that allowed victims to be trafficked far afield, as the Jay report recorded.
Senior Councillor X, as he now was, collected secrets on other local politicians, for example filming them in the act of receiving bribes, and used his information to blackmail those who might otherwise have thwarted him. Meanwhile dissenters in the local Mirpuri community were intimidated into silence by threats to their relatives in Mirpur. At the same time mass infiltration of Rotherham Labour party by the rapists and their friends and relatives created a pro rape bloc capable of silencing those who raised the topic of the rape gangs with physical threats and loud accusations of racism.
Sarah knows the gist of the above
facts and thus understands the impossibility of investigating and
dismantling the organised rape industry without asking who controls
it, and how they are able to maintain secrecy and silence those who
might otherwise expose them.
Giles Humphry writes to some purpose. His point about
Pakistani infiltration of local politics
rings true. I have no doubt that the cover up which is still going
on comes from higher up the food chain. Labour
needs Vote Rigging. The
Tories are called the Stupid Party with
reason. They are bent as well.
PS The 2012 figures are far worse; they mean three out four
Rapists are Pakistani.
PPS Mr Humphry also tells us that the BBC
investigation was corrupt - see
BBC Using Pakistani To Attack Jayne Senior After She Exposed Paedophile
Perverts In Rotherham
Islamic Thug Murders Eight In Siberia
[ 20 August 2017 ]
A new video of the Russian [ sic ] teenage knifeman, appearing to plant and
ignite an explosive device in a shopping mall before going on a stabbing
spree, has emerged today. The footage showing an explosion in Surgut
shopping mall will raise fears that the incident was a terrorist attack, as
the Islamic State has claimed.............
Russian officials on Saturday gave minimal details about the attack in the
Siberian oil city, and initially played down a terrorism incident.
Another day, anther Islamic murderer.
Theresa May carries on importing them with
the enthusiastic collusion of Comrade Corbyn.
Islamic Full Of Hate Attacks Soldier In Paris
15 September 2017 ]
He is an incompetent thug; failing to kill proves that but the hate is
real. Importing vicious rogues like him is government policy; it is being
done to destroy Western Civilization.
Politicians are being manipulated by the Puppet
Masters, the Zionist crazies full of hate.
Islamic Thug Attacks In Toulouse
17 September 2017 ]
Mail claims that he is a lunatic but does not admit that he is a
North African. The truth is a bad second to the
Propaganda. What are our wonderful politicians doing about it and him?
Inflicting millions of Third World thugs like
him on us and saying:-
Get Used To It
French Army Kill Islamic Murderer In Marseille
[ 2 October 2017 ]
have claimed responsibility for a terror attack which saw a man shouting
'Allahu Akbar' stab two women to death with a butcher's knife in Marseille................
The assailant was gunned down by soldiers who were on patrol inside Saint Charles train station at the time as part of France's ongoing state of emergency.
The suspect, thought to be aged 25 to 30, was known to authorities for common law crimes [ whatever that might mean ] while analysis of his fingerprints came up with several aliases.........
Anti-terror officials said they were
investigating 'links to a terrorist organisation' and the 'attempted killing
of a public official', the identity of which is currently unknown.
Another day, another Islamic terrorist tries it on and
comes unstuck. Millions of them have been imported by Macron,
Obama and other Treasonous
politicians with malice aforethought. They are destroying
Western Civilization.
Islamic Terrorist Attempted Five Murders In Canada
[ 3 October 2017 ]
Police say terrorism charges are pending against a suspect arrested after a
series of violent attacks that saw an Edmonton police officer stabbed and
several pedestrians run down by a truck. Edmonton police Chief Rod Knecht
did not release the 30-year-old suspect�s name, but said that five charges
of attempted murder are also expected to be filed.
RCMP assistant commissioner Marlin Degrand says the suspect has been on the radar of authorities since 2015 when a complaint was filed suggesting he may have been radicalized. Sources confirmed the identity of the man as Abdulahi Hasan Sharifto to the Edmonton Journal. RCMP K-Division�s assistant commissioner Marlin Degrand said the man is a Somali national who is a refugee.
Edmonton�s mayor said violent attacks overnight in the city that saw a
police officer stabbed and several pedestrians run down with a cube van were
the work of a �lone wolf.�
Why do Somalis get imported into once civilized countries? In order to
destroy them. It is also the reason for inciting
Blacks To Hate.
Islamic Fanatic Murders Eight People In New York By 911 Site
[ 1 November 2017 ]
Why bother with the details? You have heard them all before. Just notice
that it happened by the 9/11 site; they got 3,000
kills then. Get serious about government policy, which is:-
Get Used To It
If you think politicians are going to sort out this one it is
time to think again. They are too busy creating the problem by importing
millions of Third World savages.
Her Majesty's Government is just
as bad as the rest, just as much an Enemy
Of The People.
Jihad On The
Bike Path [
1 November 2017 ]
Mark Steyn
brings us sane commentary on the latest outrage. Recall what
David Cameron,
a previous prime minister told us:
Islam Is A Religion of Peace. He lied in his teeth and carried on
importing vicious aliens full of hate; so does
Theresa May.
Islamic Lunatic Threatens To Murder Small Children In A Spanish School [
6 November 2017 ]
Police in Madrid have arrested a Moroccan man who broke into a school
shouting Allahu Akbar and threatening to slaughter children 'like lambs.'
Police said the 46-year-old was carrying a bottle thought at first to
contain poison, although it was later found to be empty.
He is said to have sparked panic after
managing to get into a classroom where there were three-year-old children.
Another Islamic hooligan full of hate. The pay off
is that he will get a bed and three meals a day in prison for the next few
Islamic Thieves Get Off Lightly After £100 Thousand Crash For Cash Fraud
[ 6 December 2017 ]
16 months was the longest, which means out in eight months. NB these
crooks were imported by
Brown, Cameron & other
Theresa May is carrying on where they left off.
Getting power by pandering to Zionist crazies is
the way up the greasy pole - usually. It didn't quite work for
Priti Patel, a Hindu alien on the make.
Saeed Noori hid his face with his cuffed hands while sitting between two detectives as he was driven from Melbourne Police Station to the Custody Centre below the city's Magistrates Court on Friday.
The 32-year-old spent the previous 24 hours under police guard in hospital after ploughing a white Suzuki Vitara into 17 pedestrians outside Flinders Street Station...........
He also attributed some of his actions to the
poor treatment of Muslims,' Acting Chief Commissioner Shane Patton said on
Friday morning.
Fake refugee from Afghanistan turns up in Oz, NOT the first safe country he
got to, claims that he is a victim then turns nasty because he doesn't get
enough dole money or whatever. He should be flogged then hanged.
Authorities said Ahmed Aminamin El-Mofty, 51, was shot and killed by
police Friday in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, after he fired several times
at law enforcement officers throughout the city.
The string of shootings began just steps from the state's Capitol
building when El-Mofty fired several times at a Capitol Police officer
and then, shot and injured at a state trooper. Later, he used two
handguns to open fire at several officers who then returned fire and
killed him
El-Mofty, a vicious, alien parasite was imported by
Chain Migration,
a system for importing random people who are worthless. It is used to
overwhelm America by Ethnic Fouling
followed by Genocide. You can see
Mark Steyn
explain; be
Mark Steyn on Multiple Subjects.
Islamics Charged As Terrorists [ 1 January 2018 ]
Two men have been charged with terrorism offences by police who had been
investigating a suspected Christmas attack plot. Farhad Salah, 22, of
Brunswick Road, Burngreave in Sheffield, has been charged with one
offence of engaging in the preparation of an act of terrorism, contrary
to section five of the Terrorism Act 2006.
Andi Sami Star, 31, of Sheffield Road, Chesterfield, has also been
charged with engaging in the preparation of an act of terrorism, West
Yorkshire Police said.
So two third rate amateurs were captured but
Her Majesty's Government imports
thousand more of the swine in order to destroy England
by Ethnic Fouling &
Islamic 11 Year Old Girl In Toronto Was Attacked By An Asian - Allegedly
[ 18 January 2018 ]
The Main Stream Media were there like flies on
the proverbial, marketing anti-White Racism. Then the police
decided that she was lying, that it never happened so the media lost
interest. They pretended that it never happened. NB
Justin Trudeau,
the prime minister of Canada took a position on this event - before the liar
was exposed of course. Why was the wench in Canada? Because Trudeau and
other "Liberals" wants the country overrun by
Third World aliens.
Media Marketed Islamic Murders As Driving Lesson Gone Wrong
[ 18 January 2018 ]
It was domestic, a family falling out that left four
Afghan women dead in the Rideau Canal. The moral is simple:-
If you do not follow the Main Stream
Media you are uninformed. If you do you are misinformed.
But, fortunately the Internet is out there,
bypassing the dead tree press. Politicians hate the truth. That is why they
are complaining about Fake News as a move
toward suppressing Free Speech. A very sound
analysis comes from
Mark Steyn
Media Get Waisted.
Islamic Halal Slaughterers Kill For Fun But Stay Out Of Prison
[ 3 March 2018 ]
If they had been English they would have gone
to prison, the Main Stream Media would have been
outraged etc. But Third World savages are
different. NB what does the RSPCA have to say? Not a
lot. They keep very quiet about Kosher
Slaughter because they care about Jews more than cruelty.
PS The Mail's readers are totally on side even though their comments have
been censored.
Islamic Terrorists Captured In Italy [ 30 March 2018 ]
According to a report in the RAI news service, 23-year-old
Moroccan-origin Elmahdi Halili stands accused of producing the first ISIS
propaganda text in Italian and participating in the broader �terrorist
association of the Islamic State.�
The investigation by the Turin Public Prosecutor�s Office �expanded to the hubs of the Islamic State throughout northern Italy,� the report added, inadvertently revealing the full extent of the nonwhite invasion of that region.
At least 13 premises were searched, and, according to the report, at least 50 known ISIS militants are currently at large in Italy. A further five nonwhites were arrested along with Halili yesterday, the report continued.
Earlier, the Egyptian-origin president of the �Al Dawa� Islamic center in
Foggia, Abdel Rahman, was also arrested after his propaganda texts
called on Muslims to �slaughter the infidels.�
The police capture a few vicious Third World
aliens so their wonderful government imports hundreds more every day.
Iraqi 'Child' Refugee Used A Homemade Bomb On The Underground
[ 9 March 2018 ]
This ungrateful thug full of hate is one of thousands imported by
Her Majesty's Government with
malice aforethought. It is Ethnic Fouling,
it is policy, it is Treason. It is done by
Jews & their
Useful Idiots.
Islamic Terrorist Kills One, Wounds Four In Paris
[ 13 May 2018 ]
The police killed him but Macron is importing thousands more every year
to destroy France & Western Civilization.
Telegraph alleges that alien is Russian. It lies. I allege that Macron
is a Traitor, one of the
Enemy Within.
Islamic Terrorists Have Murdered 262 People In France Since 2012
[ 17 May 2018 ]
The latest terrorist stabbing attack in Paris, France, has brought the
number of people murdered by Muslim terrorists in that country since 2012 to
a grand total of 262, with a further 899 victims suffering serious injuries.
In the latest incident, a Muslim legal immigrant from Cechnia named as Khasan Asimov was shot dead by police in central Paris late Saturday, minutes after he attacked people near the city’s famous main opera house, a neighborhood popular with locals and tourists alike................
ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack through its official news agency Amaq, saying that the “executor of the stabbing operation in the city of Paris is a soldier of the Islamic State and the operation was carried out in response to the calls to target the coalition states.”
France took in 100,000 “asylum seekers” last
year alone, and already has over 30,000 legal residents from Chechnya.
Islamic Terrorists are imported by
political elites in Western Civilization
because they are controlled by the Puppet
Masters, the vicious Zionist crazies who are
currently massacring Palestinians
Danish Minister Says Islamics Are Dangerous
[ 23 May 2018 ]
Danish minister is right. Danish minister gets abused by other politicians.
Mail pretends that she is wrong.
Pakistani Whines About Islamophobia
[ 4 June 2018 ]
Theresa May should publicly acknowledge that Islamophobia is a problem in
the Conservative Party, former party chairman
Baroness Warsi has said. Parts of the party had been “in denial” about
the issue and a “clear statement” was needed about what was to be done to
tackle it, she told the BBC.
The Muslim Council of Britain has urged the Tories to launch an
independent inquiry into alleged Islamophobia.
Theresa May is too busy pandering to Jews to
have time for
'Baroness' Warsi. Back in Kashmir she would be carrying water from the
well and cooking over cow dung. Give her sort an inch and they take a mile.
That is what they are doing NOW, raping English girls in
Rotherham etc. ad nauseam while
May lets them carry on.
PS Recall that
'Baroness' Uddin was the first Pakistani woman in the
House of Lords &
the first to be kicked out. She is a thief. Perhaps Warsi isn't another but
she doubtless claims her £300 a day, tax free expenses.
Islamic Terrorists Pose Severe Threat For Two Years Says Pakistani Home
[ 4 June 2018 ]
Britain faces a severe threat from Islamist terrorism for at least another
two years - after the security services foiled a dozen plots in just 14
months. The dangers could increase further still as the risk from far-right
violence is also rising, Home Secretary
Sajid Javid has
warned [ said/stated/alleged/claimed - delete to taste ]. The
assessments emerged as ministers prepare to unveil a beefed-up
counter-terrorism strategy.
Powers were reviewed after five attacks last year, and Mr Javid is announcing a raft of steps aimed at boosting the authorities' ability to stop atrocities. Plans to share information held by MI5 more widely across Government and local agencies are expected to be included in the blueprint.
There will also be some 1,900 new agents for MI5, MI6 and GCHQ to help keep far more suspects under surveillance.........
'We assess the threat from extreme right-wing terrorism is growing.
'Globally, terrorist groups and networks of all ideologies continue to
develop organically, exploiting social media, technology and science to
further their aims and ambitions.'
Having a Pakistani in charge of
Immigration is a major security flaw in
itself. That is pretty much why he was given the job.
Her Majesty's Government has been
bribing Third World parasites to live at our
expense since Blair if not before. This piece
translates into more spying and continuing to let Pakistanis carry on raping
English girls in Rotherham etc.
Javid looks like a
supercilious rogue.
Islamic Boxer Told Muslims That America Is Controlled By Jews, The Puppet
[ 15 June 2018 ]
Anthony Small was spot on there. He beat the terror raps.
Islamic Thugs Sentenced To Hang
[ 2 July 2018 ]
[ Allegedly ] British fanatics who travel to
Iraq to fight for
Islamic State face death by hanging after trials lasting as little as
ten minutes. A judge has revealed that a number of UK passport holders are
awaiting trial after capture on the battlefield – and says he is protecting
Britain by sentencing terrorists to death.
His comments came as Iraq executed 13
convicted terrorists hours after the country’s prime minister, Haider al-Abadi,
ordered the immediate execution of all jihadis on death row in retaliation
for IS killing eight hostages.
Are you all broke up about these Third World
parasites imported by Her Majesty's
Government and by Treason? Me neither.
Islamic Teacher Called Homosexuals Animals
He got sacked even though he was a
Pakistani. He had the nerve to appeal, no doubt at our expense. He lost.
Being right didn't help. The Hard Left have to
work out whether Third World parasites are
more important than their peculiar friends.
Islamic Denies Multiple Rapes
Tariq Ramadan
teaches at
Antony's College, Oxford when he is not in prison.
Islamic Infiltrators Were Setting Up Massacre In Holland
1 October 2018 ]
They had fertiliser for their bombs and AK47s. It shows, yet again that we
need the Armed Citizen.
Two Islamics Stole £230 Million
[ 25 October 2018 ]
The proceeds of crime are tax free.
Another Islamic Terrorist Tries To Murder People In
Melbourne [ 9 November
2018 ]
The knife-wielding Somali terrorist who was shot dead by police after
crashing a car on Melbourne's Bourke Street and setting it on fire, before
stabbing three men, one fatally, has been named as Mohamed Khalif.
The [ alleged ] lone wolf attacker also goes by the name of Hassan Shire, the Herald Sun reported.
He was rushed to hospital in a critical condition but later died from his wounds.
Officers shot him in the chest after his Holden Rodeo loaded with gas cylinders hit a pedestrian as it mounted the kerb and exploded outside Target near the Swanson Street intersection about 4.20pm on Friday.
Video shot from the scene showed the frenzied attack that carried on for more than a minute, beginning with Khalif charging at two police officers, punching one through a vehicle window and lunging at them with a knife.
The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) have since claimed the attack as their own via their propaganda platform, releasing a statement saying 'the perpetrator of the operation in Melbourne was an Islamic State fighter and carried out the operation to target nationals of the coalition fighting IS', Amaq reported, allegedly quoting a jihadist security source.
ISIS have previously claimed responsibility for attacks that were later discovered to be unrelated to the organisation.
Khalif's 21-year-old brother, Ali Khalif Shire
Ali, was arrested in November of 2017 in relation to an alleged foiled
terror attack in Federation Square, also in the heart of Melbourne.
Another day, another aspiring murderer. Western governments keep on
importing them as a matter of policy. It is
Ethnic Fouling, it is Genocide, it is
Treason. They are
Enemies Of The People,
encouraged by Lenin's Useful Idiots.
Islamic Imam Tried To Smuggle Drugs Into Belmarsh Prison
[ 9 December 2018 ]
The padre looks like a nasty bit of work. The minister of prisons looks like
a criminal or Mick Jagger. Take your pick but ugly either way.
Islamic Parents In Birmingham Refuse To Allow Homosexual Propaganda At
[ 5
March 2019 ]
An estimated 600 Muslim children have been withdrawn from a school in
protest against lessons about homosexuality and gender equality. The pupils, aged between 4 and 11, are being kept
home from Parkfield Community School in Birmingham to protest the school's 'No
Outsiders' programme, which teaches children about LGBT lifestyles..............
The children involved in the exodus represent about 80 per cent of the school's entire enrolment, which is 98 per cent Muslim. ............
Some Muslim demonstrators said they would rather leave the UK than allow their children to continue attending Parkfield Community School.............
He [ the propagandist ] resigned from a previous teaching post at
another school after a row with Christian parents over lessons challenging
homophobia – and is now facing even more vocal complaints from parents at Parkfield, where 98 per cent of the 750 pupils are said to be from an Islamic
The comedian causing the problem is a Homosexual
with an agenda, inflicting his ghastly hobby on the rest of us. He tried it on
at a Christian school and was invited to fornicate
elsewhere. NB
Muhammad, the founder of Islam had over a dozen
women - see
Muhammad's Wives and Concubines. He was a
Paedophile, who married Aisha bint Abi Bakr when she was six and consummated
when she was nine. NB All of them were his slaves.
Terrorist Bomb In Lyon Injures Eight
[ 25 April 2019 ]
They are pretending they don't know it was Islamics.
The truth might emerge later. The Culture Wars
are part of the reality. World War III is
being run by Jews that hate us.
Antonio Gramsci, the leading intellectual
of the Italian communists developed the Long March
Through The Institutions,
attacking from the top down. Karl Marx did it
the other way, from the bottom up. Using politicians to import a flood of
Third World aliens, to cause
Ethnic Fouling and
Genocide is deadly effective; it is Treason
Iraqi Rapist Goes Back To Iraq After Murdering 14 Year Old Jew
[ 26 April 2019 ]
An Iraqi who claimed to be a “refugee” in Germany and said that he fled “for
fear of his life” fled back to his home country after raping and murdering a
14-year-old Jewess in Germany, a court in Wiesbaden was told—revealing the full
extent of the “asylum” hoax that the nonwhite invaders are perpetrating across
The court case—which is only receiving international prominence because the victim was a Jewess (as opposed to the hundreds of other rape and murder victims in Germany, all victims of the mass nonwhite invasion which started in 2015)—has seen Ali Bashar admit to murdering Susanna Feldman, but he has denied raping her.
“Everything went black and then it happened,” Bashar said through an interpreter. “I don’t know how it could have happened.”
Bashar, who “fled from Iraq” with his family in 2015, insisted that he and the 14-year-old had consensual sex before he murdered her.
Prosecutors allege that the nonwhite forced the girl to have sex with him and then killed her after she threatened to go to the police. Afterward, according to prosecutors, he and an unknown accomplice buried her body before he allegedly used her phone to text her mother that she was in Paris.
When her remains were found two weeks later, Bashar and his family had “left”
Germany for Iraq.
Another murder, another success for Merkel.
Eight Third World Rapists Captured In Freiburg
[ 26 April 2019 ]
The German police try but do not worry, Merkel is
importing criminals by the million.
Islamics Object To Schools Inciting Homosexuality [ 2 June May 2019 ]
At Anderton, this means teaching children about families with, say, 'two mummies or two daddies', to foster tolerance and respect for everyone and prepare them for life in modern Britain.
But almost all of Anderton's 800 pupils are
Muslims, and for Muslims, homosexuality is sinful.
Islamics are getting it right for once. The
Mail is siding with the Sodomites, the perverts. The readers seem more
in favour of the Homosexuals. The
Puppet Masters have their
Useful Idiots importing foreign parasites
giving rise to conflict between opposing ideologies, Islam versus useful
idiots, read that as Marxists or just
Wing agitators. They hate Jews too; Zionist crazies
make sure of that by murdering people in Palestine,
the Stolen Land and in Gaza.
PS Of course Muhammad was a
Paedophile. See e.g.
Muhammad the Child Abuser. His adherents do not seem to mind.
Islamic Thugs Murdered Eight People At London Bridge
[ 5 July 2019 ]
A rookie firearms officer today revealed how he fell over and shot one of
the London Bridge terrorists on the ground through his legs fearing he was
about to be killed. City of London Police officer 'BX44' said the
confrontation with Khuram Butt, Rachid Redouane and Youssef Zaghba was his
first spontaneous firearms incident. As he got out at Stoney Street at
Borough Market, he saw three Asian men with large knives emerging from a
crowd 'closing us down', he told jurors at an inquest.
Members of the public had a look of 'terror'
on their faces as the men charged at officers - but within six seconds all
three had been shot, the hearing was told.
Police killed all three attackers back in June 2017. The inquest is late.
Islamic crazies seem to have given up on these
random attacks for the moment, making it easier for traitors like
Heath, & May to
fill more Trojan Horses. Recall Cameron's
allegation that Islam Is A Religion
of Peace. He lied deliberately and with malice aforethought.
Pat Buchanan,
an honest American politician tells us that
ISIS Is True Islam; it is about world conquest.
Islamic Thug Captured By Three Brits In Sydney
[ 13 August 2019 ]
A knife-wielding man 'with terrorist ideologies' killed one person and
attempted to stab several others in a central Sydney rampage today before
being chased and pinned down by members of the public, including Britons.
Police say a 21-year-old Sydney man with a history of mental illness - named
as Mert Nay - was found to have a thumb drive containing white supremacist
material, despite shouting Allahu Akbar during the attack.
Islamic full of hate murders someone but the
Establishment says it is another one off, a
lone wolf, lunatic, whatever. They import swine like him, creating
Trojan Horses. It is
Public Policy, it is
Genocide, it is Treason.
PS The fellow might be a Turk.
Islamic Thug Sabotaged Aircraft With 150 Passengers Onboard
[ 7 September 2019 ]
An American Airlines mechanic has been accused of sabotaging a plane with
150 passengers aboard after allegedly being upset over stalled contract
Abdul-Majeed Marouf Ahmed Alani is claimed to have glued foam inside a tube that would disable navigation systems in an aircraft at Miami International Airport, in Florida. The veteran employee allegedly tampered with the plane to cause a delay or have the flight cancelled 'in anticipation of obtaining overtime,' Miami Herald reported.
Luckily no passengers were injured on the flight set for Nassau, Bahamas, on July 17, because an alert was triggered as the pilot powered up the plane's engines.
Alani was arrested and is due to appear at
Miami Federal court on Friday charged with 'willfully damaging, destroying
or disabling an aircraft.'
Attempted murder? Quite possibly.
Islamic Thug Steals Truck Injuring Nine [ 8 October 2019 ]
A stolen truck ploughed into nine cars and left seven people injured in
hospital in a suspected terror attack in Germany on Monday evening. The
white Mercedes lorry slammed into cars waiting at a traffic light opposite
the main railway station in Limburg and crushed them together. Today it was
revealed the suspect is a 32-year-old Syrian man who shouted 'Allah' as he
was arrested, according to local media..............
It is believed the man was previously known to police for dangerous bodily harm, drug possession, groping a 16-year-old girl and shoplifting but not extremism, according to Bild. And the federal prosecutor's office, which handles terror cases in Germany, said it doesn't currently consider the investigation to be its responsibility.
Police said today that it is too soon to speculate about a motive for the incident, which began when the man dragged the original driver from the truck at 5.20pm yesterday.
But sources have told local news site,
Bild, that it is being treated as a terrorist incident and witnesses
claim they heard the driver shouting 'Allah' as he was arrested.
Another vicious Third World, one of the 3
million imported by that traitorous ratbag Merkel
performs as normal. The police claim that they don't know why he did it
while the
Mail censors comments to block honest commentary.
Copy Cat Killer Tries It On In Holland
[ 30 November 2019 ]
He failed but wounded some girls. The police pretend that he is not a
terrorist. And the
Mail is censoring comments in case people tell the truth.
Government policy is
Get Used To It Suckers.
Islamics Arrested For £1 Million Fraud
[ 29 December 2019 ]
Three of radical preacher Abu Hamza's sons have been arrested and
released on bail for allegedly carrying out a £1million fraud with the help
of a corrupt banking insider.
The trio were arrested for 'fraud and money laundering offences' and are said to have used stolen details to get loans, cars and access dormant funds.
One son, Yasser, 29, was arrested at his
mother's West
London home, while another son Uthman Mustafa Kamel, 31, was arrested
Abu Hamza al-Masri
is a terrorist full of hate but incompetent; blowing his hands off shows
that. Various of his sons are terrorists and thieves.
Islamics Murdered By Father In Melbourne
3 January 2020 ]
Lindita Musai had been trying to start a new
life away from her father when she was cut down in a hail of bullets
alongside her new husband on New Year's Eve. Daily Mail Australia can reveal Mrs Musai
feared her father Osman Shaptafaj, 55, who is accused of killing her and
husband Veton Musai before turning the gun on himself.
The father managed to kill twice but made a mess of suicide. That happens quite often.
It is a pity about the daughter; she looks rather nice.
Hate Driven Islamic Thugs Are Not Cured By Brainwashing [
3 January 2020 ]
Deradicalisation programmes are not guaranteed
to 'cure' those who undergo them, the psychologist behind the UK's main such
scheme has said [ but it keeps him off the dole queue - Editor ]. Christopher Dean said some offenders who take
part in his Healthy Identity Intervention scheme regress afterwards due to
complex reasons such as who they mix with. Mr Dean said some offenders he worked with
needed 20 or more sessions to show signs of positive change - and there is
still no guarantee of success.
Speaking on BBC Radio 4's Today programme on Thursday, Mr Dean said: 'I think we have to be very careful about ever saying that somebody no longer presents a risk of committing an offence. I don't think you can ever be sure........... London Bridge killer Usman Khan attended a deradicalisation programme after being released on licence.
Khan was a convicted terrorist who had been a
member of an al Qaida-inspired group that plotted to blow up the London
Stock Exchange. The 28-year-old killed two people and injured
three others in a knife rampage before being shot dead by police in
Using Brainwashing keeps psychologists off
the dole. It gives vicious aliens "Get Out of Jail Free Cards". They just
have to pretend that they have seen the light. The police cured
Khan by killing him. Arabs can cure his sort too. How? Easy peasy. By
Exporting them. See e.g.
Saudi Arabia Has Captured 3.4 Million Illegal Immigrants Since 2017. Our
wonderful politicians could too; stop importing
Third World parasites. See more about government waste at
Intervening with Extremist Offenders - A Pilot Study. To be fair the
Mail's reader have it right. Hanging sorts them out every time.
Islamic Thug Killed By Paris Police After Stabbing Four [ 5 January
2020 ]
A terrorist who was wearing a mock explosive vest was shot dead in Paris
this afternoon after stabbing three people, killing a man who was trying to
protect his wife. Witnesses told local media the attacker was yelling 'Allahu
Akbar' as he launched the assault in the Hautes-Bruyères park in the
Villejuif suburb shortly after 2pm on Friday.
Police said the man appeared to be wearing an explosive vest and had made off towards a Carrefour supermarket just under a mile away where he was 'neutralised,' shot several times and died at the scene.
Mayor of Villejuif Franck Le Bohellec told Le Parisen the dead man was a 56-year-old who 'was walking with his wife when the attacker approached, he wanted to protect his wife and it was he who suffered the stab wound'.
The knifeman has been identified by French
media as Nathan C. by his card details which say he was born in 1997 in
Lilas, a commune in the eastern suburbs of Paris.
Les flics did not mess about; they sorted him out permanently. No doubt
English judges would have taken eight weeks to claim that he was not guilty.
Islamics In England Annoyed By American Assassination [ 8 January 2020 ]
A British charity is being investigated after it praised assassinated
Iranian general Qassem Soleimani as a martyr. The Islamic Centre of England,
a charity with assets of more than £4 million, organised a vigil in London
on Saturday to commemorate the warlord. The event was attended by more than
2,000 people, including Iran’s ambassador to London, The Times reported.
Seyed Moosavi, 51, the charity’s director and
the UK representative of Iranian leader Ayatollah Khamenei praised Soleimani
as a ‘dedicated soldier of Islam’ who had died at the hands of ‘the most
wicked members of the human race’. The Charity Commission said: ‘We are
aware of a vigil... and publications on its website. We will be contacting
the charity to seek further information.’
This bunch of Islamic aliens, a bunch of
Third World parasites is filling another of
the Trojan Horses set up by
Heath, Merkel,
May and other
Enemies Of The People with the
whole hearted support of Comrade Corbyn and
his Marxist friends.
The Charity Commission is a broken reed, worthless but it keeps third
rate officials off the dole. The
Mail is suppressing comments and the truth again.
Islamic Thugs Attack Screw In Cambridgeshire Prison
[ 11 January 2020 ]
See the face and know that hanging makes sense. Yes, the
Mail is censoring comments and suppressing the truth again.
Police Killed Islamic Terrorist In London
[ 3 February 2020 ]
This is good. Why was he let out of prison? Why did he get a short
sentence? Why was he imported? Because our rulers are corrupt.
Islamic Thieves Stole £347 Thousand By Fraud
[ 28 March 2020 ]
A couple ran a secret Muslim faith school and raked in £347,000 a year in fees,
a court heard. Head teacher Mujanet Daniah, 41, set up the
Advanced Education Centre in Brent, northwest
London, with her husband Suleyman Folami, 58.
The couple ran a legitimate primary school on the ground floor but Ofsted
inspectors discovered a covert secondary school upstairs on December 12,
2018, Westminster Magistrates' Court heard. During the inspection Folami pushed children
out of the premises and told them to go home.
Sharia Law is designed
to deal with Arabs and suchlike. Chopping off a thief's hand is real
punishment. It could make sense with Third World
parasites being inflicted on us by Her
Majesty's Government.
Islamic Thug Killed 12 Year Old Boy While On Narcotics
[ 4 October 2020 ]
The heartbroken mother of a 12-year-old boy who was tragically killed by a drug
driver on his way to school still makes her son's bed every morning.
Rabih Abdulrahman, 37, had a potentially fatal amount of ice in his system when he ran over the Year 7 student who had been walking to school in Hurstville, in Sydney's south-west, in September last year.
The 12-year-old, who can't be named for legal reasons, had been crossing at a green walk signal before he was struck by Abdulrahman's white Toyota Corolla.
As onlookers tried desperately to save the
young boys life, Abdulrahman lit a cigarette and began deleting messages on
his phone. The 37-year-old pleaded guilty to manslaughter and driving while
disqualified, and on Friday was jailed for six years and ten months, the
Daily Telegraph reported.
Another Third World parasite imported by
treason. Australia can keep them out; it does now. Hanging perpetrators
makes a lot of sense. Britain is an island too.
Boris Johnson could keep them out if he
wanted but he is a Traitor too, just like
Blair, Brown, Bush,
Cameron, Heath, May
et al.
More Islamic 'Children' Charged With Murder By Beheading In France
[ 27 November 2020 ]
Four more people - all of them teenage students - have been charged in
connection with the brutal murder of teacher Samuel Paty in
France last month.
Three of the four students have been charged with identifying Paty to 18-year-old Chechen Abdullakh Anzorov, who beheaded him before being shot dead by police.
The fourth is the daughter of Brahim Chnina,
leader of a campaign against Paty, who claimed to have been in class when he
showed cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed but is now charged with lying after
it emerged she did not attend his lessons.
Another success story for Islam and the
Subversive criminals who run
France. One of them, the Jew
Sarkozy is currently on trial for thieving.
Islamic Thug Comes Unstuck [ 13 March 2021 ]
An aspiring rapper has been found guilty of plotting to run amok with an
18-ins gladiator-style sword during the coronavirus lockdown. Sahayb Abu,
27, had bought two blades, a combat vest, balaclavas and a camouflage hat
online in readiness for the terror attack last summer, the Old Bailey heard.
He was arrested on July 9 after discussing guns with an undercover police officer, who he met on a so-called Islamic State (IS) supporters' Telegram chat group.............
His brother, Muhamed Abu, 32, wept as he was cleared of failing to disclose information about a plot to authorities..............
The court heard how some of the defendants' relatives had been linked to extremism in the past.........
Sahayb Abu went on to associate with known
terrorists while serving a sentence for burglary at Wandsworth prison in
south London.
Another hate filled Terrorist imported with
malice aforethought by Her Majesty's
Government. Will the Judge go easy on him because he is an
Enemy Of The People? Quite possibly.
Certain it is that only one comment made it past the
Mail's censor.
Islamic Thug Murdered Policewoman In Paris
[ 24 April 2021 ]
Emmanuel Macron has vowed to 'never give up' the fight against Islamist
terrorism after a female police worker was killed by a knifeman who shouted
'Allahu Akbar' in France today.
Named by police as Stephanie M, the 49-year-old mother-of-two was slashed in the throat by a Tunisian delivery driver at 2.20pm today as she worked in a police station in the leafy Paris suburb of Rambouillet.
French prosecutors have opened a terror probe after the killing which was carried out by the 36-year-old who arrived in France illegally in 2009 before he was given leave to remain in 2019.
Stephanie, an admin worker, who had worked for
the police since 1993, had just 'popped out of the station to change the
parking disc on her car' when she was pounced on by the attacker in the
The police got it right. Macron pretended to get it right but carries on
importing more vicious Third World parasites. The
Mail is censoring comments to make sure the truth remains unheard.
Pakistani PM Wants Islamic Countries To Use Boycotts Against Us
[ 28 April 2021 ]
Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan has boasted that his plan for
Muslim-majority countries to unite and force Western governments to
criminalise insulting the Prophet Mohammed will work. The 68-year-old leader
said lobbying Western nations, the EU and UN to adopt blasphemy laws with a
warning of a trade boycott if they do not do so will be 'effective' in
achieving their goal.
He said leaders of Muslim-majority countries should call on the West to 'stop hurting the feelings' of Muslims across the world with their current freedom of speech laws, reports Pakistani newspaper Dawn.
Khan said insulting Islam's Prophet should be
treated in the same way as questioning the
Holocaust®, which is a
crime in some European countries.
Has Khan quite worked out that England is run by a ZOG [
Zionist Occupied Government. You doubt it? Then go to
ZOG In England. Red for yourself. Think for
yourself. Decide for yourself.
Tory MP Murdered By
Islamic Terrorist [ 19 October 2021 ]
Sir David Anthony Andrew Amess was a British politician who served as a
Member of Parliament (MP) for
Southend West from May 1997 until
his killing in 2021. He previously served as MP for
Basildon from 1983 to April 1997. He was a member of the
Conservative Party.........
A socially-conservative Catholic who opposed abortion and same-sex marriage, his political views included support for the reintroduction of capital punishment and Brexit. He married in 1983, and had five children, including actress Katie Amess.
On 15 October 2021, Amess was
stabbed multiple times while holding a
constituency surgery in
Leigh-on-Sea. He died at the scene.[1]
Ali Harbi Ali, a British citizen of Somali heritage, was arrested at the
scene on suspicion of murder and has since been detained under the
Terrorism Act. He is understood to have
extremist Islamist beliefs.
When an MP is murdered it matters. So we are told. When
Pakistani Perverts rape thousands of
English girls it does not. They are only the daughters of
Working Men, of the peasant masses; they
don't matter. None of them went to Roedean. None of their fathers were at
Eton with
Johnson or Cameron.
But Johnson & his henchmen will carry on importing vicious Third
World parasites. Amess had some decent opinions but he pandered to the
Jews, to Zionist crazies.
Whence his death? But he won't be doing that any more. Recall that
Jo Cox came unstuck, sorted out by Tommy Mair. She was
another MP who didn't care a two penny damn about English girls being
Raped. See e.g.
Jo Cox Had No Compassion For English Girls Raped By Pakistanis.
MPs will get protection but honest folk will have to take their chances. We need
the Armed Citizen.
Enemy Alien Fails To Murder New Mothers [ 16 November
2021 ]
A Christian couple who opened their home to the Liverpool suicide bomber for
eight months after he converted from Islam told of their shock last night
after learning he launched a suicide bomb attack at the city's Women's
Hospital. Enzo Almeni, 32, was killed after a homemade ball-bearing device
exploded inside a taxi he rode to Liverpool Women's Hospital just seconds
before the 11am minute's silence.
Almeni, a failed asylum seeker with Syrian and Iraqi heritage who changed his name by deed poll from Emad Jamil Al Swealmeen to sound more Western, fled the Middle East several years ago and converted from Islam to Christianity in 2017 at the cathedral it is believed he wanted to attack...............
He said Almeni had been arrested for possession of a 'large knife' after the rejection of his asylum claim in 2014, resulting in him being sectioned under the Mental Health Act and hospitalised for several months.............
Police said Almeni was picked up in the Rutland Avenue area of the city. As the car reached the hospital's passenger drop-off point, it exploded. Police said he had been living at a hostel for asylum seekers - run by private contracting giant Serco - in Sutcliffe Street, Liverpool, 'for some time' before renting a 'bomb factory' two miles away in Rutland Avenue.
At a Covid press briefing yesterday, Boris
Johnson dramatically urged the country to be 'vigilant' and called the blast
a 'stark reminder' of the risks of terrorism.
Johnson tells us to be vigilant as he
deliberately imports thousands of Third World
parasites. They are using the standard fairy story about radicalised
lunatics as well as the Lone Wolf Myth. It is
part of the Culture War being waged against us by
our Enemies Within. The taxi driver was bright
enough to lock the attacker in and get clear.
PS The
Mail is censoring comments again. It is another
Propaganda machine.
Salman Rushdie Will Likely Lose An Eye After Being Stabbed By An Islamic
[ 13 August 2022 ]
Salman Rushdie is today on a ventilator, cannot speak, and will likely
lose an eye, after being stabbed up to 15 times on Friday by a suspect
police have identified as a man from
New Jersey 'with sympathies toward the Iranian government.'
Authorities descended on the Fairview, New Jersey home of 24-year-old Hadi Matar hours after he allegedly attacked Rushdie onstage at a literary event in upstate New York. The bloodied Rushdie, 75, who has been the subject of death threats from the Iranian regime since 1989, was airlifted to the hospital and his condition was updated by his agent Andrew Wylie shortly before 7 p.m..........
Rushdie was attacked and stabbed multiple times, including in the neck and abdomen, as he was being introduced for the CHQ 2022 event in Chautauqua, near Buffalo, on Friday morning............
Law enforcement sources told The New York Post that an initial investigation suggests Matar is sympathetic to the Iranian regime and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard, although he was born around nine years after the fatwa against Rushdie was first issued........
Reese was released from a hospital on Friday
afternoon and in an emailed statement to the
New York Times, he called Rushdie 'one of the great defenders of freedom
of speech and freedom of creative expression,' then added: 'The fact that
this attack could occur in the United States is indicative of the threats to
writers from many governments and from many individuals and organizations.
Mail is marketing an anti-Iran line. The
Free Speech issue is a
Red Herring. But
Rushdie is a
deeply unpleasant Third World alien on the
make. His book
The Satanic Verses was written to blaspheme against Muhammad, the prophet of
Islam and titillate the rest of us with erotic
fantasies. The serious point was to make money. It also gave him status
among various left wing Quasi-Intellectuals.
is unlikely to qualify for the $1 million reward for killing Rushdie. It
wouldn't have been a lot of use in prison. Now let's think of the media
excuses: Lone wolf? NO. Lunatic? NO. Wasn't breast fed? NO. Islamic imported
with Malice Aforethought? YES but don't say
that. It is a thought crime.
The Mafia's advice in matters of this sort is thumb on
the blade and strike upwards. Expert advice is in
PS Be aware that
Muhammad was a Paedophile
Islamic Thug Runs Amok In Germany
[ 26 January 2023 ]
At least two people have been killed and seven more injured in a stabbing
rampage on a train in Germany today.
The attacker sparked chaos as he lunged at horrified passengers on board the train from Kiel to Hamburg shortly before 3pm, sending commuters screaming down the carriages as they tried to escape his onslaught.
The bloodbath came to an end when the suspect, reported by German newspaper Bild to be a Palestinian refugee aged between 20 and 30, was tackled by cops and arrested on a station platform in the town of Brokstedt.............
Three of the seven injured passengers are in a
serious condition following the attack, which was condemned as a 'horrible
act against all humanity' by regional interior minister Sabine
If these misbegotten rogues don't like us they could always stay away,
living in the Hellholes they created. Zionist crazies
have an answer; put them in
Concentration Camps In Occupied Palestine. It would be just a matter of
Belsen, Dachau etc.
Islamic Terrorist Murdered One Man And Wounded Another In Spanish Churches
[ 26 January 2023 ]
A church official was killed and a priest seriously wounded late Wednesday
when a man wielding a machete stormed two churches in southern Spain, the
government said. Prosecutors immediately opened a terror probe into the
attack, which took place in the port city of Algeciras in Spain's southern
Andalusia region.
'Just after 7:00 pm (1800 GMT) this evening, a man entered the church of San Isidro in Algeciras, where, armed with a machete, he attacked the priest, leaving him seriously wounded,' an interior ministry statement said. 'Subsequently, he entered the church of Nuestra Senora de La Palma in which, after causing damages, he attacked the (sexton). The (sexton) managed to get out of the church but was caught by the attacker outside and sustained mortal injuries,' it said, indicating he had died on the spot.
'Moments later, (the assailant) was disarmed
and arrested and is currently in police custody.'
Another time when the Armed Citizen would
have paid off. More likely it would never have happened in the first place.
Errors & omissions, broken links,
cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if
you find any I am open to comment.
me at Mike Emery. All
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it private, use my PGP Key. Home
Updated on 18/03/2024 11:53