Bill Clinton, Fool Or Rogue?

Professor Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar, doctor of law and a professor of law at a minor university. So he  is  highly intelligent. He is also highly unscrupulous. Pandering to voters was just part of the game and for him that meant blacks and Hispanics. Stealing furniture from the White House was too. Then there was the little matter of sacking the White House travel office staff on the way in. The main stream media cover up of Monica Lewinsky and the howling when it came to light told us about their corruption too. It goes on.

Bill Clinton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This seems to have been written by his publicity agent. The Waco Massacre  and the Ruby Ridge Massacre are ignored.


Hidden Clinton Success Story - Fannie Mae Subprime Loans For Minorities.
Today’s subprime mortgage meltdown began with a lofty, deliberate, fuzzy-headed effort by the Clinton administration to turn more Latinos and blacks into homeowners, or so it appears from 1999 news reports — buttressed by hard data from a 2007 study of subprime lending. Yesterday’s soft and cuddly government program is today’s financial chainsaw massacre. Far from an illustration of free-market dysfunction, today’s mortgage mess is a classic case of socialistic governmental intervention gone awry. Take, for example, the May 31, 1999 LA Times article* by Ronald Brownstein, excerpted below. In it, the author touts the proliferation of low-end mortgages as a signal accomplishment of Clinton’s time in office:.......

In 1992, Congress mandated that Fannie and Freddie increase their purchases of mortgages for low-income and medium-income borrowers. Operating under that requirement, Fannie Mae, in particular, has been aggressive and creative in stimulating minority gains. It has aimed extensive advertising campaigns at minorities that explain how to buy a home and opened three dozen local offices to encourage lenders to serve these markets. Most importantly, Fannie Mae has agreed to buy more loans with very low down payments–or with mortgage payments that represent an unusually high percentage of a buyer’s income. That’s made banks willing to lend to lower-income families they once might have rejected..........
The main stream media have gone quiet about this one but they are a propaganda machine. Clinton set it up. Chickens came home to roost later.


Community Reinvestment Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Was a weapon used by Clinton to force banks to give money to people who couldn't or wouldn't pay it back.


Errors & omissions, broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if you find any I am open to comment.
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Updated on 07/09/2012 18:06