Politics In Mexico

Perhaps there is more to say about Mexico. In fact Fred would say there is. That is what Fred does but Mr Pauly makes a very good case; essentially that Mexicans are corrupt layabouts. Object if you will but think about why. If you have anything sensible to say then do. Abuse is an admission of failure.
PS Fred says it is great again. He does speak the language; this helps a lot - see http://fredoneverything.org/expat-mexico-arroz-by-any-other-name-would-smell-like-rice/


From http://sendemback.org/essays/love.htm


Tough Love for Mexico




Donald E. Pauly


1 June, 2007


The Mexican Problem


Mexico is a land rich in resources. It has plenty of fertile agricultural land, mineral deposits, warm seacoasts, and huge oil reserves. Instead of developing those resources to provide jobs, Mexico exports its jobless people to work here. Their government cares nothing about the welfare of their citizens. It only cares about the $25 billion that they send home each year. This money is what keeps the Mexican politicians in power and is Mexico's second largest source of foreign exchange after oil exports. The government also benefits from the tens of billions of dollars of illegal drug profits raked in by Mexican drug cartels.

Mexicans have gotten the idea that they have the right to breed like flies, and that it is our duty to feed and clothe them. Our treasonous politicians have allowed this to happen. For that, they deserve to be dangling from a rope. Mexico has exported a FIFTH OF ITS POPULATION to our country. Of the 100 million left at home, 40 MILLION MORE want to come here, according to a recent survey. Half of the families in Mexico have at least one member illegally living in this country. Instead of our people electing a new government, our government has elected a new people.

There are 25 million Mexicans here in this country, including 5 million anchor babies. This bunch costs our tax payers $89 billion per year. This cost is spread out in welfare, education of their children, crime, incarceration of their criminals, and medical care. Mexicans send over $25 billion per year from their earnings back home, which is lost to our economy. The total economic loss to our country is on the order of $114 billion per year. This does not consider the $80 billion per year that the War on Drugs costs. Mexicans are responsible for the vast majority of all drug trafficking. The millions of their citizens who are illegally here facilitate this drug trade.

In 1941, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, sank five battleships, and killed about 2,300 military personnel. In retaliation, we killed 2 million Japanese and dropped two atomic bombs on Japan. In 2007 dollars, those battleships were probably worth about $1 billion each. In economic terms, assume that the lives were worth $1 million each. This is a total economic loss of $7 billion. Mexican illegal aliens cost this country that much in less than a month. They further kill about 25 of our citizens per day.

These killings are divided into 13 homicides and 12 drunk driving fatalities. Mexicans therefore kill over 9,000 Americans per year. From a casualty standpoint, this is four Pearl Harbors per year. Mexico costs us 16 Pearl Harbors per year economically, and four Pearl Harbors per year in casualties. Mexican illegal alien child molesters victimize an average of the eight American children each day. What is that worth? No wonder our living standard is dropping. It is time for action.

America has 300 million people and does not need any more. Our country is rapidly being destroyed by an occupying army of Mexicans. This army has rendered millions of U.S. citizens jobless and caused overall wages to plummet. Mexico has a real weapon of mass destruction inside this country aided by a fifth column of illegal alien lovers. We can have decent Mexican restaurants in every city over 100,000 with no more than 2000 Mexican chefs. Americans can do the rest of the jobs.

To solve the problem we must address the reasons why Mexicans leave home as well as what attracts them here. They do not want to come to this country. They are forced to flee here to escape the grinding poverty in Mexico. That country has proven itself incapable of self-government. We occupied Mexico City in 1848 and should have never left. We need to give Mexico a little tough love and straighten it out.

If the government there doesn't like the necessary measures, it is time for some cruise missiles to visit the Mexican parliament. If that fails to get their attention, the next step is invasion and occupation. We can use some of the 5 million anchor babies for cannon fodder who are old enough.



How to Send Them Home


To get the Mexicans out of this country, we must eliminate the conditions that attract them here. The problem must be solved in the following stages:

  1. Jail U.S. employers who hire illegal aliens

  2. Seal the border with Mexico

  3. Stop ALL immigration

  4. Abolish all green cards and H1-B visas

  5. Deport all non-citizens to their countries of origin.

Jobs in this country are the attractive nuisance that bring Mexican illegal aliens here. A bounty of $1,000 should be paid to anyone who reports an employer of an illegal alien. That employer should receive a minimum prison sentence of two years. Claims by the employer that the illegal alien's documents appeared genuine will not be accepted. An employer smart enough to make payroll knows whether the potential employee is a U.S. citizen or not. That is the purpose of a job interview. After the first few employers are hauled off in handcuffs in front of video cameras, no illegal alien will be able to find a job anywhere.

The employment of illegal aliens is a vicious circle. When some employers hire them, other employers must do so to stay in business. Jailing all such employers will level the playing field so that no rogue employer will dare hire an illegal alien. While this will increase the prices of some things, the extra money will circulate in our economy instead of being sent to Mexico. This money will stimulate our economy and cause wages to rise more than the additional cost of a few items. When society does not have to subsidize illegal aliens, our taxes will go down and our standard of living will rise.

In 2004, Chris Simcox patrolled with the Tombstone Militia on the Arizona border for illegal aliens. Within days of Bush talking about amnesty, all the Mexicans that he apprehended said that they had come to get their amnesty. A 2,000-mile fence will cost billions of dollars and damage the environment. It is not necessary. A "shoot to kill on sight" policy should be established for illegal border crossers. This should be done without regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, national origin, or citizenship status.

Not every illegal border crosser would have to be shot. After the closest Mexican consular officer collects the first carcass, word will spread instantly all over Mexico. Immigration would be halted within days. This is actually quite a humane policy. It would save the lives of the 400 Mexicans who die from thirst each summer while trying to cross the Arizona desert. This would be far more effective than putting out water cans.

Only about 2,000 Border Patrol agents used as snipers would be required, one per mile. No additional agents would need to be hired since four shifts could be organized from existing agents. Huge numbers of agents would become available for reassignment. These extra agents can be used to form dragnets to rid the country of illegal aliens who are deep inside our borders.

The Social Security Administration is the secret to getting rid of most illegal workers in this country. The vast majority of the 20 million Mexicans in this country have fake social security cards. They generally cost them about $100 each. Usually the number on it belongs to an American. The hapless owner of the number will suffer damage to their credit and get in trouble with the IRS over its use by others. A stolen social security number is typically used by about 100 different Mexicans all over the country for their IRS withholding. Billions of dollars of losses are caused by fraud from stolen social security numbers.

When the SSA spots a mismatch between name and number, the employer should be immediately flagged. If the mismatch is from a typo on a single digit they are likely innocent. A gross mismatch on a number should trigger a visit by Immigration and Customs Enforcement to the employer and to the employee using the number. Where a significant percentage of their employees have fake numbers, the employer should be arrested and imprisoned. Only a few arrests of employers and deportations of illegal employees would be necessary. With the possibility of employment gone, Mexicans would flee the country in droves and return home.

We need to revive the Old West tradition of bounty hunters to get the remaining Mexicans out. Many of them are working for cash under the table for cheating employers and will escape the Social Security dragnet. A bounty of $100 should be established for the reporting of any illegal alien. This would be a profitable profession for interested parties. Any peace officer who encounters an illegal alien or doctor who treats one should be required to report them to ICE. Teachers should be also required to report any illegal alien parents that they come across, or their children. Any law enforcement officer, doctor, or teacher who fails to report an illegal alien should be imprisoned for two years.

The next step is to stop all legal immigration. The total number of political refugees must be kept under a hundred per year. As soon as the political conditions which created the need for them to be here are gone, they should be immediately repatriated. We have earthquake refugees from Central America who are still here 10 years later. Rather than bringing the victims of natural disasters here, the aid must be sent to them.

The only non-citizens allowed to work in this country should be those employed at foreign embassies, cooks at specialty restaurants, and as language teachers. Their numbers must be kept to an absolute minimum. Tourists or students should be admitted into this country only if they have return tickets to their home countries. Foreign students attending our universities must leave immediately after graduation.

We do not need ANY foreign workers in this country. Every green card should be revoked and every H1-B visa cancelled. Their former holders should be deported along with their families to their country of origin. This is the proper way to preserve family unification. Children of non-citizens who were born in this country should be deported with their parents.

Every past citizenship application should be gone over with a fine tooth comb. Where an applicant has lied or committed any kind of fraud, their citizenship should be revoked and they should be deported. All deportees should be required to pay the cost of their deportation as well as for any welfare or medical treatment that they have received. If not able to do so, their property should be confiscated and sold for that purpose. The taxpayer should pick up the tab only as a last resort.



How to Keep Them There


Deporting all Mexicans from this country will not keep them from wanting to escape the overcrowding and poverty at home. Solving that problem is just as important as eliminating the environment that attracts them here. NAFTA (No American Factories Taking Applications) was a disaster for rural Mexico. Iowa corn is being sold in Mexico for half what it costs Mexican farmers to grow it. We should not export agricultural products to any countries which are not stabilizing their population. Cheap food exports encourage the Third World to breed like flies.

Most rural Mexican villages are virtually deserted except for the very old and the very young. The farmers have all emigrated to the U.S. to find work. The remaining population are being supported by the money sent home by their relatives in America. Mexico's problems must be solved in the following stages:

  1. Build enough affordable housing

  2. Stop all food exports to Mexico

  3. Import as much Mexican food as possible

  4. Start a DECLINE in the population of Mexico

  5. Build a Mexican highway system

  6. Develop the Mexican oil fields

  7. Develop Mexican mineral resources

  8. Provide universal public education

  9. Collect reparations

Over 20 million Mexicans live in Mexico City. The air there is the most polluted in the entire world. Tijuana is one vast slum. We need to demolish the slums of the large cities and disperse their populations to the countryside. Development of Mexican highways, oil fields, and mines will provide high paying jobs for many of the 25 million Mexicans who will be deported from this country. Hundreds of thousands of them will have been working in the contruction trades in this country as framers and masons. They can provide the labor to build affordable and plentiful housing. Small towns in Mexico also need modern sewage systems. This will develop rural areas of Mexico for agriculture.

ALL FOOD EXPORTS to Mexico must be stopped. This will allow Mexican farmers to make a living and provide jobs for the ones deported from the U.S. The benefits of stopping immigration far outweigh the harm caused by loss of the export of a small portion of our crops. We should only grow crops in this country that can be highly mechanized; like corn, wheat, soybeans, hay, and cotton.

Labor intensive crops such as lettuce, onions, grapes, and peppers should be grown only in Mexico. This will provide jobs for unskilled Mexicans who can do nothing else. We should import Mexican vegetables not Mexicans. Any labor intensive crops grown in this county should be harvested by chain gangs of immigration lawyers. It will take them many years to work off their sentences.

Mexico has an abundance of rich farm land which can be used to grow labor intensive winter vegetables, but there are problems with sanitation. In 2003, several hundred Americans in Philadelphia got hepatitis from eating Mexican scallions. Several died. The outbreak was traced to the use of human sewage as fertilizer in Mexico. We will have to show Mexican agricultural workers how to use field toilets. Our experts can teach them how to grow crops in a sanitary manner. Our inspectors can verify that they continue to do so. This will allow us to safely import large amounts of food from Mexico.

These are all stop-gap measures unless the population of Mexico is reduced. Their emigration to the U.S. is driven by out of control population growth. Until this is stopped, the problem cannot be solved permanently. A Mexican is born every 45 seconds and one emigrates to America every 30 seconds. A one child per family policy like China's must be immediately enforced in Mexico. After the birth of her first child, every Mexican woman must be sterilized. While financial inducements are preferred, any necessary force must be used.

We can provide a small army of doctors to help Mexico do the job. The cost of spaying a cat is $100. Surely $400 would be enough for a Mexican in mass production. Assuming 20 million Mexican women are of child bearing age, this would cost $8 billion. At one operation per hour, it will take 10,000 doctors one year to do the job. This is only a few percent of the total number of doctors in this country. Thereafter a trickle of sterilizations would suffice to maintain the one child per family policy. A million Mexicans enter this country illegally each year and each costs society over $8,000 per year. In one year, we could save more than the total cost of sterilization.

There is an old joke among the Mexican Reconquistas:

When Mexico gave up half of its territory to the U.S. , that half was the one with all the paved roads.".

Roads between many Mexico cities would not pass for a decent cow path. A massive highway building program can provide jobs for several hundred thousand Mexicans. It will make possible the rapid economic development of the country.

Mexico has huge untapped oil reserves which their state oil monopoly Pemex has not properly exploited. Since Mexico nationalized it in 1938, it has been run inefficiently with rampant corruption. We import about three billion barrels of oil from Arab countries each year. Those three billion barrels make about 120 billion gallons of gasoline. This is 400 gallons for every person in this country, or enough to drive 12,000 miles.

It would be far better to get this oil from Mexico rather than Arab countries. If we didn't need Arab oil, we would have a handy excuse to keep them out of our country. They wouldn't have money for terrorism if we didn't buy their oil. Our Middle East policy would be much more flexible as well. Getting the Mexican oil fields in shape would give Jorge Arbusto's beloved Haliburton something to do. Many high paying jobs would be created for both Americans and Mexicans.

Our southern neighbor has rich platinum, gold, and silver deposits. These riches must be exploited to provide jobs for their population. Tailings from old Spanish silver mines can be worked profitably with modern technology. Worked out mines can be reclaimed for agricultural land. Mexico has thousands of miles of beautiful sea coasts that can be developed for tourism and which will provide many jobs.

Universal public education must be enforced in Mexico. This includes teaching Spanish to Mexican Indians. Mexicans must be educated to do high-tech work rather than just picking lettuce and trimming palm trees. We should train them as doctors, nurses, and engineers. If they are short on lawyers, we can send them a million of ours. At some point, we should be able to establish self government when they become capable of it.

Mexico could become a economic powerhouse instead of a troublesome parasite. Once we get their economy humming, it will be payback time. Reparations should be collected for the past costs of Mexican illegal immigration. Most likely, this would amount to $1 trillion or so. If each of 125 million Mexicans paid reparations of $1,000 per year, the total could be paid back in only eight years. That money could be used to put Americans on Mars.


© 2007


Donald E. Pauly


Mexican Government Helps Africans Invade America [ 2 September 2016 ]
Their politicians are also enemies of Western Civilization.


Mexico Deports Far More Illegal Immigrants Than America  [ 16 September 2016 ]
Zero net immigration of Mexicans into the US and an 82 per cent fall in people caught trying to cross the US-Mexico border in the past 10 years means that most would-be immigrants detained there are Central Americans. Even without Mr Trump’s fortress frontier, Mexico finds itself under increasing pressure to stem the migrant tide near its source–its own southern border........

The UN estimates 400,000 Central Americans cross illegally into Mexico each year and as many as half of those are fleeing violence. The majority are quickly deported back to dangerous homes..........

 But the odds are still stacked against asylum seekers: Mexico deported a record 175,000 Central Americans last year, up 68 per cent from the previous year and nearly two-and-a-half times the number deported by the US.
They are Illegal Immigrants on the make.


Mexico Achieved 7,667 Murders In Just Three Months [ 1 October 2019 ]
Mexico registered 7,667 murders during the first three months of 2018, as violence continues to spiral out of control, with one of the latest incident being a brazen attack on a tourist beach in Cancun by gunmen on water scooters.

The 7,667 murders are an increase of 20 percent on the number of murders during the first three months of 2017, when the tally reached 6,406. The worst month was March, when 2,729 murders took place, most of them shooting deaths. January’s figure stood at 2,549 murders, with another 2,389 in February.

The bloodshed follows a proliferation of gangs involved in drug trafficking, as well as stealing fuel, kidnappings, extortion and other criminal activities. In 2017, a total of 25,339 people were killed in Mexico, the highest number since monitoring began 10 years earlier.

In one of the latest incidents, gunmen on water scooters open fire on a beach vendor in the heart of Cancun’s tourist area, an incident which media described as “unprecedented.” According to a police report, the afternoon shooting happened in front of a hotel in the heart of Cancun’s resort-studded strip.
They are having fun/fighting drug wars/whatever but it is much more exciting than England. The United Kingdom got a paltry 594 murders for the whole year. Of course Mexico is full of foreigners but Her Majesty's Government is working on that, importing thousands of vicious criminals. As a result the murder rate in London climbing briskly and they pretend they don't know why.


'Friendly' Football Game In Mexico Prison Achieves 16 Dead  [ 2 January 2020 ]
Sixteen inmates have died after a prison riot was sparked by a dirty tackle during a New Year's Eve soccer clash between two rival cartels in Mexico.

The 'friendly' was taking place at the Cieneguilla jail in the northern state of Zacatecas between the fearsome Gulf and Zetas Cartels. Firearms were drawn, including long-barreled weapons, when a dispute erupted over a challenge in the penalty box.

The federal forces and the National Guard were mobilized to the prison but it took them more than three hours to stop the bloodbath.
South America is and exciting place to be, if you survive it. See e.g. 2.5 Million Murders in 16 Years Latin America’s Nonwhite Crime Wave. Mexico is de facto part of this one even though it is [ just ] in the North. The Mail is censoring comments again. There is only that survived. Are we all getting blasé about alien thuggery?


Mexican Election Challenges - 88 Candidates Murdered So Far  [ 29 May 2021 ]
The Democrats claim that importing trillions of Mexicans into America is good for democracy.

No one seems to ask about what democracy in Mexico looks like.

A local elections candidate in Mexico has been gunned down in the middle of a campaign event and just after going live on Facebook, becoming the latest victim in a string of murders of politicians ahead of the June vote.

Electoral candidate Alma Barragán was shot to death on Tuesday afternoon in the Mexican town of Moroleón in the central state of Guanajuato as she was taking part in a campaign event. According to local media, a group of armed men arrived at the spot where Barragán was holding a rally and opened fire. Two others have been reported injured.

Shortly before the attack Barragán had gone live on her Facebook page telling the audience where she was and inviting local residents to join her: “Hello, how are you? I am here in La Manguita with Pedro Guzmán. If you want to accompany me, come and listen to my proposals and socialize. Thank you very much, I am waiting for you here.”

Barragán was the candidate for the town mayor from the opposition Citizens’ Movement (Movimiento Ciudadano). The campaign that leads to local elections in Mexico which are to be held on June 6 has been marred by violence. Earlier this month another candidate from the Citizens’ Movement, Abel Murrieta, was shot dead while handing out flyers in a busy street in the northwestern Cajeme municipality.............

Mexican democracy has normalized murder.

Barragán was the 88th candidate to be assassinated this election cycle.
Mexican politics are interesting, stimulating, challenging, important. They are a chance to find out if you have enemies.  Andrew Anglin is a rather sound sort of chap. Would he just make it up? He doesn't have to. Just read  RT ex Russia Today to see for yourself - Mexican election candidate SHOT DEAD shortly after going LIVE on Facebook to ask locals to join her at rally.


Errors & omissions, broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if you find any I am open to comment.
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Updated on 28/06/2021 12:59