The BBC is run by liars for liars, to deceive the peasant masses. But that is my view. An example of their lying is in the Wikipedia at Parachute Regiment It tells us that:-
After the civil war in Sierra Leone deteriorated further, the 1st Battalion landed at the country's capital, Freetown, on 7 May 2000 to evacuate foreign nationals........... After 11 soldiers of the 1st Royal Irish Regiment (RIR) and a Sierra Leone soldier were taken hostage by a rebel faction known as the West Side Boys ( West Side Boys was the name favoured by western media, although in actuality, West Side Niggaz was the correct name) on 25 August, "A" Company of the 1st Battalion was deployed to Dakar, Senegal on 5 September, then onto Freetown.
If the West Side Niggaz choose to call themselves niggers it is up to them. Presumably they like being called niggers but the BBC and other communist subversives claim that the word nigger is grossly offensive so they lied to us. To be fair the rest of the media did too.However the BBC likes to use words that are blasphemous or obscene. They do this in order to offend people in England. They are keen on blasphemy in general as long as it will only annoy Christians. Offending Jews or Islamics is not on. That runs counter to their agenda, the destruction of England by Cultural Genocide
You doubt? Have a look at Biased BBC Blogspotthen know.
Errors & omissions, broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if you find any I am open to comment.
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Updated on 20/05/2016 16:17