
If the Main Steam Media is run by honest men, it as good as it is ever going to get. If it is run by liars with different agendas we have a chance of deciding which bits are true. When our wonderful modern media are run by crooks with pretty much one plan, one set of lies we have a problem. But we got lucky; the Internet came along, giving us access to far more sources. Search Engines are a Godsend, helping us find things. Anyone can publish, anyone can bypass the likes of Murdoch. Anyone can tell the truth. Revisionists are prone to tell the Truth. It is a weapon, just as lies are. There are twerps out there too but working out which they are is not too difficult. Here are sources.

Holocaust® Industry
Is all about marketing the story that naughty Adolf decided to murder 6 million Jews, deliberately and with malice aforethought. The lack of written evidence is not an obstacle for the Jews making billions out the racket. It was EUR63.2 Billion and rising, way back in 2007; it is more now and tax free to boot.


Inconvenient History
Is the best sort of history especially if it is true. It tells us who has an agenda and who is lying to us.


Errors & omissions, broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if you find any I am open to comment.
Email me at Mike Emery. All financial contributions are cheerfully accepted. If you want to keep it private, use my PGP KeyHome Page

Updated on 06/01/2018 10:41