Private Eye

Private Eye is a satirical magazine which is no longer a new comer in publishing. In fact it is has carved out its own slot in the industry. It has its strengths and weaknesses but what makes it rather special is that it is independently owned. Its style, its objectives, its targets are set in house and they answer to no one except the High Court when they get sued for libel. They have been down this road many times without losing too often.

Its especial virtue is that its hard news articles are genuine, hard hitting journalism at its best. They cover areas that the Main Stream Media just do not. If you want to read about collusion between Big Government and Big Business Private Eye is the only source.

Of course the satire means playing it for laughs and they do that too. Their comic strips are good; often with a political edge to them. Their political view tends to the left. They were happier attacking the Tories than Labour but now their continuing exposé of Brown's humungous fraud as the Chancellor of the Exchequer makes them the lead read. The fact that his shenanigans are carrying on now that he is Her Majesty's Prime Minister is getting comment too. They will not have pleased Blair either.

Private Eye has a virtue; they prove that the main stream media can provide real journalism instead of pandering to special interests. One reason is that their income from advertising comes from diverse sources and is small enough to make them proof against pressure from that direction. The main stream media is beholden to advertisers even if the owners are honest. The latter is by no means a forgone conclusion. Prominent examples include Robert Maxwell, late owner of the Mirror, bully, thief, liar, fornicator, murderer, traitor, oaf and Jew, Conrad Black, once owner of the Daily Telegraph & Spectator, a thief and Zionist went to prison for his pains. Then there is Richard Desmond, owner of the Daily Express, foul mouthed oaf, pornographer and Jew.

Not all newspaper proprietors are Jews but virtually all tread the Zionist party line for one reason or another. This is what gives the Eye and the Internet their special advantages.

NB The Eye is printed by East End Offset, a very Marxist firm. That is what the Guardian tells us in their obit for Allan Borrell, one of theirs.

They run the Paul Foot Award for investigative journalism.

Private Eye Is Endorsed By The Communist Party Of Britain [ 18 January 2011 ]
"Whether it is consultancies and directorships for MPs, the revolving door between top state officials, government advisers and business corporations, the regulation racket when it comes to the City, the railways and gas and electricity distribution or the massive corruption in Britain's financial, armaments, construction and other sectors, Private Eye reports more in one fortnightly issue than in the rest of Britain's mass media put together." -  Robert Griffiths ( general secretary of the Communist Party of Britain ), Morning Star, 20 December 2010.
Mr. Griffiths does not mention his plans for destroying England. Some people tell some of the truth some of the time. In fact his article makes a good case against various Capitalist Swine albeit he does not mention Blair.

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