Rape is major crime. If you have seen the aftermath you know. Real rape is real crime. But it gets political. Feminists use it as a propaganda weapon because they are Cultural Marxists. But there is a problem with their propaganda. If a black is a victim they use the Mainstream Media as their propaganda vehicles. If Englishmen are accused it is even better although they will settle for White Men as perpetrators if they have to. But when blacks are the perpetrators they go very quiet. When there is a major outbreak of rape in Sweden, especially Malmö, the Rape Capital Of Scandinavia they pretend they know nothing about it. That is because feminism is like Racism and Immigration a working tool of communist subversives being used to cause Cultural Genocide in the West.
They tell us that it is worse than murder; that it is too easy to get away with rape. It is far too easy for a woman to claim that she has been raped; it can be frivolous - I have seen it - or malicious - I have seen that too. A woman did that to Neil Hamilton MP. He had a rock solid alibi and she went to prison for trying to pervert the course of justice amid a Deafening Silence - all the news fit to print? No; all the news print to fit! You should know How to Avoid and Deal with False Rape Accusations.
See the Rape Statistics then know that racial stereotypes are good indicators of crime, intelligence, competence, whatever. Or see Mark Steyn explaining crime to Canadian liberals at Steyn on Sweden.
There is a good back ground look at Rape Capital Of The World - https://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/stats/Crime/Rape-rate. The answer is South Africa. Do a search on that term, then find claims that the idea is invalid. That is what Feminists tell us. Believe them if you want.
What is government policy, Public Policy? Mark Steyn tells us; it is Get Used To It Suckers.
North African Soldiers Raped Thousands In Italy During Second World War
War is hell. And The Second World War was undiluted hell. More so for women. We have dealt in some details of the mass rape of German women by the invading Red Army soldiers in 1945. Comparatively lesser known is the mass rape of Italian women by the French Colonial soldiers in 1944. These soldiers later continued with their nefarious deeds in Stuttgart, Germany in early 1945.
The allies kept silent on this as the soldiers doing this were allied soldiers. The senseless, brutal atrocities that women suffered during WW2 has not been adequately chronicled. It remains one of the most pathetic chapters of the Armageddon.
In Italy about 60,000 women from ages 11 to 85 suffered in May 1944.
The Soviet mass rapes in Berlin are well known. See the Brutal Mass Rape Of German Women In 1945 for more and nastier details. They get the publicity. But the Goumiers, the North African soldiers used by the French during the war get a pass. Les Goumiers Marocains were Moroccan; there were also Algerian tribesmen. They were used inter alia because they were first class fighting men, effective in mountainous areas such as Monte Cassino. They were good enough to make men of the Wehrmacht retreat. Concealing the goumiers' rapes is Anti-White Racism in action. It is all part of the Culture War being waged against us by the Enemy Within, which means the Puppet Masters & their Quasi-Intellectual dupes.
77 Percent Of Rapes In Sweden Carried Out By Islamics Making Up 2 Percent Of The Population
Import Third World savages then pretend they aren't raping Swedish girls; that is policy, that is practice. Rotherham is the rape capital of England as 1,400 girls know to their cost. Or is it Rochdale? No? Then try Bolton, Bristol, Derby, which are overwhelmed by Pakistani Paedophile Perverts. Then there are Halifax And Pakistani Perverts, Leeds & even Oxford at the peak of civilization or Rochdale. Rotherham is notorious. What about Sheffield where men made steel and cutlery. Now it is another Hell Hole full of Pakistani criminals.
Man Captured After Rape Of Five Children In Nepal
Progressives Defend Rape
Progress sounds good so Progressives must be good! Yes or No? NO is the answer. Progressivism is a False Flag used by Marxists and Lenin's Useful Idiots. They approve of rape when the perpetrators are Islamic and the victims are English or even just European. Lots of girls in Malmö, the Rape Capital Of Scandinavia & Rotherham found out about the Hard Left policy the hard way.
Rape Of Britain Page 51 Of 86
Publicized? NO! Government policy? YES! You doubt? See e.g. Rotherham Rapists.
Rape Capital Of Scandinavia
Is Malmö, lucky Malmö. The perpetrators are Third World aliens imported by a government of Useful Idiots with a large dose of rogues.
Corrective Rape
Is a technique for curing Lesbians. Does it work? Pass. Do Feminists approve? No; a point in its favour but they keep very quiet about it because the perpetrators are black. The Wikipedia does not approve either.
PS Corrective Rape was invented by blacks in South Africa, which is why Feminists keep quiet about it. They also say nothing about Malmö being the rape capital of Scandinavia because the perpetrators are Third World aliens imported by Treason.
Statutory Rape
Man and girl get together, bad. Woman and boy get together, crime, stifled giggles et cetera.
Feminists And Rape
What drives feminists? Concern for women or concern for themselves? Thirst for truth and justice or hunger for power and money? The answers were supplied by a recent crime in London. A sixteen-year-old girl was dragged into an empty house, beaten and gang-raped by “five youths”, who then poured caustic soda on her body, trying to destroy DNA evidence. Caustic soda isn’t an acid, as some newspapers have reported, but it has similar effects: it dissolves flesh and causes excruciating pain. So that was the package dumped on feminists’ doorstep: extreme male brutality and callousness towards a defenceless female. Shrieks of horror and outrage duly rang out at... Well, not at The Guardian. The feminists there were washing their hair or something. Nor at The Independent. Maybe the sisterhood were too busy painting their nails. Nor at the BBC. I guess the Woman’s Hour gang were all darning their husbands’ socks. Bestial male violence – sound of feminist silence, that’s how it went.
The drivers of the feminism racket, Friedan, Sontag et al are Jews who hate England, America and any one who is white. Importing blacks and inciting blacks are major objectives. The rape of an English girl who has been injured for life matters not to them - except as a success.
Luke O'Farrell explains better than me. He explains so well that the Thought Police put him in prison.
Rape in Australia
It is Third World efnicks there too.
Rape In England
Not all rapists are Islamics. Some are blacks. Others are Jews running brothels. Then there are Albanians. There are even Englishmen from time to time.
Rape In America
It is a growth industry there too and of course it is ethnics.
Rape In China
Things happen in China. There are too few girl babies as a result of the one child policy which leads to kidnapping. But this woman is a victim of the police.
Rape In Finland
This is photoshopped satire according to Henrik Holappa, a Finnish victim of the American legal system. It is a reflection of an ugly reality - see Three Blacks Raped Two Finnish Girls And Walk Away Laughing
Rape In Delhi
Despite several new initiatives by Delhi Police to make the capital safer for women, the year 2011 saw a significant increase in the number of rape and molestation cases over the previous year. Shockingly, almost 98 per cent of the offenders were either related or known to the victims.A total of 568 rape cases were reported in 2011 as against 507 in 2010. However, the incidence of rape per lakh population has shown a steady decline in Delhi, coming down from 4.42 per lakh in 2005 to 3.39 per lakh in 2011.
So rape is on the up. A lakh is 100 thousand.
Rape In Israel
The President of Israel is on trial for multiple rapes NOW [ 10 September 2009 ] and the Jews have gone coy. They shout their mouths off big time when they are selling The Holocaust® story but when Katsav comes unstuck it is different.
PS He got seven years but he will appeal to drag things out then give it the ill health routine, just like Sharon the mass murderer.
PPS He has not tried the ill health wheeze yet. It worked for Ernie Saunders, the world's only survivor of Alzheimer's. Ernie is another Jew.
Rape In Liberia
It is an easy way to pick up nasty diseases.
Rape In Pakistan, Police Raped Her Then Murdered Her
Rape In South Africa
South Africa is the rape capital of the world. South Africa is full of blacks. Import blacks, import rape. QED. That is why Western governments do it and why Feminists keep very quiet about it.
Rape In Sweden
Lie back and think of England? This was not just sexual; it was murderous brutality. She is not unique, very far from it. What do the Feminists say? Nothing! They don't care about rape when blacks are the perpetrators. They are communist Subversives.
Rape Special
The President of Israel is a rapist. The President of Israel got seven years. The President of Israel got banged up in the same cell as the Minister of Health.
Rape Special II
The Jew running the IMF like a rutting chimpanzee got stitched up big time.
Rape, Lies, Perverting The Course Of Justice ex Takimag
Meg Lanker-Simons, who I'll presume hyphenates her surname to prove she’s not beholden to the patriarchy, is a bespectacled female wildebeest who grazes the campus of the University of Wyoming, always on the lookout for sexual harassment but never quite able to find it.On Thursday she will appear in court to face misdemeanor charges that she interfered with a police investigation by fabricating an online male identity who claimed he wanted to hatefuck”?¯ her and thus transform her into a "good Republican bitch.?¯ After this initial "and, according to police, self-generated" post on April 24, Lanker-Simons responded by saying, I'm left to wonder if there’s someone out there with a violent fantasy about me….”¯
I'll bet she wonders that a lot. Or maybe “hopes”¯ is a more apt choice of words.
Simons, a blogger that received kudos from Think Progress and is also chums with terrorist bomber Bill Ayers, appeared to bask like a whale shark in the odd sort of attention that only modern-day victims, real or imagined, seem to enjoy. That is, until a warrant for her arrest was issued.
Rather than upbraiding her for wasting public resources and staining the school’s reputation, the University of Wyoming issued a statement that Meg’s arrest should not be remembered as an example of third-wave feminism gone psycho, but it should be honored in that it “sparked an important discussion”¯ about how the school has “no tolerance for sexual violence,”¯ even if, well, a mentally unbalanced woman is simply imagining it.
I've seen bumper stickers that say feminism is the radical idea that women are people. But in practice, it seems more like the pseudo-religious delusion that women are innocent.
Twisted misogynist that I am, I actually do see women as human and thus fully capable of malice and deceit in order to achieve their ends.
“??I've seen bumper stickers that say feminism is the radical idea that women are people. But in practice, it seems more like the pseudo-religious delusion that women are innocent.”?¯But don't try telling a modern radical feminist that women sometimes lie, especially about the unpardonable sins of rape and sexual assault. She'll call you a slut-shaming, patriarchy-supporting, dickless scumbag rape apologist who denies we live in a “??rape culture”?¯ that constantly sends out loud messages that rape is cool and groovy and ginchy and happenin'.
Feminist author Catharine MacKinnon and her wrinkly, desiccated vagina once wrote that “??feminism is built on believing women’s accounts of sexual use and abuse by men.”?¯
If so, feminism is built on a shaky house made of soft tampons.
Depending on whose stats you believe, false rape accusations comprise anywhere from 1% to 90% of all rape accusations.
It’s not as if women have ever been caught fabricating rape accusations as a form of revenge against their lovers. They've never concocted stories to get their ex-husbands nor their ex-boyfriends jailed. They've never cried rape to get rid of a current husband, either. It’s not as if adult women cheat on their partners and then try to cover it by crying rape. This never happens. Never. No, not even once. It’s not as if teenage girls do this, either. Mistresses never cry rape, either. It’s not as if a woman has ever lodged a false rape complaint merely because a man forgot her name after a one-night stand. And it’s certainly not as if false rape accusations motivated by a thirst for romantic vengeance have happened again and again and again and again and again and again and again.
Modern feminism also teaches that it is the supremely evil patriarchy whose hairy, talon-tipped hands have molded a society that makes women feel ashamed of their sexuality. Therefore, it is impossible that women sometimes genuinely feel ashamed for engaging in consensual sex and then deal with their guilt by falsely accusing men of raping them. It’s not as if they feel guilty for having consensual sex with strangers and then turn around to falsely accuse them of rape. It’s not as if they sometimes consent to sex with multiple partners simultaneously and then claim they were gang-raped. It’s not as if they feel guilty for one-night stands and subsequently cry rape, so get that thought out of your mind, no matter what you read in the papers.
Jim Goad writes well, as always.
Caustic soda rape - Attorney General to investigate 'lenient' sentences
Cold Case Rape Squad Find DNA Of 112 Perpetrators In London
Black Rapist Moving To Buckinghamshire
Aren't we lucky?
Here are some perpetrators. Notice their colour. Then squawk about racism if you want.
Beating Rape Charges - A Feminist Whines
Who wants to discuss rape in August? Or bring up that most inflammatory subject in the sexual politics curriculum any day of any year. Yet here’s dear Harriet, sombering up the silly season, casting an eye over a government review of our rape laws, binning it and calling for a stiffer one. Harriet Harman might as well have spent her karaoke premiership week brandishing the SCUM Manifesto and a pair of gelding shears for the amount of trouser tension she has caused a certain class of male commentator.Rape is the nexus of all gender-power relations, the point where bedroom meets courtroom. And thus it brings out the ugly in people — from the old radical- feminist overstatement that “all men are rapists” to the hydrochloric misogyny of the latest internet uproar, which suggests that any tightening of the law would be a vengeful bitch’s charter.
This drivel was used in The Times as propaganda or space filler. Import blacks then wonder why there is more crime. Thanks Cameron, Brown, Blair, Wilson.
How to Avoid and Deal with False Rape Accusations
Is a look at the practicalities, why they do it in the first place etc. All too often being drunk starts it, they sober up then lie because they are embarrassed or whatever. False accusations account for nearly half of the cases but Feminists will deny it very loudly. You doubt it? See e.g. Beating Rape Charges - A Feminist Whines. If the police do come for you, make sure that you KNOW about Resistance to Interrogation. If you were in the Army it is simple; number rank and name - NOTHING else. If not use the Four Words; I Want A Lawyer.
South Africa Is The Rape Capital Of The World [ 24 August 2010 ]
One in four South African men questioned in a survey said they had raped someone, and nearly half admitted having attacked more than one victim. The BBC reports that South Africa's government has been urged to solve the rape epidemic. The study, by the country's Medical Research Council, also found three out of four who admitted rape had attacked for the first time during their teens. It said practices such as gang rape were common because they were considered a form of male bonding.Professor Rachel Jewkes of the MRC, who carried out the research, told the BBC's World Today program: "The absolute imperative is we have to change the underlying social attitudes that in a way have created a norm that coercing women into sex is on some level acceptable. "We know that we have a higher prevalence of rape in South Africa than there is in other countries. And it's partly rooted in our incredibly disturbed past and the way that South African men over the centuries have been socialized into forms of masculinity that are predicated on the idea of being strong and tough and the use of force to assert dominance and control over women, as well as other men."
The BBC does not tell us that it is an all black thing but then they are liars with agenda. This piece does not prove that the previous article is absolutely right but it is suggestive.
Congo As The World Rape Capital [ 30 November 2011 ]
(CNN) -- From the first time you step into eastern Congo, you find yourself surrounded by the exotic and extraordinary, be it flora and fauna or the just plain incongruous -- the severed wing of a Russian aircraft stored on the side of the road, or a boy with a gun.......Eastern Congo has been called the "rape capital of the world" by U.N. Special Representative Margot Wallström. Reports record that 48 women are raped every hour. I have been working in the region for 10 years and have seen a tragic development in this unpunished crime against the heart of society.
Rape is fun - for the perpetrators that is. Wallström is keeping quiet apart her success in making Malmö into the Rape Capital of Sweden
Rape Capital of Sweden [ 30 November 2011 ]
A Muslim rape epidemic in Sweden has ensured that it now tops the list as the European country with the most rapes per capita — 46 incidents per 100,000 residents. The EU report, due to be officially released tomorrow, shows that the number of reported rapes in Sweden is twice as many as the UK which reports 23 cases per 100,000 and 20 times higher than certain countries in southern and eastern Europe........The Muslim link to the rape epidemic was already evident several years ago. In July 2005, a study from the Swedish Crime Prevention Council, Brå, revealed that rapists in that country were four times more likely to be foreign born. In addition, the report revealed that “resident aliens” from Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia make up the largest number of rapists.
The number of rape charges in Sweden has quadrupled in just above 20 years. Rape cases involving children under the age of 15 are six times as common today as they were a generation ago. In 2005, Swedish lawyer Ann Christine Hjelm found that 85 percent of the convicted rapists were “born on foreign soil or from foreign parents.”......
Crime is rampant in the growing ghettos of Malmö. Unemployment rates top 50 percent and in 2005, police figures recorded that 68 percent of all rapes that year were committed by Third Worlders, mainly Muslims, most of whom were second and third generation immigrants.
In a sociological survey entitled “Vi krigar mot svenskarna” (“We’re waging a war against the Swedes”), published in 2006 by the Department of Sociology at Lunds University, young immigrants in the city of Malmö were interviewed about why they were so heavily involved in crime.
They are given safe harbour from vicious thugs in North Africa then decide to wage war on against their saviours. Ungrateful is a word that comes to mind. Why were they imported? Useful Idiots manipulated by rogues running the Main Stream Media & the Education industry have a lot to answer for. None of them live near aforesaid ethnics. Lots of the rogues have Israeli passports and agendas.
PS Here is another recent case. Man drugged and raped 12-year-old girl in Malmö. The media are keen on suppressing the truth about ethnic involvement.
Islamic Imam Raped Boys As Young As Twelve [ 13 January 2011 ]
U.K. Imam Mohammed Hanif Khan Charged with Raping Boys as Young as TwelveMuslims tell us that Islam will rescue the West from immorality. A Muslim worship leader is accused of raping a 12-year-old boy during visits to a mosque for religious lessons.
Mohammed Hanif Khan, 42, is alleged to have sexually assaulted the boy inside the Stoke on Trent mosque where he worked as the imam. He is also charged with the attempted rape of and sexual activity with the boy's cousin, who was 15 at the time, as he stayed over at his home one evening.
Khan, who appeared in front of Nottingham Crown Court yesterday wearing a black suit, white shirt and red tie, spoke only to confirm his name and to enter not guilty pleas to all eight charges against him. Khan, from Sheffield, is charged with three counts of rape, four counts of attempted rape and one count of sexual activity with a child, all of which are alleged to have taken place on various dates between July 1, 2009 and October 16, 2009. ( Read more.)
Are they all at it? Mohammed had a child bride of nine years old so presumably the answer is yes.
Islamic Sex Abuse [ 22 March 2006 ]
Muslims could face a child abuse scandal on a par with the Catholic Church, a report has warned.
A group of Muslim leaders says the community is in denial about child abuse in religious schools, known as madrasas. The UK has about 700. They want ministers to regulate the schools, saying 100,000 children do not have appropriate legal protection. The government said recent changes on the vetting of those teaching children automatically included madrasas...........Ghayasuddin Siddiqui, co-author of the report and head of lobby group the Muslim Parliament of Great Britain, said that child abuse existed in all societies - and that it would be naļve of Muslim communities to think it did not affect them.
If Racist Homosexuals like the BBC say it is bad, then it is worse. But that was then. Ignoring ethnic crime was policy. It still is.
England's Fastest Growing Import Is Rapists - an honest headline [ 22 January 2012 ]
Woman raped by Leeds teenagers - the Yorkshire Evening Post headline
Two schoolboys who stalked, abducted and raped a woman in an alleyway were captured celebrating their crime on CCTV. Jallat Khan and Shahzada Khan, both 16, stalked the woman as she left a nightclub, and then pounced on her as she walked along Fish Street in Leeds city centre. After raping her in a doorway, the teenagers ran away celebrating. The victim’s boyfriend could hear her screams for help during the attack as they were on the phone to each other.Judge Christopher Batty yesterday sentenced Jallat to five years detention and Shahzada to four. He lifted an order banning the media from revealing the boys’ identities because of the severity of the attack.....
“He heard her become distressed then say: ‘Get off, get off, what are you doing!’ He heard her scream for 30 seconds before her line went dead.” Jallat can be seen on the footage adjusting his clothing as he flees. The prosecutor said pair appeared “elated” and Shahzada made “bowling” motions like cricketer as the pair ran off, their celebrations were captured on CCTV.
The pair were arrested after the footage was released to the media and Jallat’s school teacher recognised him. His DNA was found on the woman. While in custody Jallat, described as showing a “worrying attitude to women, threatened to rape a member of staff. Stephen Crossley, for Jallat, of Tempest Road, Beeston, said had a traumatic background, moving to the UK in 2009 from Afghanistan as his life was at risk following the deaths of his father and brother.......
The barrister said her client had made progress while in custody, working on his attitude towards women, and now understood the severity of his actions. She said the youngster now felt ashamed.
This made the local rag. It told us about these schoolboys, these youths, victims of nasty Afghans. Who are the corrupt racists in this case? Try all of the national Main Stream Media for starters. None of them told the truth. Notice that these refugees from various Hell holes are always victims, never perpetrators. In Afghanistan men have Kalashnikovs. These nasty little thugs would not have got off lightly. They would have been sorted out permanently.
Perpetrator 1 Perpetrator 2
Eight Out Of Ten Rapists Are Pakistanis Says Guardian [ 25 May 2012 ]
The truth about 'Asian sex gangs'
Despite the conviction of nine Asian men for child exploitation in Rochdale and worrying signs in the statistics, racial profiling won't help potential victims [ The Guardian lies in its teeth - Editor ] In January 2011 the Times proclaimed a "conspiracy of silence" around groups of Pakistani men sexually exploiting white British girls. Political correctness and fear of appearing racist had trumped child protection, the paper claimed.Soon the terms "Pakistani" and "Asian" were being conflated, much to the disgruntlement of other British Asians and a heated media debate ensued around the "Asian sex gang" problem. Jack Straw demanded the Pakistani community take responsibility, while BNP leader Nick Griffin gleefully decried "Muslim paedophilia", campaigning with natty slogans such as "Our children are not halal meat". The EDL were regulars at major trials: either in the courtroom taking notes or outside spitting hate. [ The Grauniad does not like the truth - Editor ]
The defendants in question are at most nominally Muslim. Practicing Muslims certainly aren't supposed to have sex with children.[ The lie direct again - Editor ]
The Guardian has a go at the truth then finds it prefers the lies. It markets Western Guilt, the idea that we are colonial oppressors who owe down trodden Third World natives for ever more. They might even be stupid enough to believe their own Propaganda. It was what they were fed by the Education industry. They claim that Islamics are not Paedophiles but ignore the fact that Mohammad was a Child Abuser who married Aisha when she was six. He Consummated this marriage when she was nine. It seems clear that exporting all Pakistanis would cut rapes by 80%, a worthwhile reduction. Communist subversives running Sweden have turned Malmö into the rape capital of Scandinavia. Here is one of their victims.
PS My information is that half of the 'clients' in country prisons are foreign undesirables while London nicks have 70% black, brown, yellow....
Blonde Teacher Lady Charged With Felony Rape Of 16 Year Old Victim [ 8 March 2014 ]
Before you shed a tear for her victim think about a typical black rapist e.g.
or a typical white victim of the Third World aliens who have turned Malmö into the rape capital of Scandinavia.
PS Rape in Sweden is fun - for the perpetrators.
One Out Of Ten Norwegian Women Have Been Raped By Islamic Intruders [ 8 March 2014 ]
Black Rapes Jew In Israel - BAD [ 6 November 1962 ]
Blacks Rape Girls In Sweden - GOOD [ 6 November 1962 ]
Pakistanis Rape Girls In Rotherham - Tough Luck [ 6 November 1962 ]
Three headlines. Three stories. One lot of propagandists. Jews want Western Civilization overwhelmed with blacks. Jews want Israel to be schwartzerfrei, black free. Naughty Adolf wanted Germany judenfrei, Jew free.
Indian Policemen Go On The Run After 14 Year Old Gang Raped [ 3 January 2015 ]
Perhaps they will come to England, illegally of course. They will fit very nicely into the Rotherham rape industry. We can depend on Her Majesty's Government to give them the dole and help them get away with it.
Teacher Committed Statutory Rape [ 21 July 2015 ]
Kourtnie A. Sanchez, 25, was arrested Monday on charges including electronic solicitation, unlawful sexual relations, solicitation of unlawful sexual relations and three counts of promoting obscenity to a minor. Sanchez - who is believed to be a mother-of-three - was a student teacher at Marshall Elementary School in Eureka during the fall 2014 semester.Prosecutors allege her victims were aged between 15 and 17, and that the alleged incidents occurred over five months in 2014. However it is unclear how many victims there were.
Now we have a chance to sympathize with her victims, who will no doubt be teased about their misfortune for life.
You can see why they were unable to resist.
Hispanics Raped Norwegian Lass In Dallas [ 26 August 2015 ]
Third World aliens? Illegal Immigrants? Quite possibly. To be fair she could have gotten raped in Malmö, Rape Capital Of Scandinavia. It would still have been Third World aliens imported by their wonderful government. It gives itself airs of moral superiority. People get to pay the price. It is Pathological Altruism in action. The point was taken by Anders Breivik so he killed politicians and their children.
Black Thieves Get Life For Double Rape
They all have previous.
Islamic Blames Cologne Rape Victims [ 21 January 2016 ]
That is the trick that Jews use; do the crime & blame others. E.g. Jews are big in slave trading but accuse us. You doubt it? See e.g. Black Slaves - Traded By Jews or Blacks And Jews. That is what they do with Slavery. Monopolise it then blame nasty White Man in order to incite Black Hate.
Police Report 75% More Sex Crimes Against Children [ 26 January 2016 ]
What happens & what the police record are two very different things. We all know that the South Yorkshire Police were systematically hiding the truth about Pakistani Perverts who raped 1,400 English girls in one town alone, in Rotherham. The whole of Yorkshire is infested with Pakistanis so it was happening all over the county. So statistics are fundamentally meaningless. Concealing crime is Perverting The Course Of Justice, SOP in the best police force that money can buy. To see the Rape Statistics use Open Office.
Women reveal how they live in fear of sex attacks in migrant camps in Greece [ 9 June 2016 ]
That is the Daily Mail headline verbatim. It does not say that this story is being made up by Amnesty International, a crooked 'charity' set up by Jews with an agenda. Flooding Western Civilization with Third World aliens is a large part of it. AI is full of Lenin's Useful Idiots. Perhaps the only point to take seriously is that these invaders are vicious Rapists.
Woman Denies Statutory Rape Of Seven Boys [ 29 November 2016 ]
Will we get to hear what her "victims" have to say for themselves? Probably not but they won't live it down for a long time.
Boy Of 15 Complains About Being Sexually Abused By His Teacher[ 24 January 2017 ]
So she was banned from schools. Some boys don't know when they are lucky are fussy/hard to please/ungrateful. Of course if the teacher had been a man and his 'victim' a girl he would be in prison while we would have been outraged not amused or envious. Sexual equality? Not with Feminists meddling.
White Men Raped Woman Says Daily Mail [ 3 February 2017 ]
Some newspapers tell some of the truth some of the time. They are all Propaganda machines. Most rapes are black rapes. You doubt it? See the truth at New Nation News Here are a few of them:-
(White) Pasco man shot, killed during Craigslist meet-up; one (black) suspect arrested, one on the run
(Black) Boy charged in kidnapping, sexual battery of 4-year-old girl
(LGBT black) Tulsa Man Gets Long Prison Sentence For Crimes Against Children (Boys)
(Black) Man wanted for forcible sodomy in York County arrested in Oklahoma
(Black) Suspect arrested for raping, robbing woman
Two (black) men arrested on charges of 'pulling a Cosby' then raping passed-out woman in Gardens
(Black) Yonkers banker gets jail time for stealing $122K from customer
Kansas City police need your help to track down two (black) men they believe are armed and dangerous
Kansas City police detectives are asking for the public’s help to identify two people they'd like to speak with about a homicide that occurred near East 55th Street and The Paseo on Friday, Jan. 27.
Woman Raped Nine Times By Brutal Ethiopians Imported By Merkel [ 20 June 2017 ]
A tearful woman broke down in court in Germany as she alleged that three asylum seekers raped her a total of nine times when she was ambushed at a town fair. The alleged attack in August 2016 left the 28-year-old Hungarian victim 'shattered,' she told a court in Mühlhausen.Her mobile phone was stolen and the men used it to film their brutal assault which included kicking and punching her and dragging her by her hair, she claims.
Will Merkel deport them? Naughty little Adolf wouldn't have put up with kind of thing.
Female Physics Teacher Joins Mile High While Committing Statutory Rape [ 27 July 2017 ]
Sex rears its ugly head in England too.
Fat Ugly Liar's Rape Accusations Get Her Ten Years Inside [ 24 August 2017 ]
A fantasist who made up bogus rape and sex assault claims against 15 men in three years for 'attention' has been jailed for 10 years.Jemma Beale claimed to be a lesbian with 'no desire' to sleep with men, and lodged deceitful complaints to police that led to one of her victims, Mahad Cassim, serving two years in jail........ Beale, from west London, was even awarded £11,000 in compensation while Mr Cassim languished behind bars..............
The 25-year-old would injure herself and use self-inflicted cuts and bruises against the 15 victims she falsely accused of sex attacks - including one who fled the country with his life in tatters.
Anyone who screwed her would have to be desperate. She went down for Perjury & Perverting The Course Of Justice. You have to wonder why it took fifteen rape allegations before the police took the point.
Kurds Raped English Girls In Newcastle [ 25 August 2017 ]
An Asian grooming gang raped and abused vulnerable white girls who they viewed as “commodities”, a court has been told.The gang, based in Newcastle upon Tyne, controlled the girls with drugs and alcohol, contacted them on Facebook to discuss sex parties and on one occasion demanded sex in return for paying for a tattoo. The women and girls were as young as 13 when the grooming began and they were allegedly pressed into prostitution in return for drugs including ecstasy and cocaine. One girl said that one of the gang had had sex with her when she was unconscious because of alcohol.....................
Five men – Soran Azizi, Palla Pour, Ribas Asad, Heiman Mohammed and Saman Faiao Obaid – are accused of offences including rape, trafficking for sexual exploitation, sexual activity with a child, paying for the sexual services of a child and supplying drugs.
They come to England, whining about their problems, pretending to be victims then become predators. They are imported by the political class and Lenin's Useful Idiots. The Puppet Masters feed them the sob stories about White Guilt, which morphs into Pathological Altruism. They are being used to cause Ethnic Fouling, population replacement and Genocide.
Third World Rapist Get 13 Years [ 6 November 2017 ]
A man who raped an 18-year-old girl after grabbing her while she was on the phone to her boyfriend and dragging her into woodlands has been jailed for 13 years. Kapil Dogra admitted in court that he had been on his way to buy class A drugs when he saw the young woman leaving a railway station......... The 'remorseless' 35-year-old denied one count of rape, two counts of assault of a female by penetration, and one count of causing a female to engage in non-penetrative sexual activity...............'He then dragged her into a wooded area where he raped and sexually assaulted her. Dogra was later identified by DNA and CCTV footage.'
Another Thought For The Day is true. Her Majesty's Government imports swine like this by the thousand with the wholehearted collusion of Her Allegedly Most Loyal Opposition. Of course they pretend they are trying to slow Immigration; they are lying.
We Have The Most Sex Crimes Allegedly [ 24 November 2017 ]
England and Wales have the highest number of violent sex crimes including rapes in Europe...........Statistics show that the two British countries accounted for 64,500 of the 215,000 crimes recorded by the police across the European Union in 2015.
Some 35,800, or 55 per cent, of the 64,500 violent sex crimes in England and Wales were rape, with Germany coming second with 34,300 crimes.................
The fewest combined incidents and crimes were recorded in Cheshire, Dyfed-Powys, Surrey, North Yorkshire and Thames Valley.
Statistics are one thing, truth is another. The Mail's readers aren't stupid enough to believe it. They mention Malmö, the Rape Capital Of Scandinavia. The perpetrators are overwhelmingly Third World aliens imported by Lenin's Useful Idiots. BTW Snopes claims it is not true; believe them if you want.Recall that police and politicians spent over a decade suppressing the truth about English girls being Raped by Pakistani Perverts with 1,400 of them in Rotherham alone. Rape statistics from the Wikipedia tell us that South Africa is the world leader with Zimbabwe trailing behind. Sweden is the highest rated European country on their list. Third World thugs are the problem & the government imports them as a matter of policy.
Woman's Rape Allegations Were Fraudulent [ 15 December 2017 ]
'Sheer incompetence' by police meant that texts about an alleged rape victim's fantasies of violent and casual sex were kept secret and an innocent student was put on trial after two years on bail, a prosecutor revealed today.Barrister Jerry Hayes claims the detective in charge told him sexual messages sent by the woman to Liam Allan and her friends were 'too personal' to share. But in fact they 'blew the case out of the window' and police had failed to even look at them because of 'sheer incompetence', he said.
The texts revealed the woman asked Mr Allan for casual sex and fantasised about rough and violent intercourse and even being raped despite telling police she didn't like being intimate with men.
Judge Peter Gower stopped the trial after three days at Croydon Crown Court yesterday.
Police Corruption or police incompetence? The woman was a liar.
Rape Is Fun Says Lebanese Murderer [ 24 December 2017 ]
Smirking as he brandishes a semi-automatic Kalashnikov rifle, this is the Uber driver accused of raping and murdering a young female British diplomat in Lebanon............. The taxi driver was arrested last week after Rebecca Dykes, 30, was sexually assaulted and strangled to death when she took a cab home from a popular tourist bar in Beirut.Her body was left dumped on the roadside with local media speculating she had been raped and then tried to run away - only for the suspect to chase her and drag her back to the car before strangling her.
Tragically for Miss Dykes, it appears her fate had been sealed the moment she entered the cab, senior police sources claimed.
'He said 'He said he found her pretty, wearing a short skirt…and so he decided to rape her as it would be easy as she was a foreigner,'........ Hawchieh reportedly confessed almost immediately to Lebanese police that he murdered the diplomat after being confronted with CCTV evidence.
Don't go to the Lebanon without a weapon or bodyguard. We need Armed Citizens protecting themselves against vicious Savages like this one. Notice that he has an AK74, the modern version of the AK47. Murder is a progressive industry over there.
Englishman Gets Seven Years For Raping 12 Year Old [ 5 January 2018 ]
A 25-year-old South Yorkshire man has been put behind bars, after he was found guilty of raping a 12-year-old girl.During a hearing at Sheffield Crown Court this afternoon, Judge Michael Slater sentenced Brett McLaughlan to seven-years in prison, with an extended license period of a year.
It is a change from Pakistani Perverts raping our girls. McLaughlan is a spastic/moron/simple minded/whatever the current euphemism might be and guilty as Hell. His co-conspirator got ten years.
Rape Allegation Fails [ 12 January 2018 ]
Both drunk. No witnesses. No case to answer. Simple enough but the Crown Prosecution Service leaned on him anyway. It is one of a string of bad cases.
Black Beats Rape Rap After Police Hid Evidence [ 17 January 2018 ]
A third rape case in just over a month has collapsed after it emerged images from the defendant's phone showing him cuddling the alleged victim were not disclosed. The case against Samson Makele, 28, was halted after his defence team unearthed vital photographs from his mobile phone which had not been made available.Mr Makele, originally from Eritrea, was accused of raping a woman after they met at Notting Hill Carnival in 2016 but he always claimed the sex was consensual.
And his case, which was due to begin next month, was thrown out after more than a dozen photographs were found which showed the pair naked and cuddling in bed.
The, presumably black, slut led him on then went the other way. Will she get charged with Perjury & attempting to Pervert The Course Of Justice? No, because the Crown Prosecution Service is run by a Feminist ratbag.
Swedish Lass Attacked By Third World Rapist In Malmö [ 31 January 2018 ]
A teenager has told how a man smashed a bottle over her head in a nightclub in Malmö, Sweden, after he sexually assaulted her and she pushed him away.Sophie Johansson, 19, told Swedish media that she had never met the man before, and that she suddenly felt his hands on her bottom and between her legs on the dance floor.
She says she hit him in order to get him to stop, to which he responded by punching her in the face and then hitting her with a glass bottle.
Miss Johansson says she had been enjoying her evening at Babel night club on Saturday when she felt a tug on her handbag and turned around to face a man she did not recognise. I turned around and then I felt his hand on my bottom and between my legs,' she told Aftonbladet. After rebuking the man, whom she describes as 5ft 10in in his mid-20s with dark hair, he punched her in the face with a closed fist..........However, just days after the incident in the night club, Malmö Police have been forced to shelve the investigation due to a lack of evidence to help identify the assailant.
The Daily Mail is not admitting that the perpetrator is a Third World parasite but its readers know the truth anyway; that the Swedish government has made Malmö into the Rape Capital Of Scandinavia.One reader, Ms Christie said:-
A totally politically correct article. Hmmm, wonder who would have done this unspeakable thing? Political leaders have been the knowing accomplices in this Trojan Horse fiasco and the blame lies squarely on their shoulders.
You can fool some of the people all of the time.............Another victim of these presumably well meaning Left Wingers is
They spoilt her night out too. Merkel is doing the same to Germany while Theresa May is doing it to us.
Man Put In Prison After Fraudulent Rape Allegation By Malicious Slut [ 31 January 2018 ]
A teenager suspected of rape spent three months in custody because police did not disclose text messages that proved his innocence, he has claimed. BT engineer Connor Fitzgerald, 19, was arrested last year after a complaint was made against him.But charges were dropped only last week when it emerged that the complainant, who is entitled to lifelong anonymity, had sent texts threatening to destroy him. One of the messages read: 'I'm not just going to mess up his life, I'm going to ruin it lol [laugh out loud].'
Women are just as vicious as men but they use lies, cunning and treachery more than violence. Will the police & Crown Prosecution Service put her in prison pending trial for Perjury et cetera? Not a chance. They are the problem; they are corrupt.
Rapes In London Are 20 Percent Up - But Police Don't Know Why - Allegedly [ 1 March 2018 ]
Rapes recorded by the Met have risen by almost 20 per cent in a year and policing chiefs have warned that the new figures could reflect a genuine increase in sex attacks in the capital.Police recorded 7,613 rapes in the 12 months to the end of January compared with 6,392 for the previous year. Rises in recorded rapes have in the past been attributed to increased confidence among victims to report crimes, rather than a growth in the number of attacks................
Asked at a London Assembly hearing if he had any idea what was behind the rise, Sir Craig said: “No, is the honest answer. It’s not as simple as saying this is increased confidence. Of course, that plays a part but there is something going on with sexual offending in London that we don’t fully understand, the causes of it. We see the end of it, [but] we don’t understand the causes.”
The Metropolitan Police know who reports Rape and who they accuse but pretend they do not know who the perpetrators are. Police are expert liars; it goes with the territory. Recall that South Yorkshire Police spent over a decade protecting Pakistani Perverts who raped some 1,400 English girls in Rotherham alone. Allowing them to do it was the quid pro quo for industrial scale Vote Rigging to keep Labour politicians in power. Are the Met less corrupt? Believe it if you want.
93 Percent Of Rapes In Finland Carried Out By Third World Intruders [ 20 March 2019 ]
Soon, the names of Muslim criminals were being redacted from police and court press releases as well. Official reports spoke only of men “of foreign background,” as if Finnish women were being attacked by German tourists or Japanese guest lecturers from the local university. But the authorities knew the truth: a 2018 a study by the Finnish Police Academy found that 93% of rapes of foreigners in Finland in 2016 had been committed by men from Islamic countries.In the spring of 2015, Juha Sipilä was elected Prime Minster of Finland on a platform of admitting fewer refugees. But in September of the same year, once Angela Merkel had opened the floodgates, he did an about face and offered refuge to 32,478 persons, mainly young Muslim men. Sipilä even persuaded some Finns to take such men into their own houses, promising to do so himself (he never did).
admits that they are guilty, Paedophile perverts as well as rapists - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oulu_child_sexual_exploitation_scandal. Is this a one off? NO! Try Rape In Finland or Three Blacks Raped Two Finnish Girls And Walk Away Laughing.
Their police are in the business of Perverting The Course Of Justice by protecting the parasitic criminals.
PS Even the Wikipedia
Juries Are Good News In Rape Trials
So says a Daily Mail female type journalist. She was on the jury. The police and prosecutors were suppressing the truth in order to convict. The wench was lying in her teeth. We NEED Juries and not just for Jury Nullification. Maggie weakened the law after she failed to convict Clive Ponting years ago. Bad cases make bad law.
Rape Policy In Finland [ 24 October 2019 ]
Finns enjoy an unusually high-trust society. Longtime British resident Ed Dutton describes unmanned roadside vegetable stands that operate on the honor system, with customers reliably leaving the correct price for what they take. Travelers need not purchase a ticket before boarding a train; everyone happily pays the conductor as he comes through. At least until recently, girls in outlying villages could safely hitchhike into larger towns on Saturday nights.Oulu (pronounced Oh-loo) is the largest city in northern Finland. It tends to be a dull place, and residents like it that way:............. By 2005, however, the city had begun accepting small numbers of Muslim ‘refugees.’ That summer,
a 30-year-old worker for the Finnish Lutheran Church had been naļve enough to get talking to a group of Muslim men in a bar and, worse still, go back to their flat. She was rewarded for her friendliness towards these guests by having her clitoris cut off with a pair of scissors which were then inserted into her vagina.
During the next couple of years, several local women were raped by Muslim men in city parks. By 2008, the trend was being reported in a national tabloid—which, however, failed to mention that all of the assaults had been carried out by Middle Eastern men. Oulu’s local daily, Kaleva, stopped reporting perpetrators’ names. As in other Western countries, Finnish journalists tend to be aggressively cosmopolitan leftists who despise the folks back home, ordinary Finns with “their simple desire for a picturesque wooden house close to a lake; their contentment living in a society where people mostly think in the same way.” If such narrow-minded yokels were to learn what was really going on, the multicultural project might be threatened!
The government imports vicious Third World aliens. The police protect alien Rapists. The Mainstream Media suppress the truth to protect foreigners. Sounds familiar? It certainly does to people who live in Rotherham, Rochdale, Telford and other sad little towns where the Labour Party is conspiring with Pakistani Perverts. You doubt it? Read The Silent Rape Epidemic - How the Finns Were Groomed to Love Their Abusers for yourself. Think for yourself. Decide for yourself. One small part of the answer comes from the Soldiers of Odin. Notice that the Wiki does not even pretend to take their report down the middle.The Finnish government attitude? Get Used To It Suckers.
Fat Ugly Woman Alleges Being Victim Of Paedophile Rapists And An MP [ 11 November 2019 ]
The nightmare of being wrongly accused of sexually abusing a child lives with you for ever. The finger of blame is pointed and soon comes the whispering of ‘no smoke without fire’. I am just emerging from nearly five years of such hell. In my case, I had never met my female accuser, a bookie’s clerk from Liverpool then in her early-30s. Yet what she told police about me at the time of growing national hysteria over a later-disproved Westminster VIP paedophile ring still casts a shadow over me and my family..............I cannot say the same for Staffordshire Police force which ignored evidence that the preposterous accusations about me by this woman were impossible. They sent the file to the Crown Prosecution Service to consider if I should face charges of child sex abuse.
My ordeal, with some key Labour Party figures (including then deputy leader Tom Watson) backing my accuser, went on until last week when I glimpsed a light at the tunnel’s end. Last Tuesday, the High Court ruled that I can receive libel damages from this woman because she made unsubstantiated rape claims against me......
Sky News, on May 25, 2015, broadcast a report saying that uniformed police officers had stood guard as several men had sexually assaulted Esther Baker from the age of six in Cannock Chase in Staffordshire and at various other properties around the country.
John Hemming seems to be a decent MP; how many are not light fingered traitors in our wonderful Parliament of Thieves? He should do the police for Malicious Prosecution and similar offences. You might recall that another woman made a similar accusation against Neil Hamilton, also an MP. She lied in her teeth and got three years for Perverting The Course Of Justice AGAIN.
Rape Charges Lead To Conviction Three Times Out Of A Hundred [ 21 December 2019 ]
Only 3 per cent of reported rapes led to a conviction last year, figures reveal. More than 58,600 cases were recorded by police in the year to March, but just 1,925 ended in a successful prosecution.It came as lawyers blamed the police for failing to provide timely evidence in rape cases. The official data for England and Wales showed convictions have gone from bad to worse.
The Crown Prosecution Service fouls up and blames someone else, anyone else. If the evidence isn't there they shouldn't prosecute in the first place. To be fair they have got a few good convictions against Pakistani Perverts, against Rapists imported by Her Majesty's Government with malice aforethought, Third World swine protected by Police and Politicians in Rotherham etc. ad nauseam.
Black Christian Church Accused Of Paedophile Rape [ 23 December 2019 ]
Members of a controversial church accused of exploiting young people are now facing claims of child rape and the sexual abuse of teenage girls. The Mail on Sunday can reveal that police are examining a dossier of a dozen allegations compiled by Labour MP Steve Reed, who has been contacted by alleged victims of SPAC Nation preachers.'There is one allegation of potential rape against an underage girl,' Mr Reed said. 'There are also allegations that SPAC Nation pastors are regularly sleeping with girls who, in some cases, are under 16.' The MP for Croydon North added that the alleged incidents are said to have happened in some of the 15 so-called 'trap houses' – safe houses for former gang members – run by the church across London.
Pastors are also facing claims from dozens of ex-worshippers who allege they were forced to take out bank loans and hand over thousands of pounds to fund the church's lavish spending................
The preachers are known for wearing designer clothes and driving expensive cars including Rolls-Royces and Lamborghinis. SPAC Nation has even been nicknamed 'The Church of Bling' due to the conspicuous nature of its leaders' wealth.
SPAC Nation is run by Tobi Atobiadegboyega, a Nigerian chancer on the make. The rest follows. And of course the Mail is censoring comments. It has written about this lot before - Black Chancers Use Christianity To Take Black Fools For Big Money.
Career Rapist Gets Out 45 Years Early & Does It Again [ 10 May 2020 ]
Police on Corfu launched a manhunt today after a man jailed in 2012 for 53 years for raping six women including tourists allegedly raped an Albanian woman. The 'Beast of Kavos', who was previously named as 47-year-old Dimitris Aspiotis, was given early release in August 2019, under a controversial new law. A British victim of Aspiotis, Kayleigh Morgan, 32, waived her right to anonymity last year to raise awareness and to slam the Greek government's decision to release him.The British Airways stewardess from Scunthorpe, Lincolnshire, told The Sunday People in September: 'I want to know why he's out. I don't believe he's changed.
Thugs like him are clear proof that hanging and flogging are the way to go.
Third World Rapists Buried Two Boys Alive In Sweden [ 31 August 2020 ]
Two teenage boys were allegedly tortured and raped before being buried alive in Sweden.The boys were set upon allegedly by a 21-year-old and an 18-year-old at around 11pm on Saturday evening in Solna, Sweden. The perpetrators offered to sell the boys drugs and when they refused, they were taken against their will into a cemetery, police say.
There, the victims were subjected to torture-like assault and sustained cuts to their legs among other injuries. The boys were allegedly also raped, according to a report in Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet. The two victims, whose exact ages are not known, were forced to take off their clothes before getting into a pit in the ground where they were buried alive, police allege.
The alarm was sounded by a passer-by at 8.39am on Sunday morning, ten hours after the boys were first abducted.
The Mail is in propaganda mode, concealing the truth; the perpetrators were Third World criminals imported by Lenin's Useful Idiots. It is also censoring comments to make sure that the truth remains hidden. The Sun is also perverting the truth but does admit that the perpetrators have previous. Opindia however manages to tell the truth - Sweden Two minors raped, buried alive by men from migrant background.
Police Hunting Rapist Because He Is Not A Pakistani [ 22 December 2020 ]
Police have issued pictures of a man they want to trace after a woman was raped as she walked alone in north London. The victim, a woman in her 20s, was walking home after a night out along a street off Dartmouth Park Hill in Highgate, at around 3.30am in mid-December last year.A man suddenly approached her, threatened her and forced her to perform a sex act, police say. Detectives are now looking to identify and speak to a man captured on CCTV around the time of the incident.
He is a black male who was wearing a fur-lined hooded jacket, dark jeans, dark trainers and a dark top with a logo. He was described as having a London accent.
Black not Pakistani, oh well some things don't change. It happened a year ago so the police aren't really trying.
Ugly French Actor Charged With Rape [ 24 February 2021 ]
French actor Gerard Depardieu has been charged with rape and sexual assault allegedly committed in 2018 against an actress in her 20s. The 72-year-old is alleged to have repeatedly attacked the young woman – who cannot be named for legal reasons – over a number of days in August 2018.It follows a series of #MeToo complaints against powerful men in the Paris arts establishment who are said to have raped or otherwise abused young women working as models and actresses............
Depardieu – who made his names in Hollywood films such as Green Card and Cyrano de Bergerac –allegedly invited her back to his Paris mansion to 'help her with her career'. A first probe of the rape accusations against Depardieu was dropped for lack of evidence but later reopened, leading to criminal charges filed in December, a judicial source told AFP on Tuesday.
Why is a fat ugly old man like that taken seriously? Can't he buy what he wants?
Afghan Rape Suspect Captured In London [ 31 July 2021 ]
A suspect, who allegedly boasted with pals about gang-raping a 13-year-old Austrian schoolgirl who died in the attack, has been arrested.The teenager's lifeless body was dumped beside a road next to a tree after allegedly being raped by the four men. Austrian police say all four were immigrants from Afghanistan and arrested three, with an international manhunt carried out searching for the fourth. The suspect has now been arrested in London.
Schoolgirl Leonie, 13, from the city of Wiener Neustadt near Austria's capital Vienna, was reported missing by her parents Melanie P, 40, and Hannes W, 39.
The politicians that run Austria are failing the country by allowing Illegal Immigrants to walk free. Concentration Camps are an effective answer. NB They are an American invention.
Homosexual Alien Rapist Comes Unstuck [ 5 October 2021 ]
Police have released a picture of Britain's worst rapist moments after he was arrested - covered in cuts and bruises after a brave rugby league player fought back.Greater Manchester Police shared the mugshot of serial sex fiend Reynhard Sinaga after he was nicked for his final sick attack in his city centre flat.
The image shows him with two swollen eyes, steri strips over his eyebrows, bruising on his forehead and nose and his hair messed up in June 2017.
Officers released the shot ahead of BBC documentary Catching A Predator, which will look at the police probe into the then 36-year-old's crimes.
He is believed to have attacked at least 195 men and was convicted of drugging 48 of them and filming himself sexually violating them while they were unconscious.
The gay Christian student was jailed for 60 years and must serve a minimum of 30 years in custody before he can be considered for parole.
PS The Mail is censoring comments again. It is nervous about the truth. His last victim was a Rugby player; it's a game for ruffians played by gentlemen. It worked out well this time. Does Johnson care? Believe it if you want.
Englishwoman Raped By Twelve Jews WAS Fitted Up [ 1 February 2022 ]
A British woman has won her appeal to overturn a conviction for 'lying' about being gang-raped by 12 Israeli tourists when she was an 18-year-old on holiday in Cyprus.The country's Supreme Court handed down its decision after lawyers for the woman successfully argued the trial judge had ignored expert evidence and had failed to allow the victim to give evidence about the rape.
Lawyers representing the woman, who cannot be identified, welcomed the court's decision and said she is 'beside herself with a mixture of emotion, relief and joy.' Lewis Power, QC, who took part in the appeal to the Supreme Court said: 'The Supreme Court of Cyprus have handed down their landmark decision and allowed the appeal of this young woman.
'In doing so they have quite properly recognised the serious flaws in the investigative and trial process and her unjust treatment. 'This was the most deplorable of cases in which a myth was created denying the existence of gang rape, a myth which justified the rapists' behaviour, shifting the blame on to the victim..............
The victim, a university student from Derby, was 19 when she was given a suspended four-month jail term in 2020 by a Cypriot judge who found her guilty of public mischief following a trial at Famagusta District Court in Paralimni.
She had told police she was attacked by up to 12 Israeli tourists in a hotel room in the party town of Ayia Napa on July 17 2019, but was charged with making the story up after signing a retraction statement 10 days later. She was in a consensual relationship with semi-pro footballer Shimon Yusufov [ looks like a wrong 'un - Editor ] who was also 19, but told police he held her down while she was raped by a gang of 12 who also filmed it on their mobile phones in a hotel room after a night out. Throughout numerous court hearings the woman maintained she was pressured by officers to withdraw the rape allegation.
She often clashed with the judge who refused to hear any details of her rape allegations and instead focussed on the police handling of the case and how she had changed her original statement.
A judge determined to ignore the evidence does not help. Justice must be done & be seen to be done? Not a chance. Police harassment creates problems too. The video evidence meant 12 easy convictions but it's not what you know; it's who you know. The real issue is that the perpetrators walked free & it was off to Palestine; they won't be back any time soon. What the lass would have known about if she had gone to the Regent University School of Law was Resistance to Interrogation. You can see for yourself at Top Flight Law Professor Says NEVER Talk To The Police.
PS It was also in Aya Napa that a "business man" came unstuck. What was his business? They weren't saying, not publicly any way. It was second time lucky for the perpetrators. See Gang War In Cyprus, Four Dead.
Black Arrested After Four Girls Sexually Assaulted In London [ 3 February 2022 ]
A man has been arrested by detectives investigating a series of sexual assaults on girls aged 13 to 17 in south-east London. Police had linked reports of four girls being sexually assaulted in four separate incidents in Greenwich within a matter of weeks.Officers today confirmed that a 24-year-old man was arrested on Friday on suspicion of sexual assault, and has been released on bail until early March. The first attack happened on December 16 when a 13-year-old girl got off a Route 229 bus on Crossway, near the junction of Hoverton Road, in Thamesmead.
Police say she was followed off the bus by a man who sexually touched her before running off when she screamed.
On Wednesday, January 12, a 16-year-old girl was walking down Poplar Place when she was approached by a man asking for directions. He pushed her against a fence and sexually touched her before she screamed and he ran off. The next day a 17-year-old girl was followed off a Route 422 bus. He followed her into a nearby property and grabbed the back of her leg, causing her to fall.
Is he black? The Mail knows but they aren't telling us. The chosen mugshot is clearly not one of an Englishman. Thamesmead is heavily infested with blacks.
Vicious Alien Is On The Run [ 3 February 2022 ]
Police have warned the public not to approach a man they are hunting on suspicion of two horrific sex attacks in Gloucester. Gloucestershire Constabulary said people should steer clear of Ion Bogdan after they linked him to an assault on Saturday and another last year. Rape and Serious Sexual Offences Detective Sergeant Faye Satchwell-Bennett urged anyone who spots the 21-year-old to call them 'immediately'.She said: 'I would urge anyone who knows his whereabouts, or any member of the public who sees him, not to approach him but to call police immediately.'
She added: 'I also appeal directly to this individual to come forward and hand himself in.'
Bogdan is said to be white [ He isn't; he's brown but let's not get hung up on details or the truth - Editor ], 5ft 8in, of medium build with cropped black hair and a black beard.
He is more dangerous than the one in the previous article. Their sort are imported with Malice Aforethought by Her Majesty's Government with the wholehearted connivance of the other lot. The legal term is Genocide, a crime against International Law.
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Updated on 05/01/2023 23:14