BCCI is short for the Bank of Credit and Commerce International which achieved the biggest bank fraud in history. It was set up by Pakistanis who were Islamic which gave them the entree to Arabia at the time when oil was becoming enormous.

Questions have been asked about BCCI and why the authorities turned a blind eye for so long. Part of the answer is that the CIA and other Secret Squirrel outfits were using it to finance operations. Another perhaps is that they were able to see where criminal funds were going. Messieurs Kochan and Whittington are financial journalists who have written it all up. If they were able to find out what was going on, you might wonder why it took Price Waterhouse, the Bank of England and other big time outfits so long. This gets us back to Secret Squirrel.

Bankrupt: the BCCI Fraud
by Nick Kochan and Bob Whittington
published 1991
Their book names names and tells us where some of the dirt is. Read it then wonder whether bank regulators are totally worthless and where to keep your money.

The doors closed on BCCI in 1989 and now we have the money laundering industry thrust upon us by eager governments making up for their indifference when their own people were at it.


Errors & omissions, broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if you find any I am open to comment.

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Updated  on  Friday, 07 September 2012 18:06:11