
Colonialism means taking over a country complete with its inhabitants. The Wikipedia makes heavy weather of the idea. It can just as easily be moving into an empty country, in which case the incomers are Aboriginals; that word shares the same root as original. It follows on with propaganda regarding Decolonisation, which is designed to cause Western Guilt in the White Man and, naturally Black Hatred.

Aboriginal peoples are very rare, maybe non-existent. Notice that the Wikipedia link to Aboriginal Peoples redirects to an article headlined Indigenous Peoples - a rather different concept; it just means they were there before White Men arrives. NB in the event there are some Genuine Aboriginals but they are rare.

There are no  Aboriginals in Australia or New Zealand. The black fellows in Oz are descended from the third wave of arrivals, that came out of the North while the Maoris ate their forerunners. The Wikipedia makes no mention of the Zionist crazies who colonised Palestine, the Stolen Land that thieves call Israel. That is how it works when politics come into the matter. It is keen to blame Europeans, while ignoring the fact that virtually all tribes took their land by force.

Colonialism ex Wiki
is the establishment, exploitation, maintenance, acquisition, and expansion of colonies in one territory by people from another territory. It is a set of unequal relationships between the colonial power and the colony and often between the colonists and the indigenous population.

The European colonial period was the era from the 1500s to the mid-1900s when several European powers (particularly, but not exclusively, Portugal, Spain, Britain, the Netherlands, Italy and France) established colonies in Asia, Africa, and the Americas [ also the Jews and Israel - Editor ]. At first the countries followed mercantilist policies designed to strengthen the home economy at the expense of rivals, so the colonies were usually allowed to trade only with the mother country. By the mid-19th century, however, the powerful British Empire gave up mercantilism and trade restrictions and introduced the principle of free trade, with few restrictions or tariffs.


Decolonisation ex Wiki
(or decolonisation) is the undoing of colonialism, the unequal relation of polities whereby one people or nation establishes and maintains dependent Territory (courial governments) over another. It can be understood politically (attaining independence, autonomous home rule, union with the metropole or another state) or culturally (removal of pernicious colonial effects.) The term refers particularly to the dismantlement, in the years after World War II, of the Neo-Imperial empires established prior to World War I throughout Africa and Asia.[citation needed]

The United Nations Special Committee on Decolonization has stated that in the process of decolonization there is no alternative to the colonizer's allowance of self-determination,[citation needed] but in practice decolonization may involve either nonviolent revolution or national liberation wars by the native population. It may be intramural or involve the intervention of foreign powers acting individually or through international bodies such as the United Nations. Although examples of decolonization can be found as early as the writings of Thucydides, there have been several particularly active periods of decolonization in modern times. These are the breakup of the Spanish Empire in the 19th century; of the German, Austro-Hungarian, Ottoman, and Russian Empires following World War I; of the British, French, Dutch, Portuguese, Belgian and Italian colonial empires following World War II; of the Russian Empire successor union following the Cold War; and others.