Government Lies

Governments have power and they like it that way. One of their major techniques for controlling is propaganda. The media also have that power. When they lie to us they have become our enemies. You can see that they regard us as enemy when they use body guards to protect themselves and when they disarm us. It makes oppression so much easier. When they lie blatantly it means that they are incompetent or that they are so arrogant that they don't care whether they are believed. It happens. Herewith are examples.

9/11- Looking for Truth in Credentials
The American government has come through with its official reports on what caused the Twin Towers to collapse after they were rammed by civilian aircraft. Those reports make differing claims which is a problem for the government's credibility. It turns out that the experts they used all had financial motives for telling their different stories. The Warren Report on the Dallas Job was also based on incompetence at best. It has happened before. The Fort Marcy Massacre has problems with the truth.


False Flag Operations
False flag operations are covert operations conducted by governments, corporations, or other organizations, which are designed to appear as if they are being carried out by other entities. False flag operations are not limited to war and counter-insurgency operations, and have been used in peace-time – or to create a pretext for war. 9/11 is seen by some as one false flag operation.
The American bombing of Libya, Operation El Dorado Canyon was caused by Mossad planting a radio transmitter in Libya which relayed their signals American British listening posts in the area. They convinced Ronnie Regan. The French and Spanish were not fooled. Colonel Ostrovsky of Mossad talked - see Fooled into Bombing Libya
PS The quote comes from The Conspiracy Times which does not necessarily come across as an authoritative source. It is rather better than you might think.


Hillborough Disaster
Men die, police lie. SNAFU.


The Last Enfield
The last rifle to be made at Enfield was a foreign design and a stolen design. They stole the wrong one. Then there was the political meddling, senior officers meddling, shoddy manufacture. The end result works sometimes. British soldiers will die as a result. The system will shrug.


Psychopathic morals and the phantasmagorical war on terror
There's been a trial ongoing in the UK... concerning a leaked memo that detailed Bush and Blair's plan to bomb al-Jazeerah offices in Qatar... David Keogh is said to have passed the record of the meeting to researcher O'Connor. The details of the minutes, deemed too "secret" to reveal in court, include Bush and Blair's chat about how best to bomb the offices of al-Jazeerah and make it appear as a justifiable act under the bogus war on terror..... Meanwhile the global propaganda campaign that is designed to create the 'reality' of a 'clash of civilizations' proceeds apace with a different "leaked report", this time one that does not result in the leakers appearing in court, mainly because this one helps to prop up the Israel-US-British war on terror rather than expose it for psychopathic war-mongering that it is.
Mr Quinn goes on to give us more documented examples of official lies and fraud. Just how corrupt can it get? Not a lot more I fancy.


'Cover-up' of £1billion hole in Britain's Olympic bid [ 29 April 2007 ]
Ministerial aides were told by accountants - two months before the bid's submission and 10 months before the capital knew it had been chosen to host the Games - that the estimated bill for the Olympics of £3.4 billion was significantly short of the mark.
It gets called fraudulent accounting when honest men do it or perhaps it just looks like it. Her Majesty's Government has never been more corrupt. This massaging/adjustment of the numbers/manipulation/pack of lies [ delete to taste ] was carried out because they wanted the Olympics.
PS Private Eye told us all about this one months ago.


CIA Torture Victim Confessed To Attacking Bank Founded AFTER His Arrest! [ 18 March 2007 ]
Khalid Shaikh Mohammed's alleged confession testimony has been thoroughly discredited after it emerged that one of the targets he identified, the Plaza Bank, was not founded until 2006, four [ sic ] years after the alleged Al-Qaeda mastermind's arrest. KSM was arrested in March 2003. According to the Plaza Bank's website, the organization was founded in early 2006, making it impossible for KSM to have even known of the bank's existence before 2003, never mind plotted against it.
Have the twerps who run the CIA got what it takes to organize an orgy in a brothel? I doubt it. Pravda didn't swallow this tosh either - see Torture Victim Confesses to Everything He is Ordered To - The Independent played it for laughs.


Errors & omissions, broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if you find any I am open to comment.

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Updated  on  Saturday, 23 June 2018 21:29:10