Nanking Massacre

Politics happen. It is a fact of life. Not a very nice one but true none the less. It happened over there somewhere. Now more of them have come along to take up the space once occupied by the dead. So life goes on and we forget.

Nanking Massacre- The Forgotten Holocaust
Well it was a long way away and they were only foreigners and there were only 13 million of them which is not that many out of some 1,000 million or so. This one was Japanese killing Chinese.


NanKing Massacre
The Wikipedia tells us the inside story or not as the case may be. You need to think about their political prejudices before you take them too seriously. The owner is a Jew and his staff are Jews. The party line is Jewish or rather Zionist. See Wikipedia on the point.


Another man tells us what happened. It wasn't pretty. They did play it for laughs.


John Rabe, 'the good Nazi' - He saved a lot more people than Oscar Schindler allegedly did
About 250,000 Chinese find refuge in the safety zone, which quickly becomes a permanent rather than temporary facility...... Rabe uses his Nazi credentials to prevent the atrocities wherever possible. He writes repeatedly to Hitler asking that something be done to stop the killing.
250,000 saved is quite good.


Errors & omissions, broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if you find any I am open to comment.

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Updated  on  Wednesday, 18 July 2012 18:38:34