Race Traitor 2020


American Renaissance brought us the concept of Race Traitors in 2013; the inaugural winner is Rand Paul, an American optician and politician. He could have done so much for Western Civilization or, at least done far less harm. Now Amren has changed; calling them White Renegades, also making the point. On this day in December it is still open. The question is not decided but  Boris Johnson is a front runner.



Race Traitor 2020  
It has been another bad year and a difficult decision. The Enemies Of The People, the Enemy Within are becoming more obvious, less secretive. The attacks on Donald Trump's victory in Election 2020 are gross; they are applauded by the Mainstream Media by Democrat & Republican politicians, the Hard Left, the Left Wing generally. So who should be THE Traitor of the Year? One candidate is Joe Biden, paving the way into the White House for Kamala Harris. I settle for Boris Johnson, the prime minister who made the four Great Offices Of State into a bunch of aliens, with two Pakistanis and a Jew.







But Amren picked Charlie Kirk as their White Renegade Of The Year 2019


The White Renegade of the Year is the man who could have done the most good for his people, but instead did the most harm. Charlie Kirk is 2019’s renegade. His  organization, Turning Point USA could have been a real force for American nationalism, but he has led it up yet another Conservatism Inc. blind alley.

Tuning Point USA’s budget is reportedly over $10 million and may be $20 million in 2020. It boasts over 130,000 members, including high school students, college students, and recent graduates. It has more than 50 chapters. President Trump and his son Donald, Jr. have spoken at its meetings. It is Conservatism Incorporated’s youth wing.

It runs Professor Watchlist to name and shame Hard Left teachers. Their website is at https://www.professorwatchlist.org/. The first man on their list is Arthur Butz, a distinguished engineering professor who wrote the Hoax of the 20th Century, telling the world in some detail that the Holocaust® Story is a pack of lies. They choose to allege that he is completely wrong. Believe them? Not me.


Previous winners are at Race Traitors.


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Email me at Mike Emery. All financial contributions are cheerfully accepted.

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Updated on Sunday, 01 January 2023 19:19:04 +0200