Palestine: Information with Provenance (PIWP database) is an honest source. Everything there comes from writers who might well be reliable.
Carlos Latuff, a Brazilian draws his cartoons; they are political, they are pointed. Zionist crazies don't like him or the truth.
First Intifada
Was the first(?) uprising against the Zionist crazies controlling the Stolen Land
Jonathan Cook Tells The Truth About Jews And Evil
Jonathan Cook lives in Nazareth. Jonathan Cook knows what is happening. Jonathan Cook tells it like it is. Find his writings at
If Americans Knew -
Alison Weir tells us about the evil done by Jews in Palestine, the Stolen Land. The thieves use their Holocaust® Story as an excuse.
Family Planning - The Israeli Way
Family planning - the Israeli way
Palestinians Explain What Zionist Thugs Are Doing To Them
Nazis are nicer than Zionists.
Yasser Arafat Died of AIDS - Allege Jews
By Ezra HaLevi
First Publish: 8/12/2007, 2:07 PM
Arch-terrorist Yasser Arafat’s doctor has confirmed the long-circulating rumors that the PLO chairman had AIDS – though the doctor insists Israel poisoned Arafat as well, causing his death. Rumors have long circulated in both Israel and the Palestinian Authority that Arafat’s symptoms prior to his death were caused by AIDS. Within the PA, Israel has always been accused of poisoning the PLO chairmanNow, Arafat’s private doctor has joined other PLO officials in acknowledging that Arafat had the HIV virus, but is holding on to the claim that Israel was responsible for his ultimate demise, in a French hospital. Dr. Ashraf al-Kurdi told the Jordanian Amman News Agency that Arafat did, in fact, have AIDS – but insisted that the HIV virus was injected into the chairman’s bloodstream, and not the result of illicit sexual activity
Even before Arafat died, US author and intelligence expert John Loftus said on the John Batchelor Show on WABC radio on October 26 that it was widely known in CIA circles that Arafat was dying from AIDS. Loftus further said that was the reason the US kept preventing Israel from killing Arafat – to allow him to be discredited by the ailment.
Jews use propaganda. Jews use lies but this time they over played their hand. Claiming that they did not murder Arafat because the Americans objected is an obvious lie. Jews market Church of England
Arbeit Macht Frei - Oh That Was The Nazis Not The Jews
King Abdullah I on Zionism
King Abdullah ruled Jordan and had Jews as neighbours during a turbulent period. He explains that the Jewish claim to Palestine is wrong. He reads as an honest man who knows what he is talking about
Palestinian Massacres
Palestinians are not necessarily lovable but they are definitely victims of big time robbery
Israel's Wall in the West Bank
The Stolen Land
Jews stole Palestine. They are busy murdering the people of that unfortunate land.
Palestine Has A New Weapon [ 26 November 2011 ]
The Palestinians have finally come up with a strategy that may produce some results. But only by accident, so to speak. They were fed up with nineteen years of “direct negotiations” with Israel that never made any progress towards a final peace settlement, and Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas badly needed some small victory to prop up his failing popularity. So he decided to seek international recognition of Palestine as a sovereign stateHe didn’t say that he was abandoning direct negotiations with Israel forever, but he insists that they will not resume until Israel stops building Jewish settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories – which will be shortly before Hell freezes over............
Their first target was the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). On 31 October (last Monday) they were granted full membership by a vote of 107 in favour, 14 against, and 52 abstaining
The United States immediately cut off its huge contribution to UNESCO’s annual budget – 22 percent of the total – as a punishment for voting the wrong way. The UNESCO vote, said State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland, was “regrettable, premature, and undermines our shared goal of a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East.”
Embarrassing Americans sounds good to me. Showing their subservience to that shitty little country in the Middle East will work on hearts and minds. It may take longer but it will make a difference. Daniel Bernard said, in essence "All the current troubles in the world are because of that shitty little country Israel." & "Why should the world be in danger of World War III because of those people?". He was betrayed by a Jew
Jews Are Stealing Palestine [ 8 May 2014 ]
Zionists are complaining about this advert. Zionists don't like the truth. 4.7 million Palestinians are refugees, driven out of their own land.
Vicious Jew With A Gun Defeated By Brave Palestinian Girls [ 29 August 2015 ]
A BRAVE girl overpowers a soldier by BITING him after he grappled a terrified boy to the ground at gunpoint.Click the banner below to join and read the full article.
You will have to pay Murdoch to read the rest. I won't.
The Jew was taking a lad prisoner until the girls went for him. It is nice see them fight back against evil. It is a surprise that it even got published by a Zionist like Murdoch. There were too many cameras around for the swine to murder anyone.
PS Let us hope that the girl biting the thug does not catch anything nasty.
PS The boy being attacked by the Jew had a broken arm - see Israeli Thug Caught At It. They wear masks, like bandits, in order to pervert the course of justice. Don't kick a man when he's down. He might get up.
Jews Carry On Genocide In Palestine, The Stolen Land [ 1 October 2016 ]
Saffuriya was one of more than 500 Palestinian villages ethnically cleansed by Israel in 1948, during the Nakba. Journalist Jonathan Cook explains how Israel quickly acted to raze the villages so the 750,000 refugees could not return and then covered up these war crimes by planting forests over the ruins.
Jews whine about being hated by Anti-Semites but they keep very quiet about what they do to cause problems. Murder, Rape, robbery, political sabotage by the Israel Lobby, using our armies to fight wars for them, Bribery etc. can irritate people. Was naughty little Adolf wrong about them?
Jews enjoy bullying people; they create a brotherhood of hate.
Jews Stealing Springs From Palestinians [ 5 September 2019 ]
What could be more idyllic than the sight of a natural bubbling spring amid craggy boulders, welling up from the hills, its crystalline waters flowing silently into a small pool where people are cavorting in delight? What could be more innocent than parents and children splashing about in a natural pond of greenish water, the gurgling of the water mingling with yelps of joy?..........Mankind is happy, nature is spectacular, but this spring, like all the others like it in the West Bank, was stolen from its owners. Robbed. Plundered. With a stomach-churning crudeness and violence. The “everyone” and the “consideration” – those words refer to Jews only.
In these apartheid springs, stolen waters shall not be sweetened. Palestinian owners of these lands can only look on despairingly from the windows of their homes at their neglected olive groves, which they were forced to abandon to the insatiable greed of the lords of the land, and at the gushing springs nearby that were also stolen from them. The groves are gone, the springs are gone, justice is gone. And all, of course, under the aegis of the state and its institutions.
According to Dror Etkes, the founder of Kerem Navot, an organization that studies Israeli land policy in the West Bank, there are today more than 60 springs in the central West Bank that settlers coveted and seized as part of a project of plunder that began 10 years ago.
Jews hate Apartheid in South Africa but in Israel it is the Public Policy of their wonderful government. So is Ethnic Cleansing. Their real aim is Genocide; they are just like naughty little Adolf. This article was written by Gideon Levy [ an honest Jew ] and Alex Levac [ Jew and boat rocker ] in Ha'aretz. That newspaper was a wonderful source of truth until Mossad leaned on it.
Jews Committed 129 Known Human Rights Abuses In Palestine This Week [ 4 October 2019 ]
They include one murder, 88 injuries including 27 children, 9 paramedics and 4 women. Jews took 55 prisoners and transferred one torture victim to hospital in critical condition. It was just another week for God's Chosen People. They are a Light Unto Nations. That's their story anyway. Of course they regard Palestinians as Untermenschen; the Nazi's term for undermen, sub-men, subhumans and moral degenerates. Was naughty little Adolf wrong about them?
Jews Destroy Palestinian Homes As Part Of Genocide Policy [ 7 June 2020 ]
The Israeli military on Wednesday tore down the homes of 65 Palestinians in the West Bank, marking the largest number of housing demolitions in one day since the coronavirus crisis began.Israel’s Civil Administration, the branch of the military with authority over civilian matters in the West Bank, said in early April it would stop confiscating or demolishing inhabited structures deemed illegal until the end of the crisis.
Abu Dahuk said he and his young children were asleep when the army and the Civil Administration came to destroy the houses. “Imagine what it’s like when a little boy is asleep and the army suddenly barges in. My little boy immediately panicked and asked what they were doing here. This is not a normal life for young children.”
We all get very annoyed when American police kill a black criminal but when Jews attack the rightful occupants of homes in the Stolen Land, in Israel we do not know or care. The Mainstream Media collude in our indifference. They are happy to keep us ignorant of real evil. Albeit Ha’aretz, a newspaper written by Jews for Jews told the truth. It is also true that Jews running B'Tselem report that no residential building was demolished in the West Bank, except for a punitive demolition in the village of Kobar. If Her Majesty's Government did that to Illegal Immigrants we never hear the last of it.
Jews Using Genocide As A Weapon Against Palestinians [
6 May 2022 ]
A week ago I wrote
a piece describing how Israel’s power over the US government
is such that no American official will confirm that the Israelis
have, and have had for years, a secret nuclear arsenal
consisting of as many as 200 nukes. The situation is
particularly odd in that the United States is on record as being
strongly opposed to nuclear proliferation, except for Israel,
and the enriched uranium that was used to create Israel’s bombs
as well as the nuclear triggers were stolen and exported
illegally from the US. Former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu himself was reportedly involved in the thefts.............
This week I am going to describe another aspect of the Zionist state’s policy that has been invisible if one relies on the mainstream media or the chattering magpies that occupy Capitol Hill and the White House. That is the ongoing elimination of Christianity in the region where it was born being carried out by Israel and its friends............
American power wielded on behalf of Israel has already destroyed a thriving Christian community in Iraq while still laboring to do the same in Syria and possibly even Lebanon. At Christianity’s very birthplace, in what was once Palestine, Israel has been engaged in making the lives of Palestinian so miserable that they frequently choose to emigrate. Israel’s first Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion famously declared in a letter to his son that “We must expel the Arabs and take their places…” and he exploited massacres of unarmed civilians carried out by the Haganah to create terror to accomplish that end. Since that time, Israel has refused to allow Palestinians driven from their homes by the 1948 fighting to return, has destroyed/a> more than 400 Arab villages and confiscated other Palestinian properties, has appropriated additional land and water resources for its illegal settlements, has allowed armed settlers to destroy Palestinians crops and other forms of livelihood, and controlled Palestinian movements through a network of Jews only roads and numerous checkpoints...........
I could go on, but the point is that
Israel wants Palestinians gone, a process that has particularly
impacted on the Christian community. It has not been done by
ethnic cleansing in the classic sense after the initial Nakba
massacres and appropriations in 1948, but rather accomplished by
creating incentives to leave. And it has been successful. At the
end of the Second World War, an estimated one third of the
Palestinian population identified as Christian, but the
percentage is
currently closer to 9% and continuing to decline. The
numbers suggest that Christians in the former Palestine are
verging on extinction. In fact, Christians have been able to
become disproportionately emigrants from their homeland because
they more frequently than Muslims have family already
established in Europe and the US and have also been able to rely
on networking through their churches for resettlement assistance
in a new country.
Doctor Giraldi tells us that Jews in
Palestine are vicious criminals nurtured by the
Racist thugs who govern the place. He tells the truth.
The Mainstream Media do not. Doubtful? Try
Alison Weir at
If Americans Knew
Jews Attack Al Aqsa Mosque [ 8 April 2023 ]
We said this yesterday when reporting on attacks on
al-Aqsa mosque: the Jews always do that before starting a bombing campaign
in Palestine. The Moslems feel like they have no choice but to send rockets
at Israel after an attack on one of their most holy mosques, and these
rockets serve as a casus belli for the Jews.
murderous, evil Jews usually do this program during Ramadan.
NB Jews want a Final Solution to the Palestinian Problem; they are nastier than
Adolf Hitler ever was.
Errors & omissions,
broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or
whatever; if you find any I am open to comment.
Email me at Mike
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Updated on Tuesday, 23 May 2023 22:58:04