
The Mensheviks and the Bolsheviks were originally the same party but split. The Wikipedia offers us 17 Mensheviks, alleging that only six of them were Jews. Given that Jews were a fairly small minority in the Russian empire that is a lot. The Wiki has an agenda so it has a political bias. Concealing Jewish complicity is the name of the game. It is much the same with a large most of the media.

Lyubov Axelrod
Jew, woman and revolutionary; tried to murder  Alexander III of Russia. She criticized  Alexander Bogdanov and Lenin.


Pavel Axelrod
Jew, and  a Marxist revolutionary influenced by Mikhail Bakunin and colluded with Georgi Plekhanov,  and Vera Zasulich, Julius Martov, Vladimir Lenin and Alexander Potresov to edit Iskra, a Marxist propaganda  newspaper. He didn't get murdered so he was lucky or clever.


Nikolay Chkheidze
Jew  and a Menshevik politician who helped to introduce Marxism to Georgia in the 1890s and played a prominent role in the Russian and Georgian revolutions of 1917 and 1918.


Benia Chkhikvishvili
Not a Jew according to the Wikipedia. He led the 1905 revolution in Guria, a Georgian province on the Black Sea. Later he was the mayor of Tiflis.  He returned to Georgia in 1923 to revolt against the Bolsheviks but came unstuck.


Fedor Dan
Jew and politician. He helped Martov form the Mensheviks. He was kicked out of Russia in 1921 and got to die in bed.


Leo Deutsch
Jew, revolutionary and a leader of  the Mensheviks.


Evgeni Gegechkori
Jew or not as the case maybe,  politician in Georgia and Menshevik. Did a runner in 1921 and made it to France and obscurity.


Alexander Martinov
Jew or not, a Menshevik before the Russian revolutions later an  opponent of the Soviet government. Alexander Martinov tells us that he was a Right-wing Menshevik before 1917. He was a chief architect of the Stalinist theories used to justify subordinating the workers to the "progressive" bourgeoisie, including the concept of the "bloc of four classes.". Presumably the survivors are duly grateful for what he did to them.


Julius Martov
Jew and the leader of the Mensheviks.


Georgi Plekhanov
Jew or not, revolutionary and a Marxist theoretician.  He left Russia after the October Revolution because he was hostile toward the Bolsheviks and died in Finland.


Alexander Potresov
Jew or not and a leader of the Mensheviks.


Noe Ramishvili
Jew or not,  Georgian politician and a  leader of the Menshevik.  After the Soviet  forces invaded Georgia in 1921, Ramishvili went  to France and carried on trying to  undermine the Bolshevik dictatorship. He was  murdered in 1930 in Paris by a Bolshevik.


Matvey Skobelev
Jew or not, Marxist revolutionary and politician. Born into money, friend and supporter of Leon Trotsky. A deputy in the Duma. Murdered during the  Great Purge of 1938.


Irakli Tsereteli
Jew or not, Georgian politician and a Georgian Menshevik. Fled Georgia when the Russians invaded in 1921. Died in America.


Grigol Uratadze
Jew or not, Georgian Social Democratic politician, diplomat and author. Went to France after the Russians invaded in 1921.


Vera Zasulich
Jew or not,  minor nobility, went to  St. Petersburg, went into politics and taught literacy to  factory workers. Supported Mikhail Bakunin. Tried to murder General Trepov. She beat the rap because the jury wouldn't swallow it. She did a runner but was against murdering  Tsar Alexander II in 1881.


Jews and Communism
"Jews were prominent also among the founders of both the Russian Social Democratic Worker's ... with the help of Jews Vera Zasulich, Leo Dutch and P.Axerold. ..."

From other sources: In the 1880"s the Russian revolutionary Plekhanov founded in Switzerland the Marxist Group for the Emancipation of Labor, with the help of Jews Vera Zasulich, Leo Dutch [ Deutsch? ] and P. Axerold. In 1890 Lenin joined that group and the publication Iskra. Lenin's Jewish wife Krupskaya was the secretary of that publication. In 1903 various Russian Marxist groups convened in Brussels seeking a unification. Instead they were divided in two camps: Bolsheviks under Lenin and Mensheviks under the Jew Martov. From 1901 until 1906, the Jewish dominated Socialist Revolutionary Party was responsible for the assassination of no less than six ranking officials of the Imperial government ,including Grand Duke Sergei, an uncle of the Tsar. The mastermind of these activities was Gershuni, a Jew who headed the "terror section" of the party. Yevno Azev, another Jew and founder of the same party, was in charge of the "fighting section".


Noe Zhordania
Jew or not,  Georgian journalist and politician. He was the first leader of the Democratic Republic of Georgia (DRG) in 1918 - 1921 when the Russians invaded. He was exiled and died in Paris.




Errors & omissions, broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if you find any I am open to comment.

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Updated  on  Friday, 12 August 2016 13:09:19