The Labour Party evolved from the trade unions into what should have been the party of the working man. It became the party of the bourgeois swine. Now it is the party of the capitalist swine, importing Third World aliens by the million to buy votes, by Vote Rigging, by bribery with our money. The early activists of the lower classes were out thought by the Fabian Society which means aforesaid bourgeois swine, men and even women who were cunning manipulators - see the Fabian Society Window which shows their message and their contempt for our stupidity in following them.
Vladimir Lenin understood them well -
Labour Party Assessed By Comrade Lenin. His remarks are in full at
Marxism and the British Labour Party:-
"Regarded from this, the only correct, point of view,
Labour Party is a
thoroughly bourgeois party, because, although made up of workers, it is led
reactionaries, and the worst kind of reactionaries at that, who act quite in
the spirit of the
It is an organisation of the bourgeoisie, which exists to systematically dupe
the workers with the aid of the British
Noskes and
Scheidemanns."[ See
That policy is epitomized today Blair and Brown; one destroying
their liberty, the other grinding them down into poverty.
PS The
current [ 2015 ] propaganda chief is
Seumas Milne, a Stalinist
public school man. It is run by its National
Executive Committee.
"You really do have to wonder how much you would have to hate,
indeed loathe, your culture, your country and your fellow citizens, before you
would even contemplate something like . . . Labour's conspiracy for mass
2019 under Comrade Corbyn and yes,
Blair is deserting the sinking ship.
The Army Rumour Service Explains Labour & The Red Flag
The cloth cap and the woolen scarf
Are images outdated
For we're the party's avant-garde
And we are educated
So raise the rolled umbrella high
The college scarf, the old school tie
And just to show that we're sincere
We'll sing The Red Flag once a year
New Labour
Was Blair's marketing machine, one that took over real Labour and corrupted it; getting the money from Jews and the power from Vote Rigging i.e. Pakistanis.
Proscribed List
Was a list of Hard Left troublemakers who were kept out until Wilson succeeded in letting them in.
Labour Party Assessed
Tommy Macpherson MC, a Scottish businessman who knew them tells all.
Labour Party 27 February 1900 - the present day
In the 1906 election, the LRC won 29 seats—helped by a secret 1903 pact between Ramsay MacDonald and Liberal Chief Whip Herbert Gladstone that aimed to avoid splitting the opposition vote between Labour and Liberal candidates in the interest of removing the Conservatives from office.In their first meeting after the election the group's Members of Parliament decided to adopt the name "The Labour Party" formally (15 February 1906). Keir Hardie, who had taken a leading role in getting the party established, was elected as Chairman of the Parliamentary Labour Party (in effect, the Leader),... In the party's early years the Independent Labour Party (ILP) provided much of its activist base as the party did not have individual membership until 1918 but operated as a conglomerate of affiliated bodies. The Fabian Society provided much of the intellectual stimulus for the party............
One of the most notable early critics of Labour's claim to be socialist was the Marxist theorist and leader of the Soviet Union, Vladimir Lenin, who, after examining the actions and political positions of its leaders, came to the conclusion that
"the only correct, point of view, the Labour Party is a thoroughly bourgeois party, because, although made up of workers, it is led by reactionaries, and the worst kind of reactionaries at that, who act quite in the spirit of the bourgeoisie. It is an organisation of the bourgeoisie, which exists to systematically dupe the workers with the aid of the British Noskes and Scheidemanns." [ See ]
Labour is the party of the honest working man? That was the theory back in 1900 when it was formed. The reality has been rather different. Dear old Vladimir Ilyich [ Lenin, not Vlad The Impaler ] got them bang to rights, bourgeois swine screwing the honest working man.
The Fabian Window explains their treachery in pictures. Notice especially the Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
Fabian Society
They are the cunning manipulators, men like Blair who used the Labour Party to get power, position and money.
Labour Bribes Charities
Why not? They not using their money; it is only ours. There are billions to wasted while they have the key to the Treasury, the power. Get it while the getting's good. It buys votes too.
Labour Friends of Israel
Names 37 Labour wallahs. It does not include David Miliband, the grandson of a Jew, traitor and mass murderer.
Labour Party
The Labour Party was established in England to further the interests of the working man and his family......... The current policies are driven by a hatred of England and essentially unlimited greed. They no longer do anything for the working man apart from taxing him to pay for their evil schemes. They are happy to throw money at illegal immigrants and make it easy for them to vote illegally. Buying votes keeps Labour in power and keeps their snouts in the trough.
Labour immigration policy
I don't think it is any more complicated than that.
A very nasty bit of work. One of the Hard Left. Colludes with anyone he can use. See e.g. Livingstone Panders To Jews
Muslim Friends Of Labour
Any friend will do - unless they happen to be honest English working men.
The Labour Party And The Underclass
The Labour Party was founded to help the honest Working Man and his family. That was what we were told. Then William Beveridge brought us the dole and created the #Underclass or just expanded it. His policies cost billions every year; they still do. But for politicians it is marvelous - using tax to buy votes, using other people's money to Bribe the peasant masses, the Untermenschen [ the Nazi term for undermen, sub-men, subhumans ]. Now they made it even more cost effective by pandering to Pakistani Perverts who use Vote Rigging. Vote often, vote early. It is all about power.
Underclass ex Wiki
The underclass is the segment of the population that occupies the lowest possible position in a class hierarchy, below the core body of the working class.The general idea that a class system includes a population under the working class has a long tradition in the social sciences (for example, lumpenproletariat). However, the specific term, underclass, was popularized during the last half of the 20th century, first by social scientists of American poverty, and then by American journalists.
The underclass concept has been a point of controversy among social scientists. Definitions and explanations of the underclass, as well as proposed solutions for managing or fixing the underclass problem have been highly debated.
Miliband, Labour And Suicide [ 23rd September 2010 ]
Was it Kinnock who called the Labour Manifesto the longest suicide note in history? Miliband could be the best kamikaze pilot since Michael Foot.
Labour Tried To Destroy England Using A Flood Of Third World Immigrants [ 4 May 2012 ]
Mass immigration, and how Labour tried to destroy Britishness
Throughout the tenure of the last Labour government this newspaper, and others — while praising the huge contribution immigrants [ that bit is tosh, unless it is a reference to crime - Editor ] had made to this country in the past — attacked the laxity of what were supposed to be our border controls. It was clear the very nature of our society was being changed by a new kind of uncontrolled mass immigration — and without the British people ever having been asked whether they supported the policy. Labour arrogantly accused its critics of racism — though most of the incomers were white — and of scaremongering........The cynicism did not end there. Such, Labour claimed, was its commitment to ensuring that only people with a right to be in Britain could come here that in 2008 it set up the UK Border Agency. The truth, unfortunately, was very different.
Theresa May, the Home Secretary, has announced that the agency is being wound up next month precisely because it is useless, and the officials who ran it — rather like the borders they supposedly policed — were out of control......
Though Labour clearly left the system in a shambles, it should be noted that it has taken almost two years for this Government to admit the mess our immigration procedures are in, and to do something about it.
Labour is bad. The Tories are no better. Simon Heffer tells some of the truth but the Mail is not read by real people, only their servants, so it will be ignored.
Labour Party Hates Labour, It Panders To Capitalist Swine Wanting Cheap Workers [ 10 December 2013 ]
"Most glaring was Labour's fear of a resurgence of union power. They didn't want people banding together to insist on higher pay and better conditions."Would they have hanged the Tolpuddle Martyrs? Who cares about the honest working man? Not the likes of Blair for starters.
The Guardian explains the Treason of socialist politicians who have never done honest work in their lives. Given that the Grauniad tells the BBC what its opinions are going to be today this could be good news. It fingers Jack Straw as a liar but does not mention that he is a Stalinist Jew. See more at Something Stirs In The Liberal Subconscious.
Labour Spending Spree Will Cost Us £25 Billion EXTRA [ 1 February 2014 ]
And they will import thousands more Third World criminals than the Tories to boot. The next one is just a sample.
Labour Politicians Backed Paedophiles [ 20 February 2014 ]
The Labour Party put Greville Janner, MP and Jew in the Lords because he was accused on oath of being a Paedophile pervert. This stopped people voting against him, thereby proving that Labour is deeply corrupt; also that Jews are too powerful to be held to the same standards as civilized human beings. The Mail fingers Harriet Harman, , a crooked ratbag, Jack Dromey, who claimed ignorance about bungs for baronetcies & Patricia Hewitt, an Australian with light fingers.
Black Shadow Minister Is Stupid, Ignorant Or Lying [ 14 March 2014 ]
Most of our thirteen years in office we didn’t have a debt, er, a deficit, because we hadn’t had the financial crash.”
Believe a politician? You might just as well believe a policeman.
A supercilious rogue, don't you think?
Labour Support Down [ 31 March 2014 ]
Labour 33
Tory 32
So UKIP holds the balance. Now if Cameron hadn't lied to us about a referendum there would be no point in UKIP. But he did, so there is. Recall that Tory is the Irish word for thief.
Immigration Surge Means 42 Thousand New Homes Needed [ 18 October 2014 ]
Give them council houses, dole, free medicine, bribe them to vote Labour and watch them pour in. Of course the Tories are Capitalist Swine who want cheap labour, cheap servants. They are greedy and corrupt. The other lot are greedy and malicious, Traitors who hate England.
Labour Will Be Screwed By The SNP In Scotland [ 31 October 2014 ]
Labour faces near wipeout in Scotland next May in a setback that could cost Ed Miliband the general election, according to a new poll for The Times....... Labour supporters are more likely to distrust him [ Miliband ].
Nationalism is alive and well among ordinary people, the Working Class that Labour betrayed. Miliband is an enemy alien, grandson of a traitor, mass murderer, illegal immigrant & Jew.
Labour Threatens Public Schools [ 25 November 2014 ]
Labour demands that public schools sort out government schools. Behind the mask of the Nanny State there is the Bully State & the politics of envy. It was Labour that outlawed Fox Hunting, alleging that it is cruel but has nothing to say about Kosher Slaughter because Jews matter more than cruelty to animals. Perhaps they think that it will get them votes from horny handed sons of toil.
Labour Imported 3.6 Million Immigrants [ 6 March 2015 ]
Immigration during Labour’s time in power boosted the UK population by 3.6 million, according to a report published today. The number over 13 years is equivalent to the combined size of five of Britain’s largest cities.A study by MigrationWatch argues that the surge in immigration under Labour was partly because of incompetence and partly a conspiracy by some in the party to make British society more multicultural. It hints that Labour may have opened up the UK for electoral advantage, because migrants from Asia and Africa were more inclined to vote Labour than Conservative or Liberal Democrat.
I claim that The Times alleges that Migration Watch argues that........Words Are Propaganda Tools. The Times has an agenda. Calling people liars in so many words would be libel. Labour imported Third World aliens in order to bribe them, to buy their votes. The Tories were stupid enough to let them. Being Capitalist Swine they wanted cheap labour.
Hedge Fund Boss's £600 Thousand Bung To Labour To Pay Off Big Time In NHS Privatisation [ 24 March 2015 ]
A multi-millionaire hedge fund boss who handed £600,000 to the Labour party, also stands to cash in from the privatisation of NHS services..Martin Taylor was unveiled last week as the generous benefactor who has become the party’s fourth largest donor over the past three years.........
And yesterday it emerged that Mr. Taylor’s company, Nevsky Capital, managed a fund with a £10million stake in United Health, an American private healthcare giant which has run NHS-funded GP surgeries and is bidding for health service contracts.
Tory MPs accused Mr. Miliband of being a ‘hypocrite’ from taking his money after Labour have hit out at NHS ‘privatisation’ under the Coalition and claimed they would prevent it if they win office.
The Labour Party was set up in 1900 for the honest working man. Now it gets its money from Capitalist Swine. They import Immigrants, legal or not for the Vote Rigging. The Tories, the stupid party let them get away with it.
Labour Candidate Abuses Simpletons And Racists Who Fly English Flags [ 11 April 2015 ]
Another ghastly Marxist oaf proves Treasonous intent while inciting crime. Notice that he is not saying anything about Welsh flags but then he is standing in Wales. No doubt he will be just as keen as the rest on importing foreign undesirables. See e.g. the next two.
Labour On The Skids Or A New Beginning? [ 8 August 2015 ]
Are Corbyn+Galloway the dream ticket to previously-unreachable ‘sunlit uplands’ of British politics?
Would they present a much needed double-barrel warning to the warmongers of Tel Aviv and AIPAC’s lackeys in Washington?
Could they clean out Westminster’s snake-pit and put Britain’s industries and workers first?UK Labour Party bosses are on a suicide mission to block support for its most likely saviour, Jeremy Corbyn who has emerged as the front-runner in the leadership contest.
Interim leader Harriet Harman is reported to have given orders to weed out hard lefties and other presumed mischief-makers, such as Tories, who are said to be joining the Party in droves in order to vote for the maverick Corbyn. Anyone who is not a member may apply to register as a Labour “supporter”, on payment of £3, and receive a ballot paper provided they declare: “I support the aims and values of the Labour Party, and I am not a supporter of any organisation opposed to it.”
Harman’s credentials, by the way, include voting for the Iraq war and against an investigation… as did the other leading contenders Andy Burnham and Yvette Cooper (though not Corbyn of course).
A good analysis from Stuart Littlewood.
Labour Candidate In Oldham By-Election Is A Company Director [ 3 December 2015 ]
Is Councillor James McMahon, a director of Oldham Property Partnerships Ltd., a company with assets of £19 million really a Labour man?
PS Our Jim is a director of nine other companies.
PPS The Lancashire Telegraph tells us that Labour Is Pinning Its Hopes On 'Working Class' Jim McMahon In Oldham
Workers Betrayed By Labour Party Are Victims Of Immigration And Pakistani Rapists
Wendy McDonald [ a black ] is worried that the referendum is stirring up what she calls ‘the r-word’.................Having worked in social housing in the Greater Manchester area for 20 years, Wendy says she knows only too well how community cohesion is eroded when, for example, a family from Eastern Europe gets given a terrace house by the council ahead of a local lad who is left to ‘sleep outside Asda’ night after night............
These are people who don’t just feel patronised. When it comes to their concerns about Europe, they feel disenfranchised. For there is no other part of the country where you find voters quite so divorced from the people elected to represent them on this key issue............
And let’s not forget that Jeremy Corbyn has been criticised for blocking any mention of immigration in Labour’s referendum leaflet.
Politicians give highly preferential treatment to Third World aliens - see Illegal Immigrant Housing. How many politicians have ever done an honest day's work or served Queen and Country?
Labour Party Breaking Up [ 31 July 2016 ]
Senior Labour rebels are so convinced that Jeremy Corbyn will win the leadership contest that they are planning to elect their own leader and launch a legal challenge for the party's name. Leading moderates have told The Telegraph they are looking at plans to set up their own “alternative Labour” in a “semi-split” of the party if Mr Corbyn remains in post.The move would see them create their own shadow cabinet and even elect a leader within Parliament to rival Mr Corbyn’s front bench and take on the Tories.
What about a Labour Party to represent the honest English working man? Not a chance. The Labour Party is a thoroughly bourgeois party......... it is led by reactionaries, and the worst kind of reactionaries at that, who act quite in the spirit of the bourgeoisie. That is what Comrade Lenin had to say about them. He was right then. He still is.This is not really good news because it makes life too easy for the Tories. Screwing us is basic policy. Her Majesty's Government needs Her Allegedly Loyal Opposition to keep it honest or, at least restrain its worst excesses.
Tom Watson Says Trotskyists Are Infiltrating Labour [ 21 August 2016 ]
Labour’s civil war entered a bitter new phase with Jeremy Corbyn and his deputy Tom Watson locked in a public spat about whether the party risks being taken over by hard left activists [ allegedly ] driven out in the 1980s.Watson sent the leader’s office a four-page document, based on publicly available information, detailing what he said was evidence that Trotskyists had been attending meetings of grassroots pro-Corbyn Momentum pressure group and seeking to influence the Labour leadership election.
He claimed some of the individuals involved were members of other parties, including the Socialist party, the successor to Militant, whose members were expelled from the Labour party by Neil Kinnock.............
Watson’s letter was a riposte to the accusation made on Tuesday by Corbyn’s campaign that he was “peddling conspiracy theories” after he said in a Guardian interview that Labour was at risk from “Trotskyist entryists”.
Watson wrote: “It’s not a conspiracy theory to say that members of these organisations are joining Labour. It’s a fact.”
Perhaps Tom didn't actually say that Comrade Corbyn is a Trotskyite but he is Hard Left or Ultra-left, which is why Momentum backs him.
Labour MPs Like Expense Fraud [ 22 August 2016 ]
South Yorkshire Police are "investigating" three Labour MPs, Kevin Barron, John Healey & Sarah Champion regarding undeclared expenses. The fact that the local police are dealing with the matter means business as usual, corruption as usual. They are the mob that pretended to investigate the Pakistani Perverts committing the wholesale Rape of English girls in Rotherham. They colluded with local Labour politicians in concealing it for over a decade. Ditto for the pay off; buying industrial scale Vote Rigging.
PS It is still happening, both rape and vote fraud.
Labour MPs Must Pretend To Oppose Third World Invaders [ 29 November 2016 ]
Or risk losing their seats to UKIP. The whole point of the mob running the Labour Party is to betray the honest Working Classes. They get their money from Jews and their votes from Pakistani parasites using industrial scale Vote Rigging. Of course Jews and Pakistanis have something in common; they understand how to use Bribery as working tool - for profit & power. One such is Michael Foster, a rich Jew who infiltrated the Labour Party in order to control it. Getting rid of Jeremy Corbyn was his plan. Jeremy was naive enough to think that Palestinians have the human right not to be murdered or harassed by Jews. Whoops. He has to go.
PS The Mail's readers have taken the point that Dan Jarvis is a hypocrite on the make.
Why is Labour so worried about a crackdown on voter fraud? [ 29 December 2016 ]
Because Labour Party apparatchiks are the beneficiaries, to say the obvious. The Spectator ignores the other obvious factor; the perpetrators are very largely Third World parasites if not Pakistani. The Electoral Commission published a report alleging that
Despite some high-profile cases in recent years when fraud has been detected and punished, there is no evidence to suggest that there have been widespread, systematic attempts to undermine or interfere with recent elections through electoral fraud.
It lied; see what Richard Mawrey has to say about the Purity of Elections in the UK to know the truth.
Rotherham People Vote Against Labour [ 4 February 2017 ]
The Liberals won but then Labour was running another Pakistani. Business as usual, corruption as usual:-
Shaba Ahmed (Labour) 519
Adam Jonathon Carter (Lib Dem) 2,000 — ELECTED
John Lester Oliver (Conservative) 91
Steven Webster (UKIP) 389
Rebecca Louise Whyman (Green) 30
Lots of people stayed at home.
This election is not a matter of great importance but it is a straw in the wind. The horny handed sons of toil have been betrayed by the Labour Party; they know it but voting Tory is unthinkable. This is their verdict on Comrade Corbyn and Immigration.
PS The other ward didn't run a Pakistani. Labour won.
Labour Wins Stoke By-Election [ 24 February 2017 ]
Gareth Snell (Lab) 7,853 (37.09%, -2.22%)
Paul Nuttall (UKIP) 5,233 (24.72%, +2.07%)
Jack Brereton (C) 5,154 (24.35%, +1.80%)
Zulfiqar Ali (LD) 2,083 (9.84%, +5.67%)
Adam Colclough (Green) 294 (1.39%, -2.22%).........
David Furness (BNP) 124 (0.59%)........
Mohammed Akram (Ind) 56 (0.26%)
The Labour win is surprising and a disappointment. Honest Working men know they have been betrayed by politicians & flooded by Pakistanis but.............. Nuttall was a victim of lies, his own or his enemies. The ethnic vote was small; they stayed at home too. The Green vote is a fair reflection of their numbers but not their noise.
Labour Candidate Accuses Israel Of Genocide [ 7 April 2017 ]
This shows that he is not a Zionist crazy or a neutered Englishman; he is of course a Pakistani telling the truth. Guido Fawkes seems to think Khan is wrong but it is going to be a real vote winner in another ghastly Hellhole full of Third World aliens.
Councillor's Tweets 'Blame Labour For Muslim Rapists' [ 2 May 2017 ]
A Tory councillor has been suspended after 'abhorrent' Islamaphobic [ Rape-ophobic in fact - Editor ] messages - including one which said Labour was to blame for 'Muslim rapists' - were posted on his Twitter account.Councillor Ray Bray's account published a string of shocking statements, including hitting out at 'Muzzie rapists', urging people to boycott Muslim firms and encouraging the building of mosques to be banned.
Huddersfield is near enough to Rochdale & Rotherham for him to know the truth about Labour Party politicians & police pandering to Pakistani Perverts; they are worth thousands of corrupt votes to Labour by Vote Rigging. Who cares about the thousands of English girls that get raped as a quid pro quo.
PS The Daily Mail is a Propaganda machine.
Black Labour MP Abuses Prince Philip [ 5 May 2017 ]
Black MP confirms everything that is wrong with Labour. She will not be getting my vote, not that I ever would vote for them.
Huddled Peasant Masses Vote Against Labour Party [ 5 May 2017 ]
Real people, at the receiving end of government policies, are not stupid enough to believe Propaganda machines like the BBC and other Marxists so one black Labour MP could find herself back on the dole come June. The Labour Party betrays the honest Working Man, panders to Pakistani Perverts for their contributions by way of monstrous Vote Rigging while getting its finance from Zionist crazies.
Rich Jews Threaten Labour Party & Jeremy Corbyn [ 24 May 2017 ]
Some of Labour's biggest donors have threatened to bankroll a new centre-left rival party.'Sir' David Garrard, the multi-millionaire property tycoon, said he would back a new party if Labour moderates decided to break away after the General Election. His intervention comes after months of speculation that Labour MPs will resign the whip in a bid to force their left-wing leader Jeremy Corbyn out. Sir David, who has given Labour £1.6 million. said that he would ‘willingly support’ a new party......... Millionaire Stoke City chairman Peter Coates, who has pumped £200,000 into Labour, told the newspaper he was ‘interested’ in the idea of a new party.
The intervention comes after Labour launched its most left-wing manifesto for at least a generation.
Jews tried to get rid of Comrade Corbyn a while go because Jeremy is a naive sort of chap, who believes that Palestinians have human rights, e.g. the human right not to be murdered, robbed, raped, tortured etc. by Jews. That is why God's Chosen People hate him. Their attack was led by Michael Foster, a rich Jew who infiltrated the Labour Party in order to control it. See e.g. Labour MPs Must Pretend To Oppose Third World Invaders. NB Garrard is another rich Jew but Peter Coates reads as a decent man; he served Queen and Country.
Jews Buy Politicians [ 24 May 2017 ]
Around this time last year, parliamentary records show, the retired property developer and hugely generous Labour party donor, 'Sir' David Garrard, had given a modest £60,000 towards the party’s election campaign for 2015. It came in addition to around half a million he had already given since 2003.Fast forward to 16 June of this year, Garrard hosts a Labour Friends of Israel event, at which Labour leader [ and Jew ] Ed Miliband is the main speaker. The prime minister hopeful had, the year before, proclaimed that he was a Zionist. The lobbying group he addressed boasts dozens of Labour peers and MPs amongst its membership, including the Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls.
That same day, Garrard transferred a whopping £630,000 to the Labour party accounts, over ten times his donation from the previous year.
As Gilad Atzmon, an honest Jew said that Jews Buy All Western Politicians For Less Than One Main Battle Tank. I think, to be fair they don't come that cheap. Question: What is the difference between a "political donation" and a Bribe? Answer: One goes through the books.
Labour Take Eight Percent Lead Over Conservatives [ 8 July 2017 ]
Labour have taken a shock poll lead over the Tories as ministers plot to oust Theresa May with a coup launched by a series of resignations in autumn.The first YouGov survey since the General Election last month puts Jeremy Corbyn's party eight points ahead.
The poll for The Times tonight revealed that 46 per cent of the public back Labour, Conservatives 38 per cent, Lib Dems 6 per cent and UKIP 4 per cent.
Theresa May fouled up big time by threatening to tax oldies. Comrade Corbyn succeeded brilliantly by offering a huge bribe to the young. Free university means saving £9,000 a year. But she hasn't done that badly since apart from continuing to incite Illegal Immigration but then Corbyn is even worse on that one.
Labour MP Sends Her Sons To A Grammar School [ 30 July 2017 ]
New Canterbury Labour MP Rosie Duffield campaigned on an anti-grammars platform at the election, saying she wanted “no new grammar schools” as they are “not the way forward” and the 11+ is a “horrible, divisive and stressful thing”. It would be pretty dumbfoundingly hypocritical for Rosie to send her own children to grammars and then pull the ladder up, right?Yes, both of Duffield’s sons went to Simon Langton Grammar School in Canterbury. One of them still currently goes there, despite mummy not wanting other people’s kids to have that choice. Daniel Hamilton, a likely Tory challenger at the next election, has written to Duffield asking for clarification, pointedly noting: “how many families and young people in East Kent have benefited from our excellent local grammar schools”. As Labour grammars hypocrites go, this is up there…
Labour liars hate the Working Classes. Abbot is another one and a fat black ugly lump of lard to boot.
The Labour Party Is An Enemy Of The Working Classes [ 17 August 2017 ]
How do we know? Because Sarah Champion, a Labour MP was sacked for telling the truth about Pakistani Perverts. See below:Labour MP Say Pakistani Perverts Are Still Raping English & Gets Sacked [ 17 August 2017 ]
Sarah Champion Was “Thrilled” With Her Sun Article
Sarah Champion is under pressure from Corbynistas on Twitter demanding that she is sacked from her Shadow Cabinet job over her article in The Sun last week:“Britain has a problem with British Pakistani men raping and exploiting white girls. There. I said it. Does that make me a racist? Or am I just prepared to call out this horrifying problem for what it is.”
To save face with outraged lefties, Champion is putting it about that her words were stripped of all nuance and that she didn’t write the opening sentences. Sun sources insist Champion was not only sent the subbed text, she was sent the hard copy of the page (above) and raised no objections.
In fact her personal assistant emailed the paper the day following the article’s publication to say that Champion was “thrilled with it”:
Date: 11 August 2017 at 10:40
Subject: RE: Sarah’s pieceShe is absolutely thrilled with it – just gone to get some hard copies. However, she is mortified that you’ve used such an ancient picture of her – it is about five years old! I sent some newer ones last summer to the picture desk and am attaching them again here. Please can you send them on to the relevant person. Thanks, x
Champion has said what is the obvious truth about rape gangs – her personal assistant’s only complaint before the Corbynistas got involved was that the picture of her used was old. Only when social justice warriors started shrilly tweeting calls for her to resign did Champion seek to disown the article…
Champion is a ratbag on the make, just like Jo Cox. Champion told the truth about Third World parasites. Whoops, she came unstuck when the Enemy Within turned on her. Cox was different; she crossed a Patriot.
PS One MP that she annoyed is Naz Shah, a Pakistani who does not like Jews; was forced to apologise for saying what he, she or it thought about them. See e.g. Naz Shah ex Wiki
Labour Sacks Pakistani Councillor For Opposing Paedophile Perversion [ 27 August 2017 ]
A sacked Labour councillor has claimed the party has a 'problem with black and ethnic minority women'. Amina Lone went on TV to say that MP Sarah Champion was being treated as a 'scapegoat' after she was forced to resign.The member for Rotherham had said the UK had a 'problem' with British Pakistanis abusing white girls.
Manchester councillor Ms Lone went on to stand up for her, telling the BBC: 'She is not a racist but a brave woman speaking out about a politically awkward issue.' The Labour leadership at the council said the decision not to reselect her had been taken because she had a poor attendance and campaigning record.
Sarah Champion said the right things about the Pakistani Perverts who enjoy raping English girls in Pakistani Perversion Hot Spots such as Aylesbury, Banbury, Bradford, Bristol.............. it goes on, with the approval of Comrade Corbyn. He needs their Vote Rigging to keep Labour in power. Amina Lone spoke the truth. Women can be dangerous when they are let out of purdah.
Labour Activists Object To The Evil Of Jews [ 26 September 2017 ]
Labour was branded the 'new nasty party' last night after an outbreak of intimidation and anti-Semitism at its annual conference [ alleges the Daily Mail ]. Jeremy Corbyn was urged to act after activists applauded panellists at a fringe meeting who likened supporters of Israel to Nazis. One speaker even suggested Labour should be free to debate whether the Holocaust had happened...............But Andrew Percy, a former Tory minister who has also been the target of Anti-Semitic abuse, last night described Labour as the 'new nasty party'.
So there are young Labour politicians who have seen through the lifelong Propaganda they have been subjected to. This is good. NB The Daily Mail does not mention that Percy is an ugly Jew, who is keen on mass murder - by Jews.
Black Tory Candidate Is A 'Token Ghetto Boy' Says Labour Racist [ 18 November 2017 ]
Labour MP Emma Dent Coad labelled black Tory candidate black Tory candidate Shaun Bailey a “token ghetto boy” and “free-loading scumbag” who is “not welcome” in her Kensington constituency, Guido can reveal. In a vicious 2010 blog post – which really is dripping with poison and hate – Dent Coad labelled Bailey a “token ghetto boy” who was being “used” by the Tories and will never “fit in, however hard he tries”............The abuse continued, with Dent Coad quoting two conspicuously anonymous “former neighbours” who she claims thought Bailey was “a free-loading scumbag” and “the most hated man in North Kensington”. Dent Coad concluded that if Bailey were to win his seat “he will no longer be welcome in North Ken”. Imagine the outrage if a Tory MP talked about a black Labour candidate in this way. Dent Coad has a new report out on inequality in Kensington today. She could start by looking at her own prejudices…
To be fair, Bailey is a supercilious looking oik. Dent Coad is a loud mouthed fool.
McDonnell Tells Davos That Starving Venezuela Is Not Socialist Enough [ 27 January 2018 ]
John McDonnell has told the Davos World Economic Forum that Venezuela is in crisis because it “took a wrong turn” and strayed from the “socialist path.” Speaking to a gathering of global business and political leaders, sworn Marxist McDonnell joked that he “always gets thrown” questions on Venezuela – the collapsing hard left state he and Jeremy Corbyn have valorised for decades. Labour’s Shadow Chancellor said:“I think would have been successful if they had actually mobilised the oil resources… I think in Venezuela they took a wrong turn, not a particularly effective path and not a socialist path.”
McDonnell’s ‘oil reserves’ explanation was comprehensively debunked last summer when the Venezuela crisis was severely embarrassing the Labour leadership. Top thought leadership from Davos man McDonnell…
If McDonnell gets into power then God help England because McDonnell won't. He is more dangerous than Comrade Corbyn.
Labour Announce Their Plan To Open Immigration & Destroy England [ 25 February 2018 ]
Labour have announced that they will scrap any preventative measures to hold back the hordes of Third World migrants clamouring to invade the British Isles.During a speech by ‘Britain’s most racist woman’, Shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott announced plans to permit ‘child’ migrants to ship over their entire families to “end family break-up through the immigration system.”
Labour’s sudden interest in keeping families together is an interesting one. The Labour Party is the biggest advocate of the government welfare state which rewards the breakup of families by actively sponsoring single-motherhood and rendering fathers redundant.
Given that family links are vastly extensive, Labour’s plans are guaranteed to kick-start start large-scale chain migration. Ignoring the fact that such legislation will provide another “dangerous incentive” for Third World economic migrants to abandon their countries, undertake the hazardous journey to reap the benefits of Soft-Touch Britain, Abbott went further by announcing Labour plans to scrap any such cap on numbers.
According to a leaked draft of proposals, Labour also intends to scrap existing government policy preventing low-waged Muslims from importing wives from Pakistan.
Pakistan is where the Rapists come from.
Labour's New Anti-Semitism Allegations [ 4 March 2018 ]
Labour was plunged into a new ‘anti-Semitism’ row last night over claims by a key aide of leader Jeremy Corbyn that Israel was guilty of ‘genocide’.Joss MacDonald, a Labour Party speech writer, has also branded Israel an ‘apartheid’ state and insisted people excuse its behaviour ‘because of the Holocaust’.
Last night, Mr Corbyn faced calls [ by whom? - Editor ] to sack Mr MacDonald for his ‘anti-Semitic’ language.
The lad speaks truth about Zionist crazies. The media have been wittering about Anti-Semitism in the Labour Party but ignoring the fact that Momentum, which is infiltrating it is run a by Jew. The fuss is a power play by Zionist crazies. The party does not care about the working man. It hasn't since Blair.
Jews Attack Labour Party Members For Telling The Truth [ 10 March 2018 ]
Labour has suspended several party members who posted in a closed Facebook group which featured a number of anti-Semitic messages. The party’s compliance unit is working through a dossier on the group, of which Jeremy Corbyn was once a member, that was compiled by a campaigner.Some of the posts on Palestine Live appear to include links to Holocaust denial myths, allegations of Israel’s involvement in the 9/11 and 7/7 terror attacks and the training of Islamic State fighters, and conspiracy theories involving the Rothschild family.
It is understood that disciplinary procedures, including suspensions, have been initiated against a number of members of Palestine Live where they have been found to be Labour members, though it appears that at least one, who had been presenting as a Labour member, was not.
Zionist crazies have infiltrated politics in order to attack from the top down. It is the technique worked out by Antonio Gramsci, the leading intellectual of the communist party in Italy in order to destroy Western Civilization. It is working well. Jews use the Labour Friends of Israel, while Tories have the Conservative Friends of Israel. Why is it illegal to say that the Holocaust® Story is a pack of lies in Germany? Because it is a very profitable racket for the thugs running Stolen Land. Because Jews With Light Fingers Have Taken German Mugs For €63.2 Billion; it is all tax free too.
Marxists Taking Over Labour Party [ 11 March 2018 ]
A senior Momentum official has called for Labour to cut its links to trade unions. Christine Shawcroft, a member of Labour’s national executive committee, accused the unions of “sticking it” to rank-and-file supporters of the party, which should belong to its members.The comments on her Facebook page were part of a statement endorsing Jon Lansman, the Momentum founder, for the role of general secretary. He is a frontrunner for the top job alongside Jennie Formby, a Unite official, in a heated contest that insiders see as a battle for the future of the party.
Shawcroft backed Lutfur Rahman, the corrupt Pakistani mayor of Tower Hamlets & Comrade Corbyn. Now she is for Jon Lansman, the Jew who set up Momentum to take over Labour. Cutting out the unions would end any pretence that it is the People's Party.
Labour & Momentum Cooperating With The Communist Party [ 14 March 2018 ]
The Labour Party and Momentum will join forces with the Communist Party of Britain at a “cooperation” meeting next month. The CPB are the Marxist-Leninist wing of Britain’s communist movement. They are holding a “fraternal” conference where they will team up with Corbynistas to plot joint aims and activities. Momentum officer Michael Calderbank will speak at the meeting entitled: “Working With Labour for a Socialist Future”. pan style="color: #ff0000;">Adverts for the event show two red hands grasping each other, one emblazoned with the Labour Party’s red rose logo, the other with the communist hammer and sickle…The Communist Party of Britain aims to “put Britain on the road to socialist revolution” by means including “extra-parliamentary struggle.” The party openly praises the Soviet Union, Maoist China and other totalitarian communist regimes. Who needs Agent COB [
aka Comrade Corbyn ] when you’ve got Labour openly working together with communists?
Momentum is run by a Marxist Jew. The rest follows.
Labour Election Accusations Of Anti-Semitism [ 19 March 2018 ]
The race to become the next general secretary of the Labour Party was hit by a row last night after the favourite for the post was backed by party activists who have been accused of anti-Semitism.Jennie Formby, the frontrunner to succeed moderate Iain McNicol as the powerful figure who controls the party’s purse-strings and membership, is being supported by Labour Against The Witch-Hunt (LAW), which wants to end the party’s investigations into the issue.
Ms Formby was herself at the centre of an anti-Semitism row two years ago when she was accused of questioning the suitability of senior peer Baroness Royall to lead an investigation into claims of anti-Semitism among Labour-supporting students – objecting on the grounds that she had previously visited Israel with the Labour Party’s Friends of Israel...........
Ms Formby, South-East England regional secretary for the Unite union, has also been accused of employing a woman suspended from the Labour Party for saying Jews had ‘big noses’. Former leader of the National Union of Teachers Christine Blower is now the only rival to Ms Formby, the preferred candidate of Jeremy Corbyn’s inner circle and clear favourite for the job.
Her campaign attracted controversy last night because the LAW group, chaired by Jackie Walker of the hard-Left group Momentum, has hailed her as the ‘best choice’ to take over from Mr McNicol.
It singled out her backing for the rights of Palestinian people, and said: ‘We hope that her tenure would mark the beginning of the end of the witch-hunt, which has caused such disunity in the party.’
A messy article. Various politicians allege Anti-Semitism as a move by the Labour Friends of Israel to take over the party and England. Recall that Momentum is run by a Jew. Jennie Formby seems to feel that Palestinians have Human Rights, e.g. the right not to be:-
murdered by Jews in Israel
robbed by Jews
tortured by Jews in Khiam Prison - Israel's Torture Den
Presumably Christine Blower is more nonchalant about this matters.
PS Jennie is thought to agree with Len McCluskey and to have borne his bastard while he was married to someone else.
Labour's New General Secretary Sacks A Jew - Zionist Thugs Whine About Anti-Semitism [ 6 April 2018 ]
Labour's hard-Left new general secretary has come under fire after it emerged she had placed the party’s most senior Jewish official on gardening leave.As the party struggled to get to grips with its anti-Semitism problem [ sic ], Dan Simpson was told this week not to bother returning to the office. The secretary of the Parliamentary Labour Party had already handed in his resignation and was working out his notice.
Mr Simpson was told of the decision on the same day that Jennie Formby, a former Unite union activist, officially took up her post as general secretary.
The Jew had already resigned like some others. He is just not working out his notice. NB The Puppet Masters, the Zionist crazies are still there. Momentum is behind the scenes, pulling the strings & run by another Jew. Labour is active in protecting corrupt politicians [ theirs of course ] because they NEED Pakistanis doing the wholesale Vote Rigging. They are paid off with collusion in Raping our daughters.
The Mail's readers have swallowed its story about Jews being victims. Their instincts are decent but they have been fed too many lies.
Capitalist Swine Setting Up New Political Party To Take Over From Labour [ 9 April 2018 ]
Given that they are bunging £50 million at it they are rich. Do they care about the honest Working Man? Believe it if you want. But they really do want his votes. Disaffected Tory voters will be targetted too; all things to all people. This is a power play by businessmen on the make. This lot will "consider" immigration controls. Does that mean they will act? Consideration is not even a promise, far less a result. Are they going to get rid of Labour? Are they colluding with the Zionist crazies that want Comrade Corbyn out of power? Probably but they aren't going to get results with wishy washy promises they will never keep. Viktor Orban and Vladimir Putin played for real & won because they are Nationalists See the next two.
Working Class Voters Abandon Labour For Tories
[ 12 May 2018 ]
Guido's headline is verbatim. It is more against
Comrade Corbyn than for
Labour Bans Jews & Journalists
[ 12 October 2018 ]
A list of Jews, journalists and anti-racism campaigners has been banned from
an event starring Labour's shadow chancellor John McDonnell, MailOnline can
More than 10 people received an email this
morning notifying them that they had been barred from the event, which is
due to take place tonight in Barnet, the heart of the Jewish community in
London. Names included Euan Phillips from Labour Against Anti-Semitism,
and Richard Millett, the British Jewish blogger whom Jeremy
Corbyn accused of not understanding 'English irony'.
Isn't it awful? No, not really but helps to fill the space in the
Daily Mail ,which is, naturally enough censoring comments because people
are liable to say what they really think; that would never do. Comment on some
of the
loud mouths, the agitators is at
The Labour Party activists behind the “anti-Semitism” smears.
Labour MP Knows Better Than His Constituents And He Lies To Them
[ 23 January 2019 ]
Sandy Martin is an ugly arrogant rogue.
McDonnell Teams Up With Iraqi Rapper To Defend The Thief Destroying Venezuela
[ 3 February 2019 ]
Earlier this week John McDonnell
teamed up with rapper ‘Lowkey’ to support what they call “dialogue”
rather than “regime change” in Venezuela. The left’s classic tactic for
standing up for murderous dictators without explicitly supporting them. All
that “dialogue” has yielded so far is widespread suffering and a refugee crisis
on the scale of Syria…
But who is ‘Lowkey’? Last year he was
caught out on Radio 1 ranting against “zombies and Zionists”
and a global elite running capitalism during his live broadcast. His twitter
feed is teaming [ sic ] with Anti-Semitic content
clearly in breach of the IHRA working definition on anti-Semitism adopted by the
Labour Party.
Lowkey is an Iraqi, one very
well aware of the evil of the Jews. Theirs is the only
army that kills children for the fun of it - see
Jews Murder Children. Other, nicer armies prefer rape, looting etc.
Guido prefers to go easy on Zionist crazies.
Marxists Make Moves Against London Labour Party [ 2
February 2019 ]
Corbynites succeeded in seizing control of Chuka’s local Labour Party in
Streatham last night, with local members turning out in their hundreds to a mass
meeting in order to vote to
change the model for participation at meetings, so that any member can vote
no matter how long they’ve been in the party or whether or not they hold a
position. They won. This is a big win for
Corbynites and a big step towards deselection for Chuka…
The meeting was reportedly chaotic, with heckling, intimidation, and general confusion throughout the meeting. The final tally saw 190 members voting to change the system and 183 voting against – a knife-edge result of 50.9% – 49.1%, with victorious Corbynites gloating using the #ChuckChuka hashtag. They are desperate for the symbolic victory of pushing him out before he jumps to his new centrist party…
Momentum strategically began their deselection moves last year against
Brexit-backing Labour MPs like Kate Hoey, Frank Field, John Mann, and Graham
Stringer, thereby bringing some fanatical remain-voting Blairites on board the
deselection train. Now their revolution is
eating their own…
Chuka Umunna is
Nigerian; their life style is deeply sincerely corrupt so he will be no loss.
Momentum [ run by a Jew ] understands
perverting democracy. Recall that Ken Livingstone
got into power by a similar abuse of process.
Seven Labour MPs Desert Comrade Corbyn Alleging Anti-Semitism
[ 18 February 2019 ]
Seven MPs led by Luciana Berger and Chuka Umunna quit the Labour party
today with a furious attack on Jeremy Corbyn for turning Labour into an
'institutionally Anti-Semitic' party that was dominated by bullying,
harassment and the Hard Left............
They accused Mr Corbyn of turning Labour into
a racist party that weakens national security, accepts the 'narrative' of
Britain's enemies and lashed him for facilitating
Brexit. In a joint statement, the MPs warned 'visceral
hatreds of other people, views and opinions are commonplace in and around
the Labour Party'.
Berger, the Jew
and Umunna, the
black are right about the hard left but wrong about the
Racism. Berger et al are just like Comrade
Corbyn, they are racists all, anti-English, anti-white racists. The
point of their racism is the destruction of national security through
Ethnic Fouling &
Genocide. Take the point that Berger knows all about the blatant
murderous racism of the thugs running Palestine,
the Stolen Land but she will keep very quiet
about that.
Labour Shadow Treasurer, McDonnell Is A Marxist Liar [ 16 February 2019 ]
For many people, the name Tonypandy means little, except perhaps when applied to the late Viscount Tonypandy, a much-loved Speaker of the House of Commons in the Seventies and Eighties.However, for socialist rabble rousers such as Labour’s Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell, the name of this former coal-mining town is seared as deeply into their memories as Orgreave, Wapping and other places where violent militancy was dealt a bloody nose by the forces of law and order.
According to Left-wing mythology, Tonypandy was the scene of the shameful and brutal suppression of a coal-miners’ strike and rioting in November 1910, with the insurrection finally quelled by the then home secretary — none other than Winston Churchill — who sent in the Army to crush the disturbance.
Guy Walters, a real historian tells us that John McDonnell's fairy tale is a nonsense, that the one dead man was beaten to death with police bludgeons. The Lancashire Fusiliers and 18th Hussars arrived late; they did little. McDonnell has proved against that he is no more fit for office than Comrade Corbyn or Comrade Lenin for that matter. NB The Wikipedia sides with the miners but largely confirms Mr Walter's view in the Tonypandy Riots.
Seven Labour MPs Desert Comrade Corbyn Alleging Anti-Semitism [
18 February 2019 ]
Seven MPs led by Luciana Berger and Chuka Umunna quit the Labour party
today with a furious attack on Jeremy Corbyn for turning Labour into an
'institutionally Anti-Semitic' party that was dominated by bullying,
harassment and the Hard Left............
They accused Mr Corbyn of turning Labour into
a racist party that weakens national security, accepts the 'narrative' of
Britain's enemies and lashed him for facilitating
Brexit. In a joint statement, the MPs warned 'visceral
hatreds of other people, views and opinions are commonplace in and around
the Labour Party'.
Berger, the Jew
and Umunna, the
black are right about the hard left but wrong about the
Racism. Berger et al are just like Comrade
Corbyn, racists all, anti-English racists and anti-white racists. The
point of their racism is the destruction of our national security through
Ethnic Fouling &
Genocide. Take the point that Berger knows all about the blatant
murderous racism of the thugs running Palestine,
the Stolen Land but she will keep very quiet
about that because they are Jews too.
Jews Sabotage Militant Leader 48 Hours After Corbyn Let Him Back Into Labour [
21 February 2019 ]
Ex-Militant leader Derek
Hatton has been suspended from the Labour Party just a day after he was
readmitted for the first time in decades.
The left-wing hardliner is understood to have been notified of his suspension today, pending an investigation into a tweet from 2012, in which he criticized the Israeli government and urged British Jews to publicly condemn its actions. The tweet, which has now been deleted, said: 'Jewish people with any sense of humanity need to start speaking out publicly against the ruthless murdering being carried out by Israel.'
Hatton was expelled more than 30 years ago by then-leader Neil Kinnock but was handed a provisional membership yesterday - the same day as seven moderate MP quit the party............... Earlier today Hatton gloated 'it's good to be back' after having mocked the 'pathetic' MPs who quit Labour over anti-Semitism, bullying and hard-left politics yesterday.............
He was thrown out in 1986 but the party's disputes
panel is said to have readmitted him last week after he was 'inspired' to return
Jeremy Corbyn's leadership. The initial news of Hatton's return had caused
upset on the same day that seven Labour moderates quit the party in protest at
Mr Corbyn's handling of
Brexit and anti-Semitism.
Derek Hatton may be a
Trotskyist but he is spot on about the murderous thugs
who run the Stolen Land they call
Israel. "Someone" fed a malicious titbit to
Barry Gardiner, a
Labour MP who panders to Jews and that is Del sorted out.
McDonnell Says Strip Brits Who Fight for Israeli Regime of Citizenship [
23 February 2019 ]
Just hours after Jeremy Corbyn
said of ISIS bride Shamima Begum: “Taking somebody’s citizenship away is
not the right thing to do. I think she should be brought back,” Guido can
reveal the letter from John McDonnell to then Home Secretary Theresa May in July
2014 challenging her to strip any British citizens who served in the Israeli
Defence Force of their British citizenship. McDonnell writes:
“Will you be warning any British citizens considering engagement with the IDF that, in line with established British Government practice (e.g. the deprivation of British citizenship from, to date, at least 40 UK passport holders who have been involved in the Syrian civil war), such engagement may put their British citizenship in jeopardy?”
McDonnell states that he wrote the letter in response to this article by Robert Fisk, calling for any Brits who volunteered for the IDF to be questioned by police when they returned from Israel. McDonnell went much further, suggesting that Brits volunteering for the IDF should be classed as “terrorists” as well as being deprived of their citizenship. The hard left just can’t get over their Israel obsession…
Incredibly, the letter was still publicly posted on McDonnell’s website until
at least June 2017, almost two years after he became Shadow Chancellor.
McDonnell has since deleted the letter, but the
I never thought to agree with McDonnell but it has come to pass. All too often
Jews are the de facto Enemy Within; making war on
people in
Palestine is adequate proof of guilt. We still have
Foreign Enlistment Act 1870 on the books. It can put perpetrators in
prison for two years.
Guido, the source of this story has not worked out that Jews are dangerous;
one such was likely to have been
Jack the Ripper
Nazism And Zionism Are Equally Foul Says Labour Politician
[ 10 March 2019 ]
Former soldier Sean McCallum, who is running for office a mayor in Mansfield is
being rather unkind to Nazis but it is the
Zionist crazies doing the whining. NB Ask a Jew why
they are hated then watch him getting evasive, telling lies, making excuses.
What causes Anti-Semitism? Jews.
Labour Will Force Immediate No Confidence Vote In New PM, Warns Labour's John McDonnell
[ 28 April 2019 ]
McDonnell is making his bid for power. Comrade
Corbyn is expendable. Dear old Uncle Joe Stalin
would have used a show trial to get rid of him. Forcing a vote will do for Jeremy.
Labour Just Wins By-Election After Black Thief Is Dismissed [
7 June May 2019 ]
Labour swept to victory in the Peterborough by-election today in a hammer
blow to the Conservatives as Nigel Farage's Brexit Party failed at its first
attempt to win a Westminster seat. In a result that will alarm Tory
headquarters Lisa Forbes took the seat despite winning less that a third of
the vote - showing how Jeremy Corbyn could sneak a general election victory.
The narrow result saw the Brexiteer vote split between the Brexit Party and the Tories - combined they would have been enough to easily win the seat in an area what voted Leave in 2016. The upstart Eurosceptic party candidate Mike Greene lost the marginal by less than 700 votes to Corbynite Ms Forbes.
And in a damning valedictory statement for
Theresa May on the day she steps down as party leader the Tories were well
beaten into third place in a seat they held as recently as 2017.
The Labour Party ran another woman, albeit
they had enough sense not to use a black this time. This one is merely fat
[ very ]. Jews don't like
Lisa, a
point in her favour as the Labour
Friends of Israel carry on taking over - with the help of the
Conservative Friends of Israel
& the Liberal Democrat Friends of
Israel. Are they co-conspirators, the Enemy
Within? You just might think so.
Rich Jew Whines About Hatred In The Labour Party [ 8 June May 2019 ]
Almost four years ago,
Jeremy Corbyn became leader of the Labour Party and infected it with the
vile poison of anti-Semitism.
Not a day has gone by when I haven’t been targeted by an online army of anti-Semites who work in his name. Faced with a deluge of anti-Jewish hate, I didn’t think the situation could get much worse.
But I was wrong. For now Corbyn’s most senior
advisor, Andrew Murray, has been using a private email address to make rulings
on anti-Semitism complaints in secret – with the sole intention of overturning
decisions to protect his pals.
You might wonder why a rich Jew joined the Labour
Party in the first place. Just why just did they have her? She has never done an
honest day's work in her life. Labour was set up to
help the Working Class, to protect them against
Capitalist Swine like
Hodge. And somehow she did not know about Mark Trotter
but then he was not just a Paedophile pervert with
AIDS, he was a Labour wallah too. This goes for
Peter Righton, another
paedophile, the founder of
the gay
Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE). NB On this day in 1967 Jews murdered 34
men of the USS
Liberty. In 1946 Jews murdered 91 people in the
King David
Hotel Massacre.
Left Wing Education Camp Floods TV With Corbyn's Fans [ 1 July 2019 ]
A Labour ‘re-education camp’ has been training
journalists to flood the BBC's airwaves with pro-Corbyn
Pundits who have taken courses with the hard-Left New Economy Organisers
Network (Neon) have made more than 60 appearances on the Corporation’s shows
since January. When they appear, they rail against the ‘mainstream media’ and
traditional capitalism, and are taught how to ‘swerve’ difficult questions.
The New Economy Organisers Network
does not admit to being Hard Left or
Marxist but it does training courses for
Press Officers
if they are Progressives, a code word for left
wing loons. Of course the Beeb does not need any help in marketing Marxism, or
protecting Paedophile Perverts for that matter.
Mouthed Labour Parasites Screw The Taxpayer
[ 17 July 2019 ]
As Guido
revealed yesterday, hard-left Tory-bashing think tank
Economics Foundation have curiously been the recipient of over £500,000 of
funding from NHS England over the past three years.
Now Guido can shed some more light how a load of funding ended up with a
bunch of strident lefties rather than needful patients…
It turns out the New Economics Foundation were one of three organisations which awarded funding as part of the NHS England’s “Health as a Social Movement” programme which began in 2016, along with the RSA and Nesta. It just so happens that the CEOs of all three organisations at the time had something in common…
Small world!
The Labour Party was started for the benefit
of the Working Classes. That is the theory,
the sales pitch. They might even have meant it once upon a time. Now
Blair and his successors have their eyes fixed firmly on
the main chance, on the bottom line and the workers be damned. You doubt it?
Look at
The Labour Party’s immigration treason - Selling out the White working class.
Or ask why Pakistani Perverts are
allowed to rape English girls in Rotherham and
other sad little mill towns. It is wholesale Vote
Rigging that keeps Labour in power.
McDonnell Is A Hate Driven Fascist
[ 12 August 2019 ]
Smiley, fluent and softly spoken [ sic ],
John McDonnell
sometimes comes across as a bit cuddly. Yesterday Labour’s shadow chancellor was
interviewed by Iain Dale at the Edinburgh festival.............
Iain Dale quizzed him about Labour’s immediate threat: Boris. ‘The guy’s reckless. The guy’s unstable,’ said McDonnell. ‘I will move heaven and earth to stop a no-deal Brexit.’ He added, ‘I think we will beat him.’..........
But he won’t underestimate the new prime minister. Ken Livingstone, the former London mayor whom Boris ousted from City Hall in 2008, told McDonnell. ‘He’s the best campaigner I ever faced.’ McDonnell summarised Boris’s character. ‘He’s intelligent, manipulative and ruthless.’ Which doesn’t quite square with ‘unstable and reckless’................
‘But you haven’t always been kind,’ said Dale. He cited a disputed video-clip in which McDonnell appears to encourage the lynching of Tory MP, Esther McVey. McDonnell hedged a little, suggesting that the context had been misunderstood. Dale moved on to a notorious McDonnell quote.
‘They [the Tories] are social criminals and one day, I warn you, we will try them.’
McDonnell shrugged. ‘I was angry. It was after the first round of benefit cuts.’
Dale pressed him. ‘But “try them”? Under what law?’
‘I might want to invent it,’ said McDonnell.
That couldn’t be clearer. An incoming Labour
government will use the courts to prosecute and perhaps imprison Tory MPs for
passing bills that Labour had failed to defeat while they were in opposition.
That’s McDonnell’s less cuddly side.
When that train pulled into the Finland Station in 1917
Comrade Lenin gave a speech, without mentioning that he was going to start
Terror. Then there was Lenin's Hanging Order,
to murder
Kulaks. Is
Comrade McDonnell any
different? I think not.
Labour Made Her Majesty Block Numerous Bills [ 4
September 2019 ]
Over the last couple of days, Government ministers have avoided answering
whether they would allow the Queen to approve to any legislation passed by
Parliament designed to prevent Brexit on the 31st.
Naturally, Remainers have reacted with outrage…
Back in January a Policy Exchange paper by Sir Stephen Laws QC argued that the executive’s role in approving legislation is fundamental to the UK’s constitution, and passing laws without executive approval upsets the UK’s constitutional order.
Guido can now reveal there is extensive precedent of Governments asking the Queen to not sign legislation they don’t approve. Anti-Brexit spokesman Tony Blair himself used this power on a number of occasions to “quell politically embarrassing backbench rebellions”. Perhaps most notably to block a bill by Tam Dalyell in 1999 that aimed to give MPs a vote on military action against Saddam Hussein.
Going further back, Labour PM Harold Wilson used the Queen’s veto to kill off two “politically embarrassing bills” about peerages and Zimbabwean independence, in 1964 and 1969 respectively
Alastair Campbell has been reacting furiously to Gove’s refusal to commit the
government to obeying any law parliament passes;
when asked about Blair using the same tactic, he conveniently failed to
recall the case…
Blair is a slimy, treacherous rogue and a rich one too.
He served the Puppet Masters as he betrayed
Labour Hooligans Scuffle With Berkowitz
[ 11
September 2019 ]
Opposition MPs were blasted as 'self serving, patronising morons' today
after an unprecedented scuffle in the Commons early this morning after Boris
Johnson shut down Parliament.
With the outgoing Speaker required as part of the pomp and ceremony to walk from the Commons through to the Lords, Labour's Lloyd Russell-Moyle, 35, threw himself across Mr Bercow, seemingly in a symbolic bid to block him moving.
As Commons doorkeepers grappled to drag him
away, Mr Russell-Moyle fell into fellow protesting MPs, with others tumbling
over amid the mayhem.
The Speaker, Berkowitz
[ not Bercow ] is a Jew, grossly abusing his office, ignoring his obligation
of impartiality. The attacker,
is a Homosexual with HIV. Has Berkowitz
caught it? It would be amusing.
John McDonnell wants to JAIL advisers who help their clients avoid huge tax bills
[ 16
September 2019 ]
Labour would undertake a massive shake-up of tax laws including making it
easier to jail advisers who 'enable' tax avoidance if it takes power, John
McDonnell revealed today.
The shadow chancellor and opposition hard man wants to toughen up rules that already allow the worst offenders to be imprisoned by making them more 'severe', with the big accountancy firms firmly in his sights.
He also confirmed that he would push ahead with plans to slash the entry point for the higher level 45p rate of income tax from £150,000 to £80,000 if he took the keys to 11 Downing Street, in an interview with the Sunday Times.
His focus on tax avoidance is part of the opposition's plan to level the tax playing field if Jeremy Corbyn becomes prime minister.
He told the newspaper: You can already take criminal sanctions against
them (advisers) but we want to review that because people think they are not
severe enough.'
McDonnell is a
Marxist bully full of hate, worse than
Comrade Corbyn, who just might mean well.
Tax advisers apply the law as it is, not what Parliament wants. This is
class war driven by hate just like the law meant to stop fox hunting. That
failed because they are too stupid to write law that does what they want.
Labour Conference Votes To Destroy ALL Border Controls [
September 2019 ]
Despite what even the most plugged-in person may think, Labour’s conference
is still ongoing – and they’ve just passed one of their most extreme motions
to date: Labour’s next manifesto will effectively smash all border controls.
Give me your tired, your poor, your
huddled masses yearning to receive free healthcare…
The motion just passed by delegates pledges to:
Uncontrolled immigration, free access to the NHS for the whole world, release all detainees, votes for anyone, from anywhere, with welfare benefits for everyone who makes it across the channel. This open border policy will drive traditional Labour voters straight into Nigel Farage’s open arms…
Migration Watch UK has responded to Labour’s new story, saying “If
these reckless policies ever reach the statute book, we will all rue the
day, especially the most vulnerable in our society”.
Nigel Farage
is typically blunt, “Labour now officially the party of open door
mass migration without control. Old Labour voters will be appalled by this.”
Labour are taking their voters for mugs…
So we get to pay any Third World parasite who
gets across the Channel - if the Labour Party
has its way. Do they care about the Working
Classes? Not a chance. Democracy? What's
that? The Lunatic Fringe baying for blood
is not a pretty sight. The Education Industry
has been perverted by the Puppet Masters,
that is the Zionist crazies intent on destroying
Western Civilization.
PS What are the Mainstream Media saying about this?
Very little; they are corrupt Propaganda machines
& Enemies Within. Guido's story is confirmed,
in a low key way by the
Labour List -
Labour conference approves motion to extend free movement
Labour Politicians Hate Democracy And The Working Class
September 2019 ]
THE terrifying extent of left-wing extremism in the Labour Party is laid
bare today.
Marxist zealots have seized control at every level since Jeremy Corbyn became leader — and are poisoning the debate with their hardline views.
An exclusive poll of a broad range of grassroots members reveals how far the party has moved to the fringes, hours after a foiled plot to topple deputy leader Tom Watson. Labour is now firmly in the grip of revolutionaries who want to get rid of the Royal Family, scrap Britain’s nuclear deterrent and take control of the media.
Fanatics are so dominant that Mr Corbyn will be free to renationalise
public services, wage class war and drive out dissenters.
Antonio Gramsci, the leading intellectual
of the communist in Italy brought us the Long March
Through The Institutions to finish the destruction started by
Karl Marx. They are using the
Lunatic Fringe and winning. Who are the
Working Class? They don't know or care.
Labour Wants Vote Fraud But Their Conference Is Different
Labour are making a song and dance about the government stamping down on voter fraud by introducing voter ID. Labour say this will stop poor people, young and people of colour without passports from voting. The government is offering free-of-charge voter photo ID to stop the kind of electoral fraud that is common and difficult to prove…
Labour Conferences require photographic ID together with written delegate applications which are further vetted by the police. The cheapest costs £30.
Momentum claim “The Tories’ plan to introduce compulsory photo ID for voters will disproportionately affect tens of thousands of BAME and marginalised groups”. Despite the voter ID cards being free. Labour charge £30 for a photo ID pass for their conference. Who is really excluding marginalised groups from politics?
Jeremy Corbyn actually hired a Momentum organiser
convicted of voter fraud to work in his office.
Could there be some other reason why Momentum are campaigning against
Voter ID checks?
Marsha-Jane Thompson
was convicted of 19 specimen counts of using a false instrument, contrary to the
Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981 and
one count of false accounting under the
Theft Act 1968 at Snaresbrook crown court in 2006. She was a fan of
Lutfur Rahman, the corrupt
Pakistani Crook who was also keen
on Vote Rigging in
Tower Hamlets. She stayed out of prison just
like Rahman. A friend in court is a friend indeed, especially if he happens to
be the judge.
Comrade Corbyn
made her
the campaign manager for the Labour Party. Recall that
Pope Leo XIII in
Rerum Novarum, his great encyclical of
1891 told us about
socialists, working on the poor man's envy of the rich and about
their lying promises.
Some things do not change.
Jew Suspended By Labour After Using VERY Naughty Word
[ 25 October 2019 ]
Labour MP Lord
Stone has been suspended by the Labour Party following a report
that details an astonishing period of behaviour from the former Marks &
Spencer managing director. This isn’t any
old scandal, it’s an Marks & Spencer scandal…
The 86-page report released by the Commissioner for Standards last night sets out in excruciating detail the exploits of his lordship, including several incidents of sexual language to female colleagues (including grabbing and undesired stroking); an occasion when Stone approached an anti-transphobia event stall and shouted that his guest “wanted the trans operation”; and claimed he wasn’t prejudiced with the extraordinary quote:
“I wouldn’t call somebody a ‘n****r’ in, like, in an aggressive way, but let us say I was at some meeting, which I often am, particularly in Israel with black people or whatever, I would say, ‘We are all n****rs, I am’ – what do you call it – ‘an honorary n****r’, yes, and they would say, ‘Yes, Andrew is just as n****r as we are'”
The commissioner recommended he goes on
a training course…
Which very naughty word is Guido referring to? Well it starts with N and
ends with igger so it pretty much has to be Nigger.
How do we know it is so awful? The BBC says so. It
doesn't care about blasphemy and likes using obscenities as part of its
Culture War against
Western Civilization but nigger is
verboten. However Mark
Twain used the "N word" 214 times in
The Adventures Of
Huckleberry Finn. The Labour Party
follows the Beeb's Party Line so
Stone will have to pretend he is ashamed.
Black Labour Front Bench Candidate Caught Abusing Expenses [
9 November 2019 ]
She put a £17 wreath on her expense claim. Does she care a twopenny damn
about Remembrance
Day? Believe it if you want.
Labour Offers Bribes To Buy Votes - It Worked Last Time As Well
[ 2 December 2019 ] The Conservative Party is on 42 per cent overall in the new Survation
survey for ITV's Good Morning Britain programme while Labour is trailing on
33 per cent............ Support for the Liberal Democrats has dipped from 15 per cent to 11 per
cent, a four point drop, while the Brexit Party has gone from five per cent
to three per cent, a two per cent fall........... The rise in support for Labour comes after the party unveiled its
election manifesto which set out plans to increase annual public spending by
£83 billion. The party's manifesto pledged to scrap tuition fees, introduce a four-day
working week and nationalise a number of industries including water and
Labour's Looney Left
Labour Panders To Homosexuals [ 8 December 2020 ] Janet Daby said last week that registrars who have a religious objection
to same-sex marriages should be protected from losing their jobs if they
refuse to certify the partnership. The Lewisham East MP said today she 'sincerely' apologised for the
remarks and would stand down from her frontbench role. The Telegraph
reported that Ms Daby had said there 'needs to be something in place that
protects people of faith as well as those who think the other way'. She is said to have told an event: 'It is an issue of conscience. It is
like people having a choice who, for reasons of conscience, cannot
participate in conducting an abortion.' Refusing to perform same-sex
weddings as a registrar is unlawful discrimination. Announcing her resignation on
Twitter, Ms Daby said: 'I'm proud to support same-sex marriages.
Boris Johnson and the Tories' lead over
Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party has dipped to nine points in a new
poll as
Lib Dem support has been squeezed.
Comrade Corbyn offered the tuition fee
Bribe and ruined Theresa
May's majority. Will students be stupid enough to swallow it? After all they
are fool enough to pay £9,000 a year to learn mediaeval Latin or whatever.
Johnson's bribes are aimed elsewhere. It is a
great pity that people have fallen for his treachery and lies because his
Brexit deal is a form of modern slavery.
Nigel Farage's version is real Brexit.
Some are Left Wing.
Others are Hard Left. Have any of them ever
worked for a living? Quite possibly not; most never have and never wanted
Labour's shadow minister for faith has resigned and apologised for
making 'misjudged' comments about gay marriage.
You might wonder why a bunch of Left Wing
atheists have a "minister for faith" even if it is only the shadow version.
Obviously it is a woman and a black at that. As
Vladimir Lenin said of the
British Labour Party:-
"Regarded from this, the only correct, point of view,
the Labour Party is a
thoroughly bourgeois party, because, although made up of workers, it is led
reactionaries, and the worst kind of reactionaries at that, who act quite in
the spirit of the
bourgeosie. It is an organisation of the bourgeoisie, which
exists to systematically dupe the workers with the aid of the British
Noskes and
[ enemies within ]."[ See
Errors & omissions, broken links,
cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if
you find any I am open to comment.
me at Mike Emery. All
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it private, use my PGP Key. Home
Updated on 19/12/2020 09:18