Cronulla has quite a nice beach. It is a reasonable place to live if you work in Sydney. It was peaceful until Lebanese immigrants who live inland decided to start insulting women. Punch ups happened and the media piled in. Blaming Australians was the agenda and they chose the pictures. They chose the words. They created the image that gave Islamic thugs a pass. That is what the Main Stream Media do. They lie by suppressing the truth. They are Propaganda machines; these pictures show it. To see some honest reporting go to Lebanese Rioter Gets Twelve Months In Prison, New Nation News or Colour of Crime. They help restore the balance.
The shire referred to is Sutherland south of Sydney. It includes Cronulla.
The police calm things down or stir them up. Australians, ethnics or a mixture?
The picture may well be genuine. It was chosen out of dozens if not hundreds to make Australians look bad.
This was definitely chosen to make Oz look vicious. It was used by the ABC, Australia's answer to the BBC. It is also run by left wing subversives, homosexuals and Jews. The men are wasting beer so the Lebos definitely did something to upset them.
Again, choose the picture and choose the story.
They make sure that their message of hate gets through. Fingering Australians is the name of the game. This is from a smaller bunch of lefties.
Finger Australians every time. Oh look, little Johnny Howard is there leading them on.
A woman is getting stuck in; she is committed, passionate and above all sincere in putting her point of view.
Lebanese Rioter Gets Twelve Months In Prison [ 25 September 2007 ]
A MAN who used his mobile telephone to rally people for the Cronulla riot revenge attacks was sentenced to the maximum penalty of 12 months jail today.
Jeffrey Ismail, 29, of Punchbowl plead guilty to two counts of using a carriage service to menace/harass/offend. This afternoon lawyers said he would appeal the sentence. A hearing will be held at Campbelltown Distrcit Court next month. Police intercepted Ismail's telephone conversations [ Because he is a well known career criminal perhaps? - Editor ] on December 12, 2005, one night after the Crounlla riots erupted.Ismail was heard to tell people he believed members of the Maroubra-based gang the Bra Boys were coming to attack the Lakemba mosque. In other phone calls, Ismail was talking about organising a convoy of cars which left Lakemba to travel to Cronulla....... Although Ismail plead guilty to the offences in August, he tried to withdraw his plea today but the application was rejected by Magistrate Paul Falzon.
He looks like a vicious rogue. Exporting him to the Lebanon would make lots of sense. Exporting him anywhere would do fine. This is the only honest report and honest picture on the net. The [ Australian ] Daily Telegraph was the exception to the lies.
Left Wing Source Tells Truth - Sort Of
But in recent years, inward-looking Cronulla has attracted a different crew. Easily reached on the train line from the western suburbs, it has become the beach of choice for growing numbers of second and third-generation, mostly Lebanese, groups of young adults.For some time now their presence has not sat well with locals. Many complain of boorish and threatening behaviour, of sand kicked in faces during soccer games, of inappropriate remarks aimed at young Anglo women and of packs of Lebanese men using their numbers to menace locals.
Ray, a 23-year-old surfer, said he was assaulted [ as distinct from was assaulted - Ed. ] three weeks ago by a group of young Lebanese men.....
Maroubra's "Bra Boys" [ Lebos NOT Australians - Ed. ] are described by police and local media as a gang. Claims of assaults and "surf rage" have long been attached to the group who fought with off-duty police at a party at the Randwick Coogee RSL club in 2002. Jai, the brother of Bra Boys' leader Koby Abberton, was recently acquitted of a murder charge on self-defence grounds. Koby was convicted of Perverting the course of justice and will be sentenced early next year.
To understand that fair and balanced report from a left wing rag have a look at How To Frame A Patriot. Mr Krusch, its author understands media manipulation.
Peace talks: the Bra Boys, a surfer gang, and members of the Comancheros motorcycle gang held a media conference at Maroubra Beach yesterday to condemn the riots.
Cronulla riots ex Wiki The 2005 Cronulla riots were a series of sectarian clashes and mob violence originating in Cronulla, New South Wales and spreading, over the next few nights, to additional Sydney suburbs.
On 4 December 2005, a group of volunteer surf lifesavers were assaulted by a group of young men of Middle Eastern appearance [ ie Lebanese ], with several other violent assaults occurring over the next week. These incidents were widely reported and commented on in Sydney media. An initially peaceful crowd gathered in the morning of 11 December 2005 and by midday, approximately 5,000 people gathered at Cronulla beach to protest against a recent spate of violence against locals.
However, fuelled by alcohol, the crowd turned to violence when a young man of “Middle Eastern appearance [ still Lebanese ]” was spotted on the beach. He was surrounded by a crowd outside a local hotel and attacked. Retaliatory riots also took place that night and on subsequent nights, resulting in extensive property damage and several more assaults, including one stabbing and even some attacks against ambulance and police officers.
The attacks were widely condemned by local, state and federal members of parliament, police, local community leaders and residents of Cronulla and adjacent areas. A large number of arrests were made over the subsequent months, from both the initial riot on 11 December and the retaliatory riots held over the subsequent nights. The incidents tarnished Australia's international image, with several countries issuing travel warnings. Willi Münzenberg, the master propagandist explained, pictures go direct to the brain. Words get there later which is why photos are better propaganda tools.
Sources:- - broken link,,5744177,00.jpg - broken link,,5316304,00.jpg - broken link - broken link - broken linkThey are from a lefty, one "KANGAROOISTAN = the land of kangaroos"
<> in message
Clearly its now time the " white " peoples went back where THEY came
PROUD white aussies show their true natures for all the world to see
From another ghastly little Trot.
Piers Akerman Which genius gave this Islamic idiot a soapbox?
AS idiots come, they don’t get much bigger than the silly Muslim woman Yassmin Abdel-Magied, but as stupid as she so obviously is, those who have fallen over themselves to promote multiculturalism across the private and public sector are of far greater concern.Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, who hosted Abdel-Magied and the hate-preacher Sheik Shady Al-Suleiman, along with media hog Waleed Aly and his wife Susan Carland, last year at Kirribili last year must take note.
Abdel-Magied had already distinguished herself earlier this year when her principal backers at the ABC put her on a Q&A panel enabling her to proclaim to great hilarity that Islam was “the most feminist religion”.
She was always bound to utter greater inanities and she didn’t fail with her ridiculous (and extremely offensive) Facebook remarks about Anzac Day last Tuesday.
She’s so deficient in judgment that she didn’t even realise her remarks might have been disgustingly offensive until someone else explained the matter to her.
“It was brought to my attention that my last post was disrespectful, and for that I unreservedly apologise,” she later wrote.
The ABC displayed similarly absurd thinking when its media manager Sally Jackson released a statement standing by its part-time presenter and noting that Abdel-Magied’s post was “subsequently retracted, apologised for and deleted”.
Communications Minister Mitch Fifield is responsible for spending taxpayers’ money on the ABC and should do more than be merely critical of the fool but whether or not she is dismissed from her part-time job as an ABC presenter is ultimately up to the new CEO, Michelle Guthrie, and the new chairman of the ABC board, Justin Milne. It is they who now wear the asses’ ears and it is their gross lack of judgment that Australians should be protesting about.
The young hijab-wearing Sudanese-Egyptian-Australian Muslim is a non-entity despite her relentless self-promotion and would not have come to notice had it not been for the oafs within the Australian government who are determined to push the failed concept of multiculturalism despite the overwhelming weight of empirical evidence which shows that all cultures are not equal and that the fanatical adherents of Islam, some of whom Abdel-Magied has sought advice from, do not support Australia or Australian values.
Yet it was the geniuses within the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade who plucked this halfwit from obscurity and paid for her to visit Islamic nations across the Middle East and in North Africa to promote her book on her experiences as a Muslim hijab-wearing woman in Australia.
Throughout the three-week jaunt, Australian taxpayers were picking up her cheque as she was duchessed and waited upon by DFAT officers.
The Foreign Minister Julie Bishop is now said to be pondering whether Abdel-Magied has a future on the Council for Australian-Arab Relations, one of the little perks run by DFAT. But the real question is why was she ever chosen to do anything by anyone of any intelligence in government (OK, the oxymoron trigger warning should have come before that last thought).
Is the government, is the ABC, really so blind to the flaws in multiculturalism that they seek out individuals who appear to demonstrate that they grotesquely misunderstand the nature of the nation?
Of course, she is, as Senator Eric Abetz noted, “unfit and (she) lacked the judgment” for the DFAT role but that means the judgment and fitness of the individuals who initially selected her is what must be questioned and dealt with.
It is just over a year since the Australian navy’s hijab-wearing Muslim adviser Captain Mona Shindy exposed her ineptitude through a Twitter account described as the “Official Royal Australian Navy Islamic Advisor Twitter account”, to publish political views in tweets critical of Tony Abbott during and after his prime ministership.
Again, who were the numbskulls responsible for creating the position Shindy held and the account she operated?
Were they the same senior naval officers responsible for the two Canberra-class landing helicopter dock ships HMAS Canberra and HMAS Adelaide which can be seen lashed to the wharves in Woolloomooloo this past month and more, unable to go to sea because of “propulsion problems”?
The most land lubberly of observers might well have thought that the prime function of the navy was to ensure that its ships, even those worth some $3 billion, could go to sea and that “propulsion” might be key to that ability but apparently not so.
Neither the naval brains trust nor the Defence Minister Marise Payne can tell the taxpayers what their mechanical problems are but they can tell us how inclusive and multicultural the immovable fleet is.
Given that the navy embarrassingly bought two rust buckets from the US navy in the early ’90s — commissioned them as HMAS Manoora and HMAS Kanimbla — and sold them for scrap in 2013 after getting about 10 real years of service out of them, the lesson is that the Defence Department is hopeless at negotiating a deal and more concerned with politically correct appearances than operating efficiently.
Too much weight has been given to the ridiculous identity politics of political correctness at the expense of real policies delivering real gains for the nation, whether it’s at the ABC, within the navy, or across private sector boards.
Don’t deny nonentities their right to freedom of speech but at least deprive them of having a hand in the public pocket while they’re on their silly soap boxes.
Right or Left? Right or wrong?
Errors & omissions, broken links,
cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if
you find any I am open to comment.
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Updated on 10/12/2021 22:49