Gabriel Kolko

Doctor Kolko tells us that Big Business conspires with Big Government to bring us Big Fraud. He is very much on the right lines. Those government contracts that cost ten times as much and do not work properly are the pay off that makes parasites rich. Blair understands how these things work. An honest government would sort him out using the Common Law doctrine of Unjust Enrichment. Ditto for the bankers who brought us the current Financial Crisis then walked away with their pay offs intact. It is Unconscionable, it is obvious. It is corruption.

Gabriel Kolko ex Wiki
Kolko was considered a leading historian of the early New Left, joining William Appleman Williams and James Weinstein in advancing the corporate liberalism idea whereby the old Progressive historiography of the "interests" versus the "people" was reinterpreted as a collaboration of interests aiming towards stabilizing competition [Novick, 439]. According to Grob and Billias, "Kolko believed that large-scale units turned to government regulation precisely because of their inefficiency" and that the "Progressive movement - far from being antibusiness - was actually a movement that defined the general welfare in terms of the well-being of business"............

He suggested that free enterprise and competition were vibrant and expanding during the first two decades of the 20th century; meanwhile, corporations reacted to the free market by turning to government to protect their inherent inefficiency from the discipline of market conditions. In other words, "the corporate elite—the House of Morgan, for example—turned to government intervention when it realized in the waning 19th century that competition was too unruly to guarantee market share."
Doctor Kolko is very much on the right lines; big business colludes with big government to defraud the public.


Errors & omissions, broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if you find any I am open to comment.

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Updated on 23/06/2018 21:29