Anthony Ludovici

The Wikipedia tells us that Anthony Ludovici [ 1882 - 1920 ] was an English philosopher, the name notwithstanding. He was also a translator and writer. It claims that :-

In 1936, he had written enthusiastically about Adolf Hitler. He was openly hostile to Jews, writing an anti-Semitic work under the pseudonym Cobbett, Jews, and the Jews in England (1938). He was on the Selection Committee of the Right Book Club, with Norman Thwaites, Trevor Blakemore, Collinson Owen and W. A. Foyle [ of book shop fame? - Editor ]
You can see for yourself what he had to say about Jews and how he said it at The Jews in England. Then you can decide whether you believe the Wiki. Be aware that they are not neutral. The owner and his editors control it.  They have an agenda. See
Wikipedia on the point.


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Updated  on  Friday, 07 September 2012 18:06:10