Liam Fox

Liam Fox, the defence secretary has a VERY close friendship with a little patter merchant who used the relationship for his own personal advantage. Werritty was friends with Mossad, a murderous bunch of criminals who specialize in manipulating politicians for Zionist ends. Fox was kicked out because he upset the wrong people. Sean Gabb, England's leading libertarian is disgusted by the whole thing. Craig Murray, lately Her Majesty's ambassador to Uzbekistan, a man who has seen evil close to is appalled that a British minister would allow himself to be got at by enemy aliens. Read for yourself. Think for yourself. Decide for yourself.

Sean Gabb On Liam Fox
Liam Fox:
Another Zombie Falls off the Roof
by Sean Gabb

It is, I think, a year since I last wrote anything about British politics. This is not because I have been idle. During the past twelve months, I have written or published eight books. Three of these have been substantial novels, and two of the novels are overtly libertarian. This alone might absolve me from my duty, as Director of the Libertarian Alliance, to give a running commentary on the issues of the day. But the real cause is that I am, for the moment, tired of watching how this country is governed. I feel less inclined to denounce than simply to look away.

What catches my attention, though, is the case of Liam Fox. He was, until made to resign a few days ago, the civilian head of our armed forces. Even by the low standards of British politics, he was useless in the job. His strategic choices were all made in Washington. His spending choices followed every shift in the balance of power between multiple and irreconcilable interest groups. Not surprisingly, he continued sending our men off to be shot at in places like Afghanistan – shot at for no reason he understood or dared state, and often shot at with no armour on their bodies and with P45s waiting in their post.

But, if he caught my attention, he also reminds me why I have mostly chosen to look away. He is worse than the run of his colleagues because he has blood on his hands. In himself, he is no worse than any other Minister. They are all stupid or corrupt or both. This is because every single Member of Parliament is stupid or corrupt or both – and is this by design. No one else is allowed in. The scandals that, every so often, end careers and maintain the lie of accountability have only two causes.

The first is that someone has broken the deal. If he obeys, he can have sex with people who would not otherwise look at him. He also gets the chance to puff out an already inflated salary with bribes and fraudulent expense claims. If he fails to obey, his previous corruptions are fed to the newspapers. The second is that many of these people are just like zombies on a rooftop – every so often, one shambles too close to the edge and falls over. I will assume that the second applies to Liam Fox – but, if he looks like a timeserver who would never dream of breaking his deal, I could easily be wrong.

I have no idea what is to be done about this. I have explained at some length why things are so awful, and how a patriotic government could make them better. What I cannot explain is how to get a patriotic government. Except at the margin, elections change nothing. Only vetted and controlled candidates are allowed to win elections. Outsiders are either mad in the first place, or systematically hobbled. Preaching at the powers that be is a waste of time – these people are not, or do not regard themselves as, our fellow citizens. They are already getting too much of what they want to be swayed by considerations of expediency.

Sometimes, I rather like the idea of a military coup. The problem here is that, while, set beside the trash who employ them, they are moral and intellectual giants, I have yet to meet any soldiers who strike me as up to the job of seizing power. Sometimes, I tell myself that the system will eventually become so obviously evil, and so obviously incompetent, that it will rot away by itself, and be replaced by new and voluntary institutions. But I have never believed this longer than half an hour.

For what it may be worth, my present view is that things are not yet bad enough to provoke radical change. Doubtless, anyone brought forward from about 1960, and given time to see past our electronic toys, would be shocked by what has happened. Even so, things are still better here than virtually anywhere else. I think it is the managers of Tesco who claim, on the basis of what they sell, that there are twenty million illegal immigrants in this country. I know from experience that you can sometimes walk for an hour in South East London and not see an English face. But, whatever else may be said about it, the scale of this immigration – and not only from the usual slagheaps – indicates that we have some way yet to go before people think it worth pulling Ministers out of their cars and disembowelling them in the street. By then, I expect that a solution will have suggested itself. Search me, though, what this will be.

But I return to the case of Liam Fox. As said, he has not just squandered oceans of our money. He also has blood on his hands – the blood of our soldiers, and the blood of foreign civilians. This does not incline me to sympathy. He has directed his adult life to getting something that he will now not have. He is rather like one of those male insects who flap and buzz on swarming day, but are not strong enough to reach and impregnate a female. I have no idea what these unfortunates think as they run out of energy and fall back to the ground, where they get their heads snipped off. But I do like to think this man has just enough intelligence to be unhappy.

I agree that gloating is not a positive response to the collapse of civilisation in England. But, until I can think of anything better, I plan to gloat hard and gloat often.


Fox Asks For Best Man Probe [ 8 October 2011 ]

[ Matching clothes! Very smart! Very odd? - Ed. ]
What is it with big beasts of the Tory right and controversial trips with their advisers? The issue of Adam Werritty has been circling Liam Fox for months, after it emerged this unvetted and unemployed best-man of the Defence Secretary was swanning around Westminster with Commons branded business cards suggesting that he was Fox’s “personal adviser”. Fox previously denied he was involved in any MOD activity, yet now it emerges the best man, and former flatmate, came on an official MOD trip to Sri Lanka.

In that classic trick, Fox has triggered an inquiry himself, finally seeing how fishy this all looks. You would have thought after Hague got the taxpayer to pick up the bill for his trip to Afghanistan with Christopher Myers [ Another odd man out? - Editor ] that the Tories would be a little more careful about this sort of thing. Where Hague spent an extra weekend in Bahrain with his adviser, Fox is only thought to have attended “private events” in Sri Lanka with Werritty. All werry odd…
Fox got married which gives the impression that he might not be odd/strange/peculiar/queer/homosexual [ delete to taste ]. He did it late in life when he was in politics and needed to look right. Brown used the same trick. Brown even arranged for his new wife to produce a child. We were all polite enough not to ask who the father was. Is Werritty wery odd or just a chancer on the make?
PS It is interesting that the BBC chose to do a smear job on Christopher Myers for indulging their own favourite vice - BBC News - William Hague's adviser Christopher Myers resigns, that is assuming they don't prefer narcotics to little boys. More and better details are at BBC Special


Liam Fox Resigns After Homosexuality Allegations [ 15 October 2011 ]
LIAM Fox’s bitter struggle for political survival was ended by new revelations about the wealthy backers who bankrolled his best man and ­unofficial aide Adam Werritty. The Defence Secretary had endured nine days of headlines about his links to Mr Werritty, who carried calling cards describing himself as Dr Fox’s adviser.......

On Thursday, Downing Street insiders insisted that the PM was “incredibly supportive” and that no new “smoking gun” had been discovered. That changed overnight with the revelations about Mr Werritty’s links to defence firms and details of the tycoons who had paid for him to travel the world with his former flat mate.

City fat cat Michael Hintze, the Tory donor who provided him with an office, was found to have invested tens of millions of dollars in military companies through his hedge fund CQS.
The Main Stream Media don't say they are hounding him because he is a homo because they marketing Homosexuality big time. They are keen to do a cover up on his backers. The Telegraph is a bit more forthcoming. So is the ARmy Rumour Service [ ARRSE for short ]. They include  Poju Zabludowicz, the Jew who runs BICOM, a mob that lobbies for the murderous thugs who run Israel in England. Zabludowicz bunged Cameron £15,000. Jon Moulton, a financier throwing a few quid at place men and Michael Hintze, an Australian who served. He sounds all right even if brown envelopes for politicians are part of the game. The Indy says that Werritty Fooled The Jews. The
Atlantic Alliance might also have been bribing them spreading money around.


The Real Werritty Scandal Is The Cover Up Run By O'Donnell [ 17 October 2011 ]
This information comes straight from a source with direct access to the Cabinet Office investigation into Fox’s relationship with Werritty.

Gus O'Donnell, Cabinet Secretary, has fixed with Cameron the lines of his investigation to allow him to whitewash Fox. This will be done by the standard method of only asking very narrow questions, to which the answer is known to be satisfactory...........

So O’Donnell will announce that Werritty received no specific money for specific meetings with or introductions to Fox. But the deal between Cameron, Fox and O’Donnell is that O’Donnell will not address the much more important question of who funded Werritty and why [ One was a Jew on the make,  Poju Zabludowicz, who runs BICOM, a mob that lobbies for the murderous thugs who run Israel in England. Jon Moulton, a financier throwing a few quid at place men and Michael Hintze, an Australian who served. He sounds reasonable. - Editor ].........

But what is actually happening is much worse and much more serious. Who paid for Werritty’s eighteen overseas trips with Liam Fox and his stays in exclusive hotels in the World’s most expensive destinations? What does he live on?

The answer is that Werritty is paid by representatives of far right US and Israeli sources to influence the British defence secretary. It has been discussed within the MOD whether Werritty is being – knowingly or otherwise – run as an agent of influence by the CIA or Mossad. That is why the chiefs of the armed forces are so concerned, and why there is today much gagging at the stitch up within the Cabinet Office.......

That the British Defence Minister holds frequent unrecorded meetings in the Ministry and abroad with somebody promoting the interests of foreign powers is much, much worse than a little cash-grubbing. That the person representing the foreign powers is actually present, apparently to all as a ministerial adviser, at meetings of Fox with important representatives of foreign nations is simply appalling.

That we are being so easily misdirected to a narrow cash question – and that the media have followed that misdirection – is ludicrous [ or complicity - Ed. ].
The last cabinet secretary who gave any reason to believe that he was not a crook was Robin Butler aka Baron Butler of Brockwell, KG, GCB, CVO, PC. He told us the truth about Blair - Lord Butler on Blair.
It gets worse. See the next one.


Werrity Bribed To Incite War Against Iran By Mossad? [ 17 October 2011 ]
Adam Werritty, the man at the centre of the Liam Fox cash-for-access scandal, has been involved in an audacious plot to topple Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, it was claimed last night.

The self-styled adviser to Mr Fox, whose close personal friendship with the former defence secretary led to Mr Fox's downfall, has visited Iran on several occasions and met Iranian opposition groups in Washington and London over the past few years, The Independent on Sunday has learnt. Mr Werritty, 33, has been debriefed by MI6 about his travels and is so highly regarded by the Israeli intelligence service Mossad – who thought he was Mr Fox's chief of staff – that he was able to arrange meetings at the highest levels of the Israeli government, multiple sources have told The IoS........

Yet the access to senior government figures Mr Werritty enjoyed across the globe suggests otherwise. Mr Werritty, said one source, worked closely with US-backed NeoCons who thought they could "bring down Ahmadinejad".
The Independent on Sunday does not suggest that Fox and Werritty are homosexuals. It is worse, Werrity is helping Mossad, a murderous bunch of thugs to incite war. Bungs came from Poju Zabludowicz, the Jew who runs BICOM, a mob that lobbies for war on behalf of Zionist crazies.
PS Craig Murray asked the British ambassador to Israel, who is a Jew various important questions - gould_and_werritty. He is not going to get answered.


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Updated  on Wednesday, 18 July 2012 18:38:33