Victims of Power

When politicians turn nasty they can be very nasty. They have power and they can abuse it. They can so they do. Jeremy Thorpe was one such. He was charged with inciting murder and beat the rap so one should not say that he is guilty. In fact the judge put up such a strong defence that his own lawyers did not bother. However it was given in evidence that he was a homosexual who tried it on with Norman Scott, tried to buy incriminating letters from him, tried to have them stolen and destroyed. He also tried to put Auberon Waugh in prison for contempt of court. But he walked out of another court without a stain on his character. Under different circumstances he might have been Her Majesty's Prime Minister. Heath got away with being a communist subversive with an unwholesome interest in choir boys.

Clive Ponting was at the receiving end of what looked like a malicious prosecution but probably should not be called that unless one wants to take a chance on being a victim too. I am personally aware of one ugly case which has not seen the light of day so I know that things happen.

David Kelly
Doctor Kelly talked about Iraq then he was dead but did not commit suicide. That is the expert opinion of many medical men. Blair set up an inquiry into his death very fast even though he was flying to Japan at the time. This meant they did not have a real inquest and a real coroner. Covering up for his war crimes? It seems entirely likely. He used Hutton, another place man; the sort who gives them the results they want.


Scott Ritter
Scott Ritter also talked about Iraq and the lies that politicians told but he was not murdered. He just came in for a lot of abuse.


Colin Wallace, A Victim Of Her Majesty' Government
He was totally inside the system and then he was kicked out and fitted up for murder. Impossible? Couldn't happen? Read Paul Foot's book. then think for yourself and decide for yourself.

Colin Wallace is an Irishman from the North who was intimately involved with the British Army dealing with public relations, propaganda and  disinformation. He was well known to everyone in the command structure and had their total confidence. He was the only man there who was an Ulsterman and understood what was going on. Then it all went wrong. That made him the subject of Paul Foot's book, Who Framed Colin Wallace.

Mr. Foot, RIP was very much a man of the left and a first rate reporter. He was heavily involved with Private Eye, doing a lot of their investigative journalism. Colin was a man of the right albeit not very political; he was too involved in the Army for anything else. For Mr. Foot to write him up is fairly surprising but he saw right wing plotters working against left wing politicians like Heath and Wilson. The aspect that worried him is that Colin was important in disinformation and an expert in passing off a mixture of lies and truth. Colin's insistence was that if Paul doubted he was not to write the book.

The message that Paul is sending is that right wingers are unscrupulous and dangerous. The point that I take is that governments are dangerous. He writes about Ernest Mandel of the Fourth International as a nice sort of chap and perfectly reasonable. Heath he says was a Tory. This true as far as it goes. Heath was also a left wing traitor with an unwholesome interest in choir boys. Ditto for brown envelopes. Mr. Foot says that Airey Neave was  a man of hard right views. I do not agree. Perhaps I am too much of a libertarian for that.


Ted Grant ex Wiki
Was the founder of the Militant Tendency which came close to destroying the Labour Party and a Jew with Bolshevik connections. Entryism was his speciality and it still is a Jewish speciality. They have wormed their way into New Labour and the Tories. Grant was originally  Isaac Blank and born in  South Africa.

Jozef Garlinski


Errors & omissions, broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if you find any I am open to comment.
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Updated on 27/05/2015 22:26