The Invasion of Ireland
A Jew financed the invasion of Ireland in 1170 AD. They have a track record of major money lending and manipulation. It seems reasonable to believe that they may have financed the invasion of England as well as profiting very handsomely thereafter.
The Wikipedia tells us in the History of the Jews in England ( 1066 - 1290 ) that:-
Strongbow's conquest of Ireland (1170) was financed by Josce, a Jew of Gloucester, and the king accordingly fined Josce for having lent money to those under his displeasure. As a rule, however, Henry II. does not appear to have limited in any way the financial activity of Jews. The favorable position of the English Jews was shown, among other things, by the visit of Abraham ibn Ezra in 1158, by that of Isaac of Chernigov in 1181, and by the resort to England of the Jews who were exiled from France by Philip Augustus in 1182, among them probably being Judah Sir Leon of Paris.
UNQUOTE ex History of the Jews in England (1066-1200)
History of the Jews in Ireland ex Wiki
They seem to have been less obnoxious there.
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Updated on Thursday, 11 August 2016 09:56:30