American Presidents and Rape

Rape is a crime which is easy for a woman to use as a weapon against a man. The accusation can be made later. If it is made at the time scientific evidence can be found which is decisive one way or another. That is why the accusation is often made later. Real rapes leave victims utterly distraught. I know because I have seen. They don't make accusations later. They make them now.

When claims are made against prominent men a degree of caution is necessary. A desire for notoriety can be part of it. This happened with Neil Hamilton, a Member of Parliament in England. She claimed that he did it to her in Romford or thereabouts. He had never been there and he had proof that he was somewhere else at the time. She went to prison for perjury and quite rightly too.

The Wikipedia is often a very good source but it is important to know when it is going to be unreliable, when the agenda cuts in. has a view about this operation.

Accusations of rape against United States presidents
The accusation against Thomas Jefferson makes good head lines but the evidence is weak. Charges can be and often are politically motivated. Ditto for Ronnie Reagan, Clinton and Bush. Silence is often political too. The main stream media were very eager to keep us ignorant about Clinton's career of fornication, fraud and death. See Bloody Bill Clinton. The woman who accused Bush was murdered [ gun shot wound head ]  a bit later. See Woman files lawsuit against President. Then there is the little matter of the Kennedy track record. It is ugly and the subject of an enthusiastic media clamp down.

Don Tyson And Clinton
Tells us more about the Clinton track record of evil; the one enthusiastically covered up by the main stream media.


Errors & omissions, broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if you find any I am open to comment.

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Updated  on Saturday, 08 February 2014 20:36:57