
Marketing is a subject closely connected to Propaganda. They are both applied psychology. Manipulating people is the name of the game. Marketing and propaganda both do it to people en masse. Marketing is about Selling goods while propaganda is about selling ideas, political ideas in particular. That is why it uses the Mass Media and the Education industry. Major pressures are sex, Fear and Guilt especially Western Guilt. Sex is the obvious one. When you see pictures of young women in whiskey adverts you know what is going on. The point of pictures is that they go to the subconscious before the words are read.

Then there is Fear. Buy our product or die horribly of a strange disease. AIDS in Africa is an example but the marketers had to suppress the truth about it; being spread by Blacks and Homosexuals was not going to help their agenda.

Guilt is another major tool, especially Western Guilt. The idea that Englishmen and Americans are supremely guilty regarding black slavery has been grossly abused. What the propagandists, who are largely Jews do not tell us is that their ancestors were the main slave traders and always were.

Guilt is also the major political tool in Germany. The treatment of Jews during the Second World War was not pretty but then a lot of unpleasant things happened. The Jews have turned it into The Holocaust® Industry and a very profitable one it is. USA Today mentions almost $80 billion tax free profit. It is higher now.

Marketing Greed
Factory owners can make far more than we need so they use the marketing industry to sell more. haven't YOU got the latest widget? Are you a failure? Keeping up with the Joneses is a reality of modern life leading to profits for Capitalist Swine.


The Man Who Sold The War
John Rendon is a salesman who was employed by the CIA to sell the war against........ whoever it was that time. His face fits. He is a Washington insider. He knows George et el. So he is rich and men are dead.


We worry. It is not a bug; it is an undocumented design feature and the reason why we have survived so far. Unfortunately there are white men who have been manipulated into believing that our sins, past, present, future and alleged mean that we have to give way to other, lesser breeds without the law. They have fallen for the Western Guilt story which is being marketed on a broad front by the media, education racketeers and churches while Third World imports swallow the Black Hate propaganda.


It applies to politicians as well as tooth paste. Looking good on television matters big time. Policies are another matter entirely.


Selective distortion - Wikipedia
Selective Distortion is a term that refers to the tendency of people to interpret information in a way that will support what they already believe. This concept, along with selective attention and selective retention, makes it hard for marketers to get their message across and create good product perception.
Looking at the Wiki sceptically is important. People believe what they want to believe but marketers know this fact. They use it. They abuse it. Curt Maynard's article is solidly based; he has an MSc in psychology. He tells is how it is done.

Newsweek magazine recently published an extensive article entitled "Leading the Way,” in which the magazine detailed the lives of twenty “powerful” American women that Newsweek felt best represented the topic of the future of “women and leadership,” in the United States today. What I thought particularly interesting about the article was that the Newsweek cover displayed a “multicultural,” photograph of three women, one Hispanic, one White and the other black,” which is truly illusory given the fact that Jewish women composed the most disproportionate number of those Newsweek sought to portray in the article, and yet, the photograph didn’t include a Jewess on the front page.

In any case, the purpose of writing this short blurb is to highlight a few facts about media distortion and the inequity of this Newsweek article in particular. First off Newsweek, with its circulation of 3.2 million is the social engineering tool of the Washington Post Company once owned by the Jewess Catherine Meyer Graham and currently under the leadership of her Jewish son Donald Graham. Being that the news magazine is in reality a tool for shaping the consciousness and worldview of Americans rather than for the dissemination of news as one might think, it isn’t any wonder that their article “Leading the Way,” embraces a propagandistic technique known as selective distortion,” which is well understood in advertising circles. "This phenomenon can occur in two primary ways. If an individual wants to believe something is not true, then even in the face of an overwhelming amount of information disputing their original contention, they will still reject what they do not want to believe. Likewise, this can happen in the same manner with an individual that wants to believe something is in fact true, no matter the amount of material refuting that belief." The imperative ingredient in creating this "selective distortion" is, of course, early access to the target, the individual, and the way this is generally achieved is through the indoctrination processes offered by the media and the early educational process -- a veritable "cradle to grave" process…. In order for this process or "program," if you will, to succeed, however, the target must not be exposed to contradictory stimuli, at least not initially. Once the phenomenon has congealed however, those so exposed to it will inevitably develop what is known as "brand loyalty," which is another advertising term relevant here because the "traditional macroeconomic view of advertising 'holds that the main purpose of advertising is to manipulate or persuade.'"
Catch them young is the basic answer and, allegedly the Jesuit approach too.



Marketing Machines Incite Race Mixing  [ 18 February 2018 ]
Madison Avenue wants White Women to slake Blacks' foul desires. Look at the adverts to see it, time after time. Impressionable girls are brought with this idea. Are Paddington Bear and Father Christmas about miscegenation? They are when Marks & Spencer are paying for the message. But then M & S are Jews. Do they push it in Israel? Certainly not; they don't want blacks in the Holy Land, among God's Chosen People; ditto for Arabs.