Silvio Berlusconi Advert Caused A Fuss In India [ 28 March 2013 ]
Ford Figo advert shows Berlusconi kidnapping three women for a Bunga Bunga Party
THIS Ford Figo* advert in India shows Silvio Berlusconi and 3 ladies on their way to a Bunga Bunga party. Is Silvio kidnapping them? Can Silvio only get women to sleep with him if he ties them up first? Who’s in the back seat, the Yorkshire Ripper? The caption reads: “Leave all your worries behind.” Is Silvio going to – you know – dispose of the ‘worries’ lest they tell all to the police? Maybe not. It’s not like he’s in an Indian mini bus, so chances are that the victims will get to live after they’ve been raped.
More to the point has Silvio got what it takes to do what it takes? There are two more interesting/amusing/challenging/exciting/lurid/suggestive/obscene/offensive/provocative pictures [ delete to taste - Editor ] in this group.
I am not sure why the fat one is there.This one is about offending Silvio but he is used to that; he is sufficiently mature to be amused by the sneers of the envious.