Karl Marx ( 5 May 1818 – 14 March 1883) brought us communism. Karl Marx brought us death. Karl Marx brought us destruction. Karl Marx was evil. Karl Marx was a Jew. Karl Marx was influenced by Georg Hegel, a dismal rogue. So was Adolf Hitler. They are a nexus of evil. Marx brought us the Communist Manifesto, a statement of murderous intent. He also wrote Das Kapital, which demonstrated that he was a Useful Idiot, a plausible idiot, a dangerous idiot. Lenin wasn't stupid enough to believe him. Lenin was cunning enough to use him, to perpetrate crime. Marx colluded with Friedrich Engels, he of False Consciousness. An essay by Fred tells us that Marx was a crackpot, with a deep ignorance of human nature. That's his kindest interpretation. See it at Marx Was A Deeply Sincere Fool. Try #Capitalism, Socialism, and Nationalism: Lessons from History written by a well known historian, who says the fellow was a swine.
Michael Ezra tells us about Karl Marx's Radical Anti-Semitism; hating Jews because he understood them.
Marx In Disguise
Fred explains. Perhaps the right words for Marx are dangerous idiot rather than Useful Idiot. The latter phrase was Lenin's but then Vladimir Ilyich was dangerous, evil full of hate.
Dictatorship Of The Proletariat
The workers were going to run things for the benefit of everybody? Sounds plausible until you start thinking about it. It didn't happen of course but it fooled various people. That was the point.
The Communist Manifesto
Is their 1848 advertising prospectus. It tells us:-
In short, the Communists everywhere support every revolutionary movement against the existing social and political order of things.
The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions. Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communistic revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win.
You can't say that Karl was beating about the bush but you can say that the BBC eagerly ignores the truth.
Intellectuals Are Slobs
Tells us inter alia that Marx got his maid servant up the duff and foisted his bastard onto Engels.
Quotes About Jews by Jews - Stormfront
"What is the basis of Judaism? A practical passion and greed for profit. To what can we reduce his (the Jew's) religious worship? To extortion. What is his real God? Cash!" - Karl Marx, founder of Communism, quoted in the British Guardian, July-August, 1924.
This one is checkable.
Karl Marx ex Wiki
Karl Heinrich Marx (May 5, 1818 – March 14, 1883) was a German philosopher, political economist, historian, political theorist, sociologist, communist, and revolutionary, whose ideas played a significant role in the development of modern communism and socialism. Marx summarized his approach in the first line of chapter one of The Communist Manifesto, published in 1848: "The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles."Marx argued that capitalism, like previous socioeconomic systems, would inevitably produce internal tensions which would lead to its destruction. Just as capitalism replaced feudalism, he believed socialism would, in its turn, replace capitalism, and lead to a stateless, classless society called pure communism. This would emerge after a transitional period called the "dictatorship of the proletariat": a period sometimes referred to as the "workers state" or "workers' democracy". In section one of The Communist Manifesto Marx describes feudalism, capitalism, and the role internal social contradictions play in the historical process:
We see then: the means of production and of exchange, on whose foundation the bourgeoisie built itself up, were generated in feudal society. At a certain stage in the development of these means of production and of exchange, the conditions under which feudal society produced and exchanged ... the feudal relations of property became no longer compatible with the already developed productive forces; they became so many fetters. They had to be burst asunder; they were burst asunder. Into their place stepped free competition, accompanied by a social and political constitution adapted in it, and the economic and political sway of the bourgeois class. A similar movement is going on before our own eyes ... The productive forces at the disposal of society no longer tend to further the development of the conditions of bourgeois property; on the contrary, they have become too powerful for these conditions, by which they are fettered, and so soon as they overcome these fetters, they bring order into the whole of bourgeois society, endanger the existence of bourgeois property.
Marx argued for a systemic understanding of socio-economic change. He argued that the structural contradictions within capitalism necessitate its end, giving way to socialism:
The development of Modern Industry, therefore, cuts from under its feet the very foundation on which the bourgeoisie produces and appropriates products. What the bourgeoisie, therefore, produces, above all, are its own grave-diggers. Its fall and the victory of the proletariat are equally inevitable.
—(The Communist Manifesto)On the other hand, Marx argued that socio-economic change occurred through organized revolutionary action. He argued that capitalism will end through the organized actions of an international working class: "Communism is for us not a state of affairs which is to be established, an ideal to which reality will have to adjust itself. We call communism the real movement which abolishes the present state of things. The conditions of this movement result from the premises now in existence."
While Marx remained a relatively obscure figure in his own lifetime, his ideas and the ideology of Marxism began to exert a major influence on workers' movements shortly after his death. This influence gained added impetus with the victory of the Bolsheviks in the Russian October Revolution........
Marx is typically cited, with Émile Durkheim and Max Weber, as one of the three principal architects of modern social science.[13] Marx has been described as one of the most influential figures in human history.[14][15].
This lot was written by a fan. So try the next one.
Marx Was An Intellectual Crook
Pipes believes its [Communism's] failure was inevitable both because its quest for an egalitarian society required an oppressive master-class whose privilege rendered equality impossible, and because nationalism is a much stronger force than class solidarity. I would add a third reason: Marx was an intellectual crook, who faked, bent, or suppressed evidence to suit his preconceived conclusions. His theory was thus inherently wrong and was certain to fail when put into practice. Not least, Marx's dishonesty deceived all his followers about the wealth-creating power and protean resilience of market capitalism, which thus "buried" Communism, not the other way round. It is worth noting, because it explains so much, that Communism and capitalism are not polarities. Communism is the application of an artificial man-made ideology. Capitalism is not an "ism" at all but a natural process which tends to occur at a certain point of human development, thereafter updating itself from time to time, as survival dictates. Darwin can tell us more about it than Marx.
Sounds right to me. Pipes is an obnoxious Jew.
Moses Hess ex Wiki
Made Marx a communist.
Karl Marx Still Has Followers After Achieving 100 Million Murders [ 3 June 2018 ]
Most readers of Quadrant would have expected the 200th anniversary of the birth of Karl Marx on May 5, 1818, to go largely unnoticed................In London and New York the anniversary was even more newsworthy. Some major newspapers responded as though Marxism was enjoying an intellectual revival, on the verge of the secular equivalent of a Second Coming.
The New York Times headlined: “Happy Birthday, Karl Marx. You Were Right”, and endorsed Marx’s alleged “originality and profound importance as a philosopher”, claiming:....................
In London, the Independent also declared Marxism was on the brink of something big: “The world is finally ready for Marxism as capitalism reaches the tipping point.”..............
The notion of a Marxist revival explains the otherwise difficult to comprehend electoral appeal to young people of those two aged white male socialists, Jeremy Corbyn and Bernie Sanders. Thanks to a combination of young electors and the blue-collar vote, Corbyn went close to winning the 2017 British election. Had Sanders been the Democrat candidate for US President instead of Hillary Clinton, opinion polls in May 2016 showed the same constituencies would have allowed him to beat Trump easily...........
The most pernicious of his package of ideas was Marx’s theory of ideology. Marxism holds that, under capitalism, the dominant ideas, law, morality and religious beliefs are simply expressions of the interests of the ruling class, that is, the capitalists or bourgeoisie, though this is often not apparent to its holders.
This article by Keith Windschuttle is worth reading in full. He is a leftie who decided that it was a mistake & that Marxism is a dangerous delusion. BTW see The Black Book of Communism regarding their massacres.
Capitalism, Socialism, and Nationalism: Lessons from History
The founders of communism, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, were just two of many radical critics of the industrial society. But it was their achievement to devise the first internally consistent blueprint for an alternative social order.A mixture of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel’s philosophy, which represented the historical process as dialectical, and the political economy of David Ricardo, which posited diminishing returns for capital and an “iron” law of wages, Marxism took Carlyle’s revulsion against the industrial economy and substituted a utopia for nostalgia.
Marx himself was an odious individual. An unkempt scrounger and a savage polemicist, he liked to boast that his wife was “née Baroness von Westphalen” but was not above siring an illegitimate son by their maidservant. On the sole occasion when he applied for a job (as a railway clerk) he was rejected because his handwriting was so atrocious. He sought to play the stock market but was hopeless at it. For most of his life he therefore depended on handouts from Engels, for whom socialism was an evening hobby, along with foxhunting and womanizing; his day job was running one of his father’s cotton factories in Manchester (the patent product of which was known as Diamond Thread). No man in history has bitten the hand that fed him with greater gusto than Marx bit the hand of King Cotton.
The essence of Marxism was the belief that the industrial economy was doomed to produce an intolerably unequal society divided between the bourgeoisie, the owners of capital, and a property-less proletariat. Capitalism inexorably demanded the concentration of capital in ever fewer hands and the reduction of everyone else to wage slavery, which meant being paid only “that quantum of the means of subsistence which is absolutely requisite to keep the laborer in bare existence as a laborer.” In chapter 32 of the first tome of Capital (1867), Marx prophesied the inevitable
denouement:Along with the constant decrease of the number of capitalist magnates, who usurp and monopolize all the advantages of this process of transformation, the mass of misery, oppression, slavery, degradation and exploitation grows; but with this there also grows the revolt of the working class. . . .The centralization of the means of production and the socialization of labor reach a point at which they become incompatible with their capitalist integument. This integument is burst asunder. The knell of capitalist private property sounds. The expropriators are expropriated.
t is no coincidence that this passage has a Wagnerian quality, part Götterdämmerung, part Parsifal. But by the time the book was published the great composer had left the spirit of 1848 far behind. Instead it was Eugene Pottier’s song “The Internationale” that became the anthem of Marxism. Set to music by Pierre De Geyter, it urged the "servile masses” to put aside their religious “superstitions " and national allegiances and to make war on the “thieves " and their accomplices, the tyrants, the generals, princes and peers. Before identifying why they were wrong, we need to acknowledge what Marx and his disciples were right about. Inequality did increase as a result of the Industrial Revolution. Between 1780 and 1830 output per laborer in the United Kingdom grew over 25 percent but wages rose barely 5 percent. The proportion of national income going to the top percentile of the population rose from 25 percent in 1801 to 35 percent in 1848. In Paris in 1820, around 9percent of the population was classified as “proprietors and rentiers” (living from their investments) and owned 41percent of recorded wealth. By 1911 their share had risen to52 percent. In Prussia, the share of income going to the top5 percent rose from 21 percent in 1854 to 27 percent in 1896 and to 43 percent in 1913. 12 Industrial societies, it seems clear, grew more unequal over the course of the nineteenth century. This had predictable consequences. In the Hamburg cholera epidemic of 1892, for example, the mortality rate for individuals with an income of less than 800 marks a year was thirteen times higher than that for individuals earning over 50,000 marks............................
By Niall Ferguson, Milbank Family Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution
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