Cultural Revolution, Culture War By Sean Gabb 

Doctor Gabb is the director of the Libertarian Alliance and a lecturer in economics. He has read Marx's foul witterings and understood them. Know thine enemy. Marx and his successors are just that. It has been favorably reviewed by others. Read for yourself. Think for yourself. Decide for yourself. NB you can get it for free by down loading it as a .pdf file.

Cultural Revolution, Culture War by Sean Gabb 
My summer reading has included Cultural Revolution, Culture War by Sean Gabb. It is an updated and considerably extended outgrowth of an earlier work by the same author. Its subtitle "How Conservatives Lost England, and How to Get it Back" tells the story. Sean Gabb's case is that England has been taken over by a new ruling class, one that it totalitarian in its ambitions, in that it seeks to direct our thinking in every aspect of our culture. Not content with political power – indeed, its influence is more powerful and pervasive than that of government, it wants to mould our behaviour and even our thought to its own norms.

He cites numerous examples at the outset of cases in which the ordinary thought and activities of ordinary people have been criminalized and subject to police harassment – indeed, the daily papers are a fertile source of such material because it seems to happen almost daily. One by one the major cultural arenas have been occupied, ranging from the BBC to the arts, politics and literature. Dissent is not tolerated; it is criminalized or marginalized. The prevailing views (EU good, business bad, climate change entirely man-made) are pushed forth relentlessly.

What can be done? That's the "How to get it back" part. Sean Gabb suggests that a major assault rather than a gradual re-occupation of the territory could work, but he is politic enough to suggest that the ground must be prepared by having libertarians seek allies where they can. They must make common cause, where such exists, with traditional conservatives. But this does not apply to the Conservative Party. This can no longer oppose the nostrums of the ruling class, he says, because it has co-opted itself to their ranks.

As you gather, this is stirring stuff. It is very well written and puts its case cogently. You should make it your holiday reading, and come back with renewed determination to change things.
Madsen Pirie explains. Sean is right. We have been betrayed by the ruling class. It is Antonio Gramsci's followers and Lenin's Useful Idiots who are doing it to us.


Paul Gottfried
An English classicist, broadcaster, and man of letter [ sic ], Sean Gabb, has just sent me a copy of a booklet he had written Cultural Revolution, Culture War:....... Sean’s tract has aroused my interest because of its unconventional revelations about English society and government. He tells us about the seamy side of English attempts to enforce multiculturalism which the American media hardly ever cover.........

Today’s England is a moral-social basket case, full of violent crime, outrageous state-enforcement of political correctness, and protected Muslim extremists. Whether or not its prime minister supports our ill-conceived crusade for democracy in Iraq, the land of Anglo-Saxon freedom, as Sean convincingly demonstrates, has ceased to be that.....

I do not think he is being fair when he opines: “We have yet to sink entirely to the level of America, where elections seem to be decided wholly by money and competing armies of drum majorettes.” Both of the party systems being compared are so despicable that I would not want to have to judge between them. 
Mr Gottfried is a black American and commentator.


James Leroy Wilson
We never see Big Business, or prominent rich people, fund or get involved with the Libertarian Party, even though that party promotes the free market. Why is that? Because the Libertarian Party would smash the Ruling Class to pieces, and Big Business is part of the Ruling Class. The Libertarian Party Platform calls for a free market, but Big Business doesn't want a free market. Big Business doesn't want open competition from Small Business. Big Business doesn't mind extensive regulations and the complicated tax code; Big Business can afford the accountants and legal fees to comply with The State, and Small Business can't. Big Business also loves Big Government because of the big government contracts..................

The Ruling Class, and the means to defeat it, is the subject of English libertarian Sean Gabb's latest book, Cultural Revolution, Culture War: How Conservatives Lost England, and How to Get It Back .....
Mr Wilson, another American is spot on with his analysis of the collusion between Big Business and Big Government. They are both trying to get Bigger. He is rather more optimistic than some of us.


Sam Tarran
Cultural Revolution, Cultural War, written on a train by Dr Sean Gabb, is a document that puts forward the case for breaking the power of the "liberal elite". It is like a manifesto for the libertarian-right in Britain. Though the first four chapters contain material that rings home as truth for many conservatives, the actual 'manifesto' section towards was perhaps a bad addition for it distracts from the main meat of Gabb's arguments. Although any conservative could read his arguments against the bias of the BBC and the huge public sector bureaucracy that has arisen in the last two decades and nod, many may be slightly put off by his talk of legalising recreational drugs, abolishing the monarchy and, most oddly, withdrawal from NATO. As one commentator pointed out, it sounds strikingly similar to the BNP manifesto at parts.

Britain should be freed from the 'liberal' consensus that is rotting our law system, undermining our economy and eroding our national independence, but what is the point in a free and economically-strong Britain that is not a force for good in the world? Simply withdrawing into ourselves and allowing disasters like the ethnic cleansing in Kosovo to go ahead is neither justified nor honourable. It is also politically stupid on the world stage considering the rise of Russia. If Britain abandons the world, then when the time comes the world shall abandon Britain.
Mr Tarran puts some interesting  views based on Eighteenth Century politics. I do not agree with his view that we should meddle with the world. There is enough to be sorted out at home.


A Member of The British National Party
I have just read an E-book which was freely distributed by Dr Sean Gabb of the Libertarian Alliance, called "Culture revolution, Culture war" which is deeply inspiring for my inner Tory, and I urge all who consider themselves 'true blue' Tories to read it as well as all of our own members. I have to say that I got a similar feeling from it as I did when I first read our 2005 General Election manifesto, regardless of whatever specifics I disagreed with.
The fact that member of the BNP feels it politic to be anonymous is a sad commentary on the evil of English political realities. He likes Doctor Gabb's book though.


Cultural Imperialism ex Wiki
Cultural imperialism
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cultural imperialism
is the practice of promoting, distinguishing, separating, or artificially injecting the culture or language of one nation into another. It is usually the case that the former is a large, economically or militarily powerful nation and the latter is a smaller, less affluent one. Cultural imperialism can take the form of an active, formal policy or a general attitude. The term is usually used in a pejorative sense, usually in conjunction with a call to reject foreign influence.........

Cultural Imperialism is also very different from other imperialistic ways, in the sense that no military or economic intervention is needed to be able to influence countries. When this is the case, the user of the term may need to be prepared to justify why this pejorative term is used rather than the more neutral "cultural influence" or even "cultural dominance", or run the risk of using empty rhetoric or worse, malicious demagoguery, rather than making a substantive point.
The Wiki does not explain that this is how the West has been taken over, largely by Zionist Jews.


Errors & omissions, broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if you find any I am open to comment.
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Updated on 25/05/2015 19:30