Industrial Sabotage

Industrial sabotage is a way of destroying the West and Christendom, one front among many; another is Feminism. Cultural Genocide is the major attack line. Very effective it is too. Importing millions of Third World foreigners is main line government policy.

Cutting off power supplies will make things fall apart. We depend utterly on our infrastructure which means roads, railways, water, sewage, telecommunications and so on. Without electricity they would all go. Preventing power stations being built will achieve this result. That is what greenies want. Global Warming  is another boondoggle which is being used to reduce emissions and force industry to stop working except in China and India. It is the West which is the main target of attack. The Chernobyl incident is being used as an excuse not to use nuclear power. Curiously Blair and others have decided to ignore the protesters.

Chernobyl and Communism’s Revenge
About twenty years ago (April 26, 1986) the “Lenin Atomic Energy Station” exploded. Sort of. Anyhow, a lot of radiation escaped (Hiroshima x 400!) and the remains of the plant had to be capped – like a decayed tooth – with a “crown” of concrete................

The undeserved problem of the moment is that Chernobyl, a product that is ultimately inseparable from Soviet Socialism, is being put to contemporary use. It is being done by those who have always been, and chronically are, infallibly committed to prevent western civilization from surviving and especially from “scoring.” To these people nuclear reactors are not like knives that can be used to trim turnips or to kill people. Nuclear power plants and nuclear energy is to this group simply evil. (So are internal combustion engines, refrigeration and whatever.............. It is at this juncture that the term “revenge” used in the title slips into the picture. Today’s Reds and Greens are rather effectively misusing the “lessons of Chernobyl” for a purpose which the case, if soberly interpreted, does not justify.

First to the context: independence from oil and especially from fossil-derived energy originating from unstable sources is on everybody’s tongue. All alternatives depend on more electric energy. This is best gained from nuclear generators. If these can be prevented, the crisis of developed societies that is predicted by the favourite doctrine (Marx) of modernity’s enemies’ would at long last materialize. Thereby the issue becomes “the inevitable demise of capitalism” or the “survival of modern economic systems.” The Left-Green tendency is hoping for the latter’s demise and is prepared to bring it about through a conduit that Marx had not foreseen. Just “prevent energy from flowing and the rest is inevitable” says the recipe. In tune with this endeavour – given the fact that all other approaches have failed – it is the energy spigot that needs to be turned off. Consequently the Left (and its surrogates) derive conclusions for the benefit of the public from Chernobyl that might not be supported by its facts but are very much supported by a political agenda.

Using “Chernobyl” to justify closing down nuclear power stations is part of the recipe designed to kill the patient. Preventing new (and implicitly improved) constructions is a measure designed to reinforce the flanks...........

At the same time, misrepresenting Chernobyl's causes and implications, the cause of Socialism might ultimately have found a means through which it can exercise revenge against the modern world.
A man who was there explains all.


Global Warming
Well, because the report [ of the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - Editor ] is the end product of a political agenda, and it is the political agenda of both the extreme environmentalists who of course think we are destroying the world. But it’s also the political agenda of a group of people ... who believe that industrialization and development and capitalism and the Western way is a terrible system and they want to bring it down. They couldn’t do it by attacking energy because they know that would get the public’s back up very quickly. ... The vehicle they chose was CO2, because that’s the by-product of industry and fossil-fuel burning, which of course drives the whole thing. They think, “If we can show that that is destroying the planet, then it allows us to control.” Unfortunately, you’ve got a bunch of scientists who have this political agenda as well, and they have effectively controlled the IPCC process.
UNQUOTE ex Global Warming is a Political Boondoggle
Destroying Western civilization by outlawing production sounds extreme but it would certainly have an effect; add in sabotage of other areas and the overall effect is much more serious. Notice that the Kyoto Protocol restricts us but not India or China.
PS The saboteurs are using this thing for their personal benefit. Carbon Emission Trading is a monstrous Boondoggle costing billions which to foreigners while making millions for Jews.


Errors & omissions, broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if you find any I am open to comment.

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