BBC is short for the British Broadcasting Commission. It had a reputation for honesty and an Alexa rating to reflect that belief. But you cannot fool all of the people all of the time and I do not believe them. It took me a long time to work out that they were biased and that they were a propaganda machine working for the left, that they were enemies of England but I got there in the end. They are happy to infiltrate the BNP and incite malicious prosecutions. They are Cultural imperialists, indeed Cultural Marxists who use Searchlight, a very nasty bunch of criminals.
They are in the business of marketing Homosexuality; they got away with that one. Now they are marketing Paedophiles instead of just protecting them from justice. You doubt it? See Paedophile Propaganda for the evidence.
They did contrive to tell the truth about Pakistani crime in Rochdale; strange but true - see BBC Tells The Truth About Pakistani Paedophile Perverts - Shock Revelation. Background is at Thousands sign petition for Sara Rowbotham to be recognised for exposing Rochdale grooming scandal
Other people agree
that they are bad news. There is
evidence out there. Here is some of it. When some one puts a
controversial view you might agree. If he gives you sources he
becomes more plausible. If his sources check out he should be
taken rather more seriously. Read for yourself. Think for yourself.
Decide for yourself. You don't have to believe that
Cultural Genocide is the name of the game.
If you think I am wrong tell me why. Mere abuse is an admission of failure.
Somebody else thinks the Beeb is bent.
BBC Editorial Guidelines
Allege that the BBC is committed to:-
You are fully entitled to believe them, to assume that they are not lying in their teeth, that they are not running a Propaganda machine. Others do not.
West Side Niggaz
The BBC has attitudes to the West Side Niggaz and the truth. Claiming that aforesaid niggaz were the West Side Boys is proof of their corruption, their lying, their perversion. So was their protection of Jimmy Savile, Rolf Harris and other Paedophile Perverts.
Beat The BBC - Stop Paying The Television Tax
It works. It saved me hundreds. The television detectors are probably better than he thinks but just do NOT let them into the house without a search warrant. Do NOT admit anything. Then they will go away. If you are summoned to court, if you are charged you get to question the accuser. If he did not get in he did not get the type and serial number of your television set. Therefore you will get a not guilty verdict - or good grounds for appeal. Then ask for costs. If the Magistrate is bloody minded about it ask for permission to appeal. You don't need it but it will concentrate his/her/its mind. Then tell all of the other punters what the score is.
Oleg Gordievsky
Lately a colonel of the KGB had a letter published in The Daily Telegraph on 3 August 2005, accusing the BBC of being "The Red Service". He said: "Just listen with attention to the ideological nuances on Radio 4, BBC television, and the BBC World Service, and you will realize that communism is not a dying creed."
ex Colonel Gordievsky of the KGB Their methodology can be described as adhering to the four D's, dodge, distract, distort, and deny. It is Disinformation & of course Treason.
BBC Bosses Are Enemy Infiltrators
Treason from our national broadcaster; could it be a Marxist propaganda machine? Believe it!
Google Reveals BBC's Ideological Corruption
Is the Beeb corrupt? Yes. Is it provable? Read for yourself. Think for yourself. Decide for yourself.
The White Rabbit
A book about Wing Commander Yeo-Thomas tells us, at page 42 that the BBC was keen on sneering at Frenchmen who wouldn't join the war time National Front, which was set up by French communists. Treason is in their blood.
Biased BBC -
Read about the bias in real time. It is there all day every day.
BBC Corruption As Normal
The Countryside Alliance is a very moderate organisation. Its complaint about gross malice was treated with contempt and with lies. The BBC is abusing its power again, as normal.
BBC Paedophiles
The Beeb is a latter day Sodom and Gomorrah. Add in the Cultural Marxism to see a prime candidate for the scrap heap.
BBC Are Light Fingered Rogues Paying Themselves Big Time Says Patten
Patten does not mention the Paedophiles, homosexuality or even Cultural Marxism but then is he any better than the rest of them?
PS Patten was supposed to be running them. He didn't get a grip though.
BBC Watch
Does what the name says. It is interested in the lies, the propaganda, the evasions. It is a worthy cause.
The BBC And Mugabe
The Beeb marketed the Marxist Mugabe because they market Marxism & mass murder. QED.
BBC Perverted Truth In Re Global Warming Deliberately & With Malice Aforethought
In 2007, the BBC announced that, following a meeting with 28 "top environmental scientists" the year before, it would no longer pretend to give balanced coverage of the debate on man-made climate change. Instead, it would become a naked propagandist for the global warming scam. No salaried newspaper reporter bothered to ask who these 28 experts were, and what were their scientific credentials. It took five years before an independent blogger, Tony Newbery, got round to putting in a Freedom of Information request for the names of these experts. When the BBC sent a team of lawyers into action to get a biased tribunal to slap this request down, it was another blogger, Maurizio Morabito (omnologos), who dug round the Web until he found the full list, and showed that these 28 experts were mostly the usual riders on the global warming bandwagon. It became plain that the BBC, which is "public service broadcaster" with a legal duty of impartiality, was up to its neck in a gigantic intellectual fraud.After the event, Melanie Phillips wrote a nice article about all this in The Daily Mail. It would have been a nicer article, of course, if she and her friends had lifted so much as a finger of their own to expose the fraud.
Sean Gabb goes for it again.
Biased BBC BlogSpot
The name tells us all we need to know. I knew they were bent. These guys prove they are bent.
BBC Concealed The Truth On Foreign Office Orders
Frederick Forsyth, 72, is one of the bestselling thriller authors of all time, with over 70m books sold.
He joined the RAF straight after school, before becoming a regional newspaper reporter and then a foreign correspondent with the BBC. At 32, his first novel, The Day Of The Jackal , was an instant hit..........�Stand up for what you really believe in. As a foreign correspondent with the BBC, I [ Frederick Forsyth ] was sent to Nigeria to cover the civil war. I was horrified by what I saw happening to ordinary citizens caught in the cross-fire. I reported back to the BBC, who said the Foreign Office had instructed them not to expose that side. I didn't become a journalist to be a puppet producing managed news. I decided they might not have the courage to cover it, but I did, so I quit. "Take a risk when you're down, as the only way is up. I was in a hole in the early 1970s. For the previous two years, I'd been a freelance foreign correspondent after leaving the BBC."
Frederick Forsyth was on the inside. He knows what he is talking about. The BBC is deeply corrupt.
BBC Crime Special
The British National Party is fed up with malicious propaganda exuded by the BBC so they are telling us about some of the genuine evil of our wonderful national broadcaster. NB that the thugs in this line up are all black. Then there are the drug users and the paedophiles. This British National Party offering is not covering the communist subversives waging a Culture War against England and Christendom. It is a major reality none the less.
The BNP is confirming what a lot of us suspected anyway. This rap sheet is lengthy but a mere selection.BBC Tells The Lie Direct - Sniper's motive remains 'a mystery'
The Beeb is a propaganda machine which totally suppressed the fact that Obama was using a Forged Birth Certificate - background is at Hate CrimesThe BBC And Lies
Doctor Gabb of the Libertarian Alliance gives us chapter and verse.The BBC And Another Lie
The Beeb lies about Niggers. It claims that it is a VERY naughty word. Blacks [ aka Niggers or Niggaz ] don't agree.
The BBC Lies Again
Easy isn't it? Just do it then sneer at anyone who complains.The BBC and Bias
Of latter years they have been letting their bias become blatant. They have a formal obligation to play straight. See it for yourself.
The BBC and Racism
The BBC has been at the forefront of the race relations industry - using it against England and civilization. Now they are changing their tune a bit.
BBC Bias
Some one else says that the BBC is bent.BBC Charter and Agreement
Has superseded the older BBC Charter and given them more scope to lie and pervert the truth - not that they took much notice of it in the first place.
BBC Corruption
The Beeb has always had an agenda and, of late an enthusiasm for ignoring their formal obligation to take it down the middle. Herewith is some of the evidence.BBC Hatred Of Free Speech
BBC shuts off Gabb's microphone during debate:
The Libertarian Alliance released a press release stating that Gabb had been invited to take part in a talk taped for the BBC on multi-culturalism, debating with journalist Yasmin Alibhai-Brown. Alibhai-Brown objected when Gabb said that the Libertarian Alliance believed the government's Commission for Racial Equality should be shut down, saying that without laws meant to control discrimination, it would occur more frequently. Gabb asked her, "Yasmin, are you saying that the white majority in this country is so seething with hatred and discontent that it is only restrained by law from rising up and tearing all the ethnic minorities to pieces?" to which Alibhai-Brown answered "yes." Gabb asked if Alibhai-Brown seriously thought that Gabb wanted to murder her, at which point the discussion abruptly ended (20 minutes prior to the end of the debate). After this debate, it was alleged that Gabb's microphone was shut off.
The Beeb wants people to think it favours free speech and democracy. They hate it when it doesn't fit the party line.BBC Reported Building 7 Had Collapsed 20 Minutes Early
BBC Reported Building 7 Had Collapsed 20 Minutes Before It Fell WTC 7 still standing in background, Google removes clip...
Tuesday, February 27, 2007 (UPDATED 5:36AM CST)
RELATED: BBC Responds to Building 7 Controversy; Claim 9/11 Tapes Lost
RELATED: Time Stamp Confirms BBC Reported WTC 7 Collapse 26 Minutes In Advance
RELATED: After This Fiasco, How Can We Trust Anything They Told Us About 9/11?
An astounding video uncovered from the archives today shows the BBC reporting on the collapse of WTC Building 7 over twenty minutes before it fell at 5:20pm on the afternoon of 9/11. The incredible footage shows BBC reporter Jane Standley talking about the collapse of the Salomon Brothers Building while it remains standing in the live shot behind her head. Minutes before the actual collapse of the building is due, the feed to the reporter mysteriously dies..........In a September 2002 PBS documentary, the owner of the WTC complex Larry Silverstein discusses Building 7 and states that in the late afternoon of September 11, the decision was made to "pull it." The term "pull it" is industry jargon for controlled demolition, but Silverstein denied charges that WTC 7 had been deliberately brought down.
You don't have to believe that the BBC is bent as a nine bob note - but it helps. You don't have to believe that 9/11 was an inside job - but it helps.
BBC War Crimes
During the war it happened. There were pressures which made it easier. See BBC the Early DaysBiased BBC
Is run by people who say the BBC is biased. They are keen to believe that the Beeb is biased against Jews. I just do not believe anything they say. It is simple and effective. Read for yourself. Think for yourself. Decide for yourself.
John Birt And Tax
Soon after Birt became director general [ of the BBC ] , his future was risked by revelations that he was selling himself to the BBC as a consultant, with Schedule D tax arrangements and an expense account which included secretarial payments to his wife and a large sum for suits. He survived, and joined the staff, where his salary rose to more than compensate. The scandal became known as Armanigate, since Birt is vain about his clothes: an acquaintance recalls once seeing Jane Birt in a beautiful dress and asking 'Is that Japanese too?' (Acknowledging that her husband was obviously wearing a suit by Issey Miyake.) 'No,' John Birt replied, indicating his own outfit, 'this is Japanese.
Did engineering at university it seems. But sound on tax; only victims pay. The Jew, Grade hates him so he is not totally bad. View of tax confirmed by John Birt, Baron BirtBBC Chairman Marmaduke Hussey
Lord Hussey, who has died aged 83, was a shining example of the widespread belief among the "great and good" of the British establishment that corporate management is a profession which can be practiced without technical knowledge. Marmaduke James Hussey, as he was born, was generally known as "Duke" but was called "Dukey" by family and friends at his own request, a cloying soubriquet for a man of six feet five inches and 17 stone. The massive physique was accompanied by a booming and not infrequently bullying bonhomie, underneath which lay the permanent pain of terrible war wounds. All he ever did professionally was manage; many would say mismanage. He started his working life as a management trainee without a shred of editorial experience at Associated Newspapers. Eventually, as managing director of its Harmsworth Publications subsidiary, he almost destroyed the Daily Mail.Then he moved on to Times Newspapers, masterminding the catastrophic 1978-79 lockout which cost �40m and opened the way to the takeover by Rupert Murdoch - who, with unlikely gratitude, kept him on the board........ After that, Duke Hussey climbed his highest mountain as chairman of the BBC, wrecking its confidence and morale and appointing the egregious John Birt as director general.
Mr van der Vat tells us that Lord Hussey was dangerously incompetent but promoted because his face fitted. This explains a lot. One wondered why the BBC was allowed to be a festering bunch of communist subversives and homosexuals at the forefront of Cultural Genocide. Hussey and Birt were a disastrous pair. Marmaduke Hussey is the Wiki's offering and low key; He was at Rugby, Oxford, Grenadiers, Anzio, then the media.
Left Wing Bias Is In Their Very DNA
Left-wing bias? It's written through the BBC's very DNA, says Peter Sissons
For 20 years I was a front man at the BBC, anchoring news and current �affairs programmes, so I reckon nobody is better placed than me to �answer the question that nags at many of its viewers � is the BBC biased?In my view, �bias� is too blunt a word to describe the subtleties of the �pervading culture. The better word is a �mindset�. At the core of the BBC, in its very DNA, is a way of thinking that is firmly of the Left. By far the most popular and widely read newspapers at the BBC are The Guardian and The Independent. �Producers refer to them routinely for the line to take on �running stories, and for inspiration on which items to cover. In the later stages of my career, I lost count of the number of times I asked a producer for a brief on a story, only to be handed a copy of The Guardian and told "it's all in there". If you want to read one of the few copies of the Daily Mail that find their way into the BBC newsroom, they are difficult to track down, and you would be advised not to make too much of a show of reading them. Wrap them in brown paper or a copy of The Guardian, would be my advice.
An insider talks. He tells the truth because he is no longer with them.Andrew Marr - Loud Mouthed, Arrogant, Racist And Full Of Hate
What then can be done? (Apart, of course, from widespread and vigorous miscegenation, which is the best answer, but perhaps tricky to arrange as public policy.) First, we need to raise still more taxes to help regenerate inner-city ghettos and to employ more young people, white and black.................
But, though teachers are the most effective anti-racist campaigners in the country, this means more than education in other religions it means a form of political education. Only people who understand the economic forces changing their world, threatening them but also creating new opportunities, have a chance of being immune to the old tribal chants.And the final answer, frankly, is the vigorous use of state power to coerce and repress. It may be my Presbyterian background, but I firmly believe that repression can be a great, civilising instrument for good. Stamp hard on certain 'natural' beliefs for long enough and you can almost kill them off. The police are first in line to be burdened further, but a new Race Relations Act will impose the will of the state on millions of other lives too.
So it should - but not merely on the police, or the boys with spray-paint cans. Perhaps the big difference between working-class racism and middle-class racism is not that the former is more violent, but that the latter is more effective. The middle classes have sacrificed almost nothing to multi-racial pieties - often no more than smiling at the shopkeeper, inviting a black colleague for a drink or being pleased when your child knows as much about Diwali as Easter. That's the beam in our eyes -hypocritical abuse of the poor by people unwilling to pay higher taxes or review their own organisations and lives. We need a rethink in all big British institutions - venerable, liberal, conservative, commercial, public and educational - as they seriously ask themselves how eagerly porous they are to black people. Yes: employment quotas, publicly published numbers of ethnic-minority employees in annual reports. All that. They do it in America and South Africa. Until we start doing it here, why should anyone on the streets listen to a word, a single word, that the comfortable people have to say?
Loud mouthed, arrogant, racist and a bully eager to oppress Englishmen and destroy England. He is doing it too as part of the ruling class. He is telling the truth here because he knows that he is can get away with it. Note well - if you are poor it is because you are stupid according to Marr a Scotch oaf.Paxman
Is a BBC front man with a big mouth, huge pay packet making tax beating moves and short changing his servants.
The propaganda we pass off as news around the world
The American government has been paying PR agencies to produce fake news. We were duly unimpressed. Now Her Majesty's Government has joined in more or less. Blair claimed in 2004 that "the values that drive our actions abroad are the same values of progress and justice that drive us at home". [ That means low, low, low. - Editor ]. They are fairly open about it being a Foreign Office operation. See Foreign & Commonwealth Office British Satellite News (BSN). The Graun is writing about it with a degree of malice. Perhaps they are envious of the easy funding. The Foreign Office propaganda budget was £340 million in 2001 and that was just in the UK. It will have gone up since the 9/11 Job.Question Time Attacks The BNP In Gross Breach Of Any Obligation To Play Fair
The BBC are Marxists, propagandists, homosexual drug abusers full of hate but they normally get away with pretending to take it down the middle. This time they destroyed any claim they ever had to be unbiased.BBC panel finds broadcaster breached guidelines on Israel
In reporting about Israel, BBC's Middle East Editor has breached the corporation's guideline on accuracy and impartiality, an internal BBC complaints panel on Wednesday stated.
The Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland said that the findings show that the BBC has an anti-Israel "bias" and that the position of the editor, Jeremy Bowen, is "untenable." The corporation rejected these claims. "The findings are extremely serious," Jonathan Hoffman, the Federation's co-vice chair, told Haaretz. "They demand urgent and visible action by the BBC to restore public confidence. The BBC should start by publishing the Balen Report, which it has spent five years and a reported �200,000 trying to keep under wraps."..........A BBC spokesperson reacted to this in saying: "We completely refute the assertion made by the Federation's that we have 'biased coverage of Israel' - this is a single, partially-upheld finding related to one piece of output about events that took place over forty years ago and our Middle East Editor was simply exercising his professional judgment on history." The spokesperson referred to the Thomas Report from April 2006 on the matter, which said: "Apart from individual lapses, there was little to suggest deliberate or systematic [BBC] bias."
Jews whining about bias should look at their own track record of shameless evil. See for a random example picked up in the same hour Israeli official says Israel will most likely not cooperate with UN investigation committee The BBC is bent but there is an answer. Do not buy a television licence.
Triad Of Evil
The triad are Andrew Marr, Jackie Ashley and Alice Miles. All three are big in the main stream media, a nexus of perversion. All three are Subversives. They might be thought of as Useful Idiots. They are too intelligent for that but they are followers of Antonio Gramsci, at the forefront of the Long March Through The Institutions, attacking Christendom. They are Cultural imperialists whose objective is Cultural Genocide.
Marr is a BBC front man. Marr is evil.
BBC Bosses Are Enemy Infiltrators
To understand the present, study the past. The Bolshevik Revolution is a good place to start......... Those harsh Bolshevik attitudes to �the masses� were shaped by ethnic identities, because the leaders were ethnic outsiders with no allegiance or feeling for the Russian people. Lenin was half Mongol, a quarter German and a quarter Jewish. His henchmen Trotsky, Zinoviev and Kamenev were Jewish. Stalin, Beria, and Ordzhonikidze were Georgians; Dzerzhinsky, the ruthless head of the Cheka (Secret Police) during the 1920s, was a Pole with strong pro-Jewish attitudes...........These ethnic patterns help explain the psychology of leading Bolsheviks and their �merciless, lordly harshness� towards the native Russian and Ukrainian majority.
British Jews also behave like ethnic outsiders and, like the Bolsheviks, they have a dramatic influence on society as a whole. Despite being less than 0.5% of the population, British Jews have a huge influence on British politics because of their financial contributions [ as well as manipulation and blackmail ]. And their role in the British media is no less. Genuine conservatives sometimes say that the acronym BBC stands for �Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation.� They speak more truly than they know. Just as Jews were hugely over-represented among the Bolshevik leaders, so they are among the BBC�s executives: Alan Yentob, Jenny Abramsky and Mark Damazer, for example.
A new name on the list is Danny Cohen, who is director of BBC Television at the age of only 40. But early success hasn�t assuaged an ancient angst:
The director of television at the BBC has said he has �never felt so uncomfortable as a Jew in the UK� as it was revealed that antisemitic incidents in Britain [ allegedly ] hit record annual levels in 2014. Danny Cohen used the platform of a conference in Jerusalem to express his fears over what he identified as growing levels of hostility towards Jewish communities in Britain and in other parts of Europe. �I�ve never felt so uncomfortable being a Jew in the UK as I�ve felt in the last 12 months. And it�s made me think about, you know, is it our long-term home, actually? Because you feel it. I�ve felt it in a way I�ve never felt before,� he said.........
Vivian Wineman, of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, told The Independent that the number of recorded [ alleged ] anti-Semitic incidents for 2014 was �the highest since records began�, although there has been a fall-off in recent months. �Whilst we have much to celebrate about being Jewish in the UK, a summer filled with hostile, anti-Zionist demonstrations has clearly left its mark,� he said. �Compared to other countries in Europe, the UK still has relatively low levels of anti-Semitism and it is reassuring to note that the number of recorded anti-Semitic incidents is returning to former levels. However we must not rest on our laurels. The Board, alongside other Jewish organisations, will continue to work together with government and others to combat this deeply concerning trend.� (BBC director Danny Cohen: Rising UK antisemitism makes me feel more uncomfortable than ever, The Independent, 22nd December 2014)
Danny Cohen clearly sees himself �as a Jew in the UK� rather than British. For him, the UK is a temporary stopping off place depending on the fortunes of his people. Citizenship has nothing to do with having a deep connection to the land or the traditional peoples of the UK. He cares nothing for its long term viability. Unlike the native Brits, he easily contemplates moving elsewhere, perhaps Israel, if things become difficult for Jews in the UK.
Jewish support for displacement level immigration that will alter the society dramatically thus depends not on what is good for the traditional peoples of the UK. If the results of immigration eventually become unmanageable for Jews, they will simply leave � not a viable option for the native British.
But Cohen should ask himself why anti-Semitism is rising in the UK and Europe. It�s because of something warmly supported by Jews like Danny Cohen and Vivian Wineman: mass immigration by Muslims from the Third World. The anti-Semitic assaults, murders and abuse are carried out by non-White outsiders, not native White Europeans. But Danny has a plan to manage this �deeply concerning trend.� Rather than focus on the costs of immigration to native White British and push back against the Muslim invasion, Mr. Cohen�s focus is on underscoring Jews as victims:
Mr. Cohen recently announced the BBC�s ambitious plans to mark the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz on 27 January. Holocaust Memorial Day will include a screening of the 10-hour documentary Shoah. In The Eichmann Show, Martin Freeman will play TV producer Milton Fruchtman, who covered the trial of Adolf Eichmann, an architect of the Nazi plan to exterminate Europe�s Jews. Mr. Cohen�s decision to give the event high prominence has been described as a response to �growing concern about a rise in anti-Semitism across Europe�. (Rising UK anti-Semitism)
Alas, this guilt-tripping won't work on Muslims, who come from in-bred, clan-dominated societies that draw clear distinctions between the in-group, to whom one is loyal and supportive, and the out-group, on whom one can prey without conscience. And Muslims do indeed prey on non-Muslims in the UK. The growing scandal about Muslim rape-gangs is proof of that.
And what was the stridently pro-feminist BBC doing while thousands of White girls and women were being raped, prostituted and sex-trafficked by violent, hate-filled misogynists? Did it use its vast resources and army of liberal reporters to expose and end these patriarchal horrors? No, sadly not. It was too busy making a film called The Secret Agent:
� in which undercover reporter Jason Gwynne surreptitiously recorded conversations and speeches of BNP members and leaders. One of the recordings was a private speech by Nick Griffin in Keighley in which the BNP leader specifically discussed �grooming.� Griffin said: �This town should be on everyone�s lips as the place where those pedophile drug rapes went on, because sixty of our children, one is too many, but sixty is a massive rape wave.�
Griffin listed two causes behind the wave: �The first is our police force and our elected governors haven't done a damn thing properly about it, and the second is that their [Muslims�] good book tells them that that�s acceptable.� �
The enterprising �reporter� Gwynne says: �I showed a senior barrister my footage. He said that Griffin�s words are �threatening, abusive, or insulting� and�designed to �stir up racial hatred� a crime under Section 18 of the Public Order Act�the maximum sentence is 7 years in prison.�
Griffin was prescient � not just about what Muslim immigrants were doing to English children, but how the British government would respond. He was arrested in his home at dawn just before Christmas 2004 and prosecuted for his words. (Rotherham Rape Scandal �Tip Of Iceberg�, VDare, 7th September 2014)
So the BBC did its best to have Griffin jailed for speaking the truth and trying to defend the White British majority.
Why does the official broadcaster in the UK behave like that? Because it's controlled by people like Danny Cohen, who belong to a minority and are hostile to the majority. That's why outsider-oligarchs like Cohen support mass immigration and then do their best to manage its consequences in a way that benefits Jews.
What Maxim Gorky said about the Bolsheviks nearly a century ago applies equally well to the hostile elite that controls the modern West. Ordinary Whites should listen carefully to his words: �You are being led to destruction, you are being used as material in an inhuman experiment; to your leaders, you are not human.�
Jews are the Invisible Enemy, the Puppet Masters. They are grossly Racist; manipulators using Ethnic Fouling In England as well as Ethnic Fouling, with Genocidal intent throughout Western Civilization to achieve hegemony, control of the New World Order. This article is worth reading in full.Danny Cohen - Director of BBC Television, Jew, enemy of England
Danny Cohen (born 1974)[2] is the Director of BBC Television.[3] He was previously the Controller of BBC One,[4] the BBC's principal television channel in the United Kingdom,[5] and the youngest person to be appointed as Controller of the channel. Cohen worked earlier in his career for Channel 4 in the UK in various roles including Head of Documentaries, Head of Factual Entertainment and Head of E4.Alan Yentob - ex-Controller of BBC One, Jew
Alan Yentob was born into an Iraqi Jewish family in London. Yentob's reputation was affected when it was revealed that his participation in some of the interviews for Imagine had been faked. Yentob has been warned not to do this again, but otherwise not disciplined, much to the disgruntlement of some who have seen more junior staff lose their jobs for lesser misdemeanours.[4]
i.e. got away with fraud because his face fits.Jenny Abramsky - Director of Audio and Music, Director of BBC Radio, Jew
Dame Jennifer Gita "Jenny" Abramsky, DBE (born 7 October 1946) is chairman of the UK's National Heritage Memorial Fund (NHMF).[1]......... Until her retirement from the BBC Abramsky was its most senior woman employee; she was Director of Audio and Music. She is the granddaughter of Rabbi Yehezkel Abramsky. She had an annual programming budget of �236 million (about US $475m) and a staff of 1,681.Mark Damazer - Head of Political Programmes, Jew
Mark Damazer, CBE (born 15 April 1955) is the Master of St Peter's College, Oxford, and a former controller of BBC Radio 4 and BBC Radio 7 in the United Kingdom. Born on 15 April 1955, Damazer is the son of a Polish-Jewish delicatessen owner in Willesden in North London.....In August 1988, he became deputy editor of the Nine O'Clock News, becoming editor in 1990. In 1994, he became Editor of Television News Programmes, then Head of Current Affairs in May 1996. He became Head of Political Programmes in March 1998. He became Assistant Director of BBC News in December 1999, then Deputy Director in April 2001. He was appointed Controller of Radio 4 and BBC7 in October 2004, taking over from Helen Boaden.
The BBC and Treason
You might expect our national broadcaster to be patriotic if nothing else. You would be disappointed with this lot.
BBC guilty of venality in its misreporting on Venezuela [ 13 October 2006 ]
Listeners and viewers expecting to find a safe alternative to the corporate-controlled media by turning to the BBC better reconsider their choice based on the vaunted news organization's reporting on Venezuela and specifically on the misinformation it put out in an online piece on October 8 titled - "Mass Venezuela opposition rally." It claims "Tens of thousands of people have marched through the Venezuelan capital, Caracas, in support of the main opposition candidate, Manuel Rosales."
The BBC is a pack of liars with an agenda. Their news operation is biased and grossly racist. They hate England. Their entertainment is designed to destroy England by destroying its culture. See Culture Wars on the point.
BBC Tells The Truth about BBC Bias [ 22 October 2006 ]
This is real news. The BBC has been pretending to be unbiased for decades. Now it has admitted some of the reality. Against England, Englishmen and Christianity; for homosexuality, anything vicious and alien.
BBC executives admitted the corporation is dominated by homosexuals and people from ethnic minorities, deliberately promotes multiculturalism, is anti-American, anti-countryside and more sensitive to the feelings of Muslims than Christians. Political pundit [ and left winger - Editor ] Andrew Marr said: 'The BBC is not impartial or neutral. It's a publicly funded, urban organisation with an abnormally large number of young people, ethnic minorities and gay people. It has a liberal [ left wing - Editor] bias not so much a party-political bias. It is better expressed as a cultural liberal bias.'
There is no mention of the heavy Jewish infiltration and control.The BBC's Cultural Marxism [ 24 January 2007 ]
Intolerant and consumed by political correctness, the corporation is waging an Orwellian campaign against British values.
So very true and they have been doing it for years. They are inciting homosexuals, communists, abortion and foreign immigrants without shame or let up. The Beeb was infiltrated by the apostles of Antonio Gramsci for a reason. He was the chief theoretician of the communist party. NB This is from The Grauniad, their spiritual home in the print.BBC Bias - The Shock Is that Anybody Might Be Surprised [ 23 February 2007 ]
Writing in the Daily Mail today, Robin Aitken flags up his new book, Can We Trust The BBC? in a devastating critique of what he describes as a form of “institutionally Leftist”. This follows on from the Daily’s editor Paul Dacre who lashed out at the Corporation in January.
They used to be good at concealing their bias. Then they decided that they could get away with letting it show. Even their own now admit it from time to time. The writer did not mention their enthusiasm for inciting homosexuality but then it is just another branch of the evil that they espouse.
BBC Admits Its Guilt And Its Bias [ 26 March 2008 ]
LONDON – The British Broadcasting Corporation has been struggling for several years against criticisms and claims of biased reporting concerning the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and distorted coverage of the global fight against terror.......... An internal memo, recently discovered by the British media, revealed what the BBC has been trying to hide. Senior figures admitted in a recent 'impartiality' summit that the BBC was guilty of promoting Left-wing views and anti-Christian sentiment.Most executives admitted that the corporation’s representation of homosexuals and ethnic minorities was unbalanced and disproportionate, and that it leaned too strongly towards political correctness, the overt promotion of multiculturalism, anti-Americanism and discrimination against the countryside..........One senior BBC executive admitted to the ‘Daily Express’, "There was a widespread acknowledgement that we may have gone too far in the direction of political correctness. Unfortunately, much of it is so deeply embedded in the BBC's culture, that it is very hard to change it."
The BBC is run by traitors and communists driven by a hatred of England but this piece makes it look as though they believe it is not run by Jews with an agenda but read for your self. Think for yourself. Decide for yourself. There is an easy answer to the BBC. Don't pay their licence fee. It has saved me hundreds.
BBC facing £250,000 fine over cheating [ 5 May 2008 ]
The BBC is facing a record fine of up to £250,000 after repeatedly ripping off licence fee payers on a string of shows. The amount, however, is nowhere near the £4million sanction ITV is facing over its scandals, as it is protected from big money punishments. The BBC is expected to receive its biggest ever sanction when Ofcom rules on its faking of competition winners on a number of programmes.
This is not for political fraud and misrepresentation which is their agenda. Nor is it for cultural genocide and they are utterly committed to that. But at least it shows that their supercilious attitude is a front for corruption.
BBC receives £400,000 fine for misleading contest shows [ 31 July 2008 ]
The BBC has been fined a record �400,000 by Ofcom, the independent regulator for the UK's communications industries, for faking winners and misleading audiences in its television and radio. In a number of BBC programs, the public was urged to call in to compete in contests. However, program-makers knew that callers had no chance of winning as contestants had already been chosen. Other shows had been pre-recorded, so nobody could win the apparently "live" competitions.....
The BBC made a public apology last summer when the findings came to light and said it was committed to putting its house in order [ Read that as not getting caught again - Editor ].
Game shows are trivial in their way but this matter tells us that the BBC is guilty of systematic fraud. Their real sin is Cultural Genocide, their work toward the destruction of England and civilization.
BBC Greed Driven And Treacherous [ 6 February 2009 ]
Auntie discovered in bed with big brother [ You wouldn't expect them to have a normal human relationship, would you? - Editor ]
The BBC has dropped a controversial tracking system from its UK website after privacy activists complained that it was reporting personal information including their post codes to a US company. Until recently, the BBC was sending copies of cookies dropped on visitors to Visual Sciences, a web analytics operation bought in 2007 by Omniture, a Utah-based online marketing firm...............In January the IPC replied that the data sharing was part of an initiative by BBC Worldwide, the national broadcaster's commercial arm, "for the purposes of understanding consumption of the site by country (via GeoIP conversion) and to track consumption based on the number of user sessions". [ Spying is the honest word - Editor ]
This is trivial compared with their policy of Cultural Genocide but tells us what kind of devious crooks they are.
BBC Perverts The Truth Yet Again [ 21 June 2009 ]
The British Broadcasting Corporation has been caught out once again blatantly lying with image manipulation over recent events in Iran, claiming that a crowd which had rallied in support of the controversial incumbent president was in fact rallying in support of his opponent. The blatant deception has become typical not only for the BBC but for many media outlets in Britain, and has brought shame upon the journalistic profession for those few professionals who are trying to do a decent job. The BBC's latest deception has been exposed on the website, which shows how a photograph of a pro-Ahmadinejad rally which appeared on the Los Angeles Times website was deliberately manipulated and cropped by the BBC and presented as a rally in support of his opponent Mousavi.
The BBC is a Marxist propaganda machine and lying is its raison d'�tre. Normally they use suppression, half truths and distractions rather than the lie direct. One answer is ignore them. Another is stop paying the licence fee. It has saved me hundreds if not thousands. See the original article.
BBC Propaganda Machine Lies Again [ 17 June 2011 ]
The BBC will make an on-air apology after its governing body said a Panorama programme about Primark probably faked a scene about the retailer's working practices. The findings of the BBC Trust's investigation into the episode Primark: On The Rack were released yesterday, saying there had been "serious editorial failings" in the programme. It added it was "more likely than not" that shots of three young boys in the Indian city of Bangalore in a workshop "testing the stitching" on Primark tops were �not authentic�.
The BBC as distinct from the BBC Trust knows the truth and did not bother to tell the investigators. This does not prove conclusively that they are guilty as Hell but it is suggestive. The Beeb is run by communist subversives, racists, Traitors, enemies of England and followers of Antonio Gramsci, the leading theoretician of the communist party in Italy.
BBC Is Greed Driven With A Cash Machine Culture [ 20 June 2013 ]
Cash machine culture' at BBC: Lord Patten says sky-high salaries and golden goodbyes have damaged corporation's reputation
The BBC appears to spend taxpayers' money as if it comes from a cash machine, Lord Patten said today.The Chairman of the Corporation's Trust admitted the public's trust in the BBC had been rocked by revelations about financial largesse and was braced for more damaging headlines over vast severance pay deals to departing executives........
The licence fee has been frozen at £145.50 until 2015, and Lord Patten warned that if it did not rise in future there would be a �storm� of protest as services are switched off. But he lifted the lid on the attitude of staff towards spending the public's money.
Patten has not thought straight. If they are wasting huge amounts they do not need a bigger licence fee. Mine is rather better at the price of £00.00
BBC Spends
£28 Million To Hide The
Dirt [
20 June 2013 ]
The BBC has spent
�28million securing the silence of more than 500 staff
with controversial gagging orders.
The figures, released
yesterday, reignited fears that cases of sexual
harassment or bullying may have been kept under wraps
because of the payments. The BBC conceded that
most of its �compromise agreements� included
confidentiality clauses. The data, released under the
Freedom of Information Act, reveals 539 staff had
signed such deals over the last eight years.
The biggest payments were given to bosses, with 77 individuals receiving more than �100,000 and 14 more than �300,000. In the 2009-10 financial year, the pay-off bill was almost �5.5million.....
George Entwistle, who
resigned last year as director general following the
Newsnight scandal over Lord McAlpine, received a
�450,000 pay-off, double what he was entitled to. He had
spent just 54 days in the job.
Cultural Marxists
are just as greedy as honest folk. They
also have nasty tendencies where children as concerned.
Jimmy Savile proved that.
BBC Markets Marxist Mandela [
10 December 2013 ]
At least they are being consistent. They
were pushing
from the start. Joe Slovo,
a Jew of the South African Communist Party put them up to it.
BBC KNEW Savile Was A Paedophile Pervert So They Protected Him [ 21 January 2014 ]
The BBC is a propaganda machine marketing Marxism, Cultural Marxism. That is why they incite Feminism & Homosexuality. They would push Bestiality too, if they thought they could get away with it. Above all they care about selling Racism, the ultimate crime according to them; that is if and only White Men are accused. Recall the torrent of hate they directed at the patriotic Englishmen alleged to have killed Stephen Lawrence, a black. But when Third World aliens kill, rape, rob, torture the attitude is different. That is because the Beeb is run by anti-English Racists intent on destroying Western Civilization using Ethnic Fouling, marketing Western Guilt & causing Black Hatred.
BBC Fat Cat Uses Tax Evasion Avoidance, Saving A Million [ 21 February 2014 ]
Only little people pay tax. Blair & Brown know that. Another is Paxman, his little mate at the BBC.
How The BBC Fixes Political Bias [ 3 March 2014 ]
Choose the committee, choose the result is the short of it. Barry Krusch explains HOW the dice is loaded, HOW results are fixed in How To Frame A Patriot.
BBC Fat Cats Still Robbing Us Blind [ 3 March 2014 ]
BNP Party Political Broadcast Censored By BBC Et Cetera [ 30 April 2014 ]
The Main Stream Media in England did a total news blackout on the fact. The truth came from America, from the Huffington Post, a sometimes honorable exception. The BBC alleged that the BNP's party political told the truth breached broadcasting guide lines.
Racist Jew At BBC Determined To Abuse His Power [ 1 May 2014 ]
The Jew running BBC News "has a not-so-secret plan to replace all the talented White folks on TV with substandard Blacks and feminist lesbians in wheelchairs."
That is why he got the job in the first place.
BBC Fascists Refuse To Transmit Party Political Broadcast [ 9 May 2014 ]
"The BBC cancelled the Britain First main TV broadcasts with just 55 minutes notice. It will still be shown on ITV Border at 10:35pm tonight."
This is typical BBC corruption. They have no hesitation when it comes to non-stop marketing of Homosexuality or protecting Paedophiles like Jimmy Savile. Then there is their Racism. It is anti-English Racism being used as tool to destroy us by Ethnic Fouling, which is to be followed by Genocide. They keep doing it, the censorship that is - see e.g. BNP Party Political Broadcast Censored By BBC Et Cetera
PS Britain First is an offshoot of the BNP. Whence the Beeb's hatred of Free Speech.
BBC Is Driven By Hate [ 22 May 2014 ]
After Guido slotted BBC News Channel's Jasmine Lawrence for her anti-UKIP online ranting, forcing the BBC to divert the deputy editor from political duties, others have been frantically deleting tweets. BBC producer/reporter Sally Challoner chose today to delete her anti-English Democrat postings, but Radio 4′s Rosemary Baker has not been so quick. You can run, BBC Bolsheviks, but you cannot hide.
Another enemy of England displayed her hatred of Democracy and UKIP. But of course she just loves Paedophiles and Third World invaders - her basic qualification's for a BBC job.
BBC Lies About Florence Nightingale [ 1 August 2014 ]
The BBC is a corrupt Marxist Propaganda machine. Abusing Florence Nightingale on the grounds that she was an Englishwoman is Racism, anti-English Racism of course. Alleging that a quarter black businesswoman, one Mary Seacole who ran a cafe in the Crimea is superior is also racism as well as a lie. See Mary Seacole: The Making of the Myth for more and better details. Marxism used systematic lying to achieve better than 85 million murders - see The Black Book of Communism on the point. Let us not forget that the Beeb markets Homosexuality while protecting Paedophiles such as Jimmy Savile, Cyril Smith & Ted Heath. They were also at the forefront of the news blackout when Obama used a Forged Birth Certificate.
BBC Racists Are Anti-White [ 31 August 2014 ]
Why the BBC Diversity Unit�s latest wheeze � Expert Voices training days � may come a cropper in court if you�re white and apply for a place.
They spend millions to incite blacks but can't find enough who are adequate.
BBC Lies For Israeli Thugs [ 31 August 2014 ]
BBC breaks its own guidelines amending a claim by its head of statistics that questioned the casualty figures in Gaza gathered by the UN.
The gatherer of statistics was a Jew lying to make the murder toll in Gaza less damning.
BBC Still Covering Up For Savile [ 5 September 2014 ]
It is more about protecting the people who let him get away with it. He was exposed by Meirion Jones who, oddly enough is a BBC producer. Peter Rippon failed to cover it up.
BBC Shrugs Off Genocide In South Africa Because Perpetrators Are Black [ 29 October 2014 ]
South African leaders have warned against any attempt by white supremacists to avenge the murder of their leader Eugene Terreblanche.......On Sunday the remnants of Mr. Terreblanche's AWB party vowed revenge. It blames Julius Malema, head of the ruling ANC's Youth League, for inflammatory actions.
Mr. Malema, who last month led college students in a song about killing white farmers, is due to return from Zimbabwe later in the day, and correspondents say his response to calls for calm is keenly awaited...........
More than 3,000 white farmers are estimated to have been murdered since the end of apartheid in 1994.
White People are murdered so the BBC shrugs then blames Afrikaners for being annoyed. Malema incites Black Hate. The Beeb shrugs but the BBC is still complaining, twenty years later about Stephen Lawrence, a black killed by patriotic Englishmen. As Lenin said, it is: Who? Whom? Ask who did it before approving or objecting. The BBC is a Marxist propaganda machine.
PS See the singing, see the hate, see the Racism on YouTube.BBC Atheists Pander To Jews Sneering At The Virgin Mary [ 3 January 2015 ]
A BBC documentary suggesting that the Virgin Mary was raped by a Roman soldier has provoked a deluge of complaints and been censured by the Vatican. More than 500 viewers called to protest about the nature of the programme, making it the most complained-about documentary this year.
The BBC is a Marxist propaganda machine. Marxism was invented by the Jew, Marx. The Beeb is heavily infested with Jews like Cohen, one of the perpetrators in this matter.
Danny Cohen, Director Of BBC TV Whines About Anti-Semitism As He Attacks The Virgin Mary At Christmas [ 3 January 2015 ]
[ The Jew, ] Danny Cohen, who is the director of BBC Television, claimed that anti-Semitism has become so bad that he has to question the long-term future for Jews in Britain.He stopped short of calling on British Jews to emigrate to Israel or of endorsing [ Racist ] Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's intention to change the Israeli constitution to define Israel as "the nation state of one people only" the Jewish people " and of no other people"...........
I've never felt so uncomfortable being a Jew in the UK as I've felt in the last 12 months. And it's made me think about, you know, is it our long-term home, actually. Because you feel it. I've felt it in a way I've never felt before actually...........
Not surprisingly, Cohen failed to mention a single instance of anti-Semitism-related murder in the UK. That's because there was none......... It did not, however, mention how many racist attacks against Arabs and Muslims took place in Britain at the same time......
He conveniently omitted to mention the Israeli Wehrmacht's 50-day onslaught on Gaza this summer, which resulted in the murder of 2,104 Palestinians, including 1,462 civilians, 495 children and 253 women.
And he conveniently failed to mention the unfortunate fact that, despite Israel's recurring war crimes and crimes against humanity, and despite its continuing flagrant violations of international law, British Jews continue to support Israel right or wrong, thereby implicating themselves in Israel's crimes in the eyes of the public.
Scratch a Jew, find a Racist, an enemy of England. The Jew is the Enemy Within.Jeremy Clarkson Versus The BBC [ 14 March 2015 ]
Jeremy is an opinionated loud mouth but people like him. He exercises Free Speech, something the BBC hates because the Beeb is a Marxist propaganda machine. Let's hope he wins. Thumping a scruffy, self righteous little Trotskyist who needs a shave made the world a better place.
BBC Perverts Compare Jeremy Clarkson To Jimmy Savile [ 19 March 2015 ]
Jeremy is not going to put up with that kind of insolence from the Marxist scum who spent years protecting Savile precisely because he was a Paedophile Pervert. He should do them for Libel and take them for megabucks.
BBC Incites Sympathy For Illegal Immigrants In Kos [ 8 August 2015 ]
The refugee crisis on the Greek islands of Kos, Chios and Lesbos is "total chaos", the UN refugee agency UNHCR says, with inadequate accommodation, water and sanitation, around 50,000 people arrived in Greece in July alone, the organisation says. Greece's leader said the country was unable to cope, and called for EU help....... Survivors have said that traffickers used knives to slash the heads of African migrants and belts to thrash Arabs to keep them in the hull.
Do the very well paid crooks running the BBC want cheap servants? Probably. Are they some of Lenin's Useful Idiots? Quite possibly but they are too intelligent not to be corrupt rogues who hate the honest Working Man - read that as sweaty peasant masses in the BBC mind. Of course they know all about Western Guilt; they market it.
BBC Incites Sympathy For Illegal Immigrants In Calais [ 8 August 2015 ]
The BBC is a Marxist propaganda machine, part of The Enemy Within.
Woman Stronger Than SAS Men - BBC Allegation - BBC Lie [ 5 September 2015 ]
It is one of the world's elite fighting units, requires recruits to pass a gruelling 'Hell Week' packed with extreme physical challenges - and is only open to men. Now a woman has braved the Navy Seals' notoriously rigorous selection process and passed with flying colours, putting the men to shame in the process.Dr Clare Miller, 32, from London, endured hooded interrogation, sleep deprivation and 'surf torture' as part of an experiment filmed for a BBC2 documentary.
The BBC was not doing an 'experiment'. It was telling lies as Propaganda, as Feminist propaganda. The Beeb markets feminism because it is a single issue branch of its Marxist attack on Western Civilization. It is the same for its Racism, anti-English racism but very sincere racism. That is why they did a major attack on the Englishmen alleged to have killed Stephen Lawrence but ignored the vicious Pakistani racists who tortured & murdered Kriss Donald.Hungary PM Viktor Orban: Antagonising Europe since 2010 [ 6 September 2015 ]
That is a BBC headline verbatim. It is a BBC lie, a straightforward lie. They prefer to lie by omission; it is easier to get away with. They are experts at the half truth, quarter truth, one percent truth. Viktor Orb�n does not peddle their party line so the BBC hates him. The BBC is a Marxist propaganda machine run by Jews like Alan Yentob, Jenny Abramsky, Mark Damazer & Danny Cohen, a scruffy little swine. Analysis is at BBC Bosses Are Enemy Infiltrators. The Beeb is an enemy of England. Believe it if you want. I do not.
PS The same lie is told by The Embassy Of Peace at The Most Hated Man in Europe: Viktor Mih�ly Orb�n, prime minister of Hungary.
Jew Complains About Savile Being Exposed [ 24 September 2015 ]
BBC boss [ the Jew ] Alan Yentob has been accused of calling the journalists who exposed the corporation's cover-up of Jimmy Savile's crimes "traitors to the BBC"........ The claim was made by Meirion Jones, Newsnight's former head of investigations, whose 2011 report into sex abuse by Jimmy Savile was blocked by corporation bosses.According to The Sun, Mr Jones claims the remark about him was made to another employee after he contributed to Panorama's expose, Savile � What The BBC Knew. The programme, by Mr Jones and his colleague Liz MacKean, revealed the organisation�s attempts to stop Newsnight exposing Savile as a predatory paedophile who carried out some attacks on BBC premises.........
He added that the pressure the BBC creative director [ i.e. Yentob ] has piled on journalists in recent months has made some of them fear for their jobs at the broadcaster. �Some involved in the present showdown even feared that, if they persevered, they might be forced to leave the BBC, as Liz and I had done, and the parallels with our battle with management over Savile were obvious,� he said.
Yentob isn't just a Jew; he is an ugly Jew and one of our Invisible Enemies. He is right about the exposure of BBC's corruption being treason but the BBC Bosses Are Enemy Infiltrators, that is enemies of England.
Yentob was active in protecting Camila Batmanghelidjh - see Kids Company Boss Is Fat, Ugly & Light Fingered. She is another foreigner on the make.
BBC Selling Censored Comedies [ 5 November 2015 ]
For some, they were the heyday of British television. For others, the politically-incorrect farces that should never been broadcast again.But the classic comedies of the 1970s are to take centre stage once again as the BBC launches a new project to make 10,000 hours of its archive available for the public to buy online.
It Ain�t Half Hot Mum and a controversial episode of Fawlty Towers, currently banned from television by the BBC, will be sold by the corporation as part of its new BBC Store, complete with a warning that each programme is �an un-PC product of its time�.
A treasure trove of hundreds of television programmes, many dating back decades, will include one episode of Fawlty Towers in which the Major uses racist language while telling a joke about the cricket.........
The corporation insisted it was fair to ask people to pay to keep the programmes, even though they have already contributed to making them through the licence fee.
The BBC markets Racism as the great evil but had no problem with it a few decades ago. The Beeb is a Propaganda machine run by Marxists. That is why it incites Feminism & Homosexuality as well as protecting Paedophile perverts like Jimmy Savile, Stuart Hall & Cyril Smith. It also colluded in The Establishment's cover up that protected 'Lord' Janner, the Jew accused on oath of being another paedophile.
BBC Protected Paedophile Pervert Despite Knowing His Guilt [ 21 January 2016 ]
Retired judge Dame Janet Smith condemns BBC culture over Sir Jimmy Savile�s paedophile activities at the broadcaster in her inquiry report leaked to Exaro. In a searing indictment of the BBC, Smith criticises the corporation for a �very deferential culture�, its �untouchable� stars and �above the law� managers.Her report outlines multiple rapes and indecent assaults on girls and boys, and incidents of �inappropriate sexual conduct� with teenagers above 16, all �in some way associated with the BBC�. �Three of Savile�s victims were only nine years old.�......
The draft report seen by Exaro, running to more than 500 pages, was completed over a year ago.
Of course the BBC knew that Jimmy Savile was a Paedophile pervert. That is why they liked him. They protected Stuart Hall, another Paedophile. Then there were Ted Heath, a Marxist with an unwholesome interest in brown envelopes & 'Lord' Janner, who got away with it because he was a Jew. The BBC is a Propaganda machine marketing Feminism, Homosexuality & Racism - if it is anti-English Racism. They are the Enemy Within waging Culture War against us.
BBC Protected Paedophile Pervert Despite Knowing His Guilt [ 21 January 2016 ]
Retired judge Dame Janet Smith condemns BBC culture over Sir Jimmy Savile�s paedophile activities at the broadcaster in her inquiry report leaked to Exaro. In a searing indictment of the BBC, Smith criticises the corporation for a �very deferential culture�, its �untouchable� stars and �above the law� managers.Her report outlines multiple rapes and indecent assaults on girls and boys, and incidents of �inappropriate sexual conduct� with teenagers above 16, all �in some way associated with the BBC�. �Three of Savile�s victims were only nine years old.�......
The draft report seen by Exaro, running to more than 500 pages, was completed over a year ago.
Of course the BBC knew that Jimmy Savile was a Paedophile pervert. That is why they liked him. They protected Stuart Hall, another Paedophile. Then there were Ted Heath, a Marxist with an unwholesome interest in brown envelopes & 'Lord' Janner, who got away with it because he was a Jew. The BBC is a Propaganda machine marketing Feminism, Homosexuality & Racism - if it is anti-English Racism. They are the Enemy Within waging Culture War against us.
BBC Is Anti-White Says The Sun [ 3 June 2016 ]
THE BBC has been blasted for rejecting work applicants because they are white.
It advertised two �25,000 junior scriptwriting roles for shows like Holby City, but said they were only for people from �ethnic minority backgrounds�.One outraged job-hunter said: �It�s racial discrimination and just wrong. [ It may also be a criminal offence under Part III of the Public Order Act 1986- incitement of racial hatred] �If you applied for a position and got a reply saying it was only open to white applicants you�d quite rightly not be happy.......
The Sun can reveal the Beeb is running four recruitment schemes open only to black, Asian or ethnic minorities.......... Under the Equality Act it is illegal to discriminate against job applicants on grounds of race, unless crucial to the role. The BBC last night insisted the positions were not jobs, but trainee schemes.............And it said the scriptwriter pay was an allowance rather than a wage.[ The BBC is run by cunning liars - Editor ].
The Sun tells the huddled peasant masses that they are being screwed by the BBC. This is good news for once. They already know that they are being stitched up, betrayed by Blair, Brown, Cameron & the rest of The Establishment. Perhaps they have not articulated it but they see a flood of Third World aliens being used to displace them; they see Ethnic Cleansing leading on to Genocide. In fact the BBC recently told them so, just in case they hadn't noticed - see The Last Whites of the East End. People who the Beeb care about don't live anywhere near Third World ghettoes so they might not have realised. The BBC is run by Lenin's Useful Idiots & controlled by Zionist crazies.Now one our wonderful Propaganda machines has broken ranks to tell the truth. This is progress. - See the Dalai Lama Says Merkel Is Wrong To Destroy Germany
You can find out more about the Dalai Lama at his website, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama
Fifteen Pakistani Paedophile Perverts Jailed For Up To 25 Years [ 18 June 2016 ] - BBC Hides Truth Again
Fifteen men who "systematically" groomed and sexually abused teenage girls in Halifax have been jailed. They were convicted of child sex offences including rape, grooming and trafficking during three separate trials at Leeds Crown Court........The longest sentence passed was 25 years in what was described as a "complex and lengthy operation".
The gang of men abused a young girl in Halifax and Bradford between 2009 and 2011, the Crown Prosecution (CPS) said.
Another victim was also sexually assaulted by one of the gang members..........
"It led to a major investigation with police conducting nearly 60 hours of interviews with two victims. Detectives also processed 1,848 statements, 2,963 exhibits and more than 20,000 items of disclosure," police said.
In total 25 men were charged. During the trials four defendants were cleared by a jury while three others were acquitted on the orders of the judge.
The BBC tells us the truth - just barely. They cried to the heavens when Englishmen were accused of murdering Stephen Lawrence because he was a black. When Pakistanis murdered & tortured Kriss Donald, a Scots lad they shrugged it off. They are Racists, anti-English, anti-White racists inciting White Guilt & Black Hate. The BBC is a corrupt Propaganda machine run by the Enemy Within.
Notice that this is local news, not national or international -
PS Notice that Beeb does not once use the word Pakistani. Suppressing the truth is policy and practice.
BBC Wallah Acknowledges The Truth [ 24 June 2016 ]
Mr Cowling, a former special adviser to a Labour Cabinet minister in the 1970s, made the withering assessment in an internal memo that was leaked on the internet............'There are many millions of people in the UK who do not enthuse about diversity and do not embrace metropolitan values yet do not consider themselves lesser human beings for all that. Until their values and opinions are acknowledged and respected, rather than ignored and despised, our present discord will persist.
'Because these discontents run very wide and very deep and the metropolitan political class, confronted by them, seems completely bewildered and at a loss about how to respond ('who are these ghastly people and where do they come from?' doesn't really hack it).
'The 2016 EU referendum has witnessed the cashing in of some very bitter bankable grudges but I believe that, throughout this 2016 campaign, Europe has been the shadow not the substance.'
Despite Mr Cowling's stinging evaluation, the BBC has been widely seen [ said/alleged/claimed - delete to taste - Editor ] to have run an even-handed referendum campaign � setting aside what many see as a liberal bias........
'The Establishment is out of touch with a huge proportion of our population.'
Cowling is a supercilious rogue who might find it expedient to claim that he is not a paedophile Marxist. Diversity is BBC code for Ethnic Fouling In England and throughout Western Civilization but not, of course in Israel - God's Chosen People are too important to have blacks inflicted on them.
BBC Stops Pretending To Be Unbiased & Threatens Post-Brexit Riots [ 29 July 2016 ]
There now follows a party political broadcast on behalf of the Socialist Workers' Party.' That's what it should have been entitled. It pretended to be a programme about the arts, to wit BBC Radio 4 Front Row's 'Cultural Response to Brexit.' The programme came from the Royal Society of Arts, the place where photographs, telephones and phonographs were first demonstrated. 'New ways for people to make sense of the world. And it is in that spirit that we have hear how the cultural landscape might the light of the seismic events of recent weeks.' One might have thought we had just tested a new type of atom bomb......The programme lamented 'the rise of xenophobia�, pillorying Sunderlanders for their ignorance of immigrants, suggesting that because they were losers from globalisation they were wont to dehumanise others. 'Artists must be there to help explore that frustration.' For a moment one thought that the healing qualities of art were about to be expounded. But then the truth popped out. 'Where will the money come from in future?'........
This BBC programme made no attempt to be impartial or balanced. That our national broadcaster should take such a partisan political position and foment civil unrest in such a blatant manner is a national disgrace.
The BBC has a formal obligation to take it down the middle. It doesn't They proved this in the grossest possible fashion when they used Question Time to display their hatred of Nick Griffin & the British National Party. It was an effort worthy of Julius Streicher, the publisher of Der St�rmer, the Nazis' house magazine. Julius was hanged at Nuremberg for his pains. This is not to say that Griffin is not a crook who destroyed the BNP. The Beeb is run by Lenin's Useful Idiots controlled by Zionist crazies.
BBC seeks Panorama researcher but only apply if you're "black, Asian or non-white" [ 2 August 2016 ]
The BBC is Racist; it likes anti-English Racism. It is Racist none the less. It is going in for Apartheid, the great evil - if White Men do it in South Africa. It is different in Israel where Apartheid is fundamental government policy but then the place is infested by Jews, just like the BBC.
BBC Inflicts Blacks On Its Audience - Racism Is Policy [ 26 September 2016 ]
BBC bosses want more journalists from ethnic minorities to present the news in a bid for bigger viewing figures. A leaked email from the editor of Look North Yorkshire to staff reveals a new target for the number of BAME (black, Asian, ethnic minority) has been imposed. Senior managers want news programmes to better reflect the region's population...........A BBC source told The Sun that the move was 'quite shocking'. The insider said: 'The focus should be on getting the best rather than those who tick the right boxes.
The allegation that the BBC is marketing Blacks & other Third World incomers to reflect the viewers is a lie. The Beeb is a Propaganda machine run by Marxists using Racism as a weapon against us. It is at the forefront of the Culture War. Their Racism is anti-English of course; it is Treasonous of course. Andrew Brons told us that Racism is a Marxist construct - he is right. Recall their torrent of hate directed at the English patriots alleged to have killed Stephen Lawrence and their blithe indifference to the Pakistani thugs who tortured then murdered Kriss Donald.
PS To be fair the Daily Mail's readers have taken the point.
The Archers - An Everyday Story Of Feminist Folk [7 October 2016]
The BBC has turned The Archers into a Marxist propaganda scenario infested with Homosexuals, Third World aliens and Feminist women, so much better than their menfolk in a Socialist paradise.
BBC Journo Calls Her Majesty's Government New Nazis [13 October 2016]
You just might think that he is a deeply third rate little Socialist shit who has never had an honest job in his life. Real Nazis would have had him for breakfast.
BBC Front Men Are Keen On Tax Evasion
The BBC is keen on marketing the idea that paying Tax is a Moral obligation rather than just a legal demand made by a government of spendthrift parasites. The reality is that they are greedy rogues getting fat on the television tax. Tax evasion has been a specialist area for years; see e.g. John Birt And Tax. As the Independent points out this is not imply that they are criminals in re tax at all events, just Capitalist Swine on the make. They are also Subversives marketing Homosexuality, protecting Paedophile perverts etc.
Police & BBC Stitched Cliff Richard Up [ 27 October 2016 ]
The extent of the collusion between the BBC and the police to arrange for a raid on Sir Cliff Richard�s home to be shown live on television has been revealed. Messages obtained by Sir Cliff�s lawyers and included in a High Court writ seen by the Sun newspaper show the communications between a BBC reporter and South Yorkshire Police ahead of the police operation in 2014.Sir Cliff was investigated by the force over a historical accusation of sexual offences, but he was never arrested or charged and the case was dropped by the Crown Prosecution Service earlier this year on the grounds of insufficient evidence. Sir Cliff strongly denied all allegations. He is now suing the BBC and South Yorkshire Police.............
The papers reportedly claim Mr Johnson told police he �knew everything� about the investigation in order to get exclusive coverage of the raid for the BBC, and that the arrangement was �expressly approved� by the then Chief Constable of South Yorkshire Police, David Crompton.
Lest we forget, the South Yorkshire Police are the bunch of criminals who allowed Pakistani Perverts to Rape over 1,400 English girls in Rotherham. And of course the BBC is very keen on protecting Paedophiles if they are called Jimmy Savile or Ted Heath or 'Lord' Janner for that matter. They are all there when it comes alleging that Cliff is homosexual. If your face fits you get way with it.
BBC Markets Sex Change Propaganda To 6 Year Old Children [ 1 November 2016 ]
BBC markets Feminism
BBC markets Racism - but only the anti-English sort
BBC markets Marxism e.g. that of Mugabe, the Marxist mass murderer in Zimbabwe
BBC markets Homosexuality
BBC protects Paedophiles like Jimmy Savile, like Ted Heath, Stuart Hall, Cyril Smith, Greville Janner - there are lots more
BBC marketing Bestiality? Not yet but they will when they think they can get away with Propagandizing us.
BBC Bias Gets Blatant Again - BBC Hatred Of Donald Trump Is On Open Display [ 12 November 2016 ]
The BBC has a formal obligation to be fair, to take it down the middle. They don't. If people complain they deny it; they just lie then carry on. That is why an edition of Newsnight, was about abusing Donald Trump and pretending that Hillary Clinton is not a foul mouthed criminal who takes millions in Bribes.You might think it relevant that the editor, two out of three of the main presenters, and all seven of the main interviewees in Washington and London were Jews. The BBC is, of course a grossly Racist, that is anti-English racist media outfit, a Propaganda machine operating one of the most aggressive affirmative action policies in the Western world.
In fact they did an edition of Question Time where their bias was even more blatant when they were doing a smear job on Nick Griffin because he ran the British National Party at the time. Dimbleby was the front man whose performance was on a par with Julius Streicher, the publisher of Der St�rmer, a Nazi newspaper. Julius was hanged for his pains. Dimbleby got away with it.
Fidel Castro Fan Club [ 27 November 2016 ]
Comrade Corbyn
Ken Livingstone
George Galloway
Vladimir Putin
Jean-Claude Juncker - this tells us all we need to know about the European Union
Gerry Adams - alleges that he is not a murderer or IRA boss
Ayatollah Khamenei
Peter Hain
Justin Trudeau
The Beeb is the most offensive to good sense and decency:-
Nothing however beats the BBC�s coverage. They are reporting Castro�s death more favourably than Thatcher�s. No �controversial�. No mention of the thousands summarily executed after the revolution. No mention that he demanded the USSR nuke the USA. No mention of the decades of impoverishment and human rights abuse. No mention of his secret police rounding up homosexuals and putting them in concentration camps. Castro gets a free pass on democratic norms � �his critics accused him of being a dictator�. Does the BBC really believe it was only an allegation? Particular congratulations to the BBC News Channel, who interviewed �Cuba expert� Richard Gott [], without mentioning he was a KGB agent of influence. Slow clap.
By their fruit shall Ye know them.
BBC Bias Is Blatant [ 3 December 2016 ]
The BBC is a corrupt Propaganda machine, protecting Paedophile perverts like Jimmy Savile & Ted Heath. This time they were leaning on the hunting, shooting & fishing people; deliberately breaching their own editorial guidelines to do it.
Christmas Greetings From The BBC - England's Leading Propaganda Machine [ 12 January 2017 ]
The BBC is run by the wonderful people who incite Racism when Englishmen are accused but ignore it when real Racists i.e. Pakistanis or such like murder one of ours. They are very good at protecting Jimmy Savile, Ted Heath, 'Lord' Janner & other Paedophile perverts. They like Disinformation & Tax evasion.
They Were All At It In The BBC [ 24 January 2017 ]
It wasn't just Jimmy Savile; ; it was the rest of them. Thus saith Joan Bakewell now that the pension cheque has safely cleared. Corruption is what the BBC is about, that and Disinformation. Marketing Homosexuality and Racism [ anti-English of course ] is main line policy.
BBC Using Pakistani To Attack Jayne Senior After She Exposed Paedophile Perverts In Rotherham [ 27 January 2017 ]
Jayne Senior has accumulated many enemies as a result of her role in exposing the cover up of child sexual exploitation in Rotherham. That she should be hated by the bureaucrats at RMBC and cold shouldered by other members of the Labour group on the council was only to be expected.The criticism she has faced from a group of survivors whom she formerly helped was a little more surprising. But one thing no one could have predicted was that she should targeted for a takedown by the BBC in the form of �Look North�.
�Look North� began work some months ago on a programme aimed at discrediting Ms Senior and the former �Risky Business� project that she helped to lead before it was �taken in house� (i.e. shut down) by RMBC.
Lest readers suppose that I am merely surmising the motives of the programme makers they should know that Gaggan Sabherwal, apparently the lead journalist for the project, confided to one of my sources her intention to �get Jayne�........
Nevertheless the question arises as to why the BBC would wish to discredit Jayne.........
When practiced by a public service broadcaster licence fee payers are entitled to ask why their money is being spent on attacking whistle blowers rather than investigating the perpetrators...........
A survivor invited to comment branded Look North�s attempt to discredit Risky Business �a disgrace� saying �Risky Business was our lifeline.�
The BBC is a Propaganda machine with an agenda. Marketing Feminism, Racism, that is anti-English racism of course as well as Homosexuality is policy. It is why they protected Paedophile perverts like Jimmy Savile, Rolf Harris, Ted Heath, 'Lord' Janner etc. So the perversion & Pakistani aspects come together as one target. QED.
BBC Frontwoman Attacks Donald Trump - BBC Loses [ 28 January 2017 ]
Don made it look easy.
BBC Frontwoman Attacks Marine Le Pen - BBC Loses [ 28 January 2017 ]
Marine took the war to the enemy. Kuenssberg, the BBC apparatchik is an insolent Left winger.
The BBC Isn't Trying To Revive Civilization - It's Trying To Destroy It [ 12 February 2017 ]
The BBC plans to 'question the very concept of civilisation' in a new and lavish TV series. Well, at least they're being open about it this time................'Rather than looking at Western civilisation, we will look at many, and question the very concept of civilisation.'.........
Let him wander, some spring morning, out of the dreary new plastic palace (already showing its age) that the Corporation has built for itself in the centre of London, and examine its handsome original headquarters next door. There he will find an inscription in Latin, intended to be the first thing seen by everyone entering the building.
I will translate the important parts of it: 'This temple of the arts and muses is dedicated to Almighty God by the first Governors in the year of our Lord 1931� And they pray that good seed sown may bring forth good harvest, and that all things foul or hostile to peace may be banished thence, and that the people inclining their ear to whatsoever things are lovely and honest, whatsoever things are of good report, may tread the path of virtue and wisdom.'
It leaves no doubt that the stated purpose of the building and the organisation were explicitly Christian. Much of it is actually taken from the Bible. And it pretty fiercely warns that those things which are 'foul' or 'hostile to peace' are to be banished. But anyone who has many dealings with the BBC, and I have had lots, will know that its idea of what is virtuous, and its idea of what is foul (which sometimes includes me personally), have changed beyond recognition since that inscription was carved 86 years ago.
Peter Hitchens says that the BBC is perverted. It is why they were so keen on protecting Paedophiles like Jimmy Savile, Rolf Harris, Ted Heath, Stuart Hall, Cyril Smith, Greville Janner, Mark Trotter & Paedophile Jews, hundreds of them , especially rabbis - see Failed Messiah Paedophiles for more and better details.
Jewish and Zionist Influence at the BBC [ 22 February 2017 ]
Jews especially Zionist crazies control the BBC. They would deny it of course. The evidence proves that they would be lying again. They are why the Beeb markets Feminism, Homosexuality, Racism - provided it anti-English racism and protect Paedophile perverts. They aren't pushing Bestiality yet; they will do that as the next stage in Brainwashing us.
BBC Barred From White House Media Briefing [ 25 February 2017 ]
The Trump administration hand-selected news outlets for the meeting The White House has blocked several major news outlets from covering its daily press briefing without any explanation.White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer on Friday hand selected news outlets to participate in an off-camera �gaggle� with reporters inside his West Wing office instead of the James S Brady Press Briefing Room.
The news outlets blocked from the press briefing include organisations who President Trump has criticised by name. CNN, BBC, The New York Times, LA Times, New York Daily News, BuzzFeed, The Hill, and the Daily Mail, were among the news outlets barred from the gathering.
Instead, the press secretary hand-picked news outlets including Breitbart News, One America News Network [ ], The Washington Times, all news organisations with [ alleged by the Independent to have ] far-right leanings. Others major outlets approved included ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox News, Reuters and Bloomberg............
Several media outlets including the Associated Press and Time magazine declined to attend the briefing to boycott the President's decision.
The media allegation that they don't understand is clearly fraudulent; their torrent of hatred and lies failed to keep Don out of the White House. Long may he reign. The habitual allegations of being Far Right are another lie. Most Americans voted for him.
BBC Makes Heathen Head Of Religion [ 26 February 2017 ]
A BBC editor who selected an Islamic State sympathiser to feature in a documentary has been appointed as the corporation�s new head of religious programming.Fatima Salaria is the second Muslim to hold the position after Aaqil Ahmed became the BBC�s head of religion and ethics in 2009.
Mrs. Salaria was appointed as a BBC Assistant Commissioner in 2015 during a drive to promote people from �BAME [Black and Minority Ethnic] backgrounds� designed to �open doors� to new talent from diverse backgrounds.�...............
Defending the decision, the BBC claimed Mr. Small �represent[s a] voice� within the British Muslim population. [ And naughty Adolf represents a voice within the Nazi population. ]
The BBC has been deeply corrupted, infiltrated by Marxists and Jews.
BBC Front Man Says It Is Allowed To Be Biased About Brexit [ 4 April 2017 ]
BBC presenter Nick Robinson has said the organisation has no duty to 'satisfy' Remainers and Leavers as the referendum is now over.The presenter of Radio 4's Today programme said critics should 'leave it out' and 'remain calm' because the corporation is no longer obliged to balance the two sides of the argument.
Mr Robinson, who was the BBC's political editor for more than a decade, said the broadcaster instead has a duty to its viewers to explain, analyse and scrutinise the 'most significant policy decisions to be taken in decades'.
Of course they have a duty to market Homosexuality & protect Paedophile perverts like Jimmy Savile, Jimmy Savile, Rolf Harris, Ted Heath, Stuart Hall, Peter Jaconelli et cetera ad nauseum. Ditto for Feminists, Marxists & Racists - if they are the anti-English sort.
PS The BBC is run by expert liars; they use the half truth, quarter truth, one percent truth and zero truth without compunction.
Poor White Girls Sacrificed To Multiculturalism & Pakistanis [ 17 May 2017 ]
What is the worst moment in Three Girls, the new BBC One three-part drama based on the Rochdale child-grooming scandal?Is it when Holly realises that �Daddy�, a gross, 59-year-old Pakistani brute she met in a kebab shop, is expecting sex in return for all the chips and vodka he�s given her? �It�s part of the deal,� he explains, as he hauls himself onto the child�s cringing body. By the time he�s finished, Holly�s face has aged a thousand years.
Is it when Holly (played by the wonderful Molly Windsor) goes to the police seeking protection from Daddy (�Look, you�re my bitch now � if you cross me, I�ll kill you�) and the detective yawns extravagantly before pointing out that, if Holly had been raped, as she claims: �You don�t go back for more, do you?�
So the BBC is telling the truth about Pakistani Perverts raping English girls in Rotherham and police collusion - or is it? The Beeb is a corrupt Propaganda machine, which markets Homosexuality & protects Paedophile perverts like Jimmy Savile. They are in the business of Disinformation & Brainwashing. Misdirection is name of their game. The Daily Mail's coverage is better - see Viewers turn off BBC Rochdale child abuse show Three Girls. The comments show that its readers know that the Beeb is Politically Correct & Marxist.
BBC Tells The Truth About Pakistani Perverts In Rotherham - More Or Less [ 19 May 2017 ]
I don't know if it is cowardice or self-preservation. But [ Pakistani ] grooming gangs are something we would prefer not to talk about. We've even given them a polite-sounding name, like something to do with hair care or personal maintenance, and look away. Talk about something else. Little wonder then that we have been finding the BBC drama on grooming gangs, Three Girls, too painful to watch.
The idea that the BBC tells the truth about anything is one to treat with suspicion; it a Propaganda machine run by Marxists with an agenda. NB the Daily Mail manages to comment without once using the word, Pakistani. Saying it would be Racist. Be aware that racism is a Marxist construct, an anti-white propaganda tool used by the Politically Correct.
BBC Front Man On Trial As Paedophile Pervert [ 19 May 2017 ]
A married former BBC radio presenter engaged in sex acts with young boys in parkland while her co-host husband acted as a lookout, a court heard today. Husband-and-wife Tony and Julie Wadsworth, who have been dubbed the 'Richard and Judy of radio' are alleged to have encouraged seven boys, including a teenager looking for a golf ball, to take part in sexual activity in wooded areas of Warwickshire between 1992 and 1996.They are also accused of having outdoor sex in front of children as young as 11, the court heard.
Julie Wadsworth, 60, and her 69-year-old husband, from Broughton Astley, Leicestershire, deny indecent assault and outraging public decency by having sex against a tree in full view of boys.
The BBC is a bunch of Marxist crooks in the business of destroying Western Civilization. Of course covering up for Jimmy Savile was part of it. They protected Rolf Harris, Ted Heath, Stuart Hall, Peter Jaconelli, Cyril Smith, Greville Janner, Mark Trotter & literally hundreds of Paedophile Jews, especially rabbis - see Failed Messiah Paedophiles for more and better details.
BBC Bias Is Blatant [ 3 June 2017 ]
This is not really new news but it is true. All you really need to know is that one perpetrator was Dimbleby. Recall that he [ or the other one ] ran the edition of Question Time set up to put the boot into the British National Party. It was about as fair and even handed as Der St�rmer, the Nazi newspaper run by Julius Streicher. Julius was given a "fair trial" at Nuremberg then hanged for his pains because he hated Jews.
BBC Proves Its Hatred Of Conservatives [ 13 June 2017 ]
The carefully constructed house of cards has been swept away. It is politics more chaotic, more brutal than any thriller.The Conservative Party has a reputation for ruthlessness - getting rid of even much loved leaders when they are no longer a tool to maintaining the party's rule. The defenestration of their idol Margaret Thatcher was a sign of that. But this is far more cruel, a breathtakingly savage lesson in the exercise of power.
Mrs May has been broken on the electoral wheel but is forced to stand on splintered limbs, grimacing through the pain, for the sake of her party's chance to cling to office. She is like a medieval monarch, captured by her barons, shorn of the advisers she loved and trusted, allowed one old close friend to minister cold comfort. The government is stable as a two-legged stool, and she is sapped of strength, weakened by the demands of her colleagues..............
No-one else wants the job quite yet. But on the other hand, no-one wanted the chaotic farce following David Cameron's exit that produced this situation.
Stuart Hall, Peter Jaconelli, Cyril Smith, Mark Trotter, Greville Janner & hundreds more Paedophile Jews [ see Failed Messiah On Paedophiles for more and better details].
The BBC's loathing followed Richard Nixon to the grave but Ted Heath was given a pass because he was a Paedophile pervert of treasonous intent. Recall the Beeb's determined ignorance of Jimmy Savile, Rolf Harris,
BBC Tells The Truth About Pakistani Paedophile Perverts - Shock Revelation [ 3 July 2017 ]
The Manchester Evening News headline was more restrained -
How close to the terrible truth was BBC's Three GirlsI assume they are being honest.
BBC Pays Big Bucks To Marxists [ 22 July 2017 ]
A high proportion of top earners at the BBC have railed against Brexit and controlled migration, voicing broadly left-wing views.With Wednesday�s disclosure of BBC salaries, funded by ordinary Brits forced to pay the TV license fee, many people have a renewed interest in the views promoted by those they sustain.
Strikingly, the list of 100 BBC employees contains few right-wingers or prominent supporters of Brexit� Andrew Neil, who edits the pro-Brexit magazine The Spectator, being perhaps a lonely exception.
Gary Lineker � �1,750,000-�1,799,999
The former footballer and presenter was the second most highly-paid person at the BBC. In recent months, he has become a well known pro-mass migration activist, accusing people who disagree with him of being racist and bigoted. He famously called those questioning the age of so-called �child migrants� arriving in the UK from Calais �hideously racist� and spread fake claims that older-looking migrants were, in fact, adult interpreters..Chris Evans � �2,200,000-�2,249,999
The best-paid man the BBC, Evans recently quit his position after destroying the ratings of Top Gear, previously the corporation�s best grossing show, during his short period as host. Mr Evans also appears to be a committed left-winger. He pledged a whopping �100,000 in 2000 to former London Mayor �Red� Ken Livingston � a committed ally of Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn who was recently suspended from the party for alleged anti-Semitism..............Simon Schama � �150,000-199,999
The historian and broadcaster has relentlessly agitated against Brexit, claiming the nation will be much diminished when it leaves the EU. He has also demanded that more migrants are allowed into the UK, even if they are not genuine refugees.Brian Cox � �250,000-299,999
The presenter, astrophysicist, and former musician shared an anti-Brexit article with his thousands of followers on social media and claimed the nation would take years to �recover� from the vote to leave the EU. Alan Yentob � �250,000-299,999
He received his huge salary for presenting the little-known arts show �Imagine�.A known left-winger, he has urged the nation to take more migrants and was a chairman of the disgraced charity Kids Company, which squandered millions in taxpayers money.
Breitbart does not mention that Schama and Yentob are Jews. They infiltrate the Main Stream Media & use them as Propaganda machines. They are the Enemy Within using the techniques worked out by Antonio Gramsci, the leading intellectual of the Italian communists.
BBC Marketing Homosexuality Again [ 10 September 2017 ]
The BBC is a Propaganda machine inciting evil. It protects Paedophile perverts too. E.g. Jimmy Savile, Rolf Harris, Ted Heath, Stuart Hall, Peter Jaconelli, Cyril Smith, Greville Janner & Mark Trotter. These are just known perpetrators.
BBC 'Axes' Black Racist Who Called Policeman A White Cunt [ 5 January 2018 ]
Former England footballer Trevor Sinclair has been axed as a Match of the Day pundit after calling a policeman a 'white c***' before urinating in a police car after he was caught drink driving. The 44-year-old, asked the officer if he was being arrested because he was black and accused the police of racism, Blackpool Magistrates' Court heard todaySinclair, who has represented anti-racism campaign Show Racism The Red Card, continued being racist after he was taken to the cells at Blackpool Police Station.
A BBC spokesperson said: 'He is a freelance broadcaster. We currently have no scheduled plans to use him on our programmes.'
The BBC pretends that it does not approve of Racism; it is, of course lying, being in fact a Propaganda machine, run by Marxists full of hate, marketing Feminism, Homosexuality and anti-White racism. That is why they used this foul mouthed oaf. NB They also protect Paedophiles; that is policy and practice. Of course Sinclair got off lightly; he is a black racist, not an Englishman, notwithstanding the Wikipedia's allegation.
PS This one will disappear briskly down the Memory Hole
BBC Racism Gets Blatant & Criminal [ 20 January 2018 ]
The BBC has come under fire for excluding white people from applying to a trainee journalism post.The job is offered through Creative Access an organisation that aims to get better representation for people from ethnic minority backgrounds in the creative industries. The traineeship with Newsbeat, the BBC's current affairs outlet for 16-25 year olds, is touted as 'the ideal environment for multi-media training that is so rewarding to experience early in a journalism career' according to the job advert.
The BBC evaded the relevant law, the Equality Act 2010 by claiming that it is "Special employment training programmes aimed at ethnic minorities, ex-offenders, young adults, the long term unemployed, or people with physical or learning disabilities." The Beeb is run by anti-white Racists, marketing Feminism, Homosexuality & protecting Paedophiles e.g. Jimmy Savile, Rolf Harris, & literally hundreds of Paedophile Jews - see Mikva Abuse for sources.
BBC 'Tortured' Third World Aliens To Make Propaganda Video [ 21 January 2018 ]
The BBC has come under fire for paying Rohingya Muslims just �33 per day to relive their plight fleeing Myanmar during filming of hit show Our Girl.Although some of the extras said filming the scenes felt like 'torture', they said they needed the money too much to be in a position to complain. The treatment of the Rohingya Muslims on the set of the show angered both crew and cast after they were covered in dirt and made to wade through water for hours.
�33 per day sounds excessive; perhaps a month's wages for the average Burmese peasant. Notice the key word that slipped in "Muslim". The BBC markets Rohingya as victims, quite unlike the Muslims from Pakistan who are allowed to rape thousands of English girls in sad little northern towns like Rotherham, Rochdale etc. NB The Beeb management do not live anywhere near places like that.
BBC Propaganda Gets More Blatant As It Markets Western Guilt [ 7 February 2018 ]
The idea of Western Guilt, that we robbed the Noble Savage, living in harmony with Mother Nature is tosh. We took them civilization, education and even honest law. Otherwise they would still be swinging round in trees or living in mud huts.The front man they are using, Mary Beard, another BBC apparatchik and a woman at that. She will not be explaining why the Beeb markets Homosexuality and protects Paedophile Perverts like Jimmy Savile and several others. There will be no mention of their intention to incite Bestiality when they think they can get away with it.
BBC Marxist Bias Gets More
Blatant [ 9 February 2018 ]
Preventing terror attacks by lone individuals poses a serious challenge. But
there are sometimes behaviours and actions that might give them away.
The growing problem of extreme right-wing terrorism in the UK has been highlighted by two high-profile cases in the past week.
First, Darren Osborne was sentenced to a minimum of 43 years in prison, after being found guilty of driving a van into a crowd of Muslims near a London mosque, killing one man and injuring nine other people.
In the second case, white supremacist Ethan Stables was convicted of preparing an act of terrorism, after planning a machete attack at a gay pride event in a pub in Barrow, Cumbria. He awaits sentencing.
Plans to kill by lone individuals such as these have been a persistent
feature of the extreme right wing for many years. [ That is lie direct -
Editor ]
The BBC is a corrupt
Propaganda machine run by Marxists that have
very relaxed attitudes to Terrorism when it's
their kind of terrorist. It cried to the heavens when
Stephen Lawrence, a
Third World incomer was killed by
patriotic Englishmen but was indifferent when
Pakistanis kidnapped, tortured and murdered
Kriss Donald, a Scots lad. He was not a Third
World alien, unlike Lawrence. The BBC wants
England infested with alien parasites, which is
Ethnic Fouling leading to
Genocide. It is not merely coincidental that they
market Homosexuality while protecting
BBC Tax Fiddler Comes Unstuck To The Tune Of �420 Thousand
[ 16 February 2018 ]
A former BBC presenter has been ordered to pay Inland
Revenue �419,151 in unpaid taxes after HMRC won a landmark battle expected
to clamp down on freelancers. Christa Ackroyd, 60, who presented 'Look
North' until 2013, now has to cough up thousands in income tax and National
Insurance after she set up a limited company where her wages were paid into.
It is the first of around 100 cases regarding TV presenters, who could follow Ackroyd in facing large bills for back tax after claiming to be self-employed.
Ackroyd had been on a salary of �163,233 -
making her the highest paid BBC regional presenter and earning more than the
Prime Minister.
The BBC is full of light fingered rogues on the make.
Tax evasion is just part of the repertoire. Recall that
John Birt was using the same fiddle
when he ran the Beeb. To be fair, any right minded person knows that
Tax is largely stolen or wasted. You might wonder why
so many government apparatchiks get paid more than
Her Majesty's Prime Minister - even if she is making a mess of the job.
BBC Front Men Are Keen On Tax
[ 6 March 2018 ]
They are grossly overpaid too. They market the idea that paying
Tax is a Moral obligation. They
lie in their teeth; that is
Moral Relativism. They
also protect Paedophile perverts. That is policy
BBC Frontmen Complain About Paying Tax
[ 19 June 2018 ]
The BBC is run by greed driven Marxists on the make. Blaming the Beeb when
they come unstuck is all right. They keep very quiet about protecting
Paedophile perverts like
Jimmy Savile
BBC Alleges That Jews Don't Murder Children For The Fun Of It
[ 10 July 2018 ]
BBC bosses have found Andrew
Marr [ one of the
Triad Of Evil ]guilty of
breaching editorial guidelines with a ‘misleading’ claim that
Israel had killed ‘lots of Palestinian kids’. The
Corporation’s extraordinary ruling against one of its most senior personalities
is almost unprecedented. [ They didn't rule against
Jimmy Savile for one - until he was
safely dead - Editor ].............. During the April 8 edition, Marr
concluded a discussion of the Syrian regime’s chemical weapons attack on
civilians by saying: ‘And the Middle East is aflame again.
‘I mean there’s lots of Palestinian kids being
killed further south as well by Israeli forces.’ His comments were a reference
to clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinians in Gaza.
The BBC is run by liars who pander to Jews but then they
are Jews too. E.g.
Alan Yentob,
Abramsky, Mark Damazer and
Danny Cohen
BBC Admits That Pakistanis Abused 181 English Children in Telford
[ 16 September 2018 ]
BBC admits that Muslim Rape Gangs are attacking young British children
The majority of referrals for victims of Muslim Rape Gangs in Telford are girls under the age of 15, according to data obtained by the BBC.
The broadcaster acquired Freedom of Information Request data which  ;revealed that 268 referrals have been made to West Mercia Police since an investigation was launched into Muslim Rape Gangs terrorising the West Midlands town. Of that 268, 181 of the alleged victims are under the age of 15 — below the age of sexual consent — with the majority of cases being young white girls between the ages of 12 and 15.
The investigations were prompted by an article in The Mirror last March which stated that as many as 1,000 white children may have been attacked, gang raped, tortured, trafficked for sex in today’s Muslim slave trade and even murdered by Muslim Rape Gangs in the town over a 40-year period, making it potentially the worst rape gang scandal in British history.
The BNP revealed decades ago that Muslim Rape Gangs operate in every town and city in Britain with a sizeable Muslim community – a recently fact confirmed by Telford police chief Tom Harding in attempting to excuse his police force for failure to bring them to bring them to justice.
Similar to the horrific cases in Rotherham and Rochdale, police and authorities allegedly operated a regime of Political Correctness; silencing victims, covering up the crimes and permitting the Muslim Rape Gangs to prey on and attack young white children with impunity.
In the Telford case, the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) is also said to have sent one parent a letter saying that they would not prosecute his under aged daughter’s rapist because she had “consented” to sex with her abuser..................
A recent independent review revealed that the Home Office was well aware of the attacks on young British girls, 12 years before the Jay Report in 2014 [ i.e. in 2002 - Editor ].
Of course the government knew – because the BNP told them!
Her Majesty's Government has
been deliberately importing Third World parasites
wholesale since the 1960s with the enthusiastic collusion of
Allegedly Most Loyal Opposition. The Tories, the Capitalist Swine want cheap labour;
it helps keep the honest Working Class
poor. The Labour Party wants
Pakistani Perverts in particular
because they can be bribed. Letting them rape
English girls pays off with large scale
Vote Rigging leading to office, power and money.
BBC Wallah On Trial For Naming Victim Of Pakistani Rapists
[ 13 October 2018 ]
Arif Ansari is a
Diversity hire, which means he got
the job because he is a foreign undesirable. It also means he is
incompetent. Of course the BBC also took him on because
it is run by Racists but anti-English racists.
PS The case stated sounds weak; it has two excuses built in. Is he being set
up to get away with it?
Thomas The Tank Engine Is Now A Propaganda Tool Of The BBC
[ 25 October 2018 ]
Not content simply with entertaining children, Thomas the Tank Engine is on
much bigger mission – to be a ‘global force for good’.
The latest series of the animated TV programme features a female Kenyan train called Nia to teach young viewers about refugees.
United Nations adviser worked on the storylines, helping to ensure
greater equality and diversity on the fictional island of Sodor where the
series is set.
This is Social Engineering by the
BBC, a corrupt Propaganda
machine. It got away with marketing
Homosexuality & protecting Paedophile
perverts like
Jimmy Savile,
Ted Heath,
Stuart Hall,
Cyril Smith,, Greville Janner,
Mark Trotter &
Paedophile Jews,
hundreds of them
, especially rabbis -
see Failed Messiah Paedophiles for
more and better details.
Now it is stepping up its anti-English Racism.
Russia Accuses BBC Of Inciting Terrorist Ideology [ 12 January
2019 ]
Russia's media watchdog accused the BBC Thursday
of spreading the ideologies of 'terrorist groups' via online publications of
its Russian service, the latest in a tit-for-tat row over media
Roskomnadzor, the state communications and media watchdog, said it would
investigate whether the BBC was breaking the law. This was the
latest volley in a wave of rhetoric against the BBC, after Britain's
broadcasting regulator Ofcom last year said the Moscow-funded RT channel had
broken broadcasting standards.
The BBC markets
Homosexuality and Feminism as a matter of
policy. It protects Paedophile perverts, also
as a matter of policy. The
Mail's readers have taken the point. NB
Russia Today is prone to tell the truth and definitely goes public with
stories the Beeb hates.
Blatant BBC Bias Against Brexit
WHATEVER happens in the Brexit vote
today, one element is for certain. The BBC has been ramping up ‘no deal’
paranoia as a consistent theme of its coverage for a very long time. Despite
the Leave vote in 2016, the Remain chums at the Corporation have a very
different view. ‘No deal’ is to be avoided like the plague.
When Peter Lilley last week published his 30 truths about ‘no deal’ was it elevated to headline status on any BBC outlet? If it was, Google and the BBC website provides no trace. In this respect, the BBC is arguably now behaving like a political grouping or faction in its own right. And it prompts the question of to what extent the Downing Street press operation – headed, of course, by a former BBC producer and editor, Robbie Gibb – is influencing the tenor of the Corporation’s coverage.............
Their negativity amounted to a deluge. Was it tempered at all by
exploration of the positives? Emphatically not.
Blatant bias as distinct from their normal bias. Recall that the
BBC was one of the Propaganda
machines that helped 'Sir' Edward Heath, a
Paedophile get us
into the whole wretched business of European Union.
BBC Customers Walk Away [ 3 February 2019 ]
The figures amount to 2,300 cancellations a day. Television licences
are compulsory to watch live television or use the BBC's iPlayer service.
The charge applies whether the show is being watched on a TV set, computer,
tablet or any other equipment. In March last year, 25.8 million licences
were held............
Streaming platforms such as Netflix, Amazon Prime Video or Now TV do not require any license. A basic Netflix subscription costs £5.99 a month (about £72 a year). The annual cost of a television licence is £150.50 at the moment. The BBC has confirmed the price will increase to £154.50 starting from April 1...........
7 per cent of households were found to have evaded the licence fee
despite watching TV.
Why pay £150 to watch left wing Propaganda?
Don't bother and save hundreds.
BBC Front Man Tells The Truth By Accident [ 19 February 2019 ]
The BBC has been forced to apologise after it accidentally broadcast a
journalist telling a colleague, 'we're f****d' live on air today.
The gaffe came as the BBC News channel broadcast live footage of seven Labour MPs dramatically resigning from the party to create a new Independent Group.
But in an impromptu commentary, a member of the
press can be heard saying: 'Between this and Brexit, we
are actually f****d. The Conservatives are going to win.'
The Beeb has a formal obligation to take it down the middle. It doesn't of
course; it is another hard left Propaganda
machine, just like the Guardian.
BBC Whitewashes Black Crime Admits Ex-Government Race Czar
[ 4 March 2019 ]
The BBC is “White-washing” Black-on-Black crime,
according to Trevor Philips, leading to a cover up of a high number of
stabbings and the link between race and violence.
Philips is the former head of the Equality and Human Rights Commission (ECHR) infamous for its racially-motivated attack on indigenous Brits when it prosecuted the BNP to overthrow its ethnic criteria for membership back in 2009 all the while supporting ethnic membership criteria for all other ethnic-centric political groups and organisations.
Curiously, since stepping down from the position, Phillips has on notable occasions spoken out frankly and critically about the huge problem of race relations in the politicians'’ enforced and failed Multiculturalism experiment.
In an opinion piece in The Telegraph, Philips
revealed that around 27,000 under-19s in England identify as being part of a
gang and confessed that “black boys are more than 20 times as likely to be
involved in serious attacks compared with their white peers.”
Phillips has gone
the other way; he tells the truth instead of harassing people who are not
Racist liars like the BBC.
Perhaps he lives too near blacks.
BBC Blacked Out Rolling Thunder
[ 15 April 2019 ]
But they protected Jimmy Savile, the well known
Paedophile pervert.
What Attenborough Told BBC Viewers About This Orangutan Fighting A Digger Is Only
Part Of The Truth [ 22 April 2019 ]
One of the most talked-about programmes of the past week – a
primetime documentary on BBC1 – featured two people many seem to regard as
living saints. One was the presenter, Sir David Attenborough, the other
Greta Thunberg, the Swedish teenage activist inspiring
climate change ‘school strikes’ in several countries, including Britain.
The film’s title was Climate Change: The Facts, and these, Sir David claimed, are now ‘incontrovertible’. The film’s message was so bleak it could have been made by Extinction Rebellion, the eco-anarchist protest group which has brought Central London to a standstill...........
Sadly, on this occasion, I believe he has
presented an alarmist argument derived from a questionable use of evidence,
whose nuances he has ignored.
The BBC is a Propaganda
machine run by Marxists, protecting
Paedophiles is policy. For an honest view see
the next one.
Why the BBC Acts as a Propaganda Outlet for Israel – An Insider View
[ 17 July 2019 ]
BBC’s Panorama channel ‘investigation’ into Labour’s ‘anti-Semitism’ was
so blatantly one sided its broadcast as ‘news’ demanded an explanation. In
an attempt to grasp why the British national broadcaster fails to fulfill
its core mission to report the news in as unbiased a manner as possible, I
interviewed a former senior editor for the BBC. The editor, a 35 year
veteran of the BBC, reveals the culture that has steered the BBC into its
present position as a Zionist mouthpiece.
In acting as a whistle blower, the former editor risks severe consequences. In Britain leading journalists have been locked behind bars and put under threat of extradition for reporting information whose truthfulness has not even been challenged.
Sadly, this danger is heightened under the present toxic political
atmosphere in Britain, as demonstrated by its purging of a major political
party and its tolerance for abuse of its judicial system to deter and punish
anyone who dares to question the Zionist narrative.
The headline is verbatim and written by Gilad
Atzmon, an honest Jew. He mentions
Greg Philo’s and Mike Berry’s More Bad News from Israel by way
of proof.
BBC Hires Black Racist Who Called A Copper A White Cunt
Former England footballer Trevor Sinclair returned to BBC Sport this weekend
- a year after being dropped as a pundit for racially abusing a police
officer who had arrested him for drink-driving.
Sinclair, 45, appeared on the FA Cup Final Score programme on BBC One and later tweeted: “Very grateful to be invited back to the bbc sport team today, made mistakes, accepted responsibility & criticism. Apologize for letting myself down. Trying to be a better person.”
In January, the BBC ditched the former Manchester City winger after he was sentenced to 150 hours of community service and given a 20-month driving ban by Blackpool magistrates court.
Sinclair had pleaded guilty to drink-driving and a racially aggravated
public order offence on 12 November last year. The court heard he was
more than twice the legal drink-drive limit, had asked the arresting officer
if he was being arrested because he was black, accused the police of racism
and urinated in a police car.
The BBC is run by Racists, by
enemies of England who pander to blacks. If the
policeman had called Sinclair something the abuse would have gone
worldwide. The Beeb wanted their
Show Nigger back. His face fits.
Englishmen would not have been forgiven. This report is the only one about the black
getting his job back. The Mainstream Media are just
as much anti-white Propaganda machines as the
The Wikipedia is
part of the news blackout. BTW Sinclair's punishment was 'working' in an Oxfam shop.
BBC Puts The Boot Into Prince Andrew Again
[ 24 November 2019 ]
BBC protects Paedophiles
e.g. Jimmy Savile e.g.
Rolf Harris.
BBC protects Rapists e.g.
Bill Clinton, another friend of
BBC Is Trusted Alleges Its Director General [ 24
December 2019 ]
The BBC's director-general has claimed viewers still trust the public
broadcaster despite furious backlash over its General Election
coverage. Lord Tony Hall praised its polling coverage and said: 'Around 27
million people in the UK came to the BBC website to find out about the
election results. It was a reminder of the trust people place in the BBC.'
The national broadcaster was accused of
political bias by both the left and the right in the weeks leading up to
voting day. Indeed, its political editor Laura Kuenssberg announced a
Christmas break from Twitter after facing a deluge of criticism, mainly from
the left, for her reporting.
Mail's readers are not even slightly convinced although there are some
left wing voices contra.
Third World Alien Says BBC Is A Left Wing Operation Facing Extinction
[ 24 December 2019 ]
Broadcaster and former government equality tsar Trevor Phillips has said the
BBC is facing an existential crisis over its political correctness and
rampant 'Toryscepticism'. The documentary-maker, who has made several
programmes with the Corporation, savaged the broadcaster's 'morbid
obsession' with
Boris Johnson's private life and controversial articles he wrote as a
In the extraordinary intervention where he
claimed the BBC risks 'digging its own grave', he also slammed the
'pillorying' of Breakfast presenter
Naga Munchetty after she accused
Donald Trump of racism. While defending the BBC as the 'nation's most
important cultural institution', he understood why it is in the Prime
Minister's firing line.
Phillips did
very nicely out being a Racist, an anti-White
racist of course but now he has gone the other way. He is not stupid enough
to go back to
British Guiana. Let us not forget that the BBC is
more than a Propaganda machine marketing
Marxism; it is the
business of protecting Paedophile Perverts.
Jimmy Savile, Rolf Harris,
Stuart Hall,
Mark Trotter & lotsa
Paedophile Jews. NB
is another Third World
BBC Buying Off Alleged Victims [ 2 January 2020 ]
Women who were preparing to bring equal pay cases against the
BBC have been approached by the corporation in a bid to agree payouts
ahead of Samira Ahmed's tribunal verdict, an insider has claimed. Newswatch
anchor Ms Ahmed claimed nearly £700,000 in back pay and accused her employer
of breaching equal pay laws after fellow presenter Jeremy Vine revealed his
£3,000-per-episode salary to her in a landmark case.
Ms Ahmed, who has presented the BBC show since
2012, claims she was paid a 'sixth' of what Mr Vine got for his 'very
similar' role fronting Points of View from 2010 to 2018.
BBC's in-crowd does very nicely indeed, getting far more
than an honest Working Man but it does mean
marketing Homosexuality and protecting the
likes of Jimmy Savile. Yes, the Beeb is a
corrupt Propaganda machine.
BBC Paedophile Gets Off With 18 Months
[ 27
February 2020 ]
Something odd is going on. The BBC kept
Jimmy Savile out of prison but his little
Michael Willis comes unstuck. NB it's his second time down this path but
the Judge went easy on him. He stood for Parliament but only as a
BBC Colludes With Left Wing Trouble Makers To Produce Propaganda Lies
[ 29 February 2020 ]
Earlier this week, BBC’s Politics Live passed off Extinction
Rebellion protestors wearing fake miners helmets made of cardboard as
being real miners. Viewers were repeatedly told that an Extinction
Rebellion protest outside Bradley coal mine in County Durham contained
“miners” and “former miners”.
Guido can now reveal that the BBC has admitted there was no evidence of
current or even former miners at the protest…
The programme portrayed the protest as an alliance of miners and Extinction Rebellion, however, in a letter to Banks Mining, who run the site, the BBC only claimed that one person who said he was the “son of a miner” was at the protest. Guido hears that initially, a spokesman for the actual miners had his invitation revoked at the last moment. Martin Raine, an actual miner, tells Guido:
“It is our jobs at stake here and instead of allowing us a voice the BBC showed fake miners with fake cardboard helmets and interviewed a student bussed in by XR who got the basic facts wrong.”
A reminder you can feed into
the Government’s licence fee consultation
Yes, the BBC is a corrupt lying left wing
Propaganda machine that protects
Paedophiles like
Rolf Harris. No, you don't have to pay
the television licence; it has saved me thousands. Just throw the box
away and go on line. Yes, you can tell the government what you think
about them; just go to
They might even take notice.
BBC Marketing Paedophiles As Victims Not Criminals [ 7 April
2020 ]
It’s a long time since I’ve described myself as a paedophile. Paedophilia is a disorder, a deeply distressing sexual
For me, it's triggered by traumatic experiences in childhood..............
The BBC headline is:-
'Paedophiles need help, not condemnation - I should know'
The Beeb has long been corrupt, politically and sexually. Using their power to
influence an audience of millions is policy, one they are abusing less and
less subtly. Protecting Jimmy Savile was not
accidental, not an aberration. Nor were the others, like
Rolf Harris; they are
Homosexuals and
Paedophile Perverts.
PS The
Guardian is working the same propaganda theme - see e.g.
To stop paedophiles, we need to help them. But no one wants to hear that.
The Graun is run by the same kind of
Useful Idiot & pervert.
BBC Claimed That Donald Trump Had Major Crime Links
[ 10 May 2020 ]
Trump now looks like the front-runner to be the Republican candidate
for the US presidency. One of his big appeals is his business
success - and his claim that his wealth means he can't be bought and
sold. But there's evidence which not only casts doubt on Trump's
wealth claims - but also reveals his history of business
relationships with figures connected to organised crime. John
Sweeney reports. Newsnight is the BBC's flagship news and current
affairs TV programme - with analysis, debate, exclusives, and robust
The BBC might be using the truth or, more likely just
facts because it is a corrupt Left Wing,
hate driven Propaganda machine. They abused Don
in the hope of putting Hillary Clinton in
power. They ignore her extensive track record of evil. Yes, of course they
kept very quiet about Kennedy's
fornication and Gonorrhoea. They also
protected the likes of Rolf Harris. Then there
is their Paedophile Propaganda.
Bias Analysed 96.8% of Maitlis Tweets Anti-Boris - Guido Fawkes
[ 30 May 2020 ]
Following the
embarrassing apology the BBC eventually gave over the partisan and
inaccurate opening monologue to Wednesday’s Newsnight, Guido decided to
dig deeper into the institutional problem with the BBC’s flagship show. Trawling
through the last 100 tweets and retweets of top presenter Emily Maitlis, Guido
found just one that could arguably be positive about Boris (a retweet of New
Statesman journalist Stephen Bush criticising Labour’s education policy),
whereas 31 criticises the PM. Meaning 96.8% of tweets which were not neutral
were anti-Boris. Many of those classed
as “neutral” included editorialised criticism of Donald Trump…
Guido’s research did not pick up a single retweet of a centre-right commentator, although there were many retweets of commentators and journalists from left-wing newspapers, as well as left-wing campaign accounts, from Joe Politics to the UK Labour Party. This is before getting started on former Labour activist Lewis Goodall…
It’s now being
reported the BBC has hired former executive Richard Sambrook to review
how it maintains impartiality on social media as the corporation becomes
increasingly concerned their left-wing reporters are “discrediting”
the corporation. The BBC can pay
Sambrook for the service, or Guido and his co-conspirators will continue to
do it for free…
Yes, the BBC is bent, biased, corrupt, an enemy of
Western Civilization, marketing
Black Hate and White
Guilt. That is what Zionist crazies
infiltrated it for, to turn it into a Propaganda
machine of the Hard Left. In fact, the
perpetrator, Emily Maitlis
is not just a sour faced ratbag, she is a Jew too. They are not pulling the
strings from above; they are doing it direct.
Blatant BBC Bias Causes 40 Thousand Complaints
[ 30 May 2020 ]
has received more than 40,000 complaints in only two days after comments by
presenter Emily Maitlis sparked an impartiality row.
The number of angry viewers writing in more than doubled in 24 hours – the total stood at 18,000 on Thursday.
The complaints came after Miss Maitlis
delivered a highly critical monologue about the
Dominic Cummings lockdown controversy during an episode of Newsnight on
They are keen on abusing any one to the right of Comrade
Lenin but they keep very quiet about
Paedophile Perverts like
Barry Bennell, Gary Glitter,
Peter Jaconelli, Cyril Smith &
Black Minister Accuses BBC Of Inciting Racial Hatred
[ 12 June 2020 ]
A Treasury Minister has launched an outspoken attack on the
BBC for 'fanning the flames of racial division' after
its coverage of a Commons speech in which she defended the Government's
record on ethnic minority issues.
Kemi Badenoch, who was born in London to Nigerian parents, attacked the corporation for reporting Thursday's speech – in which she said Ministers were examining why members of ethnic minorities were at higher risk of Covid-19 – under the headline: 'Minister rejects systemic racism claims.'
A furious Ms Badenoch, writing in today's Mail on Sunday, says: 'I did no such thing; in fact, the phrase 'systemic racism' was not used once in the debate.
'This article was shared on social media thousands of times and believed
because it was from a trusted source.'
BBC is a bunch of Left Wing
liars, a Propaganda machine used to attack
Western Civilization. It is guilty of
inciting Racism, anti-White racism contrary to the
Public Order Act 1986, in particular
Part III Racial
Hatred. It will be allowed to carry on doing it by the
Crown Prosecution Service
because it is Public Policy. A follow up
comes from Pakistani racists - see
Priti Patel hits out at criticism from comedians over racism. These
Pakistanis are claiming that Mrs Badenoch is betraying her race, that
White People are their enemy. They should be
exported to the Hell holes they created. Meanwhile the ranks of those
who believe the Beeb is a "trusted source" get thinner.
BBC Impartiality Adviser Is Another Ghastly Trotskyist
[ 16 June 2020 ]
Former Director of BBC News and now a lecturer at Professor of Journalism at
Cardiff University, Richard Sambrook, has been drafted in by the Beeb to
advise on
impartiality, specifically on platforms like Twitter.
So the BBC have turned to the
famously not left wing world of academia…
Guido’s not sure Sambrook is the most impartial of impartiality advisers, having
The truth is there is far too much anti-Boris anti-Brexit bias to include in one article. Guido found Sambrook’s Twitter account to be more that of a partisan political commentator than an aspiring impartiality tsar. What a bonkers hire for advice on social media conduct…
UPDATE: Following our
story this morning about his clearly partisan public tweeting he has now
locked his Twitter account making his tweets private:
Does anyone believe that the BBC takes it down the
middle? Hiding his tweets is a clear indication of guilt. We can rest
assured that the Beeb will carry on marketing
Sexual Perversions. See e.g.
'Paedophiles Need Help, Not Condemnation - I Should Know' ex
BBC Front Man Is A Paedophile - Allegedly [ 20 June 2020 ]
Is he a Marxist? Probably. A friend of Jimmy Savile too?
They all knew him. The BBC is an utterly corrupt
Propaganda machine that got away with marketing
Homosexuality. Now they are using
Paedophile Propaganda to help their
peculiar friends and pervert Western
BBC Begins Diversity Push By Sacking Welsh Speakers
[ 30 June 2020 ]
Yesterday the BBC
announced an eye-watering £100 million programme over three years to
increase diversity and inclusivity.
A remarkable amount for an
organisation that is constantly claiming it doesn’t have enough taxpayer
Yet the push has got off to a bad start. A new announcement today declares BBC Wales is to see 60 jobs cut – approximately 6% of its workforce – in a bid to make £4.5 million in savings. The BBC, therefore, have begun their ethnic diversity push by culling a swathe of their linguistic minority (Welsh) employees…
Director-General Tony Hall has said that due to the impact of Coronavirus and other financial challenges, the BBC overall needs to make £125 million of additional savings. If only the BBC could somehow find, say, a spare £100 million down the back of the sofa, Guido’s sure that would really help their finances…
In case you missed it: BBC
appoints yet another white male Director-General
Sacking the Welsh is all right because they are not black, brown or
yellow. Is this hypocrisy, corruption, fraudulent misapplication or
funds or whatever? The BBC is run by
Marxists, by Traitors
who protect Paedophile Perverts.
BBC Paedophile Pervert Admits 40 Crimes
[ 19 July 2020 ]
A former
BBC presenter turned evangelical preacher has admitted to committing 40
sex offences, a number of them against children, across 30 years. Benjamin David Thomas from Coed Onn Road in
Flint, Wales, appeared at Mold Crown Court on Friday before Judge Niclas
Parry. The ex-BBC presenter admitted ten counts of
sexual activity with a child, eight sexual assaults, and four attempts to
commit sexual assault.
He also pleaded guilty to nine indecent assaults, seven counts of voyeurism and two counts of making indecent videos of children.
Some of the ex-evangelical preacher's offences date all the way back to 1990, but the most recent offences happened at the end of last year. Thomas, worked for BBC Wales as a reporter and a presenter on Ffeil, the Welsh language news programme for young people, and on Wales Today. He left the BBC in 2005 to preach on the streets of London, before returning to Wales in 2008 as pastor of the Criccieth Family Church in Gwynedd. He left his post last year. Some of the offences date all the way back to 1990, but the most recent offences happened at the end of last year.
He has been given bail until his next
appearance at Mold Crown Court on August 18, when he will be sentenced.
The BBC is deeply corrupt; it protects
Paedophile Perverts as a matter of policy.
Jimmy Savile & Rolf
Harris are just two examples. Cyril Smith is
another. Marketing Homosexuality and
Marxism are its proudest successes. It is currently
creating Paedophile Propaganda, e.g.
'Paedophiles Need Help, Not Condemnation - I Should Know' - BBC. The
Guardian is at it as well - see
To stop paedophiles, we need to help them. But no one wants to hear that Deborah Orr Opinion The Guardian
[ 28 Feb 2017
]. If they get away with this evil it will be on to
Bestiality &
Necrophilia. NB Thomas
has four weeks out on bail. Perhaps the judge is giving him a chance to do the
right thing with a bottle of whiskey and a pistol.
BBC Markets Left Wing Propaganda Again
[ 24 July 2020 ]
Historians have criticised the BBC
for an 'unbalanced' News At Ten report claiming Churchill was responsible
for the 'mass killing' of up to three million people in the 1943 Bengal
Famine. A section broadcast on Tuesday examined how modern Indians view the
wartime prime minster as part of a series on Britain's colonial legacy, and
featured a series of damning statements about his actions. Rudrangshu
Mukherjee of Ashoka University in
India, said Churchill was seen as a 'precipitator' of mass killing' due
to his policies, while Oxford's
Yasmin Khan claimed
he could be guilty of 'prioritising white lives over Asian lives' by not
sending relief.
But today historians said the report ignored the complexities behind the famine in favour of squarely blaming Churchill. World War Two expert James Holland argued he had tried to help but faced a lack of resources due to the war against Japan.
It comes amid a wider campaign to trash the war hero's legacy, with his
statue defaced with the word 'racist' by Black Lives Matter protesters in
London and civil servants calling for the Treasury's 'Churchill Room' to be
The Beeb is a Propaganda machine run by
Marxists. The
Black Lives Matter mob is run by Lenin's
Useful Idiots, just like the twerps who run
College, Cambridge. Details of their idiocy are at
England's Leading Intellectuals Betray England
. They have swallowed the White
Guilt message and are proceeding to destroy
Western Civilization for that reason.
PS Notice that the
Mail could be guilty of 'prioritising a passing remark', by Khan taking
it out of context in order to manufacture a story out of thin air. But they
are right enough about BBC lies. NB The BBC is also in the business of
inciting Paedophiles.
BBC Banned Johnny Rotten For Talking About Jimmy Savile
[ 19 August 2020 ]
I missed this, when it came out in late September 2015.
John Lydon, aka Johnny Rotten, the lead man from the legendary British Punk Rock band, the Sex Pistols appeared on Piers Morgan’s show with a previously-banned 1978 clip from an interview he did on BBC Radio.
In the old recording, the young Punker said he wanted to make a film about people he wanted to kill. The interviewer asks, “So, who else is on the goner list?” to which, he replies, “It’s endless, believe me…I might kill Jimmy Savile. I think he’s a hypocrite.”
As he listens with Morgan with a studio audience, he responds to the old recording, “Weren’t I right?” The audience bursts into applause. The recording continues, “I think he’s into all kinds of seediness, that we all know about but are not allowed to talk about. I know some rumors! I bet none of this will be allowed out.”
The 1978 interviewer raises concerns about libel, which is prosecuted as a crime with a much greater degree of ease and frequency in the UK than it is in the US. The young Johnny Rotten responds, “Nothing I’ve said is libel.”..................
Morgan says, “It’s shocking. He got away with it for another 30 years.”
Lydon responds, “Not only him, there were a whole bunch of them. And these
are the purveyors of good taste, huh? Well, I’m still here. The rest of that
are still alive, I say there should be jail time for them. Jail time!” The
audience applauds again.
The BBC got away with inciting
Homosexuality. They protect
Paedophile Perverts like
Jimmy Savile &
Rolf Harris as a matter of policy. They are marketing paedophilia as a
life style choice. See e.g.
'Paedophiles Need Help, Not Condemnation - I Should Know' says BBC or
The young paedophiles who say they don’t abuse children - BBC News. More
detail is at
Paedophile Propaganda. If they
succeed it will be on to bestiality and necrophilia.
Third World Alien Employee Of BBC Tells The Truth About Black Criminals [ 28
August 2020 ]
BBC media editor
Amol Rajan has questioned director
general Lord Hall about fears among colleagues that the corporation is
becoming 'the broadcasting wing of the
Black Lives Matter movement'.
Outgoing director general Tony Hall appeared on The Media Show yesterday to discuss the crises and successes of his time in charge of the outlet, covering topics including the public anger over the censoring of the Proms, diversity, TV licenses and controversies over the use of the n-word. [ That would be Nigger presumably - Editor ]
Turning to the subject of race and equality, Mr Rajan told Lord Hall there were worries over the broadcasting giant's stance on certain issues.
He said: 'Several Radio 4 listeners and some senior BBC News colleagues have been in touch with me to raise deep concern that in their view the BBC has in effect become the broadcasting wing of the Black Lives Matter movement.
'One veteran highly respected correspondent here wrote to me: ''Amol,
challenging racial prejudice is a noble cause, but should it be the BBC's
cause? Shouldn't we just be reporting?''UNQUOTE
This is strange. BBC front men know they are highly paid
part of a Marxist mob; it is why they are
over-paid. The Beeb is a Propaganda machine marketing
Racism, anti-English, anti-White racism so why is
this alien infiltrator complaining? Is it going to turn out that they are
not Homosexuals, who protect
Paedophiles like
Jimmy Savile, Rolf Harris,
hundreds of
Paedophile Jews as a
matter of policy?
The BBC Would Have Cheerfully Burned Me At The Stake Says David Starkey
[ 13 September 2020 ]
David Starkey has
claimed 'there will be book burnings next' as he slammed
Black Lives Matter for having 'the same
values as ISIS. The historian, 75, made the claims in
his first interview since saying slavery was not genocide because there are
'so many damn blacks' around. He has since resigned his honorary fellowship
at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge, and Canterbury Christ Church University
terminated his role as visiting professor.
Lancaster University also revoked his honorary degree and branded his comments 'abhorrent'.
But Mr Starkey has hit back, claiming Black Lives Matter's toppling of statues are the same values as ISIS and accused his critics of 'Salem-style puritanism'.
He told the Telegraph: 'We are going to see book burnings next. The British Library is now purging its shelves.'
The Tudor historian said BLM was trying to 'delegitimise'
Britain's past, claiming supporters were beginning with a conclusion and
adapting the facts to suit it.
Professor Starkey
is absolutely right about
burning at the stake. It is what England's leading "intellectuals" did at
Oxford to three bishops in 1556. Now Oxford's
Quasi-Intellectuals in the BBC etc. ad
nauseam have adopted another
Legitimising Ideology, pretending
that Blacks are not our intellectual inferiors.
They are a bunch of fools, subjects of
Mob Psychology being manipulated by the Puppet
Masters, by Zionist crazies, which is to say
Jews full of hate. NB the good professor knows a lot
about self-righteousness because his parents were both
BBC Front Man Is A Homosexual Paedophile Pervert Now Starting Ten Years
[ 3 October 2020 ]
A former BBC presenter
and church pastor has been jailed for ten years and four months for carrying
out 40 sex offences against 33 men and boys over three decades.
Benjamin Thomas, 44, of Flint, preyed on his victims - most of whom were asleep at the time - for his own 'sexual pleasure' in North Wales, Shropshire, London and Romania. The married father-of-three began his reign of terror when he was only 14 or 15 years old with his offending described as 'an addiction' which he was unable to stop.
Thomas' youngest victim was 11 and the oldest
34 and many sexual assaults took place at Christian camps and other
church-related events.
He might not enjoy his time in prison. Nonces are not popular with decent
BBC Manager On Trial As A Paedophile Pervert [ 23 October 2020 ]
BBC project manager watched child abuse on a group Zoom call, a court
Duncan Wheelhouse, 58, was trapped in a sting involving the National Crime Agency (NCA) on 23 March 2018, Westminster Magistrates’ Court heard. The NCA officer captured images and videos of child sexual abuse which were shared with others on a Zoom call.
Arfan Ahmed, prosecuting, said: ‘Between those two dates the defendant engaged in a virtual meeting on Zoom, corresponding with other people discussing child abuse, watching child abuse images being live-streamed.........
‘We place this in a category A, the starting point is one year custody.’
Miles Herman, defending, said: ‘We will be arguing strongly in due course that this is a case that the court can impose a non-custodial sentence in.
‘Mr Wheeler is of hitherto good character [
i.e. has never been caught before - Editor ] and comes to the court
having pleaded guilty to the offences.’
The BBC is full of supercilious
Marxist rogues, the kind of
Quasi-Intellectuals who know how to run our lives better than we do. Are
they all Paedophiles? Perhaps not quite but
they market Homosexuality and protect
paedophiles as a matter of policy. It wasn't just
Jimmy Savile & Rolf Harris. Their
Paedophile Propaganda is deliberate.
See e.g.
Paedophiles Need Help, Not Condemnation - I Should Know - BBC or
The young paedophiles who say they don’t abuse children - BBC News.
After it will be on to bestiality, necrophilia and any other sexual perversion
you can think of.
Mail is censoring comments but the readers are not amused by this
comedian. Stop buying TV licences.
BBC Used Corrupt Pakistani To Get The Diana Interview
[ 19 November 2020 ]
BBC bosses 'conspired, lied and cheated' their way out
of the scandal around Martin Bashir's
Diana interview, a former Panorama journalist has claimed. Tom Mangold,
who was senior reporter at the current affairs programme for 26 years, said
executives covered up the deceit used to get her to talk on camera.
He has catalogued how managers allegedly worked to uphold Bashir and the BBC's reputations after the bombshell 1995 show.
It comes after it emerged Bashir allegedly told shocking lies to relatives of those murdered by killer GP Harold Shipman.
The Corporation today launches an independent inquiry into their journalist - now religion editor - after the Princess' brother Earl Spencer raised concerns. Mr Mangold has dubbed the late BBC news executive Steve Hewlett as the 'organising genius' behind the alleged cover up.
He told the Times the then Panorama editor helped move blame from Bashir to other journalists to save the 'scoop of the century'.
The reporter also claimed Hewlett said 'I
don't see why this is any of your f***ing business' when asked about an
artist doctoring bank statements.
Tom Mangold is getting on, even retired so he can afford to tell the truth.
The BBC cover up for
Bashir is par for the course; he's a Pakistani
so his face fits. The forger,
Matt Wiessler claims innocence. Don't they all?
Andy Kershaw tells
The Guardian that everyone there knew that
Jimmy Savile was a Paedophile, He does not believe the senior management claims of
ignorance - see
BBC bosses still trying to cover tracks over Savile in 2012. There is also a
report from
The Oldie called
Jimmy Savile, A Multiple Cover-Up.
BBC Concealing The Princess Diana Interview Stitch Up
[ 23 November 2020 ]
The Beeb is doing what it normally does, lying cheating etc. It is a corrupt
Propaganda machine that protects
Paedophile Perverts as a matter of policy and
markets Paedophile Propaganda to the
peasant masses.
BBC Lies To Us Again - Fake News Is Policy [ 8 December 2020 ]
Despite the BBC’s Katya Adler Tweeting
“EU sources confirming that the two sides are nearing an agreement
on fish” last night, both the UK and EU have said that
this is totally wrong. A UK Government source briefed last night that
“There’s been no breakthrough on fish. Nothing new has been achieved
on this today.” This morning,
Barnier corroborated the UK Government source, telling EU ambassadors
the reports saying there had been a breakthrough on the fisheries
question were “completely untrue”.
So why is Adler’s hake news
Tweet still up?
To compound things, BBC Brussels correspondent Nick Beake appeared on
the Today Programme this morning continuing to talk up the
false reports – implying it was in British interests to deny the report
as it gave the UK greater room for manoeuvre. Yet by 7 am, reports had
already circulated that Barnier too had
strongly denounced the news as untrue.
It now looks like the BBC is
deliberately portraying the British side as less honest than the EU…
The BBC is deeply corrupt; that's not news. It
markets Homosexuality and protects Paedophiles as a matter
policy; that's not news either.
Trouble In Diversityland As Nation-Wreckers Fall Out
Reading a
warning by BBC Director-General Lord Hall in yesterday's Sunday
Times I
immediately checked the weather report for signs of frost in Hell. You see
the top dog in the organisation that has done more than any other to destroy
traditional Britain was complaining about......organisations damaging
traditional Britain! Hall claims that technology giants like Google, Twitter
and FB are stoking social unease and division and - get this - fears that
'our sense of national identity and our sense of who we are might be
In other
news George Soros thinks there's too much money in politics, Casey
Anthony criticises the standard of creche facilities while Madonna
laments the sluttishness of today's young singers.
guy is an embarrassment to even the most odious Cultural-Marxist
parasite at the BBC (more accurately the
HebeBC), the most trusted name in Fake News. Since its takeover
by anti-British subversives it has waged an unrelenting war against
the British people, against family, against community, against
tradition, against culture, against Christianity, against history,
against ethics, against classical beauty, against reason, against
nature itself all the while enabling an army of Third World
parasites to pillage an inheritance to which they are not
Irish Savant is right again.
BBC Fraud Against Princess Diana Denounced [
22 May 2021 ]
issued a devastating attack on Martin Bashir and the BBC
for how it obtained the landmark interview with Princess Diana.
Accusing the
BBC of "drawing a veil over of its own cesspit", Neil supported Earl
Spencer's claims linking the 1995 interview to his sister's death two years
later. Although the
BBC conducted a probe in 1996 to assess how Mr Bashir obtained an interview
with Diana, Neil concluded the broadcaster failed to "reveal the murky truth"
behind the scoop.
In a damning verdict, Neil insisted the interview had
helped fuel Diana's fear and paranoia that the establishment was out to get the
Writing for the MailOnline, Neil said: "Diana was taken in. Bashir had
played on her growing paranoia that somehow the British ‘Establishment’ was
out to get her, at worst plotting her death and at best arranging enforced
exile in America.
"And here was a reporter from the
BBC’s flagship Panorama programme telling her it was all true.
It is usually considered that
Andrew Neil is not a Marxist
Paedophile, which leaves one to wonder why the
BBC gave him a job. Obviously the Beeb used
Bashir because
he is a
Third World alien, a
Pakistani. They learn about corruption with
their mother's milk. The idea that
a former director-general e.g. Tony Hall would expose their fraud is
Ian Hislop argues contra; that Diana had decided to go into attack mode
before that interview. None the less, the BBC is a deeply corrupt
Propaganda machine in the business of marketing
Paedophile Perversion.
BBC Journalist Says Adolf Hitler Was Right About Jews [
24 May 2021 ]
BBC journalist who tweeted '#HitlerWasRight' seven years ago has sparked
an investigation after the post was unearthed. Tala Halawa had claimed
'Israel is more Nazi than Hitler' and told the
Israeli Defence Force to 'go to hell' in an online post dated July 20,
2014, before she was a digital reporter at the BBC.
Halawa, whose Twitter biography identifies her as located in Ramallah, Palestine, had used the hashtag '#PrayForGaza', along with '#HitlerWasRight' in the tweet. A screenshot of the historic post was today uploaded online by the Honest Reporting Twitter account, which describes itself as promoting 'fairness and accuracy in media coverage of Israel'................
Halawa, a Palestine Specialist for BBC Monitoring, had been covering the recent conflict in Gaza this week, and had done a piece to camera in a video covering Bella Hadid's stance on the conflict in the region.
She had also previously tweeted 'ur media is produced by ur zionist government in order 2 produce ignorant people', '#Zionists can't get enough of our blood' and 'they're are crying the holocaust every single moment but they're practicing it every single moment as well,' Honest Reporting revealed.............
On Sunday, she
[ another woman ]
tweeted: '`objectivity' feels fickle when the basic terms
we use to report news implicitly take a claim. using `Israel' but never
`Palestine,' or `war' but not `siege and occupation' are political choices -
yet media make those exact choices all the time without being flagged as biased.'
Tell the truth and see where that gets you; on to the dole queue for little
Tala Halawa and,
naturally enough her Twitter account has been blocked. She believed the
BBC's allegations about telling it like it is. She did
not understand the nods and winks or perhaps she has seen too much evil done
by Zionist crazies, by the
Satanic State. Be assured that the
Puppet Masters will never forgive her. The
Mail is pushing the Party Line. The readers
seem to agree, sad but true.
The Spectator has also failed us and the truth.
BBC Executive Set Up Attack On GB News
[ 20 June 2021 ]
Yesterday companies considering an ad boycott of GB
News clearly irritated the broadcaster, with Andrew Neil
taking to Twitter to point out the hypocrisy
of IKEA. Guido can now reveal the campaigner behind the boycott website
may have ulterior motives for trying to take down the new competitive
channel: they’re
a former senior BBC producer.
The website, which has spent the last 24 hours celebrating various corporate boycotts, says it is a “campaigning website from Ripples”. A quick search of Companies House shows Ripples Campaigning was co-founded, and is run, by Louise Wikstrom. Louise, who appears to be their only employee, was a senior content producer at BBC Worldwide for three years.
Co-conspirators may have theories as to why someone closely linked to the BBC’s commercial arm might want GB News to fail?
Louise’s previous Facebook profile picture also makes clear her political
Of course she is a leftie; that's why she worked for the Beeb. But she had
her eye firmly on the main chance and Devil take the hindmost.
BBC Is Run By Anti-White Racists
[ 28 June 2021 ]
The BBC has announced that it is banning White people from applying
for its latest fully paid trainee internship. The £18,000 trainee
job in Glasgow will only be given to a non-White candidate. Young White
people applying will be denied the opportunity on the grounds of race and
the colour of their skin.
“Black, Asian and ethically diverse candidates” is the description of the group eligible to apply, which covers everyone other than ethnically White people.
Racial discrimination has long been illegal in Britain, but BBC legal advisors have coined the new term of ‘positive action’ to bamboozle the courts.............
Despite watchdogs finding that BAME (Black and Minority Ethnic) people
were massively over represented in the BBC and on television, the
corporation is doubling down. Native Brits are being actively replaced in
our own homeland by anti-British Establishment institutions.
The BBC is just another lot of
Anti-White Racists, one that got away
with marketing Homosexuality. It is also
publishing Paedophile Propaganda and
protecting Paedophiles like
Rolf Harris etc. It will do the same later with
Bestiality & Incest when
they think they can get away with it.
Do Americans support President Biden on immigration?
[ 17 July 2021 ]
President Joe Biden has
made reforming US immigration policy one of his top priorities. On
Friday he will flesh out his plan.
It comes after four years in which his predecessor Donald Trump pushed hard to curb the flow of illegal immigration into the country. Mr Biden is already reversing and rolling back several Trump-era policies, including freezing construction of the border wall and revoking the policy to separate migrant families crossing the border.
He also plans to offer
an eight-year pathway to citizenship for the 11 million undocumented
immigrants currently in the country. We asked members of our
BBC voter panel to weigh in on these actions. Here's what they said:
The BBC asks a good question then proceeds to lie in
its teeth. Choosing talkers who sound plausible but are largely on the
Left Wing is SOP [ Standard Operating Procedure
]. They are experts on committee packing. The Beeb is, perhaps the world's
most corrupt Propaganda machine; it is
certainly one of the most experienced. The air of effortless superiority
is built into their front men. Be aware that being
Homosexual is an advantage with them.
Protecting Paedophile Perverts like
Jimmy Savile and
Rolf Harris is policy. They are also in the business of marketing
Paedophilia. If they succeed they
will do the same with
Necrophilia and any
other perversion you can think of.
BBC And The Guardian Published Fraudulent Story From Rolling Stone
[ 7 September 2021 ]
Stone magazine ignited a firestorm of criticism this weekend after
pushing a false report claiming ivermectin overdose patients were
overwhelming Oklahoma hospitals. In the
original article, Rerolling Stone cited testimonies from Dr
Jason McElyea,
who told KFOR that
overdoses of ivermectin – a popular and yet-to-be proven alternative
treatment for the coronavirus – were causing an overflow in rural Oklahoma
““The ERs are so backed up that gunshot victims were having hard times getting to facilities where they can get definitive care and be treated,” McElyea said, as reported by Rolling Stone.
“All of their ambulances are stuck at the hospital waiting for a bed to open so they can take the patient in and they don’t have any, that’s it,” added McElyea. “If there’s no ambulance to take the call, there’s no ambulance to come to the call.”
McElyea said that overdose patients experienced such side effects as nausea, vomiting, muscle aches, cramping, and even blindness............
Multiple media outlets, from
The Guardian to Rachel Maddow to the
BBC, ran with the story, all of them proclaiming how medicine used
to treat horses has threatened to crash Oklahoma’s healthcare system. Just
one problem: the story was completely false.
According to the
Northeastern Health System Sequoyah, a hospital McElyea was listed as being
affiliated with, the doctor is not a current employee and there have been no
patients “due to complications related to taking ivermectin.”.........
Later, it was revealed that the photo Rolling
Stone used to illustrate an overflow of emergency room patients was
actually from January at a church in Oklahoma City where residents waited in
line to get the coronavirus vaccine.
The BBC is just like The
Guardian, another Propaganda machine
used by the
Hard Left but cunning enough to pretend they are
honest. NB The
BBC's article is still on line with a half hearted admission that its
allegations are disputed, in the small print at the bottom.
customers are seriously underwhelmed by him.
BBC Offers Six Figure Damages To Tiggy Legge-Bourke After Using Greasy
Little Pakistani Crook Against Her
[ 19 September 2021 ]
The BBC has offered six-figure damages to the former nanny of Prince
William and Prince Harry over false claims made by
Martin Bashir to obtain his interview with Princess Diana, according to
Tiggy Legge-Bourke, now known as Tiggy Pettifer, was offered the payout after the former BBC journalist, 58, told Princess Diana that her husband was 'in love' with their children's nanny in order to secure his 1995 Panorama interview. Mr Bashir is also said to have suggested that Prince Charles and Ms Pettifer, 56, had flown off on a secret two-week holiday together.
The journalist went on to claim that the royal nanny had gone on to have an abortion and showed the Princess of Wales a fake receipt for the procedure, the Daily Telegraph reports.
The BBC has now offered the former nanny 'significant' damages for the distressing smears. It is reported that a speedy settlement is likely to be agreed by the end of this month with the broadcaster thought to have offered more than £100,000...............
A source told the Daily Telegraph: 'Tiggy Legge-Bourke was right at the
centre of Bashir's manipulation and it is right that the damage caused to
her is recognised by the BBC.' In 1995, Princess Diana sent shockwaves
around the world when she famously told BBC journalist Martin Bashir there
were 'three of us in this marriage' during an interview on Panorama. The
60-minute interview, which was watched by some 23 million people, saw the
royal speak of Prince Charles' relationship with Camilla Parker-Bowles and
the lack of support she felt from the royal family.
Martin Bashir
is a foul mouthed greasy little Pakistani
crook who used forged bank statements to deceive
Diana, the
Princess of Wales & procure access.
That is why the Beeb used him. Why didn't Bashir go to prison? Pass. More
and better details are at
An Interview with HRH The Princess of Wales.
The BBC is a smarmy bunch of rogues, supercilious, treacherous Hard Left propagandists who hate England. But they protect Paedophile Perverts like Jimmy Savile, Rolf Harris, Gary Glitter etc., ad nauseam. They got away with marketing Homosexuality. Now they are doing it for paedophiles. You doubt? Then look at the Paedophile Rights Project. If they succeed it will be on to bestiality, necrophilia, Incest & probably a few perversions you've never thought of.
BBC Settles With The Designer They Screwed To Set Up That Interview With
Princess Diana [ 9 October 2021 ]
A financial settlement has been reached between
the BBC and graphic designer Matt Wiessler after he was blacklisted for
blowing the whistle over Martin Bashir’s infamous Diana interview.
Mr Wiessler was commissioned by Mr Bashir to create mocked-up documents which were used to persuade Diana to do the 1995 Panorama interview. The designer had long claimed he was made the scapegoat for the scandal despite attempting to raise the issue at the time. Mr Wiessler previously said that his business had folded as a result of being blacklisted by the BBC.
The value of the settlement was not revealed.
So they used "forgeries" knowingly? But then they are deeply nasty
Hard Left perverts, who protect
Paedophiles like
Jimmy Savile & Rolf Harris. Be aware that
they are running
The Paedophilia Rights Project with the eager assistance of The Guardian.
BBC Ranked Third ‘Global Anti-Semitism Top Ten List’ By Wiesenthal Mob [ 24 January 2022
The BBC has been ranked third in the Simon Wiesenthal Center's "Global
Anti-Semitism Top Ten List" for 2021, Jewish journal Algemeiner has
The head of the center, Rabbi Marvin Hier, told the Daily Mail that while people might assume the organization would put neo-Nazi groups on the list, "the BBC is there because when a globally recognized organization allows anti-Semitism to creep into its reporting, it makes it all the more insidious and dangerous.
"The decision to place the BBC at No. 3 came after months of intense
debate and discussion," he said. Hier stated that the organization believes
the BBC has been "guilty of several incidences of anti-Semitism during the
past year." He also addressed the network's incorrect reporting on
anti-Semitic attacks and lack of accountability for their condoning of
Well done, the Beeb. Who were they beaten by? Pass. The Jerusalem Post isn't
saying. NB the Jews didn't commit any gross massacres in
Gaza in 2021. NB They came behind
Iran & Hamas, victims of God's Chosen
People. The full list is at
anti-Semitism’s Top Ten
BBC Front Man Claims He is Not A Paedophile [ 6 March
2022 ]
A former BBC Radio
DJ has claimed his Skype and bank accounts were ‘hacked’ as he faces child sex
abuse allegations.
Divorced father-of-three Mark Page is accused of trying to arrange sex with children as young as 12 in the Philippines. The 63-year-old, who worked in British radio in the 1980s before becoming Middlesbrough FC’s match announcer, allegedly committed three offences via a webcam linking his home to the Southeast Asian country in 2016.
Prosecutors claim that he contacted children and encouraged them to perform sex acts for him, paying them via the Western Union money transfer firm. A further two offences allegedly occurred when he had travelled to that country, which he visited regularly for business reasons.
Page, of Ingleby Barwick, Teesside, denies five counts of arranging the commission of a child sex offence. Giving evidence at Teesside Crown Court, Page said believes that one or more of his online accounts was ‘hacked’.
He also told Teesside Crown Court his career
at Middlesbrough was destroyed after police barged into his home and
searched the property in January 2020. He was later charged with child sex
He would probably claim that he is not a Marxist
either. The fundamental qualification for the Beeb is being an
Anti-White Racist. Recall that they
Jimmy Savile, Rolf Harris,
Ted Heath & many other
BBC Bias Gets More Blatant
[ 2 April 2022 ]
BBC Radio 4 presenter has been accused of 'bracketing'
JK Rowling alongside sex offenders
R Kelly and Eric Gill because of her views on
Front Row listeners said they were 'horrified' and 'dismayed' at the way the writer was portrayed in the episode of the arts show broadcast last week. Presenter Tom Sutcliffe held a discussion about a book that looked at whether it was 'morally permissible' to enjoy the work of artists when their views and lives were reprehensible or criminal.
Paedophile artist Gill and singer Kelly, a convicted sex trafficker and
abuser, were mentioned. But the discussion sparked anger among listeners
when Miss Rowling's name was brought into the discussion.
Mail's censor has gone heavy on this
article; only one comment got through.
The readers agree big time. Albeit Sutcliffe didn't bring in
Myra Hindley. That
would have been too gross.
Bob Moran On
[ 12 July 2022 ]
BBC Frontman Was A Paedophile Who Liked It Black - Allegedly
[ 15 July 2022 ]
Among the growing stack of sexual assault claims being made against former BBC presenter
Tim Westwood, surely the most alarming are those made this week by four
women who were still children when the former BBC Radio 1 DJ allegedly
preyed on them.
One was just 14 in the early 1990s when she says Westwood, then in his 30s and one of the most influential figures on the British music scene, had sex with her. She says it later led to her trying to kill herself.
Another was a 16-year-old schoolgirl when, in 1997, she claims Westwood, who turned 40 that year, started an 'unhealthy and controlling' sexual relationship with her. In total ten women, all of them black, have now come forward with highly disturbing allegations about Westwood's predatory sexual behaviour spanning a 30-year period.
The hip-hop DJ, who is the Suffolk-born son of an Anglican bishop and often mocked for his pseudo-Jamaican accent, vehemently denies any wrongdoing but a growing number of claims have been made against the now 64-year-old in recent months and years..............
But perhaps the most troubling question of all is why it has taken the BBC
so long to look into Westwood's concerning sexual behaviour?
The BBC is deeply, sincerely corrupt. That's not news,
just de facto policy. Protecting Jimmy Savile?
Check. Rolf Harris cover up? SOP [ standard operating
procedure ]. 'Lord' Janner? We look after our
little mates from the friendly local synagogue. The rest? Try
Ted Heath,
Stuart Hall,
Barry Bennell, Gary Glitter,
et al ad nauseam.
Paedophile Jews? Hundreds of them, especially rabbis -
see Failed Messiah On Paedophile Jews.
NB The Beeb is in the business of marketing their favourite hobby. See
Paedophile Propaganda.
Blatant BBC Bias Again [ 19 July 2022 ]
IT WAS shocking to hear a BBC sports reporter telling us last week
that the England women’s football team is too white.
After Monday’s 8-0 victory by the Lionesses over Norway in the Euro 2022 tournament, Eilidh Barbour admitted they had done well. But she added: ‘All starting 11 players and the five substitutes that came on to the pitch were white and that does point towards a lack of diversity in the women’s team.’ She went on to introduce an ‘investigation’ by presenter Alex Scott into the alleged diversity problem.
It was an outrageous piece of hypocrisy and wokery, and I can’t improve on the scathing takedown of Barbour’s remarks by Dan Wootton in Mail Online on Thursday.
He wrote: ‘To comment on [the racial makeup of the team] and make it a feature of its coverage feels to me like yet another bid to stoke racial divisions in this country . . . Is the BBC suggesting national sporting teams should now have ethnic quotas?’
He added: ‘Of course, the irony is that just as the BBC were
lambasting the “all-white” Lionesses, a newly released official Rich
List showed their own First XI was exclusively white. Leftie virtue-signaller-in-chief
Gary Lineker topped the list with a sickening salary of at least
£1.35million for reading the autocue for a few hours a month on
Match of the Day. The other ten top earners were Zoe Ball
(£980,000), Alan Shearer (£450,000), Steve Wright (£450,000), Steven
Nolan (£415,000), Fiona Bruce (£410,000), Huw Edwards (£410,000),
Vanessa Feltz (£400,000), Scott Mills (£400,000), Greg James
(£390,000) and Ken Bruce (£385,000).’
To be fair, when the BBC is being
Racist - they are Anti-White Racists
they are not marketing Homosexuality. They do
pump out Paedophile Propaganda &
naturally enough, protect their peculiar friends like
Jimmy Savile. They will go on to selling Bestiality
and Necrophilia when they
feel that they can further pervert the country. Complain to them if you will, in
order to be sneered at by supercilious liars.
The BBC Sanctioned Enid Blyton
McCulloch........ was appointed BBC head of children’s broadcasting in 1933, and
stated: ‘Nothing but the best is good enough for children . . . our wish
is to stimulate their imaginations, direct their reading, encourage
their various interests, widen their outlook and inculcate the Christian
virtues of love of God and their neighbours.’
(This policy included a ban on Enid Blyton, who was dismissed as a ‘second rater’. Blyton always suspected she had been banned but it was not confirmed until 1949 when a producer named Lionel Gamlin, unaware of the decree, invited her to be interviewed on a children’s programme. She replied: ‘It all sounds very interesting but I ought to warn you of something you obviously don’t know, but which has been well known in the literary and publishing world for some time – I and my stories are completely banned by the BBC as far as children are concerned.’
Soon a memo reached Gamlin from Derek McCulloch. Marked ‘Enid Blyton
Stories’ and, in red, ‘Strictly Confidential and Urgent’ it said: ‘I
will be grateful if you would first discuss with me should you be
considering the inclusion of material by the above author. I am most
anxious that no conflicts in policy shall get loose, not only to our
embarrassment, but to yours also.’ Gamlin got the point. He replied: ‘In
spite of the desire voiced by some of the children who wrote, I have no
intention of using any material by the above author, as I think I
mentioned to you after I had first approached her without knowing your
policy in the matter. Have no fear, there will be No Orchids for Miss B
at any time.’ The BBC correspondence can be seen
Wiki tells us that
the Guardian didn't like her either. Surprised? Not
me. The BBC correspondence has disappeared down the
Hole where inconvenient documents disappear in
Nineteen Eighty Four by George Orwell.
The BBC, skewered through its rotten core [ 15 August 2022 ]
FEW readers of TCW Defending Freedom will need convincing that the
BBC is biased. The Corporation’s track record of hating Britain and its
values in a maniacal quest for ‘diversity’, and as a political campaigner
against conservative values and in favour of liberal-left causes such as
climate alarmism, lockdowns and much more, has been chronicled voluminously
in these pages since launch in 2014.
Now university lecturer David Sedgwick’s latest book, Is
That True Or Did You Hear It On The BBC? brings a series of fresh
and meticulously researched insights into the gargantuan scale of the
bias. It shows that without doubt the BBC complaints system is rotten to the
The truth has its uses.
The BBC Lies To Us Again [ 13 August 2022 ]
THE BBC has a Climate
Disinformation Unit. Perhaps it should focus on some of the BBC’s own
output! Last month BBC
News grandly declared that it has been the driest start to the year in
England since 1976, based on figures to the end of June. The figures, they
say, came from the Met Office.
A quick check of the Met Office’s data, however, shows the claim is fake; both 1996 and 2010 had drier starts to the year:
A few days earlier, BBC News published a report on the agricultural crisis in Sri Lanka, titled ‘Sri Lanka’s tea farmers struggling to survive’. As this column reported last month, harvests of tea and other crops have been devastated since the banning of imported chemical fertiliser last year. ..............
‘The ban, ordered to try to protect the country’s dwindling foreign reserves, was one of a number of disastrous policy decisions implemented by the now-ousted President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, with agricultural output falling significantly. ‘
The ban had nothing at all to do with ‘protecting dwindling foreign
reserves’, a nonsensical claim given that loss of tea exports has cost the
country many billions more in lost export income. It was a deliberate policy
decision by the President, as part of his climate change agenda.
The BBC pushes Global Warming
because it has an agenda based on determined ignorance; the truth comes a bad
second. But happily
there is an answer; don't buy their licence, it has saved me thousands.
BBC Frontman Gets Five Years [ 17 September 2022 ]
BBC local
radio DJ Alex Belfield who was branded the 'Jimmy
Savile of trolling' has been jailed for five years after being
convicted of four stalking charges against broadcasters including
Jeremy Vine. Belfield, 42, was found guilty after trial last month of waging a
relentless stalking campaign against broadcasters, with TV's Jeremy
Vine subjected to an 'avalanche of hatred'.
Vine labelled him 'the Jimmy Savile of trolling' during a trial
which heard he repeatedly posted or sent abusive messages, videos
and emails.
Mad or bad? Take your pick. It is BBC policy to
protect Paedophile Perverts like
'Lord' Janner, a Jew. They also
generate Paedophile Propaganda.
BBC Perverts History - BBC Perverts Truth
[ 19 September 2022 ]
I first noticed it 10 years ago while watching a BBC
adaptation of Graham Greene’s famous 1938 gangster novel Brighton Rock.
Considered a very violent book for its time, it was famously filmed in
1948 as a classic piece of British noir starring a young Richard
Attenborough as Pinkie, the hoodlum with the sharp suits and penchant for
throwing acid in his rivals’ faces.
But in the BBC adaptation there was something wrong. Pinkie’s gang, Dallow, Spicer and Cubitt, were depicted in the novel as runtish and impulsively violent criminals, but there was one thing about them that was clear from the prose; they were all White. In this version, however, Dallow was Black. The notion that an English south coast gangster just before World War II would be anything other than White is absurd, and I assumed this was just the usual BBC tokenism. However, over the next decade it would become increasingly common for producers to cast Black actors in what were obviously White parts. Today it seems almost mandatory.
Going forward a decade we find another BBC drama which tells the story of Anne Boleyn, the second wife of King Henry VIII’s famed six spouses, and executed for her troubles in 1536. The actress playing Anne was Black. While the fictional Dallow in Brighton Rock being Black can be dismissed as a by-product of BBC moral rectitude, casting a woman who history and portraiture tell us was a White Englishwoman is operating in different territory. Anne Boleyn was born in Norfolk in England circa 1501. Her father was a knight who had attended the burial of Henry VII. Again, the idea she could have been Black makes no historical sense whatsoever. But that is not the point.........
The casting of Black actors in what are obviously roles designed for White people has built into it two fail-safe systems. Firstly, it is revisionist history delivered via a medium guaranteed to be useful to the political class, wherever they might reign; entertainment. Legend has it that the reason Stalin didn’t have Shostakovitch shot the same as he did other musicians was because Dmitri could write film music, and Stalin recognized the power of movies as delivery systems for ideology.
if a largely White audience decides to switch off the new wave of
blaxploitation movies, it is not due to the quality of the product, but to
White racism, which we are told exists the way
gravity exists. It has enraged the Left that Top Gun: Maverick has been
such a box-office success while Hollywood’s woke scripts have turned into
loss-leaders for the industry.
What Mark Gullick wrote is applies to
The Lord of
the Rings, written by J.
R. R. Tolkien, a man with deep knowledge of Anglo-Saxons. It was very
popular so a substandard version was commissioned. The subject was
Harry Potter, a
young magician. The cast was Multicultural;
that was the real point. It was heavily marketed to mislead children of
perhaps ten to fifteen. The perpetrators were very successful, sad to say.
The writer was J. K.
Rowling, a left wing Enemy Of The
People, one at the forefront of the Culture
War being waged against us.
BBC Is 'Warping Modern Britain' By Allowing 'Woke Viewpoints' In Dramas, Report
Warns [ 31 December 2022 ]
BBC risks 'warping modern Britain' by allowing its TV dramas to be
blighted by politically correct bias in their stories, a report has said.
A review by the Campaign For Common Sense found that the BBC's programmes portrayed a version of Britain unrecognisable to most viewers.
The corporation's dramas regularly include critiques of capitalism, Brexit, the police and the Government – with some described by the report as being close to propaganda.
The BBC was also accused of social engineering
by over-representing minorities in its programmes.
They are understating their case. The Beeb is a
Propaganda machine run by the Hard Left. It
markets Third World infiltration and other
leftwing causes. The aim is Ethnic
Fouling In England leading to Genocide.
Errors & omissions, broken links,
cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if
you find any I am open to comment.
me at Mike Emery. All
financial contributions are cheerfully accepted. If you want to keep
it private, use my PGP Key.
Updated on 26/01/2023 09:08