The Democratic Party is one of the two large political parties in America, the one opposed by the Republicans. The Democrats are the Left Wing, which means in practice that they back a number of causes. The other major grouping, the Republican Party inclines to the Right Wing. At all events that is their public position. Some say that their real positions are much closer.
Now, in 2016 as the presidential candidates are fighting for favour it seems that white people on the left have a major problem, one which is only going to get worse as the black and brown populations increase. Sam Dickson explains all. Blacks and Hispanics want more. They have been sold various stories, which cast them as victims or losers while the Whites on the left have swallowed them, along with the idea of White Guilt. Now they are finding that that black and brown want more without the nuisance of earning it. Whites are even noticing Black Hate - or should be. See Winning The Next Election In America to know who votes Democrat and why.
That is why white people of the Democrat persuasion find themselves backing Bernie Sanders, a Marxist Jew [ see e.g. Bernie Sanders ex Jewish Virtual Library ] because Hillary Clinton has the black and brown vote sewn up even though she is white. She will tell anyone anything if it brings in the votes. She is also an enthusiastic Traitor who panders to Zionist crazies. Of course Sanders does too.
So the big deal here is that those left wing white people have gotten themselves
in an ugly position. Their often sincere Altruism
is becoming Pathological; it
means they are being squeezed out of power by Third
World aliens who hate, or can easily be incited using various manufactured
grievances i.e. Black Hate. But let Mr
Dickson explain
Black And
Hispanic Democrats Versus White Democrats. He is our man on the ground.
Confirmation comes from Sacco Vandal of American Renaissance -
Will Democrats Ever Nominate Another White Candidate For President?
ADDENDUM: The American Freedom Party is
a real American party; one not subverted by the
Enemies Of The People. It is worthy of your consideration.
Bill & Harvey, Rapists both sneer at the camera as they stay out of prison.
Bernie Leads His Party to Open Borders - Pat Buchanan Explains
Bernie Sanders is not
a White Man, he is a Jew & millionaire, a real millionaire with an income better than $1,000,000 a
Black And Hispanic Democrats Versus White Democrats [22 March 2016 ]
Lots of White faces at a Bernie rally
With all the attention on Donald Trump, there has been little discussion of the astonishing rift between Black and Hispanic Democrats on one hand and White liberal Democrats on the other.Hillary Clinton has shut Bernie Sanders out of the Black and Brown voters. She is their candidate. She is catering to them to an astonishing degree. She has endorsed all the fantasies and lies about White cops killing Black males. She has hauled the mother of Trayvon Martin around, putting her on the stage to endorse her candidacy, and talking about how Lil’ Trayvon was murdered by George Zimmerman but there was no justice. She has extolled the Gentle Giant. She made statements about a breaking story about three Black coeds who claimed they were attacked by Whites on a bus who called them “nigger.” When a surveillance video from the bus revealed that the whole story was concocted, Hillary refused to retract her statements or to apologize for joining in false accusations against innocent people.
There is no limit in race-betrayal that Clinton will not go to.
Clinton is now virtually the captive of the Blacks and Browns. They cast about half the votes in the Democratic Party. They are the ones who have given her the nomination.
The White Democrats — even the wimmin — have deserted her and flocked to Sanders in droves.
Sanders has gotten nowhere in his efforts to chip non-White voters away from Clinton.
He is the candidate of the White wing of the Democratic Party.
What does this mean for White Nationalists like us who are thinking in long range terms (like Jews) instead of next weeks primary vote?
A lot.
For many years I have predicted that there would come a point at which White liberals would realize that their Black and Brown friends don’t have the slightest interest in issues that excite White liberals: gay rights, environmentalism, funding for the arts, conservation, public parks.
No. The Blacks and the Browns are only interested in “The Gimme.”
And increasingly Blacks and Browns will control and dominate the Democratic Party. Already, they are sending the White liberal Democrats to the back of the bus.
The alliance between White liberals and the racist minorities is breaking up. They are splitting.
Add in the fact that there are a lot of White liberals at the local level who have caught on that the Jews are running their own racist ethnostate and that their posturings about fighting racism and their deep, deep concern about the plight of Blacks and the need for open borders are utterly insincere.
At some point our White liberal racial brothers and sisters are going to be up for grabs.
The schizoid nature of Democratic voter behavior along racial lines shows that this is coming.
How can we reach out to them and help raise the consciousness?
Democratic Party ex Wiki
The Democratic Party is one of the two major contemporary political parties in the United States, along with the Republican Party. Tracing its heritage back to Thomas Jefferson's Democratic-Republican Party, the modern-day Democratic Party was founded around 1828, making it the world's oldest active party.[9]Once its dominant worldview was classical liberalism, but modern social liberalism became a force within the party with the candidatures of William Jennings Bryan and Woodrow Wilson, who won the presidential nominations in 1896, 1900, 1908, 1912 and 1916. Since Franklin D. Roosevelt and his New Deal coalition in the 1930s the Democratic Party has promoted a social-liberal platform,[3] supporting social justice and a mixed economy.[10] The Democrats' philosophy of modern liberalism advocates social and economic equality, along with the welfare state.[11] It pursues a mixed economy by providing government intervention and regulation in the economy.[12] These interventions, such as the introduction of social programs, support for labor unions, moves toward universal health care and equal opportunity, consumer protection, and environmental protection form the core of the party's economic policy.[11][13]
Well into the 20th century, the party had a conservative pro-business wing and attracted strong support from voters of recent European extraction—many of whom were Catholics—based in the major cities, and included a populist-conservative and evangelical wing based in the rural South. After 1932 and Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal, the business wing withered and, between the 1960s and the 1990s, Southern whites and many Catholics moved into the Republican Party. Today, the congressional Democratic caucus is composed mostly of progressives and centrists,[14] with a smaller minority of conservatives.
There have been 15 Democratic presidents: the first was Andrew Jackson, who served from 1829 to 1837. The most recent is the current one, Barack Obama, who has been in office since 2009.
In the 114th Congress, following the 2014 elections, Democrats hold a minority of seats in the House of Representatives as well as in the Senate. The party also holds 18 governorships and control of a minority of state legislatures.
Democrats Furious About Criminal Investigation [ 30 October 2016 ]
The Democratic Party don't want Hillary Clinton investigated for taking bribes or anything else. They didn't complain when the FBI went easy on her.
Wikileaks Exposes Election Fraud By Democrats That Helped Clinton [ 12 November 2016 ]
Winning The Next Election In America [ 18 November 2016 ]
In this amazing election the American people voted against globalism and the Washington, New York, and Hollywood establishment with all the drama and suspense of the recent British Brexit vote. Or as one Brit put it, “We do Brexit and the F***ing Americans have to do it bigger.” If it had been a referendum on globalism, free trade and open borders I have no doubt that the numbers would have been much more extreme. Now, with the full measure of political power the Republicans have achieved in this election, you can bet there will be more rollbacks than Walmart ever dreamed, starting with all the executive orders, Obamacare, the Iran giveaway, etc.Given all the forces arrayed against Trump (Washington elites in both parties, mainstream media at home and abroad, New York and Hollywood media elites, Academia, etc.) one must ask, how the heck did he win? Exit poll data collected by Edison Research for the National Election Pool revealed that Clinton drew the bulk of her support from the motley crew that constitutes the Democratic base: Blacks (88%), Liberals (84%), GLBT community (78%) & Jews (71%); and to a lesser degree, Hispanics (65%) and urban residents (59%)...............
This suggests that Trump won because of increased concern among Whites about incoming diversity. Election results show that Whites who see diversity increasing tend to vote for candidates of the right, and this is a pattern revealed in recent research...........
Don’t expect such an anemic Democratic turnout in 2020. I believe that this is just a temporary reprieve, and that the Republican control of the presidency and both houses of Congress may be as short lived as Obamas’ 2-years unless action is taken now........
Trump will be able to shore up his numbers if his policies are seen as benefiting suburban, college-educated Whites and White women and if he can keep the support of his White working class base.
Many White suburbanites, after all, moved there partly to escape diversity, and once the pall of political correctness begins to lift, they may see that their best interests lie with a vibrant White majority willing and able to defend its interests.
Peter Baggins, a relative of Bilbo Baggins(?) is quite right. Socialists, Homosexuals, Jews in general, Zionist crazies in particular and the rest of the Enemy Within will attack. In fact they already are. Defending Western Civilization is a worthy project.
Democratic Party Incites Black Hatred [ 30 November 2016 ]
This is a criminal offence in England but of course the BBC is allowed to do it just the same. Her Majesty's Government policy is to import Third World criminals, to create Trojan Horses and Ethnic Fouling. It has been very successful in America.
Will Democrats Ever Nominate Another White Candidate For President? [ 27 December 2016 ]
Hillary's failure may be the end of the line for whites. 2016 has been a year of great political change. Like Richard Nixon’s election in 1968, the 2015 election will go down in history as a political realignment. It marks the beginning of Republicans as a white working-class party that can win in the Rust Belt. The failure of any ideological conservative to win the nomination in the face of Donald Trump's populist-nationalism marks a major shift in the party’s appeal. The new electoral majority of Mr. Trump suggests that the Republicans may never again nominate a traditional conservative for president.Less talked about, however, are the implications of Hillary Clinton’s failed candidacy. I suspect that the Democrats will never again field a white presidential candidate.
Since the 1960s, the Democratic Party has pursued policies and taken positions that appeal to non-whites. This strategy has been successful; non-whites tend to vote as a bloc for Democrats. Except in local races, however, it is mainly white politicians who have practiced non-white identity politics. Not unlike the populares of ancient Rome, who went outside their class to champion plebian interests to secure power, white Democrats have won at the ballot box by appealing to non-whites. But the day of the white Democratic politician may be coming to an end.
As non-whites increase in numbers, the tone of black-brown identity politics has shifted from explicitly pro-non-white to implicitly anti-white. This has made it harder to appeal to whites. However, until the Trump candidacy, the Republicans did little since 1968 to capitalize on the Democrat’s lack of appeal to white voters.
Ever since Mr. Trump won the Republican nomination, there has been a lot of handwringing about the GOP’s appeal to whites. The Washington Post accused the GOP of becoming a “pity party for white males.” The Huffington Post titled an article, “So Long, Grand Old Party; Hello, White People’s Party,” and Rolling Stone called the Republicans the “party of white paranoia.” [ Well worth a read but make sure you don't do it with your mind in neutral. Decide which bits are insight and which are nonsense. - Editor ] However, little fuss is being made over the increasing reality of the Democratic Party as a coalition of non-white and even anti-white factions. And as white voters defect, white politicians may also.
White Democratic politicians in the Age of Obama more or less have to forsake whites in order to win non-white votes. As noted in this article, Hillary Clinton’s campaign was one of blatant pandering. All the potential Democratic nominees found themselves forced to condemn the slogan “all lives matter.” Such spectacles made them seem sensitive to non-whites in a way that disgusted many whites.
Non-whites vote overwhelmingly Democrat whether or not they are excited about the candidate. However, as the Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton campaigns suggest, the black-brown base seems less enthusiastic about a white candidate.
According to CNN exit polls, Mr. Obama won 93 percent of the black vote and 71 percent of the Hispanic vote in 2012, while Mrs. Clinton won only 88 percent and 65 percent, respectively. Also, low black turnout in three key cities—Milwaukee, Detroit, and Philadelphia—was partly responsible for Mr. Trump’s victory in all three of their respective states. Mrs. Clinton could have won the election if as many blacks and Hispanics had voted for her as for Mr. Obama.
It seems likely that a black or Hispanic Democratic candidate can motivate Democratic voters in a way that white candidates cannot. Black and brown voters saw Mr. Obama as one of them. A white politician can appeal to non-whites with words and policies, but a non-white politician plays identity politics without even opening his mouth.
But doesn’t the Democratic Party run the risk of alienating so many whites voters that even massive non-white support will not be enough to win the presidency? As Mr. Obama has shown, liberal whites will vote for non-whites. A large part of the white electorate still thinks it is especially virtuous to vote for a non-white. Furthermore, even if they become uneasy about the increasingly anti-white Democratic message, they will have no other place to go for the “progressive” policies they support. They will do what white Republican voters used to do: vote for a party that does not care about them—only because they have no alternative.
My guess is that the lesson the Democratic Party has quietly learned from 2016 is that they can no longer successfully run white presidential candidates. Just as we are unlikely ever to see another conservative ideologue at the head of the Republican ticket, we may never see another white Democratic candidate for president.
Mr Vandal is very much on the right lines. Demography is destiny. This is symptomatic. English readers should decode "liberal" as Left Wing.
Democrat's IT Specialist Was A Pakistani Car Dealer [ 27 July 2017 ]
On Monday night Imran Awan, the principal IT aide to former DNC [ Democratic National Committee ] honcho Debbie Wasserman Schultz, was arrested at Dulles Airport attempting to flee the country. "IT" means information technology, as in computers, as in hacking, as in what the Democrats insist happened to the election................Monday's airport arrest follows the seizure of broken hard drives from the garage of the Awans' former home. The hard drives had been smashed with a hammer. Whether it was the same ceremonial DNC hammer used to smash Hillary's Blackberries has not yet been determined............
What connects the "fake news" and the real news is the DNC. The Russia "story" exists because the election wasn't hacked but the DNC was. Wikileaks released the Democrats' embarrassing emails to the world, although, helpfully, the US media mostly declined to report on them, and, in fact, CNN's Chris Cuomo lectured America that it's totally illegal for you mere citizens even to glance at these leaked emails [ NB They are at ]............
Julian Assange of Wikileaks says the Russians had nothing to do with the DNC email leaks. Take that with as many grains of salt as you want: he is, of course, a fugitive from justice, just like the DNC chair's IT aide and his wife and various relatives of theirs.
The Awan story has many interesting elements: The Pakistani-born Imran Awan, his wife, his brothers Abid and Jamal, and Abid's wife Natalia have provided IT services to Debbie Wasserman Schultz and dozens of lesser Democrat congressmen since about 2004. The family salaries totaled some $5 million, because supplying computer services to prominent Democrats is so vital and specialized a skill that it requires a rare and exceptional skill. The Awans' services were so critical that in March last year eight Democrat members of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence issued a letter demanding that these staffers be granted access to Top Secret Sensitive Compartmented Information (TS/SCI).
Yet at the same time the Awans ran a full-time Virginia car dealership amusingly called Cars International A - or "CIA" - and were almost continually short of cash, requiring loans from all kinds of people including - Collusion Alert! - the Iraqi politician Ali al-Attar.
For inept broke car-dealers, the Awans somehow made themselves indispensable to powerful Democrats, among them those on sensitive committees such as Intelligence and Foreign Affairs including Andre Carson, Joaquín Castro, Lois Frankel, Robin Kelly, Ted Lieu and Jackie Speier. That's a lot of Democrat computers to wind up in the hands of one family of Pakistani immigrant car dealers...........
But who cares? It's not like Trump's son or son-in-law or vaguely connected former campaign advisor being in a room for 20 minutes with a Russian lawyer...........
Five months ago, as the coppers began closing the net on the family, other Democrats began distancing themselves from the Awan clan, notwithstanding their peerless IT skills........... Forget about Trump hinting to Comey that he's really hoping for some loyalty, and consider a powerful member of a House sub-committee threatening the head of the Capitol Police that "you should expect that there will be consequences" for refusing to return one of her laptops set up and controlled by Awan:
Why did Debbie Wasserman Schultz not do as her fellow congressmen did and dump the Awan clan as no longer politically convenient? Occam's razor: Because she was head of the DNC and thus Awan knew too much for her to cut him loose. Until yesterday. After his capture at the airport, while fleeing back to Pakistan.
The enterprising lad is said to have been trusted by Debbie with her iPad password and other access codes. So in other words - unlike speculation about Putin's FSB being in DNC computers - we know this guy was in them.
Are the "Russia investigation" and the Awan story comparable? Well, they're both about hacking, and both about DNC computers. One of them has actual arrests, on-camera political interference, destroyed evidence, and a proven money trail from foreign politicians. The other has no arrests, and a meeting with a minor Russian lawyer arranged by an Azerbaijani pop star's publicist.
Mark Steyn explains it all so well. Hillary Clinton, her henchwench and other criminals get the Main Stream Media cover up while they carry on abusing Don.
Democratic Party Sues Wikileaks For Helping Donald Trump [ 16 May 2018 ]
In the lead-up to the US presidential election in 2016, his [ Julian Assange's ] whistleblowing website WikiLeaks released several batches of emails connected to the Democratic party and Hillary Clinton’s campaign.Last month, the Democratic National Committee filed a lawsuit against the Russian government, Donald Trump’s campaign and WikiLeaks, alleging a conspiracy to help swing the election for Trump.
Documents show the intelligence programme, called “Operation Guest”, which later became known as “Operation Hotel” – coupled with parallel covert actions – ran up an average cost of at least $66,000 a month for security, intelligence gathering and counter-intelligence to “protect” one of the world’s most high-profile fugitives.
The Guardian mentions the Democrat aspect en passant. It had no compunction about mining Wikileaks for the dirt but they were selective about who they went after.
Democrats Bottle Out Of Impeaching Donald Trump
The scandals are racking up. Donald Trump’s former campaign manager is a convicted fraudster, his former personal attorney broke campaign finance laws, three other Trump campaign figures have pleaded guilty of crimes and the US president himself stands accused of ordering illegal hush money payments..................But for the Democratic Party - fierce opponents of almost every one of Mr Trump’s policy drives and ever willing to call out his personal foibles - the reluctance is more intriguing. Elizabeth Warren, the Left-wing senator eyeing up a run for the White House, insisted that Robert Mueller’s investigation should run its course before any decisions are taken....................
The strategy appears at odds with the Democrats' core support base, who seem to be itching to kick Trump out. A campaign for impeachment by the prominent donor Tom Steyer has attracted more than five million signatures............. With every new conviction of a Trump campaign figure there is a chance the odds will change. Who knows where we will be by Christmas, or this time next year?
It makes sense for Don to go onto the attack.
Leftists Demand Reparations For Blacks & Indians
The Democrat Party' Politicians lurch to the left, the Hard Left, indeed the Lunatic Fringe. You doubt it? Pat Buchanan explains it all so very well.
Joe Biden's Run For White House Takes A Beating From Third World Loud Mouths
Joe was relatively right wing. Now the Marxists are abusing him for what he said years ago.
Democrats Want People Disarmed [ 9 August 2019 ]
Contemplating the landscape after the mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton, and their powerlessness, the mood among Congressional Democrats is bleak. “Everyone I’ve talked to feels pretty low,” a Democratic congressional staffer told me. Without a shift in power in the Senate and a new president in the Oval Office, this person added, “Nothing will ever change.”............Between Congress and action, Democrats argue, stands Mitch McConnell. For months, the Senate Majority Leader and self-styled “Grim Reaper”—who sits comfortably in the pocket of the gun lobby and is currently holed up in Kentucky with a broken shoulder—has blocked votes on multiple bipartisan gun control bills in the upper chamber............ “If the Senate is not willing to take up something that has 90% approval among the American people, then we are not going to make progress with this Senate. So this is a test, will they take this up?”
Does Gun control have 90% approval? We are being lied to but it is high, disappointingly so - see Americans support gun control but doubt lawmakers will act says Reuters. Of course Obama had total control in Chicago. That is why Blacks Carry On Killing In Chicago - 98% Of Murderers Use Pistols Where They Are 100% Illegal. You doubt it? See the interactive Homicides In Chicago. The current score is 296 of whom 243 are black & and very largely own goals.
Democrat In-Fighting Means They Will Lose To Donald Trump [ 14 February 2020 ]
From the day he entered the race, Joe Biden was the great hope of the Democratic establishment to spare them from the horrifying prospect of a 2020 race between The Donald and Bernie Sanders. Today, that same establishment wants Joe out of the race..............His feeble debate performances and fifth-place finish in New Hampshire all but ensure Joe will not be the nominee, and if he stays in, he will siphon off votes in Nevada and South Carolina that would go to candidates who might put together a majority and stop Sanders. The panic of the establishment is traceable to the new political reality...........
Bloomberg, the three-term mayor of New York, upon whom the establishment has begun to look like the last best hope of stopping Sanders, has already dumped a third of a billion dollars into his campaign..........
Bloomberg [ said ]........... “Ninety-five percent of your murders and murderers and murder victims fit one M.O. You can just take the description, Xerox it and pass it out to all the cops. They are male minorities, 15 to 25,” said Bloomberg........
In presidential elections, Democratic candidates win 90-95% of the black vote. After revelations of his candid discussions of the merits of redlining and the benefits of stop and frisk, Bloomberg may have a tough time climbing that hill.
Too many people know that Joe Biden abused power to make lotsa money. Bernie Sanders is an unrepentant Marxist Jew. Bloomberg has sensible views about blacks and Hispanics that are going to alienate his kind of voter, the dole bludgers, blacks etc. So Don is going to win.
Democrats Trying To Fit Donald Trump Up Again [ 3 April 2020 ]
An excuse, any excuse. Yes, people are dying of Coronavirus so let's blame Don.
Democrat Party Politicians Move To The Far Left [ 14 August 2020 ]
The Antifa/BLM riots: Is there a strategic agenda?
More entertainment last night as the deprived and sorrowful wretches of Portland and Chicongo assuaged their George Floyd grief by way of some informal shopping. And burning. Many observers fear that such anarchy represents the end for America as we know it. And it might well do. But let's make something clear at the outset: Comparisons with South Africa are wildly overblown. White America will not be overrun by marauding mobs of blacks and their White useful idiots. SA Whites were outnumbered by nearly 10:1 while Whites in America are still a majority, albeit a small and declining one. Furthermore SA had the full 'international community' lined up against it, with their fellow Whites among the most bitter foes. In SA millions of marauding blacks could have made life impossible for beleaguered Whites, most of whom had become weakened by easy living anyway.There is no chance - zero - that White America could fall this way. For a start black mobs are incapable of disciplined methodical action.............
America's Whites have been steadily losing the slow-burn existential fight that's been ongoing for more than half of a century. Rather than fight back in the face of the black/brown sludge percolating into their neighborhoods they sell up and move to a Whitesville further out. Again and again. But an armed and angry mob heading their way represents an immediate and entirely different degree of threat. Guns will be out and as Tom Chittum showed in Civil War II a trained, motivated, disciplined and well-armed team of half-a-dozen Whites could paralyse and disperse a mob made up of hundreds of armed ghetto rats heading for their suburb.
Now we all know that Antifa/BLM are being financed and encouraged by corporate America. Law enforcement has been turned on its head as rioters attack and rob with impunity while LEOs risk their careers and worse should they intervene. The MSM is almost at one in supporting this agenda. Clearly some deeper and more strategic agenda underlies these developments. Or so it seems to me. But what's the objective? We can agree that such developments tie in nicely with the Long March Through The Institutions with their calamitous impact on community cohesion. But that March has been doing just fine without the recent explosion of lawlessness.
Do they hope the disarray will unseat Trump in November? That's another popular theory but I don't buy it at all. It must be dawning on even the most dim-witted and woke (but I repeat myself) Whites that their skin will be their uniform. If not now, definitely when TSHTF. The atavistic Afrikaner horror of the swart gevaar (black peril) must have its equivalent buried deep in the limbic system of American Whites. Even, or maybe especially, among the SJW virtue-signallers. If we're to believe the opinion polls (I feel you need a laugh) the lawlessness is working against Trump. But surely when the time comes to pull that lever the thought of handing their physical well-being over to Dementia Joe - to be replaced by White-hating Kamala Harris within months - will be enough for even the most lily-livered White hypocrite to make the right decision.
The Irish Savant feels that the Puppet Masters, the Zionist crazies have overplayed their hand. He is likely to be right. Kamala Harris is too black, too blatantly full of hate to get away with it.
Tucker Carlson Explains The Democratic Nation Convention [ 23 August 2020 ]
It is Day 3 of their gathering. They have chosen Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as their front runners but there is more. Marianne Williamson has been watching; she helps Tucker Carlson put the boot in. He does but then he is just quoting them, showing video of what they say. Ask why they say it in the day time when people are at work. That is where it gets interesting, worrying, horrifying, frightening. Vote Democrat or go to Hell says black Texas pastor. They are not beating about the bush. Bill Clinton showed up as their moral voice. The first time Michelle Obama was proud of her country was when her family got to run it. You can see why the Hard Left do not like Tucker or Fox News.
PS Tucker does it again on Day 4. They offer an open goal, Tucker goes for it - There is nothing threatening about Joe Biden and that's the point. But their real policies, their real plans are very different.
Democrats Riot After Kamala Embarrasses Them During Debate [ 9 October 2020 ]
The Mainstream Media are driven by outright hatred of Donald Trump. Here is something from the other side for once. It asks why Somalis in Minneapolis are in the George Floyd riots. For that matter why are Somalis in America at all? One answer is the opportunities. So that Somali Thieves can steal millions.
Democrat Racists Discriminate Against Asians [ 27 April 2021 ]
The Senate passed a hate-crimes bill last week that gives grants to states and localities for more reporting on incidents and orders a Justice Department review. The vote was 94-1. But that bipartisan vote obscures a sharp partisan difference on anti-Asian bias laid bare as Democrats defeated a Republican amendment to stop discrimination in higher education.The GOP amendment was a single sentence. It said no college “may receive any Federal funding if the institution has a policy in place or engages in a practice that discriminates against Asian Americans in recruitment, applicant review, or admissions.”
Hawaii Sen. Mazie Hirono said on the floor that the amendment was “a transparent and cynical attack on longstanding admission policies that serve to increase diversity.” She means elite college policies that have been challenged in court by Asian-American students for penalizing them in admissions.
Ms. Hirono apparently thinks it’s “cynical” to take seriously the language in the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Constitution that bars discrimination by race. The amendment surely would have passed if the text had substituted another minority group for “Asian Americans.” Yet it did not get a single Democratic vote.
Republicans and Democrats both want to monitor and deter crimes motivated by racial bias. But only one party last week was willing to protect the prerogative of institutions to discriminate systematically by race.
Anti-White Racists are also anti-Asian Racists. They are also vicious hooligans, rioters, murderers and looters. You might assume that Senators are responsible adults rather than a Lunatic Fringe controlled by Mob Psychology, Blackmail or Bribery.
Texas Will Arrest AWOL Democrat Politicians [ 14 July 2021 ]
Texas House votes to ARREST runaway Democrats for blocking voting rights bill: State Dems sing outside the Capitol and insist they are willing to go to jail after fleeing on private jets
- The State House in Texas voted 76-4 on Tuesday to arrest the runaway Democrats who fled to Washington
- The vote doesn't hold much weight as long as the Democrats remain in Washington, D.C. since by crossing state lines they have escaped jurisdiction of Texas law enforcement
- The group of at least 60 runaway Texas Democratic lawmakers arrived at the Capitol on Tuesday morning as they broke quorum to avoid voting on two Republican voting bills they oppose................
- The two private jets cost $100,000 but was privately funded and Martinez Fischer said he took money from his own campaign fund to pay for hotels
- Group is staying at the Washington Plaza Hotel in Northwest D.C., where rooms start at $199 per night...............
Republicans in the Texas State House voted 76-4 on Tuesday to arrest the runaway Democrats who fled to Washington D.C. to break the quorum and block the passage of Governor Greg Abbott's voting rights bills..............
Texas House rules allow the sergeant-at-arms to arrest members who are not present at the Capitol for a vote – and the show of disapproval Tuesday could result in the lawmakers' arrest when they land back in the Lone Star State. A quorum is the minimum number of members needed to conduct legislative proceedings and assure they are valid. In the case of Texas, two-thirds of its House members are needed to reach a quorum, which is 100 people.
The 'Mail' is a Propaganda machine taking a fact out of context. What is the real issue? They are keeping that from us. It is Vote Rigging. The Democrats need it hold power. BTW, they were the slavery party before the American Civil War.
American Deep State Alleges That Russia Is Setting Up A False Flag Attack As An Excuse To Invade [ 15 January 2022 ]
The US has intelligence that Russia is planning a 'false-flag' operation on its own forces in eastern Ukraine to create a pretext for invasion.Officials on Friday also said they believed Russia was mounting a social media disinformation campaign to portray Ukraine as the aggressor.
The update, making the prospect of military conflict more immediate, came as Ukrainian government websites were taken offline in a 'massive' cyber attack, talks between Washington and Moscow collapsed and Russia held a combat readiness inspection of their troops.
Meanwhile, Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov said Russia had 'run out of patience' with the West as Moscow demanded assurances that NATO would not expand closer to its territory.
The American Democrats have an election coming up in November. Fraudulent claims against Russia are a distraction from real problems that will cost them their majorities in Washington. Joe Biden wants Illegal Immigration; he got it. Honest people are annoyed. Recall that the CIA is the world's largest drug dealer & a major criminal organisation.
US Democrats Use Ukraine Biolab Profits For Campaign Funding Say Russian Military [ 13 May 2022 ]
Democrats in the US have partnered with Big Pharma companies and friendly foundations led by George Soros and Bill Gates to set up biological research in Ukraine, using the project to generate additional funding for elections, the Russian military claimed on Wednesday in its latest briefing.“It needs to be said that the ideologues of US military biological research in Ukraine are leaders of the Democratic Party,” said Lieutenant-General Igor Kirillov, the head of the Russian Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Force.
The US government set up a way to fund the military bio-research directly from the federal budget, but also used government guarantees to raise funds from “non-governmental organizations controlled by the leadership of the Democratic Party,” Kirillov added.
As an example of such organizations, he showed a slide with the names of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the [Bill and Hillary] Clinton Foundation, George Soros’s Open Society and investment funds, the Rockefeller Foundation, EcoHealth Alliance, and Hunter Biden’s Rosemont Seneca Partners.
Kirillov also named Pfizer, Moderna, Merck and Gilead as “large pharmaceutical companies” involved in this scheme, using it to test medications while bypassing international safety standards. This reduces the cost of their research and development, Kirillov argued, and the increase in pharma profits “allows the leaders of the Democratic Party to receive additional financial contributions for election campaigns and hide their distribution.”Using Ukraine as a test bed effectively outside international control and leveraging the technological capacities of transnational pharma companies, the Pentagon has “significantly expanded its research potential not only in the field of creating biological weapons, but also obtaining information about antibiotic resistance and the presence of antibodies to certain diseases in populations of specific regions,” Kirillov noted...........
The US had spent more than $224 million on biological programs in Ukraine between 2005 and early 2022, Bastrykin said.
The Russian military has presented evidence of US government involvement in Ukrainian biolabs before. At the end of March, Kirillov showed slides that pointed to current US President Joe Biden’s son Hunter being involved in procuring funding for some of the projects. Kirillov also presented documentation that showed Kiev was interested in equipping drones for distribution of weaponized pathogens.
Finding diseases that can't be cured by current drugs proves murderous and Genocidal intent. Are the Russians right? Quite possibly. Let us not forget the high probability that Covid-19 was an American Germ War attack on China.
Democrat - Land Of Delusion
Welcome to the “Democrats’ land of delusion”
There’s too many men, too many people Making too many problems And there’s not much love to go around Can’t you see this is the land of delusion?The Democrats think they can turn reality on its ear. They are deluding themselves, but they expect Americans to share in their delusions. They’re gas lighting us. They’re liars.
The problem is, they have control of the mainstream and social media, which parrots and amplifies the lies. The Democrats control the FBI and the DOJ. Their lies carry weight and muscle, and they can cause great damage.
The Covid panic is an example of that damage. We were told that we needed lockdowns, masks, and endless Covid ‘vaccinations.’ The latter was an experimental mRNA concoction that killed and injured more people than the virus. Many of us rang alarm bells ahead of time, but few listened. They got caught up in the delusion.
My cartoon features some of the Democrats’ delusions. Of course, space was limited and I could not jam them all in. I will list ten of them here:
1. Covid was used to control countless millions around the world and it was easy for the medical tyrants to pull it off. More Democrats than Republicans were onboard with the delusion, although President Trump himself pushed the vaccines (he was trying to be a hero). Trump needs to admit he was wrong. Biden and Fauci will never admit wrongdoing and their delusions persist. I still see people wearing masks at supermarkets. They actually think a wisp of cloth protects them from disease because the partisan Democrat Anthony Fauci told them it would. Some are still taking the clot shot, although many are now waking up since so many people around the world and of all ages are dropping dead from the vile jabs.
2. The Democrats told us that Trump, with the help of Putin, rigged and stole the 2016 presidential election away from Hillary. Now they say we’re traitors if we question the election of Basement Joe, even though the evidence of election fraud that got him elected is overwhelming. Furthermore, Hillary and the FBI conspired and created the Russia conspiracy hoax. They are the traitors, but now Biden says half the country are dangerous terrorists because they support Trump.
3. The Transexual fad is perhaps the most egregious delusion. Reality dictates that a man cannot become a woman and vice versa, but the Democrats enthusiastically support the delusion. One far-left loon tweeted, ’Trans women are real women.’ If they really are real woman, why even add the word ’trans?’ A man who wants to be a woman can take hormones and eventually get surgically mutilated, but his DNA cannot be changed. Many regret having the devastating surgery and commit suicide. Despite the glaring evidence, Democrats are pushing ’trans’ in grade schools. Kids are too young to make their own decisions, but are pressured to be trans simply because it’s trendy. It’s a very dangerous delusion when children are abused with dangerous puberty blockers or even offered surgery without the parents’ consent. Part of the delusion has now grown into not acknowledging male and female sexes altogether. Democrats can’t define what a woman is. They think there are hundreds of genders. They want to punish those who use the wrong pronouns. They think a man can get pregnant!
4. The Climate Change cultists are ruining our economy by pushing green energy, which simply cannot compete with oil, natural gas, and coal. The Democrats are delusional and think we should all immediately stop using cars with internal combustion engines and instead purchase very expensive and environmentally unfriendly electric vehicles. The electric cars have limited ranges. The batteries wear out quickly and are toxic to the environment. New batteries cost as much as a new car and the rare earth to create the batteries come from China. People who charge their cars may not realize that the power comes from power plants fired by fossil fuels, including coal. Biden can’t simply snap his fingers and make green energy a reality. There are consequences to his delusion, including high gas prices and economic suffering.
5. I could not fit this into my cartoon, but Kamala Harris and Biden’s press secretary cannot make the border secure simply by telling us that it is secure! It’s obviously not secure and millions of Americans are suffering from higher crime and chaos as a result. We need to send the millions of illegal invaders to liberal sanctuary cities and let those who are deluded into thinking that all illegal immigration is a ‘gift’ deal with the hordes and pay for their well-being.
6. The Democrats are so deluded that they think spending more money can lessen inflation! Biden and his allies in Congress have already spent trillions of dollars we don’t have. Most of it goes to wasteful enterprises such as the Ukraine War and green energy. Loan forgiveness will only add to the inflation. Inflation is simply another way government steals wealth from average Americans. Yes, Biden is not only a deluded liar, he’s also a thief. He’s even spent $80 billion on the IRS so freshly minted IRS auditors (well armed) can steal more money from the working class. I wonder if he’ll get his cut.
7. The Democrats have relentlessly demonized President Trump. They are desperate to charge him with a criminal offense and if they have to frame him, they’ll do it. They already made many go along with their delusion that he was Putin’s puppet. They impeached him based on lies. They think they can pick their own president—the public be damned. They do this while under the delusion we have a ‘democracy.’ We’re not a democracy. We’re a Constitutional Republic. That Republic protects individual and minority rights from an oppressive majority.
8. The mainstream media, also known as the legacy media, also known as presstitutes, are an insult to real journalism. For example, you will never hear them investigate Pfizer for their criminal wrong-doing, but they will relentlessly harass Trump with their constant lies.
9. It’s a delusion to think we are being run by patriots looking out for the best interests of Americans. The Democrats despise MAGA. They don’t want America made great again. They want to preserve their uni-party known as the Deep State Swamp, which has a globalist bent. Many politicians are puppets of Red China and the globalist corporate lobbyists that flood the beltway. Congress is increasingly being populated by senior citizens. Some of them belong in nursing homes. Politicians are demented and confused, but they keep their office so they can keep their families supplied with graft. They are also addicted to power. Those of us who want term limits? It’s delusional to think that will happen any time soon.
10. It’s delusional to think we can again send humans to the moon when we never sent them there the first time…but that’s a subject for a future cartoon.
Ben puts a view. Is he wrong? Tell me or tell him if you think so. Abuse is an admission that you have nothing worthwhile to say.Kentucky Politician Charged With Rape
A former Kentucky lawmaker who oversaw state police and departments of corrections and juvenile justice has been charged with rape.Former Democratic state Rep. John Tilley, who oversaw Kentucky’s state prison system under former Gov. Matt Bevin, has been charged with first-degree rape. Tilley allegedly had sex with a woman in a Lexington hotel while she was unable to give consent, because she was too drunk, according to a Daily Mail report. The alleged rape reportedly occurred April 15 but no charges were filed until Monday..............
Tilley, 53, was being held Monday morning at the Lexington-Fayette County jail, according to the detention center’s online database. He was released late that day after posting a $25,000 bond, and his arraignment hearing is scheduled for 1 p.m. Tuesday in Fayette District Court...........
First-degree rape is considered a Class B felony in Kentucky, carrying a possible prison sentence of up to 20 years. If the victim is under 12 or is seriously injured by the rapist, the crime is elevated to a Class A felony with sentences exceeding 20 years.
He is married so his wife will have a view about this one.