Jews Harass Palestinians

Jews like power. Jews like bullying people. Having power gives the ability to abuse it. That is the pay off. The purpose in this case is ethnic cleansing. Ethnic cleansing is what the Nazis did. Jews whine about that. Jews extort money for that. A Jew is at your feet or at your throat. Ellen Cantarow, a journalist passed that way. She saw. She writes.

Living By The Gate From Hell
A portrait of nonviolent resistance in one Palestinian village
By Ellen Cantarow
Much is heard of violence in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but the story of the determined, long-term nonviolent resistance of many Palestinian villagers to the loss of their lands, striking as it may be, is seldom told. Here’s my report from just one village on the West Bank.

At no time since its 1967 West Bank occupation have Israel’s seizures of Palestinian land and water resources seemed as shocking as the ones attending its construction of “the wall,” begun in 2002. Vast, complex, and shifting in form, the wall appears most dramatically as 25-foot-high concrete slabs punctuated by militarized watch towers, supplemented by electronically monitored electrified fences stretching over vast distances.
Mrs Cantarow writes at some length. Her heart is in the right place. The Jews, do they have hearts at all?


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Updated on 18/07/2012 18:38