
The Vatican is publishing some of its archives. This is seriously interesting for students of history. Of course the student has to be serious too. Knowing Latin or Italian is a minimum requirement for getting anything important out of them. The selection covers some major events. A lot of less creditable stuff will remain in the darkness.

In Rome, Centuries’ Worth of Vatican Secret Archives Revealed
The Vatican Secret Archives were established four centuries ago to house the Holy See’s official documents. Spanning 12 centuries and occupying a cumulative 50 miles of shelf space, the Archives’ contents range from the quotidian to the controversial.

Through September, the Capitoline Museums (Piazza del Campidoglio; 39-060608) will host “Lux in Arcana: The Vatican Secret Archive Reveals Itself.” The exhibition will feature 100 documents of historical and cultural interest, which will be shown outside the Vatican for the first time.

The selection of letters, manuscripts and codices document the political and spiritual power wielded by the church throughout the Middle Ages until the late 19th century. Though mentions of contemporary scandals are conspicuously absent, there are centuries’  worth of papal ruthlessness to behold.

Visitors to the exhibition will find the record of Galileo’s conviction, the case against the Knights Templar and the order for Martin Luther’s excommunication. Tamer pieces include letters from world leaders, including  Abraham Lincoln, and publications of church dogma.
The pointer to this article was Ha'aretz, a main stream media operation in Israel. Jews are prone to lively intelligence.


Vatican Recalls Ambassador In Paedophile Pornography Investigation  [ 23 September  2017 ]
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - A Vatican diplomat working in Washington has been recalled to the Holy See after the U.S. State Department said the priest may have violated child pornography laws, the Vatican said on Friday.

Prosecutors in the Vatican have opened an investigation into the case, which represents a fresh blow to the Roman Catholic Church as it struggles to overcome repeated sex abuse scandals among its clergy.........

Two years ago the Vatican put the former papal ambassador to the Dominican Republic on trial for child sex offences, a case that was seen as showing the pope’s determination to clean up the Church. The priest, Jozef Wesolowski, was charged with paying boys to perform sexual acts, of downloading and buying pedophile material. He died before a verdict was reached.

He was the first high-ranking Catholic official to stand trial in the Vatican on such sex charges and the case was closely watched by victims of priestly abuse, who have accused the Vatican of repeatedly hushing up previous scandals.

Earlier this year, Cardinal George Pell, a top adviser to Pope Francis, was charged with multiple historical sex crimes in his native Australia. The highest-ranking Church official to face such accusations, Pell has denied any wrongdoing. Just last month, in the foreword to a new book written by a Swiss man who was raped by a priest when he was eight years old, Pope Francis said sexual abuse of children by priests was a “monstrosity” and pledged to take action against perpetrators.
The Catholic Church has gone wrong from time to time and got very hostile abuse in the Main Stream Media for its pains. The systematic abuse of boys by Paedophile Jews has benefitted from major cover ups. Rabbis demand that their customers do not tell the police, in order to protect the perpetrators and  Pervert The Course Of Justice. This policy is called Mesirah; it is just like the Italian's Omerta. It is used to protect the Mafia, another criminal organisation. But there are a few Jews who tell the truth, e.g. the Failed Messiah; his Mikva Abuse gives us thousands of documented crimes.


Errors & omissions, broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if you find any I am open to comment.
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Updated on 30/09/2017 20:49